Looking for Coaching Demos? Welcome to the Moore Master Coaching Library of Past Call Audios!
THE Master Coaching Demo Depot!
Hear Master Coaches demonstrating all different kinds of "real-world" coaching sessions, then debriefing their process and answering questions.
December's Moore Master Coaching's Gratitude Spotlight!
Listening to Liz's fascinating coaching session (which earned MCC certification!) and then diving into her thought process and the importance of Somatic Awareness/Sensory Intelligence was great learning.
Some participant takeaways:
🌟 "I feel like what I’m taking away to use in my coaching practice is freedom... Liz shared that her greatest learning was that she can trust herself... Alignment is possible."
💡 "I loved this question! – 'How does your intuition reveal itself to you?' and then 'What sensations are you noticing?'"
🚶♀️ "Deeper understanding of coaching at the MCC level. Really connecting with the WHO. I loved the visualization on going for a walk with your future self in 6 months. How will you start the conversation? If you are successful what will your future self say to you?"
🤝 "A fascinating call. The coach shared how somatic coaching can among other things, 'enhance listening, build trust, foster engagement, and tailor communication.'"
Want to read more coach feedback and learn about the session? Scroll below to the tabbed section "Locate by Different Types of Demos"
under the"MCC Exam Session" tab.
Subscription to the monthly calls (can cancel anytime with a 30 day notice) enables you to get any of the past calls for the same low subscription rate! To subscribe see box at the bottom of the page.
FYI: Some of the Master Coaches have very little or no feedback posted and that's because they were guests prior to my having the CEU form for participants to fill out.
Moore Master Coaching is approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) to offer continuing education credits for the calls -both live and recorded.
Recorded calls can now provide core competency CEUs. See details below.
Each one hour of the "recorded calls"provides one credit hour in the area of Resource Development
Some of the 90-minute calls provide 1.5 CEUs
Coaches are allowed up to 16 credit hours in this area
Please remember:
The "live" calls provide credit hours in the area of Core Competencies
The "live" calls also provide credit hours for the BCC credential
NEW!!! Can't make it to a live call but want the ICF core competency CEUs? Now you can get them!
So for core competency CEUs for the recordings:
1. 20 core competency CEUs per year allowed for recorded and/or live MMC calls 2. Listen to any recording, take and pass the quiz by the end of the year.
The tabs in this section list Different Types of Demonstrations.
The Master Coach's audio(s) listed under these tabs can also be found under their niches inthe tabbed section below.
Click first tab to collapse all opened call boxes under each tab.
Marc Bowles MCC
Leadership, Well-Being & Team Coach Bonus: additional 30 minutes of Q&A
Different kind of MMC call
ICF MCC Exam Session with a Twist & MMC First!
Coaching mastery is achieved in part byexploring and dissecting our less than masterful moments. This is why mentoring is so valuable.
And it's why this call with Marc is really exciting. We heard a coaching session that he submitted for the ICF Master Certified Coach exam.
The Twist: it is not one of the sessions that awarded him his MCC! But now it's being used in great service to coaches!
We chose to go with this coaching session in order to focus the learning on:
What wasn't considered masterful enough
Why that is
Ways it might have been done differently to be more masterful, more beneficial for the client
Hearing the differences in this way, with a side by side comparison, provides learning that only this kind of demonstration can.
Coaching Scenario: Marc met Ally when he was his instructor in a coaching course. Marc also mentored Ally. Then they stayed connected through their interest in bike riding and eventually got into a formal coaching relationship.
Coaching Topic: He wants to progress through the ICF process and get his PCC. He’s finding the CCEU part very confusing and challenging. How to find meaningful programs and living in Scotland finding them at an affordable price
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Very helpful call format in reviewing "failure", as opposed to success in meeting coaching certification requirements. This approach should be incorporated more often!
This was a great experience that was made even greater by the coach’s humility as he shared his learning. He modeled the value of “stepping into feedback” and continually learning. I learned that a way to more masterful coaching is to take every opportunity to reflect and learn from each coaching conversation--and that something new may be learned each time that conversation is listened to.
To be aware of how familiarity with a client can impact my presence and who I am “being” in the coaching conversation. To be a true partner, stay curious, explore, and evoke awareness without influencing or leading clients.
I found the discussion around ways to check in with clients when they have breakthroughs to be very helpful--especially how it’s not about looking like “approval” by the coach.
This was maybe even more valuable than listening to MCC calls that passed! So much insight and learning about what to watch out for and pitfalls. Fascinating, Thank you!!
Marc’s heart & humility!
The importance of getting a “thumbs up”; from mentor coaches for the selected recordings to include with an application; We’re all on a learning curve -- just because a coach makes mistakes now doesn’t mean they won’t develop mastery!
Be attentive to familiarity in coaching. Knowing the person really well (personally) can result in making assumptions about what the person truly means. It impacts natural curiosity.
Importance to self-management and maintaining coaching mindset and state of “being”, of being a coach.
The point around being careful not to demonstrate approval when celebrating client wins
It was interesting to be attuned to the contrast of looking for mistakes rather than just successful “masterful” technique. The presenting coach’s courage in sharing the session, along with noted critique was also a valuable example of modeled healthy introspective behavior for coaches.
This approach was refreshing and offered an interesting and productive perspective in furthering coaching development.
To ask the client what certain words mean to them and to ask them to come up with their own metaphors.
Executive & Vertical Development Coach Bonus: Additional 30 minutes
Different kind of MMC call
We listen to one of Jessica's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with getting to hear some of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
Please Note Jessica's coaching session runs around 53 minutes, so she gave us a bonus 30 minutes in order to have plenty of time for debrief and Q&A. The call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching Scenario: She was one of Jessica's real-world clients a couple of years ago and they coached together for about 7 sessions.
Coaching Topic: This client is in health care delivery and is applying for an internal position as an assistant dean. It’s a brand-new position so there’s no one to ask about what to expect. Would like a better understanding of things she should be thinking about at least for the interview process.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I am VERY appreciative of this coach’s insight!
She’s so open with the pitfalls of trying to move forward in her own coaching technique.
Excellent brief, powerful questions.
I really like her coaching style. I think I would like to be coached by her.
Truly - that was great reinforcement & training - setting the coaching tone deeply.
Playing with the balance between spacious/not getting ahead of the client/neutral with innovation/deep client connection.
I hope I have the same determination as Jessica demonstrated (in getting her MCC). It’s encouraging!
The point she made of being careful about getting “into” the client’s work, where laughing could be interpreted as leading, rather than acknowledgement or affirmation.
The diligence of the process and time it took to get to a proper MCC recording.
Amazing call. I so appreciated her openness and candor.
This was a particularly valuable call -- Focused relevant questions, effective rapport, easy flow, blend of tools.
I thought this was a great call- great demo of a well-structured and implemented coaching session.
It was also nice to hear a master coach be so humble and share about her stumbles in her process towards attaining the MCC credential. Thanks!
Loved watching the coach dance with the client.
Her calm presence
Remember to not stack my questions!
Ensuring I leave plenty of space for the client to do their own work. Make sure that I use the client’s language.
Executive Coach Bonus: 30 extra minutes for additional discussion and Q&A including the examiner's feedback
Different kind of MMC call!
This was the very first of these calls. It was unprecedented! We got to hear Elene's coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam, debrief it with Elene, hear the comments of the ICF assessors and ask questions!
Coaching Scenario: Michelle hasn’t been a formal client of Elene’s since 2008. However she and Elene have worked together professionally since then in joint workshops. Michelle is a speech pathologist and they have also brought each other in on different engagements. And so in 2017 Elene asked Michelle if she would like a free coaching session in exchange for the session being recorded and submitted for the exam.
Coaching Topic: Wants to know how to deal with mistakes. How to get back on track and not get cynical about it. How to continue to have things continue to be working and humming along without being hard on herself. Wants to balance the extremes.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Very impressed by her master skill level. So many golden nuggets, but I guess my biggest takeaway was her use of the clients words, and how she consistently wove them back in to the conversation. It allowed the client to really feel heard and understood
A truly memorable call. I will listen and re-listen to this recording many times.
What taking time to explore the coaching agreement looks like in practice
So many great tips for the MCC exam.
What a fabulous call! There were so many powerful and immediately useful takeaways. The one that sticks out is related to not uttering affirming sounds as the clients speaking because that it is considered interrupting the client.
Some of the pointers to look for when doing a recording.
The power of silence for both the coach and the client.
How MCC coaching differs in quality from PCC coaching-specifically the critical element of designing the coaching agreement (can take a large part of the session) and coaching presence How she reflected back what she was hearing and tied themes together throughout the call
I’m so glad she shared her assessment feedback.
Another great call! My head is spinning with new things to practice.
The work, practice and preparation it takes to reach the MCC level!
Narrative, Relationship & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and a copy of the assessor's report
Different kind of MMC call!
Lyssa came back for another call to share the recording of her coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam plus the examiners feedback. She gave an additional 30 minutes for debrief and Q&A. You can read about Lyssa's call where she conducted a live coaching session with a client she had never met and had never been coached before under the "narrative" or "relationship" niche tab
Coaching scenario: Pam is a long time on-going client of Lyssas- since @2013.
Coaching topic: She's feeling very stuck as to what to do and how to move forward. She loves being alone and wonders if she should stay with her boyfriend who ultimately would like it to be more. She's worried that maybe her pattern and that she will always find an issue and never be able to be fully comimitted to someone.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes & copy of the assessors evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I thought the coaching was brilliant
Patience, patience, patience. Even when the client says “I don?t know”, keep being curious because they do know!
Loved Lyssa’s style! Her depth of listening and presence to be in the soup with the client and ask only what was necessary to help the client take one step forward at a time!
Exquisite example of how to help a client who is feeling really stuck break through and begin to move forward.
To relax and trust the process-even if the client feels totally stuck, using metaphor and simple questions with slow pacing was enough to help her break into a new space
Ask questions based on what’s important for the benefit of the client rather than for my curiosity
Creating “presence” first as the first communication
Having the client create visuals to describe their focus for the call and/or feelings and then referencing that visual throughout the session.
So many of her methods and ways of being were new and inspiring
How the ICF assessors rated the call
Good examples for the coaches I mentor
How you really have to believe in your client’s wholeness, even when they are going through difficult life experiences.
The multiple check in moments with what the client was physically feeling, and using that as a gauge of her progress.
Building on client metaphors, and getting clarity on what the metaphor means, not to me, but to the client.
The power of metaphor. Loved how the client’s metaphor about the pot could also reflect a coach approach.
Read about Lyssa's other MMC calls:
She coached a real world client live - look in the "Locate by MCC Niche" section under the "Narrative" or "Relationship" tab.
She demonstrated a coaching Supervision session - look in the "Different Types of Demos" section under the "Supervision" tab.
Somatic Sensory Awareness (Sensory Intelligence), Executive & Mentor Coach Bonuses: transcript of the coaching session, the ICF Performance Evaluation, 30 additional minutes of Q&A
Different Kind of Call
ICF MCC Exam (BARS) Coaching Session
We will be diving into powerful insights and gaining a deeper understanding of masterful coaching and what it takes to pass the ICF MCC exam.
We will do this by listening to one of Liz's coaching sessions that passed the ICF exam and awarded her the Master credential. We will then debrief, review the valuable bonus ICF evaluation and ask our questions of Liz.
Liz is a Somatic Sensory Awareness Coach certified in Sensory Intelligence. We will also spend some time learning more about this and how to better integrate it into our coaching.
Coaching Scenario: Peter and Liz are in the same ICF Chapter and met there. They have been coaching together for 6-8 months.
Coaching Topic: Peter wants to explore where he's going with his coaching practice. He coaches people in the ministry and it’s his passion. However his concern is will he be able to garner and maintain enough clients or does he need to branch out.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (transcript & ICF Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Tweaking Intuition for Client Growth
"Tweaking my intuition will help me offer sensory and somatic observations and tools to my clients."
Freedom to Align
"I feel like what I’m taking away to use in my coaching practice is freedom... Liz shared that her greatest learning was that she can trust herself... Alignment is possible."
Memorable Questions
"I loved this question! – 'How does your intuition reveal itself to you?' and then 'What sensations are you noticing?'"
Enhanced Presence Through Sensory Coaching
"Coaches become more present to clients and better able to meet clients where they are through an enhanced sensory lens."
Validation of Current Practices
"Great to hear more about the somatic approach and see how often I’m already using it in my practice."
Tailored Client Engagement
"To ask clients about their preference for learning... uncover client preferences by how they answer the questions."
The Power of Somatic Coaching
"A fascinating call. The coach shared how somatic coaching can among other things, 'enhance listening, build trust, foster engagement, and tailor communication.'"
Professional Advancement
"This session was very beneficial for my growth to become an MCC."
Future Self Visualization
"Deeper understanding of coaching at the MCC level. Really connecting with the WHO. I loved the visualization on going for a walk with your future self in 6 months. How will you start the conversation? If you are successful what will your future self say to you?"
High Energy Engagement
"She jazzed him up by asking him how he felt and fed back his high energy."
The Impact of Sensory Coaching
"How sensory coaching can be so powerful."
Encouragement to Be Whole
"I really enjoyed this session. It’s made me feel like I’ve had to have two parts of me... Liz’s session was really refreshing, encouraging, and empowering. Was it all just my fears? I’m now really encouraged."
We heard one of Rachel's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Rachel gave us the following bonuses:
additional 30 minutes for more Q&A making the call 90 minutes and worth 1.5 CEUs
a copy of the transcript
a copy of the examiner's feedback
Coaching Scenario: Rachel and the client Cynthia are colleagues and met in a class. They have and continue to support each other in their coaching.
Coaching Topic: After receiving some surprising (and somewhat difficult to hear) feedback on her communication, she’s wants to look at effective communication and what that means for her.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“This session went so deep using the power of metaphor. It was such a gift witnessing the coach’s mastery in weaving it throughout the session, using reflection and powerful and unusual questioning to take the client deeper and deeper.”
“The power of sharing the coach’s observation and following with an exploration of the client’s self-observation. And the power of visioning in the session.”
“It was a beautifying and elegantly progressed session with spaciousness and such powerful presence.”
"The importance of pauses and creating space for the client to reflect."
"Reminded of the power of metaphors; surprised that a session which included a guided meditation passed the MCC exam, but obviously if carefully done making sure the client is leading the way it can be done"
"I am taking away principles as well as tidbits on style to inform my practice of mentoring MCC candidates"
"This session was truly amazing in all ways! One of my favorites"
"The coach was in partnership with the client when she offered the visualization based on the client’s learning. The visualization became a resource that evolved naturally as the coach heard the client’s context and how she moved into it—especially the client’s use of metaphors."
"To ask how a client likes to learn during an initial conversation when contracting with a new client. For example, visual vs non-visual thinker, use of metaphors, etc."
"Loved the coach’s comments about reflective practice!"
"New ways to continue to develop trust with established clients."
"A strong example of how to keep utilizing the client’s metaphor beyond, “how does it feel?” and to take it into support of the client’s accountability methods post-session."
"Exquisite coaching presence and trust-ability to help client create new awareness and breakthrough."
"partnership with the client by informing what coach was experiencing and asking what client wanted her to experience."
"How to use guided imagery well in a session"
"Reflect back on specific terms or phrases the client is using to go deeper on meaning."
"Setting the agreement and seeing what the client wants from the session."
Leadership & Team Coach, Mentor & Supervisor Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session, ICF Performance Evaluation & 30 additional minutes of Q&A
ICF (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
We isten to one of Sharaf's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method/rating.
This session masterfully weaves all the competencies necessary to pass in approximately 30 minutes!
Sharaf is also giving us:
the transcript of the coaching session
the ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
Coaching Scenario: Sharaf and Matthew have known each other for about two years and have been coaching together ever since. Matthew is a coach.
Coaching Topic: Matthew is really upset that a company he was hired by to teach a class asked him just that morning to remove the resources he had so carefully vetted to give to the class. Wants clarity about whether to just let it go and do what they ask and not risk losing the job or honor himself and let them know how he feels. And if so what to say.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
• How Sharaf knew what to cherry pick out of the conversation eg “what’s honesty” or asking Matthew how being a strategic communicator would add to his response. So clever! This question enabled Matthew to access his higher self AND the question flushed out one on Matthew’s core concerns
• To speak less, to pull out a key word to ask about, keep my questions succinct.
• The journey to become MCC need not be hasty and exposure to a wide variety of coaches/mentors is important.
• How little Sharaf spoke
• I am going to say to myself before each of my sessions: listen as though English is not your first language. I will listen more deeply and not make any assumptions, just a Sharaf so beautifully did!
• Practice deep listening and be comfortable with long silence
• Get better at letting the client drive the measure of success, and not to keep pushing a tangible measure if it does not feel right. It is an art form, not a science formula.
• I feel like the coach’s recognition of the difference in the client’s energy was really key for the client. Like picking up on and asking “what’s still in there?”
• So appreciated Sharaf’s:
- tone of voice
- the amazing silences
- his natural questions
• Sharaf used silence so well! He seemed comfortable with prolonged moments of silence either after he asked a question or after Matthew was done sharing.
• the spacious coaches reset my presence.
• Not being so hard on myself about the specific language used in a question!
• The importance of giving space to the client.
Executive Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes for Q&A and discussion on Tunde's new non-profit coaching documentary film: The Light & Shadow of Coaching - In and Beyond Organizations. Tunde also gave a copy of the transcript of the session.
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Tunde is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs and answers questions. And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Client scenario: This is one of Tunde's real-life, high-level executive clients. This was their second session.
Client topic: This client wants to know how to balance giving and receiving. She feels she gives a lot and would like to feel appreciated. How she can care for and serve others and at the same time care for herself without feeling selfish. She is able to analyze it but is unable to find the correct balance and to feel confident about it.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
There is a balance between knowledge and the practical wisdom that comes from working with clients. Be curious about both science and practice.
To always have top of mind awareness of how present I am as well as my ability to show up authentically.
I can trust myself.
It is interesting how she mentioned that if she did the session now, she would use more silence to move progress faster.
Going after the limiting belief.
Appreciated Tunde’s comments about her documentary. Appreciated her challenge to coaches to pay attention to who we are becoming as well as demonstrating our capacity to be challenged.
A reminder of how important the somatic elements of a coaching session are and not to step over them.
You can give the client the choice to choose how to conduct the coaching. Ask the client if they want to sit, stand, move during the coaching
The energy between the client and coach was visceral and dynamic.
The topic is extremely valuable!
Tunde’s humility & learning focus
Her book on Coaching Presence focuses on non-verbal communication. My first thought is that this aligns with her comment about more silence.
I like how she built trust by respecting the client’s desire to move their coaching space
I struggle at times with the feeling to move the conversation in a direction that I think it should go. I like the reminder of silence helps me slow things down. Allow the client to think resulting in moving the conversation in their direction not mine.
So many valuable insights on presence and dancing with the client.
This is theFIRST TIME EVER that we will listen to an ICF MCC exam session and explore it in this way.
Fran puts on her assessor hat and reviews this coaching session that just passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method.
We get the learning and benefit of two demonstrations followed by Q&A with both Fran and the MCC coach (Erin Owen).
We also get a copy of the coaching session transcript and the ICF MCC BARS evaluation.
Coaching Scenario: This client is a business executive turned entrepreneur and he’s been the MCC's (Erin Owen) coaching client since 2018.
Coaching Topic: He feels that he's now in a place where he can take the time and energy to focus on what’s going on within himself and what he’s feeling in his body. He’s experiencing pain in his back and wants to really feel it and explore what that’s about.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
It was a really interesting session and very helpful to hear from Fran and the MCC “anchors”; she highlighted
That getting my MCC is possible for me!
Having the transcript and the ICF eval are so helpful
Interesting discussion of the assessor’s suggested further exploration beyond the client’s current situation to deepen awareness and address potential obstacles to client growth.
Greater depth of understanding of what’s important to demonstrate in an MCC submission
a new distinction: the qualitative difference between Providing Space for the client versus Leveraging Silence/Space
It's always tremendous to have Fran! I feel she is practically ICF itself. So, what she says is like hearing what we need to know straight from the horse’s mouth.
The importance of challenging the client and finding out what they’re discovering at the moment.
It was helpful to observe this coaching of the Who and then to hear Fran's Assessor feedback - thank you.
Taking partnership, a lot further than I have been doing - right down to getting the client to plan the exploration, rather than asking the client where they want to start and then going straight into it. These are much more expansive question.
Nice demonstration of the more recent ICF evaluation method utilizing a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale across six competency areas, with additional qualifiers assessing ethical practice and coaching mindset.
Another really great coaching demonstration format this month! Thanks!
Super session, thanks Gail. I learnt heaps and loved the feeling of camaraderie. I’ve been floundering around with trying to orientate myself towards my MCC for a while, but it’s so hard to know what the best route is and what’s on offer. I’m so appreciative of keeping abreast of what’s happening in our field through calls like these e.g. the BARS (that was news to me!),
Language used by ICF regarding how the feedback is to be used.
deepen my clients personal learning.
It was so informative on so many levels (BARS, getting to hear a recording that passed and to hear Fran’s comments and feedback to Erin )
That there’s a wonderful community out there also finding their way with this....feeling a bit more supported by being part of this.
Gratitude for MMC offering a first of this kind of learning; Terms of PCC Markers Vs MCC
Specific examples of questions for BARS; The need to dig deeper; check in more frequently and ask where they want to go, what they are learning and how one can apply what they are learning moving forward.
Organizational and Leadership Development & Mentor Coaching Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for Q&A
ICF MCC exam session!
We heard one of David's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. David gave us a bonus 30-minutes for additional Q&A and the call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching Scenario: Joy is a coach and she and David have had numerous coaching sessions over the years. Joy has also mentored with David off and on for several years.
Coaching Topic: She wants to fine-tune her coaching niche and explore hesitations around embracing it.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participants' take-aways:
To continue to develop my contracting skills at the beginning of a session. David asked for the client’s meaning behind things over and over. That was a great example of what I need to do more of.
This was a beautiful demonstration of how a trusting partnership led to an “unpacking” that took the client from the surface, or “symptom” to a deeper level, or the “root” of what she wanted to work on.
How still and calm the session was. Really transformative, not transactional
What a beautiful call to witness. The coachee had much insight that added to the richness.
Growing myself to focus more on open ended invocation for clients without bringing them to action.
The huuuge space David created with his client
David maintained beautiful presence and his curiosity without pushing the client to go anywhere. The use of metaphor on her part was especially powerful in this call.
To fully trust in client’s abilities to have the answers. To assist the client to unpack the presenting problem and go deeper. To empower clients to make their own connections and insights. To support clients in “taking actions that will really serve them”.
Loved what the coach said about actions emerging from awareness.
He maintained presence by continually asking her “In this conversation” (what would be useful) and did a lovely job with partnering the conversation.
Slow it down, and keep bringing the client back to the conversation and how she was feeling.
Getting to know the coach in the debrief is just as interesting as the session.
Growing myself to focus more on open ended invocation for clients without bringing them to action.
Life, Career, Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 20 minutes and 10% discount on mentoring with Sarah
This is a diffent kind of MMC call!
We heard one of Sarah's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Sarah and the client have known each other for a few years through an associate firm that they both work for. Last year they had a few sessions together that were recorded to potentially submit for Sarahs MCC credential application. The client has since returned for additional coaching and they are part-way through their current coaching engagement.
Coaching Topic: The client wants to know how to feel more at peace in her everyday being and everyday life.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
Brilliantly done. Beautifully paced, curious, and spacious.
I am taking away how clear and concise the coaching was. There were no extra words, which gave space for the client to process her agenda fully and deeply.
I thought it was a masterful example of how to coach around clients’ feelings/emotions and stay in the coaching frame by asking “what” and “how” questions.
To get better at asking succinct questions. The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of how powerful this can be.
Really appreciated what the coach shared about her journey to becoming an MCC coach.
Her extraordinary coaching presence --she made it look simple and it’s not!
Continually clarifying the agreement throughout the session-we’ve heard this from other MCCs as well.
Loved this call--the client got such a beautiful breakthrough, and it was elegantly done.
Reminder of paying attention to body language and keeping questions simple. I just applied it in a chemistry call :) - simpler questions, stop myself, don’t double up.
I plan to practice acknowledging and highlighting clients “Aha moments” more often by pointing it out just like the Coach did in this session “that sounds like a realization”
Great demo of MCC level coaching with powerful questions and a LOT of space for the client to explore and reflect.
I observed some keen re-contracting, great to check in with client to make sure they will get what they want from the session. Also, good reminder to acknowledge client more throughout the session, not just at the end.
How Sarah was able to be present with her client through each of the stages of the coaching process. Everything flowed seamlessly.
Use of “What is coming up for you?” and other similar questions when I don’t know what to ask next.
Executive Leadership & Career Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the assessor's report
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Emily is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Client scenario: This is one of Emily's real life clients who is not in the coaching profession. They coached together on and off for around 2 years.
Client topic: A core issue that’s played out in her professional life that she has made great strides on, is now showing up with her personal passion. She feels stuck, a sense of overwhelm and urgency around creating a blog and workshops etc. around capturing memories and cant figure out what to do first or when to do it.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The call today was exceptional!
This was so effective and felt like a clean version of me. Gives me hope!
Love the way the client drove the session so peacefully, it can be difficult even at the MCC level to let go of our well intentioned agendas
Beautiful at ease MCC coaching - plus deepening my understanding of the MCC
I “loved” what the coach said about leading with love for her clients. That love is one of her strongest values. It showed!
To take more time getting beneath what the client brings to the session to get to the actual agreement. To be better at co-creating an agreement with clients around a pre-session check in form.
To learn about the ICF MCC Qualification Process
This was a great session! It was very interesting to be able to listen to the session and then review the feedback from the ICF assessor’s perspective.
Not looking at the tip of the iceberg but going underneath, looking deeper.
Love these exam review calls as they make me a better assessor and mentor.
It was a very high level call
The importance of trusting the process. Being comfortable with silence, asking powerful questions.
Reminder of how to get to the coaching agreement without my natural curiosity pulling me down a rabbit hole.
Libby Graves MBA, MCC
Master certified Leadership Development & Executive Career/Life Transition Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes for more debriefing and Q&A
Client Scenario: This is one of Libby's real-world clients. They have worked together for about 2 years.
Client Topic: He is a dentist in the military. He realizes the questions he’s been asking “What do I do next and How do I continue along the path of self-development for a particular job?” are not the right questions. The better ones are “What kinds of roles do I foresee for myself that allow me to be authentic in who I am? And “knowing who I am and taking an inventory of the leaders I have available to me, how do I leverage those into the next level?”
This was one of our ICF MCC exam sessions
We got to hear one of Libby's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
MP3 + ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
Wiith the subscription.
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice.
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellent call today which exemplified truly masterful coaching!
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
Her good example of pinpointing the coaching agreement.
how well she packaged together a summary from what her client said. Also, I like the wording, “What progress do you feel you’re making?” regarding the coaching session.
Clients are supported when they feel a sense of trust and safety in the coaching relationship, and when they are given plenty of space to engage in deep exploration and the time to process what’s uncovered.
To be completely comfortable in a space of not know knowing--to let whatever unfolds appear--to let go of any need to have “the” answers.
Maintaining Presence is what stood out for me. I often have to calm myself, to be more present. This was helpful.
Self-management and patience with the process of uncertainty of outcome.
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
A new tool “allow the story telling” for retirement transitioning clients.
the completeness of the ending - I can learn a lot from this, going deeper even as I am moving to close.
The power of coaching to help clients develop and grow strong belief in themselves.
Discussion of tools was really helpful; for example, use of “Life Story” in setting baseline and connecting with clients to help them feel heard and understood.
It's always valuable to hear a session that passed the MCC exam.
Personal Mastery & Communication Coach & Methodology Coach Trainer Bonuses:additional 30 minutes, the transcript of his coaching session,his MCC coaching evaluation questions and his Mentor Coach's assessment.
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
Coaching Scenario: Jay is one of Russell's real-world, on-going clients. Jay is not in the coaching profession. He hired Russell when every area of his life had stalled, so they coached together for about 18 months and got things back on track. This session was toward the end of that time period.
Coaching Topic: Being whole-hearted is a priority to Jay. Lately he feels he is so caught up in his head, he wants to get out of it and connect with his heart.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Nice example of a coach helping his client getting out of his head and acting more from the heart.
Very insightful call. I totally enjoyed.
3 steps to analyze your call
The importance of your coaching presence in a coaching call so that “you” don’t get in the way of the coaching.
Taking time between calls to continue to center myself so that I keep my coaching presence
Great coaches are always learning and growing--even MCC level coaches.
I really appreciated Carly Anderson’s Ten Characteristics of an MCC Skill Level Coach. Also Russell’s tips on how to evaluate a MCC call.
good checklist for self-evaluation against ICF competencies
A reminder to not coach the problem but the person and his/her relationship to the problem
The power of silence. The use of metaphors.
Challenging the client through an observation
The agreement was done extremely well.
Having patience, Giving the client plenty of space to work out their thoughts and when to shift the conversation back to a positive direction if going south.
Excellent session.
moving from head to heart
Great stuff!!!
Active listening, space for storytelling. Client growth, awareness, patience (I wanted to jump in with questions a couple times where waiting made most sense). Finally, a most thoughtful and effective use of language.
Seek clarity, challenge appropriately. Love the candor! Brutal, but valuable honesty...
Russell Heath MCC full bio
CALL 2 - Radically different kind of MMC call! Bonuses: additional 30 minutes, the coaching transcript and 5 evaluation forms
Important note: Russell has gone through the ICF's PCC marker and MCC BARS training.
What: We will hear Russell’s second coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam!
How: This time we are going to do something different that has never been done before on this program.
Instead of listening to the coaching session in real-time and then discussing it, we will listen to the recording before the class.
Why: to spend the time on the call diving deep in a concentrated and hands-on way.
So overall we will be:
looking at what competencies and markers were being demonstrated
determining what are the deeper issues the client brought, making sure to coach the person not the problem
composing questions that help to uncover those deeper issues
Prior to the call, on our own, we will:
listen to Russell's second coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam
review Russell's “how to evaluate a coaching session”
use Russell’s evaluation guidance and evaluation sheet to make notes as to our own observations and the evidence to support those observations
Then on the call, there will be an interactive, full 90-minutes to:
explore with Russell
discuss our findings
share thoughts and insights
ask questions
To be clear Russell is giving us (ahead of time):
the MP3 of is exam coaching session
the transcript of the coaching session
his "how to evaluate a coaching session"
the PCC competencies and markers evaluation form
the BARS evaluation form
his own assessment of his session
his mentor coaches assessment of the session (there was no ICF feedback, it was just pass/fail)
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + 6 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
I found the call to be highly valuable on many levels including a better understanding of BARS and how to evaluate a coaching session/call. Thank you!
How safety and comfort are two very different things. We are not here to make our clients comfortable. It’s discomfort that creates change not sitting in your comfort zone.
I love this type of training!
Helpful variety in perspectives and increased insight into one’s own mindset/perceptions in coaching.
A deeper sense that I’m exactly where I am meant to be.
The 3 levels of concerns was really well explained & resonated for me. Loved looking deeper at this concept and I will definitely use it.
Russell’s focus on coaching the person not the problem was enlightening.
I’ll be watching the places where I lose presence more closely. I’ll also be looking for this in my clients
I like what he said about safety is not comfort. I must get more familiar with the BARS. I’m glad for the book recommendations, especially Masterful Questions by Michael Stratford.
To engage clients in a deeper exploration as they “wander” so they may settle on an outcome that’s meaningful to them.
I am going to be doing self-evaluations of my coaching (when I can!) using Russell’s reflection questions.
I am seeking to be a more advanced mentor coach and this was a helpful demonstration.
I’ll be watching the places where I lose presence more closely. I’ll also be looking for this in my clients.
Wow, there were so many things. This was a really good session. The biggest take-away is the reminder that the coach is bringing his/her own stuff to the coaching and it’s key for the coach to stay conscious of their stuff and able to manage it so that it doesn’t interfere with the coaching.
Great exercise in analyzing a coaching session using the BARS methodology.
Helpful variety in perspectives and increased insight into one’s own mindset/perceptions in coaching.
Resetting to an MCC level rather than ACC, PCC or other helping positions.
I really liked hearing his more commanding style of coaching which resonated for me and my natural coaching position
Executive Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the examiner's report and scoring
This is a different kind of MMC call
CALL 1 - On this call Diana is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Diana and this client worked for the same coaching company for years, including a few years where she was Diana’s direct report. They have continued their friendship and remain in each other's support network, which includes occasional coaching sessions.
Coaching Topic: She wants to get over the hesitancy and turmoil she feels when she has to discuss pricing for her services
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the particpant take-aways:
All of it! But I think the length of the silence is what intrigued me most, allowing the client the time to process and write things down, and letting go of the feeling of having the next question, and just BEING WITH the client.
Ask brief questions using their words. See them on stage holding a microphone and me in the audience.
How brilliantly Diana was present and yet not taking up “space”--she aerated the call with possibilities for the client to process, reflect, and take notes.
Get this woman back for another MMC call!
Every coach needs to hear this call.
Her contracting extended for much of the call... was always aware of it!
My biggest takeaways from this call were the coaches presence and use of silence, and the awesome pacing…Absolutely loved this session, what a great Master Coach!
The power of summarizing and recapping periodically to make sure we’re tracking with the client, while also sharing observations and making distinctions to facilitate their reflection.
Diana brilliantly demonstrated the effectiveness of brief, powerful questions that literally took the client’s breath away!
the deep, deep silence
I better understand what it means to meet the client where they’re at vs. pushing them ahead by teaching new concepts!
This not only reinforced my direction, it demonstrated there’s even a deeper level beyond what I’ve been achieving.
CALL 2 - Diana's 2nd coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and a copy of the examiner's report and scoring
Coaching scenario: He became Diana's direct report on her Organizational Development team in 2017. Jacen then became a coach and has become an integral part of Diana’s company Hawthorne Union
Coaching topic: He’s working on his next iteration of transformation. His productivity goes up then things out of his control derail him. Wants to be more consistent and not allow himself to be completely shut down or thrown off course.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
The masterful way in which Diana asked the questions so that Jason identified his own solutions
recognizing and noting changes in tone more often.
"what do you want to keep?"
Usefulness of acknowledging voice tone and body changes in clients as they discuss certain topics. This observation can help inform what should be pursued and how.
Use the clients metaphors, beautiful demo of doing so.
Diana really did the dance and listened. Took her time and paused to form thoughtful questions.
Coaches vulnerability to share she didn’t pass ICF test 1st time.
Paid attention to clients use of, piggybacked and built off metaphors to tie back and move client forward.
The Demonstration of using more questions about client feeling something in their body/the emotion.
Very clear and concise questions!
A powerful demonstration of the ICF Competencies.
Verbalizing a client’s energy/energy shifts/tone...
keeping in mind to check in with client about awareness being created during the process
Excellent book she wrote, I ordered it after visiting her website.
Executive, Medical, Mentor Coach & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 15 minutes for Q&A and review of examiner's feedback and scoring.
This is a different kind of call!
We heard one of Maggie's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback and scoring. Followed then by a debriefing and Q&A with the Master Coach.
The coaching session runs approximately 21 minutes. So this was the first time we will hear a session under 30 minutes that met all the requirements to pass.
Please Note extended call time. Maggie gave us a bonus 15 minutes in order to have plenty of time.
Coaching Scenario: Maggie and Kamila didn’t really know each other before this session but they were both coaches and trainers for the same training provider. So Maggie invited her to be the client and of course thesession passed and Maggie received her MCC last year (2020).
Coaching Topic: She is redefining her business to include not just working with her clients but to package her knowledge into eBooks, books and recordings. She feels her “willing” is much higher than her doing. It’s very important to her to come up with steps that she not only wants to take but will take.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
A beautiful demonstration of trust and intimacy and powerful questioning. It can be a great opportunity for the client’s growth to ask challenging questions. Notice patterns and put it on the table asking, “what does this mean for you?”;
I loved what Maggie said at the end: 1. Trust yourself; 2. Trust the process/system/partnership; 3. Be in service; 4. Enjoy the ride. This is how I attempt to and want to approach every coaching conversation.
There’s some comfort in hearing that even a coach at the MCC level has to stay vigilant about coaching the person and not the problem.
How to dance with a Client during the session:
To be focused on using client’s metaphors
I love these MCC exam passing calls!!! Keep them coming!! Thanks!!
How simplicity can work magic in coaching a client to move forward efficiently and with conviction.
Coaching does not need to be hard... You can keep it simple, take it one step at a time, and be with your client. This resulted in a very efficient, and elegant session which delivered results for this client.
Just love these sessions, Gail - so real and so helpful as I evolve as a coach.
The power to explore the client’s metaphor in birthing her plans. The power of expansive questions that created intimacy and trust in a very short time.
Pay attention to the patterns during the session and lay them out on the table. Keep only a few notes – clients’; words that have meaning for them and perhaps a pattern around them. Loved her last 4 pieces of wise advice.
Make sure I am checking in with the client to ensure the session is meeting the client’s goals.
The impact of using metaphors, client’s words and short questions. Check with the client on the progress during the session
Helping clients connect what excites them to what their next steps might be in pursuing their goals.
Incredible session! The ease and simplicity of it was brilliant.
The coaching session was seamless and highly effective in only 22 minutes. No need to prolong things when the coach is skilled! The client got exceptional value.
Spend more time on the agreement with the client. Make sure the contracting is solid.
Just love these sessions, Gail - so real and so helpful as I evolve as a coach.
Executive, Leadership, Team, Group & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation
Different Kind of MCC Exam Call
Zsofia allowed us to listen to one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam and gave permission for Karl Van Hoey MCC, an ICF Master Coach, Mentor and Assessor to review the session with us and share is observations and valuable insights
Coaching Topic: The client can't get at this stage people to take her on as a volunteer, they are concerned about the insurance piece.
She wants to try to find a way to understand and cover the gaps, what she can do to get people to take her on board and make sure she’s on the same page with them.
Coaching Scenario: Zsofia and her client had contracted for 6 sessions, for the specific purpose of the MCC application. They knew each other prior to this engagement through some consulting work.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (additional 30-minutes, transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Deeper understanding of the MCC Bars and their role in assessing recordings.
The leap from PCC to MCC: switching from conversational mindset to curiosity mindset; from transaction to transformation; from a 'what wants to change' to a 'who they want to be' mindset
Great contracting at the beginning; including re-contracting
This is overall such a wonderful way for me to learn, thank you!
How using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Zsofia did a great job Establishing and Maintaining the Agreement. Also, Listening Actively, Evoking Awareness and Maintaining Presence also stood out.
Don’t summarize but ask what has changed for the client.
less is more when it comes to the MCC level coaching
So many wonderful tidbits were shared: “Silence supported by presence becomes holding the space.”
Simplify my questions! Don’t add before or after.
how using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Any opportunity to listen to others coach along with how an ICF assessor would respond helps me reflect on my own coaching. always adds something else to my toolbox.
I appreciate how Zsofia did not give in to her client’s prompts to be a consultant and continued to be a coach with her questions. And, how she made use of many of the common questions we ask.
At ACC you’re learning the competencies, PCC you’re applying the competencies, and MCC you intuitively know the competencies.
I don’t need to remember what the client said. The client needs to remember.
Reminder to not summarize for the client. Let them say it.
Karl’s sharing a bit about how we should work with the Bars in an integrated way. Very helpful.
I really appreciated the coaches presence and natural flow of the session
Business, Executive & Communication Coach Bonuses: 30 additional minutes of Q&A, Transcript & Examiners Review
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
MP3 + 1.5 CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Both coach and client brought their authentic selves to the coaching conversation. The ease with which they engaged was a demonstration of their high-trust relationship.
Trusting myself and my intuition and putting it out there without explanation or asking permission. The coach modeled great confidence and trust.
I appreciated the conversation around external/internal processors and prep forms. I also like the tip shared by the coach--the fastest way to more masterful coaching is to listen to a recording of my coaching and assess it.
1. Brief questions2. Gentle Coaching presence3. Coach the person, not the situation
Allowing spaciousness for the client.
To focus more on the contracting process to ensure clients understand what coaching is and isn’t--including coach and client roles and responsibilities.
The power of using words the client uses.
Building trust in the relationship allows for the coach to be more themselves in the call.
When clients feel fear (like I am afraid I will never be able to sing again), to lean into the fear and not avoid it. The question, what if you couldn’t sing again, was a great question that had the client really feel this fear.
simple, easy, space
More room, slow down (as always), the power of letting the client play around with their awareness.
I think the portion of the call that spoke to suicidal intervention was really interesting.
Giving the client the time and room via the silences to tap into their own brilliance.
Want to learn more about coaching suicide awareness- a valuable skill to have not only for clients but for life in general.
Michael revealing his learning around the affirming noises he made. The way he explained why it’s not beneficial to the client was eye opening, loved it! Will be more watchful in my own coaching.
Additional 30 minutes for Q&A resulting in the accompanying 1.5 ICF CEUs
Transcript of the coaching session
ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
Three forms provided by the incomparable Master Coach, Mentor & Assessor Fran Fisher MCC (Jeff's mentor coach)
* Fran’s observations via the BARS Method
* Fran’s observations via the PCC Markers
* Frans overall scoring
Coaching Scenario: Jeff and his client originally met while going throught the Accomplishment Coach Traing program. They had been coaching together for a couple of years at the time of this session.
Coaching Topic: He recognizes a pattern when things are going well eg with his workouts and he’s getting stronger, reaching his peak and in a good rhythm, he gets sick. This breaks his rhythm and momentum and he goes into disempowering thoughts and self-judgment. He ties this pattern to his performance in life. Would like clarity around this potential block that may be holding him back.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + 6 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
BRILLIANCE. Some of the best coaching ever.
The dynamic between coach and coachee was seamless.
Masterful coaching happens when the coach surrenders to the process.
There were so many good moments and examples. Specifically, I appreciated the brevity of Jeff’s questions and the space he created for his client. I love how insights kept growing… And, how it was about how Todd was being while he was doing. And, how Jeff was sure to not have any of his own agenda - among the many great things in this session
To “play checkers not chess”.
The huge differences of clients focusing on “being” rather than “doing”.
Don’t forget to acknowledge - if it feels natural, not performed, or asked for, in calls.
I like that Jeff said, “You need to trust yourself to trust the client”. Something we know, but he put it simply and effectively.
I am going to try to let go of the tactical and forget about how to coach and just be with the client.
mastery of insights
Acting out of fear vs acting from a position of acceptance, gentleness and strength
To take care when coaching those I have coached for a long time that I don’t assume I know how they will respond.
I loved what the coach said about the MCC process helping him to be an MCC human!
Inspiration to both take myself out and hold the client, as Jeff said.
I appreciated the reminder to ask where the client is in their clarity
This coaching session was full of powerful and clean coaching questions.
It reminded me to not stack questions because it can feel cold and less relational
I’m taking away Jeff’s point about the power is in the hands of the client. Witnessing that in this session was wonderful. The client’s empowerment really shined.
I loved his focus on simply being authentic so he can flow with the client and have a great relationship
The value of clear, direct questions, spaciousness, and with client permission, going beneath the surface
Leadership & Executive Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes of Q&A
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
We get to hear one of Cathy's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. Wethen have a debriefing and Q&A. This call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching scenario: The client is one of Cathy's real world past clients, they worked together for a short time a couple of years ago.
Coaching topic: He has worked for an organization for 12 years. It no longer aligns with his vlaues, its a toxic environment with no room for innovation and growth. He wants to decided if he should leave and if so when.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Cathy’s call was incredible. I loved her coaching presence, powerful questions, and the way she built off the client responses to dive deep. It was transformational coaching at its best.
Introducing myself to myself; Questions: What would you want the child to forgive yourself for? Who do you need to be to come face to face with yourself? I found value in what the coach said about working with clients who may not be as emotionally intelligent as this client: to speak their language.
How much our clients' “topics” often are a reflection of our own experiences as a Coach. The importance of introducing myself to myself!
I especially appreciated the partnership as equals that Cathy and Thomas co-created. Thank you!
Lovely, evocative exploration between client and coach, which enabled client to reclaim parts of his inner child and face his fears.
Masterful coaching results when we learn to master ourselves; we move beyond thinking about or doing the process of coaching. We become the process--we live it. The coach demonstrated this. She was present and had trust and rapport with her client. A beautiful dance ensued as the coach listened deeply, asked powerful questions, and the client responded with an open heart.
This call was a powerful example of a coach who trusts her intuition and abilities as an empath.
Takeaway -- remember that I am more than just a coach -- bring my whole self into the coaching relationship.
eloquence and ease
That using scales can sometimes be valuable
Great call exemplifying masterful coaching methodology and process.
Integrating emotional intelligence into work as well as technique of practicing turning statements into questions.
I’ve always been a bit reticent to work with client metaphors as I can sometimes get lost, but loved the way Cathy did that and it has encouraged me to explore that more.
I thought the call was very beneficial.
This was an amazing and powerful coaching session!
This affirms the power of coaching, and that as I continue to grow in confidence and the art of coaching, I see the wonderful road I am on. This client is incredibly open and receptive to wherever the session goes.
Great observations about what was going on in the client’s body language
Leadership, Top Teams & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the examiner's report
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Tara allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Tara and her clientmet on a High Performance Leadership Program back in 2008. Tara was her Leadership Facilitator/Coach at the time and since then Veronica has engaged Tara multiple times and back at the beginning of 2019, Tara asked Veronica to be her coachee for the MCC exam.
Coaching Topic: This was an unusual topic for most of the coaches on the call and one that was controversial. The client brought to the session what she called an "intiguing dichotomy". In essence it revolved around having a relationship with a married man. She wanted to gain clarity and a sense of peace around the issue and her decisions.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes of Q&A & a copy of the examiners report) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Again, I feel like saying, “Wow, that was the best yet!” These MCC test examples are super valuable. I am blown away by how she did the whole session without really talking in-between her powerful questions.
A good example of it being very much about the client’s relationship with the issue vs. the issue itself.
The power of short, evocative questions using the client’s words.
The importance of recognizing when it’s “my stuff” that can get in the way
This was the Best Call Ever! You are wonderful and thank you for these calls. Anyone not taking advantage of what you are offering is really missing out.
Wonderful call! It was deeply instructive.
The precision in asking questions in service of what the client wants and not getting distracted by the shiny objects.
Wow, just wow, very impressed. Taking away all of it, wrapped up in a beautiful bow.
This was an extraordinary learning opportunity. Would love to have her on a call again just to be able to learn from her.
Tara was masterful in helping the client get clarity and not allowing any judgment to get in the way of serving her.
Tara exhibited great spaciousness and curiosity, and was completely invested in what was most important for the client.
Spend more time establishing the coaching agreement.
The beauty of being able to withhold judgment
This was like listing to an exquisite musical performance. So skilled, so talented and so beneficial to the client and the coaches that got to listen to it.
I will be using the insights shared by Tara in my next coaching engagement.
I learned a better way to set up the coaching agreement with the client as well as the level of detail this competency truly requires.
The way Tara structured her questions was brilliant - so short and precise that focused her client on the topic versus soliciting details.
Use the client language in a way that is provocative
When Tara was a PCC, she did a live coaching session for a mentor coaching demonstration given by Meg Mann MCC. Turns out the session was masterful so the mentoring was really at the finessing level, which was really interesting. I offered to edit the session out so Tara could use it as one of her ICF submissions. She did so and it passed.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg Mann MCC
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara, it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
Leadership & Transitions, Mentor Coach & Coaching Supervision Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes for Q&A, the examiner's report and thorough answer to a question that Clare sent the day after the call
Different kind of MMC call
ICF MCC exam session
We heard one of Clare's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. And Clare is gave us a copy of the examiner's report.
The coaching session runs only 22 minutes!!! Proof that it is possible to get in all of the competencies and in a masterful, seamless way in that brief amount of time!
Coaching Scenario: Ali is a coach. She and Clare have worked together for a few years in different capacities – mentor coaching, supervision as well as coaching.
Coaching Topic: She wants to start a band and get to that "calm and right" feeling about doing it.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's takeaways:
Hearing what Clare had to say felt revolutionary! It makes so much sense for the client (heard the proof!). And I feel like I’ve been freed!
I loved this call and debrief. There were so many nuggets! What stood out to me was the coach’s ability to get to the “heart of the matter”.
The depth of questions that created awareness in the client, use of somatic awareness to surface other things within the client
Great picking up on the throwaway remarks for the client as well as language and metaphors.
Biggest takeaway was Clare’s focus on not disrupting the client’s thinking.
This was engaging, conversational, and they both sounded like they were having fun.
So much to takeaway, but one key is “Build the words you heard into your question.”
To stay in the present and where the client is now, not where they were 2 paragraphs ago, don’t get caught up in summarizing
Great session and lots to integrate into my own practice. Thank you!
To remember that contracting is part of the coaching that allows the client and coach to hone in on what’s truly most important.
Thank you SO much! I was very impressed with how thoroughly Claire nailed down the clients' agenda and then kept checking to be sure they were on the right track.
It's hard to believe so much could have been accomplished in less than 22 minutes! No wonder Claire is in such demand as a mentor coach!
Great to hear the feedback after the coaching and to get the coaches feedback from her own learnings.
How Clare prefers 30 min sessions opposed to 1hour. Flowing down to get fast was a great interpretation of coaching.
“Silence is the best question”
Use of drawing during session and questions around what is being illustrated and interpretation of that.
Picking up from where the client has moved in the moment to keep the momentum going.
This was a fantastic call. One of the best I’ve heard!
Rather than offer an observation and ask how it landed, ask about the observation
Avoiding leading the client, allowing them to self-explore. Using playfulness in the session.
I loved the questions about the client’s learning at the end of the session.
This is theFIRST TIME EVER that we will listen to an ICF MCC exam session and explore it in this way.
Erin allows Master Coach and Assessor Fran Fisher to put on her assessor hat and review Erin's coaching session that just passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method.
We get the learning and benefit of two demonstrations followed by Q&A with both Fran and Erin.
We also get a copy of the coaching session transcript and the ICF MCC BARS evaluation.
Coaching Scenario: This client is a business executive turned entrepreneur and he’s been the MCC's (Erin Owen) coaching client since 2018.
Coaching Topic: He feels that he's now in a place where he can take the time and energy to focus on what’s going on within himself and what he’s feeling in his body. He’s experiencing pain in his back and wants to really feel it and explore what that’s about.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
It was a really interesting session and very helpful to hear from Fran and the MCC “anchors”; she highlighted
That getting my MCC is possible for me!
Having the transcript and the ICF eval are so helpful
Interesting discussion of the assessor’s suggested further exploration beyond the client’s current situation to deepen awareness and address potential obstacles to client growth.
Greater depth of understanding of what’s important to demonstrate in an MCC submission
a new distinction: the qualitative difference between Providing Space for the client versus Leveraging Silence/Space
It's always tremendous to have Fran! I feel she is practically ICF itself. So, what she says is like hearing what we need to know straight from the horse’s mouth.
The importance of challenging the client and finding out what they’re discovering at the moment.
It was helpful to observe this coaching of the Who and then to hear Fran's Assessor feedback - thank you.
Taking partnership, a lot further than I have been doing - right down to getting the client to plan the exploration, rather than asking the client where they want to start and then going straight into it. These are much more expansive question.
Nice demonstration of the more recent ICF evaluation method utilizing a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale across six competency areas, with additional qualifiers assessing ethical practice and coaching mindset.
Another really great coaching demonstration format this month! Thanks!
Super session, thanks Gail. I learnt heaps and loved the feeling of camaraderie. I’ve been floundering around with trying to orientate myself towards my MCC for a while, but it’s so hard to know what the best route is and what’s on offer. I’m so appreciative of keeping abreast of what’s happening in our field through calls like these e.g. the BARS (that was news to me!),
Language used by ICF regarding how the feedback is to be used.
deepen my clients personal learning.
It was so informative on so many levels (BARS, getting to hear a recording that passed and to hear Fran’s comments and feedback to Erin )
That there’s a wonderful community out there also finding their way with this....feeling a bit more supported by being part of this.
Gratitude for MMC offering a first of this kind of learning; Terms of PCC Markers Vs MCC
Specific examples of questions for BARS; The need to dig deeper; check in more frequently and ask where they want to go, what they are learning and how one can apply what they are learning moving forward.
Leader & Team Coach Bonuses: the transcript of the coaching session, additional 30-minutes and the call provides 1.5 CEUs
ICF MCC Exam Session!
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, this was their 7th coaching session and they did not know each other prior to the coaching.
Coaching Topic: She wants to uncover a bit about this new feeling she’s had in the past few days around being in charge. Wants to dig a little deeper into the things she’s in charge of, can control and can advance. Wants to focus on that and see progress rather than on things that do not depend on her right now and leave her feeling frustrated.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
This was a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence. The coach gave the client the gift of space. Within that space the client was able to go deeper as the coach practiced active listening and powerful questioning.
The coach’s ability to be so present as to allow slow pacing and silence. This created spaciousness for the client to go deep and have a breakthrough that will be lasting.
asking: “what is important to you right now in this moment?” was a powerful reminder to help client anchor in the new awareness.
Truly great demo of mastery in action that sounds easy, flowing, and conversational.
A session full of silence/spaciousness that was so rich and teeming with possibilities. Witnessing what emerged was proof modeled right before our eyes that with masterful coaching, less is so much more.
To listen with “full body awareness” by engaging “heart, mind, and soul listening.” To remember Lucy did a fantastic job of sharing her observations of what the client was expressing through nonverbal communication.
To listen for what the client wants out of the conversation, suspend judgment, and remember that every piece of what I’m hearing matters.
The depth and breadth of her exploration while maintaining the client’s desired outcome for the call. She kept bringing it back to the agreement.
Leaning in to allow space for breathing and centering.
It's encouraging to know that the 2 things she’s great at, allowing space/silence and not assuming are the 2 things she used to be worst at.
What was most new and helpful for me was learning that asking, “What’s important now cuts the narrative and keeps the client in the present.
I am taking away a reinforcement of reflecting the client’s language rather than inserting your own.
There were several great reminders including using client language, keeping the client in the present moment, suspending judgement
just listening to the conversation after the session is giving insights and I appreciate that
Lots of empty spaces during the session. Trust between client and coach. The client knows
Boils down to being where the client takes you, every time...
The need to be continuously aware of assumptions when very familiar with a client was a good reminder.
Honoring the clients inner wisdom by being still, very present and holding the space for them.
Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Additional 30-minutes, the transcript, the ICF Performance Evaluation & discussion on the credentialing process
ICF MCC (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
Including vital credentialing information!
We will listen to one of Teresa's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method/rating.
Teresa is also giving us:
the transcript of the coaching session
the ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
ANDthis will be a first! Teresa will be reviewing the credentialling process from submission to exam. She will share things that are not necessarily made clear ahead of time and can catch coaches off guard!
Coaching Scenario: Teresa and her client worked together initially for about a year over 10 years ago. At the time, the client was in a nonprofit organization and was moving up into an executive role. They reconnected last year, and Teresa offered her pro bono coaching in return for her allowing Teresa to record the sessions
Coaching Topic: The client is an executive. She wants to come from a place of inquiry but has difficulty coming up with questions in the moment. So she defers to her familiar argumentative/debate perspective. Would like help implementing this new perspective and desired way of being- the “calm wise one”.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Must listen to at least once or twice more as I feel as though I just noticed a fraction of all the juice in this session!
Beautiful pivoting between client layers of awareness.
It was very nice to hear a more executive-based topic, while still coaching the person, at the MCC level.
The client was profoundly insightful and the coach truly masterful! This was probably one of the best sessions I’ve attended.
It seems like the coach was in flow in a powerful way and allowed the huge healing to occur in the session. I’m taking all of this in.
Her sharing of credentialing tips and her experience was invaluable, thank you!
Excellent example of a truly masterful coaching session!
This was probably one of the best sessions I have attended, Gail! Truly wonderful- I definitely plan to listen to this one again! Thanks so much! :-)
That flexibility to work multiple layers within one coaching contract.
A client who was incredibly insightful, and a coach who was truly masterful in helping her client reach profound understanding about important patterns in her life (both personal and professional).
That acknowledgment is about the work clients are doing, their willingness to show up, and how they’re showing up. It’s not about who they are as human beings--which is a judgment. I hadn’t really ever thought about acknowledgment in that way.
Loved what the coach said about the agreement not being a checkbox to get to coaching--that it is the coaching.
Was struck by the coach’s discussion of how we coaches need to take care of ourselves and that we’re not in coaching to alleviate our client’s suffering but to be with them in their suffering.
So many things, once again demonstration of how important the coaching agreement is, importance of following the client and their metaphors and agenda, not imposing your own, and acknowledging the WORK of the client and how they’re showing up in the session rather than their characteristics.
Metaphor that the Agreement is the spine to the book - essential to have and follow; It is not the first chapter. The above for myself and I will share that with the students I train as well.
Tying all questions back to the agreement
Great call! Agreement and mirroring deftness.
Silence is so golden!! The client really benefitted from processing what was inside of her and the coach gave her so much lovely space to do just that. It was wonderful to witness.
The questions and reflections from the coach really helped the client see herself more and more and more.
Presence and partnering are two major takeaways. Also, the reflecting and continuing to stay right beside the client throughout every twist and shift and awareness and checking in, revisiting the agreement, asking questions that continuously evoke awareness throughout, are all key too.
Executive, Leadership & Resilience, Wellbeing Coach and Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes for more Q&A, a copy of the transcript and a copy of the examiners feedback
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Lesley allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Lesley and the client knew each other from a coach training but this was the first time they coached together.
Coaching Topic: Lindsay was offered a wonderful opportunity to give one of her nutrition and wellness programs. But its abroad and she will have to gone for an extended period of time. It has really upset her daughter and she feels panicky about her mother going. While Lindsay really wants to take the offer and essentially said yes, she is concerned about her daughter. She can see the pros and cons and keeps going round in a circle and would like to gain some clarity around what’s best.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellence in drawing and applying insight. Incredible questions!!!
Great how much was covered in a short period of time.
“I got a big smile on my face” (client comment) a moment any coach would look for and relish.
A fabulous call! loved it!
This was an excellent example of being relaxed and trusting the client knows.
Leslie’s presence of being powerfully there, listening without much interference of her talking and her asking poignant questions to move ahead.
Once again, I am struck by how little the coach has to say for the client to make a transformation.
Pure and simple.
It's important to really understand the competencies. Mastery happens with practice, practice, practice, and presence, presence, presence.
Talk less and just ask the questions with some reflection.
This call was a beautiful demonstration of presence and how to create an environment of trust and safety.
To “love my clients”
I appreciated the coach’s ability to reflect back to the client her own words in a way that brought the client to a place of further exploration, insight, clarity.
The degree to which we can be fully there for someone is like a tuning fork.
Call #2 (To read about Karl's live coaching demo with a real world executive client Karl only met briefly right before the session - look under the section "Locate By MCC Niche) under the "Executive" tabbed section.
Karl, an ICF Master Coach, Mentor and Assessor reviews with us a coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam
awarding Zsofia Juhasz(bio) her MCC, master credential! Karl shares his observations and invaluable insights.
Coaching Topic: The client can't get at this stage people to take her on as a volunteer, they are concerned about the insurance piece.
She wants to try to find a way to understand and cover the gaps, what she can do to get people to take her on board and make sure she’s on the same page with them.
Coaching Scenario: Zsofia and her client had contracted for 6 sessions, for the specific purpose of the MCC application. They knew each other prior to this engagement through some consulting work.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (additional 30-minutes, transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Deeper understanding of the MCC Bars and their role in assessing recordings.
The leap from PCC to MCC: switching from conversational mindset to curiosity mindset; from transaction to transformation; from a 'what wants to change' to a 'who they want to be' mindset
Great contracting at the beginning; including re-contracting
This is overall such a wonderful way for me to learn, thank you!
How using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Don’t summarize but ask what has changed for the client.
less is more when it comes to the MCC level coaching
So many wonderful tidbits were shared: “Silence supported by presence becomes holding the space.”
Simplify my questions! Don’t add before or after.
how using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Any opportunity to listen to others coach along with how an ICF assessor would respond helps me reflect on my own coaching. always adds something else to my toolbox
At ACC you’re learning the competencies, PCC you’re applying the competencies, and MCC you intuitively know the competencies.
I don’t need to remember what the client said. The client needs to remember.
Reminder to not summarize for the client. Let them say it.
Karl’s sharing a bit about how we should work with the Bars in an integrated way. Very helpful.
I really appreciated the coaches presence and natural flow of the session
Leadership, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and a review of the examiner's scoring and feedback
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Mary Anna is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Frances is a coach and she and Mary Anna met a number of years. More recently Frances joined a group Mary Ann runs for coaches and offered to be a guinea pig for Mary Anna’s MCC practice sessions.
Coaching Topic: She would like to look at her long standing fear and reluctance around writing. She's hoping for some movement forward.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
What a beautiful session! Loved the playfulness and trust.
These MCC test recordings are particularly helpful. Though, I do like both formats. Thank you!!! Wonderful that Frances shared her outcomes as well.
The discussion around asking permission was really interesting.
Great questioning, loved the dance!
To continue to sharpen my saw--to hone my skills. To let go of any need to ask the perfect question and instead rely on my intuition, trust of the process, of my client, and of our shared partnership.
How Mary Anna did not give any emotional response. She just said “Okay…” She remained calm. She really trusted her client and the process and did not feel rushed about getting where her client wanted to be by the end. She just asked the next simple and poignant question.
Absolutely scrub your ego out of it.
I don’t have to ask for permission to share a story that might be helpful. Just tell the essence of the story.
Beautiful example of MCC coaching. I also appreciated the explanation around the assessment of Mary Anna
I really appreciate her humility.
The question “What is the feeling of “sweating palms telling you?” and “Where will you be with this when we finish?”
The power of the coach as a witness and holding space for challenging exploration
Shorter questions, longer silences
Going deep into discomfort where appropriate without worrying about the action step
The questions she asked - I want to use many of them. They are very effective.
Helpful discussion related to preparation for MCC exam.
Interesting to learn about the difference in perspective at the MCC level- with increased trust between coach and client.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of debriefing and Q&A
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Ebru is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She will then be debriefing, sharing her mentor's feedback of the session, and answering our questions!
Coaching Scenario: The client is a new coach. Ebru was one of her coach trainers 2 years ago. She also mentor coached her during her ACC accreditation process. This was their first coaching session and it was recorded last year before Lucy kicked off her accreditation prep.
Coaching Topic: She is in a delimma over a long term friendship. She doesnt like that she judges her for the way she has handled her past relationships but doesnt know how not to. She feels this person is taking up too much space in her life and there is resentment.
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
She confirmed what it is to be MCC.
Tremendous example of powerful questions, one after another!
Deep transformation can take place with presence; lots of time not not required.
I loved everything about this call, Ebru is such a master, I am so impressed. I liked her presence, the simplicity of the language, the powerful questions, I loved it all. So much growth and transformation in the client in one session!
I liked how the coach always focused on "the being", and did not get sucked into the clients relationship story, despite the client sharing "the story".
Was such a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence.
loved the distinction between MCC and PCC coaching at the end. Very clear!
Thank you so much for creating these learning opportunities. I appreciate these calls so much and find them so helpful as I work on my own coaching mastery from PCC to MCC.
Connecting the client's values to the coaching can be transformative.
I generally ask what the client has learned about themself toward the end of the call. I liked the alternative question Ebru used: What would you like to acknowledge in yourself?
I loved the way Ebru was so creative in exploring the areas to include in the coaching agreement. Rather than launching into the coaching conversation after the 2nd point raised by the client.
I was intrigued by Ebru's questions evoking awareness of the client's outlook re/ judgment, resentment and changing her perspectives.
MP3 + ICF CCEU + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
3 Master Coach Call
Whats special?
Get 3 Master Coaches (from different backgrounds) for the price of one
Listen as they coach the same client one after the other
Hear their 3 master coaching styles & techniques side by side
Inquire into the clients experience of each
Debrief the session with the Master Coaches & ask questions
Who are these amazing and adventurous Master Coaches?
Pioneers in the field of coaching
The best of the best in their niche
Previous guests on this series
Dr. Relly Nadler MCC- Executive & Leadership (expert in Emotional Intelligence), trained at College of Executive Coaching
Otto Siegel MCC- Genius Coach, trained at Corporate Coach U
Dr. Patrick Williams MCC- Executive & Leadership Coach (Life Coach), trained at Coach U
MP3 + ICF CCEU + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
Some participant take-aways:
"The beauty and power of working with metaphors"
"How much value there can be in SHORT 10 minute laser sessions."
"METAPHOR and how big an opening it is to the subconscious thoughts; created wide opening for exploration as well as action"
"I'm taking away that it was an EXTREMELY good call. One of the best. Smooth, masterful, fascinating. THAT was master coaching."
"I want to remember brevity in my coaching! Simple questions. Less of me talking! Bad habit with some of my really long term clients."
"I'm taking away a reminder of how valuable the use of metaphor is."
"Power of metaphor plus powerful question re: what would your family say no to?"
"Making direct request around metaphor vs. waiting for it to appear"
"Use of metaphor to crystalize a vision the client has. How to direct a client from head to heart. At the end, asking the client for their state of mind at the beginning and for any shifts they noticed."
3 Master Coach Call
Whats special?
Get 3 Master Coaches (from different backgrounds) for the price of one
Listen as they coach the same client one after the other
Hear their 3 master coaching styles & techniques side by side
Inquire into the clients experience of each
Debrief the session with the Master Coaches & ask questions
Who are these amazing and adventurous Master Coaches?
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has been coached before but this is the first time that she and the coaches have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She has 3 books she wants to write but pulled in 100 directions by interests and passions and time-wasters. She feels she really needs to get organized and do the things she's committed to doing- namely writing. She's wants an action plan to help her move forward.
MP3 + ICF CCEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
Some participant take-aways:
My readiness for getting my MCC and how helpful it is to hear masterful coaches in action to support this process
WOW. This back-to-back experience was interesting. I was very impressed by all three coaches using their intuition in knowing not to let the client retell her story that she has told herself for many years; with the intention to keep her moving/looking forward, instead of talking about the barriers (which is what she kept going back to). I also really appreciated all the acknowledgment of the client that the coaches gave her. I felt like she really needed that, being that she was experiencing such grief.
I loved the creativity in the coaches’ intervention. We learned so much about the client in such a short time. Use of silence when the client says I don’t know.
The potential of using the technique of 3 coaches for one client session. Great tool to use in teaching and mentoring coaches on how to stay focused and present while capitalizing on creativity and spontaneity.
The tag team coaching was amazing. All three coaches were excellent.
Being present for your client is of the utmost importance. Allowing them to know and understand you are there for them.
Expanded possibilities about what “masterful coaching” sounds like.
Respectfully pausing a client when they are retelling an old story or getting into the details helps build awareness in service of what the client really wants.
Hearing the depth of emotion underlying the client’s desire and going there skillfully with the coaching.
I appreciate being able to hear 3 MCCs in one and I especially appreciated their reflections after the call regarding what they chose not to delve in to given the allotted time as well as the perspective about when/how to interrupt the client when they are repeating or getting in to details.
Focusing on strengths when the client keeps going back to self criticism and having the client move to empowerment.
The transition between coaches was quite smooth. I was wondering how it would work, but it came off masterly.
Establishing quick rapport and ease of making client free to disclose
To allow space,
Also found it interesting how seamless the 3 coaches worked together.
Inspired by Joy + inspiration to coach “seniors”
3 Master Coach Call
Whats special?
Get 3 Master Coaches (from different backgrounds) for the price of one
Listen as they coach the same client one after the other
Hear their 3 master coaching styles & techniques side by side
Inquire into the clients experience of each
Debrief the session with the Master Coaches & ask questions
Who are these amazing and adventurous Master Coaches?
Pioneers in the field of coaching
The best of the best in their niche
Previous guests on this series
Ben Dooley MCC- Confidence Coach, trained at CTI Read Ben's full bio
Terrie Lupberger MCC- Senior Executive and Corporate Coach, trained at Newfield Network Read Terrie's full bio
Jennifer Starr MCC- Life, Leadership and Mentor Coach, trained at Academy of Coach Training (now Invite Change) Read Jennifer's full bio
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and the coaches have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Shes feels passionately that she has a transformational gift to bring to the world, has made steps in that direction but would like to get clear on her course of action moving forward.
MP3 + ICF CCEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
Some participant take-aways:
Love the trio concept. It’s great to see coaches involved in the dance with one another, blending and holding space for clients in unique ways.
How much can be accomplished in just 10 minutes with true coaching presence! It’s a powerful and rare skill.
Importance of minding the client’s need for the spiritual. It’s really “both... and...”; in addressing these needs.
Integration of vision and action, spiritual with tactical planning, being and doing. How seamless it can be when we are in Coaching Presence
More concrete agreement and getting to underlying issue (beyond obvious request of next steps and defined plan), and not going to action planning until awareness is fully anchored.
Understanding there’s no “right” path. Find out the client’s language, match it and join in his/her conversation and see what unfolds. Absolutely love this!
To bring an all encompassing presence to coaching. Also, Ben continually acknowledged the client and did it so easily. I want to be able to do that.
This session hit the “core” of my being. It reminded me to follow the flow and also adjust my language to the clients.
My spiritual/intuitive nature is very strong, yet I am aware of language I use to meet my client where they are at and be as present as I can. Loved the richness of this:-).
Very valuable time spent! Thank you! Learned from each of the 3.
The comment about NOT coaching presence, just presence period.
The entering into the flow of the client’s river - just joining with them. Always deeper into trusting the client & looking what’s underneath of what they are asking.
Thank you Gail! I’m so thankful for what you have created. 3 coaches in 1 and so much value in the bonus round, thank you!
I loved hearing their language and how smoothly they transitioned. What an amazing feat, thank you so much for setting this up.
The ability to let someone find their path via giving them a forum for their own voice
Great session with three terrific coaches
The value of tandem coaching
3 Master Coach Call
Whats special?
Get 3 Master Coaches (from different backgrounds) for the price of one
Listen as they coach the same client one after the other
Hear their 3 master coaching styles & techniques side by side
Inquire into the clients experience of each
Debrief the session with the Master Coaches & ask questions
Who are these amazing and adventurous Master Coaches?
Pioneers in the field of coaching
The best of the best in their niche
Previous guests on this series
Amorah Ross MCC- Transformative Coach Initial coach training: Academy for Coach Training (now known as inviteCHANGE) Full bio
Christopher Mc Auliffe MCC- Business & Relationship Coach Initial coach training: almost entirely apprenticeship and hands-on training. Full bio
Pamela Ramadei MCC- Executive Leadership Coach Initial coach training: CI International Full bio
Coaching Scenario: The client had never been coached before and this was the first time that he and the three master coaches had ever met or spoken
Coaching Topic: He lives in the UK and struggles in his work with being a man of color. He doesn't how can he ever compete with white men and worries about how he will ever get ahead.
MP3 + ICF CCEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
Some participant take-aways:
They were all so different and equally excellent. Much to take-away!
I really enjoyed listening to all of the coaches with their unique style
Loved to hear that you can also think of a coaching session as having a beginning, middle and end. I never thought about it that way--this will give me better structure.
Really interesting watching the session develop
Love the concept of “lean back”--allow the client more space and time.
To remember that the situation is only the backdrop to the person. To acknowledge the situation but focus on the person and the inner work that can be done to open to a new awareness of who and how the person wants to be.
Loved the discussion around creating agreements--what each of the coaches brought to the discussion.
Listening to the three parts of the coaching conversation executed by three different coaches was a powerful reminder about how important and different each part of the coaching conversation is.
Good insights about diversity of coaching and approaches
The power of co-creativity and intuition in the “second part” and the value of operationalizing the “third part”.
Issue of race in coaching
Premier Exam Prep Pack
Are you preparing for coaching exams for certification?
Or perhaps just looking to deepen your skills and understanding?
The Prep Pack is an exciting way to do that!
"Since I have joined your world of MCC calls it has become my world, and I have observed a genuine shift in my skills and views of being a masterful coach. I must say that being with you in this journey has boosted my confidence in applying for my MCC credentialing. Moreover, your support and recommendation of the right preparation was spot on. When I heard the prep pack, the amount of knowledge and skills was truly a value for the money, as a matter of fact it was priceless... it has had a positive impact on me and it has encouraged me to apply for my MCC." ~ Aref AlMubarak PCC (Went on to get his MCC!)
What's in the Prep Pack?
2 MP3 recordings @75 minutes each
2 International Coach Federation (ICF) Master Certified Coaches. Both of whom are also ICF Certified Mentor Coaches and one is an ICF Assessor. So there is no one better qualified to help us through this process:
Fran Fisher MCC, Mentor Coach and ICF Assessor Read her bio
Annie Gelfand CPCC, MCC and Mentor Coach Read her bio
What's different about the Prep Pack from other MMC calls?
This is 100% exclusive material and you won't find anything like it anywhere else
The calls are with just the 2 Master Coaches and myself
We get to hear 2 MCCs who "don't mince words"coaching each another (@30 minutes each)
They are real, honest, raw and vulnerable coaching sessions
Annie and Fran each came to their call with a genuine issue
It wasn't staged, rehearsed or talked about in any way prior
Then we have the exciting privilege of hearing: (@40 minutes each)
2 MCC level coaches debriefing the coaching
Talking about process
Discussing their experience
Answering my questions
To read some of the things the Prep Packs' 2 MP3s demonstrate and discuss click here
"In addition to masterful, I was truly amazed and in awe at how open, honest and real these women were. So much to be learned from that alone!"
Prep Pack I
2 MP3s + 2 ICF CEUs (RD)
Ben Dooley MCC
Confidence and Mentor Coach
Bringing back two very popular headliners - Ben and a Mentoring Session!
We will be hearing a (PCC) recorded coaching session and Ben will be mentoring as we go along. Then there will be debriefing and Q&A with Ben, and the mentee.
Ben's work is applicable to ALL coaches, ALL levels, ALL training, and ALL niches because it’s about growing our coaching skills,deepening our confidence, and revealing the inner workings of how we show up powerfully for our clients.
Some of what coaches have said about working with Ben:
“An incredible Game-Changer”
“A profound sea change for me.”
"Encompassing the whole coaching experience"
“I really wish I had done this earlier in my coaching."
Come join us for a jam packed 90-minutes of profound, amazing and fun learning!
Coaching Scenario: This was Becky and her client's second session together. The client is a coach.
Coaching Topic: Has work with longtime contractor that she feels is important work but requires a lot of energy. Wants to figure out how to make it not require so much energy or how to shift away in a manner that works for both her and the contractor.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Hearing Ben’s feedback, step by step through the coaching call offered so much value.
I like that Ben pointed out places where we might give in and get hooked. I liked this format.
Loved the 3 things he wanted us to listen for (Connection, When the coach is revealing, and then When and How the coach is empowering the client versus managing them). I will take that forward as I listen to other coaching sessions.
I absolutely love Ben’s description of coaching as a dance of giving and receiving between the coach and client. It’s so simple, but very powerful
It was a wonderful session - Ben really is the best. Fantastic!
The importance of the agreement in coaching calls and how to go deeper with clients.
What else, what else, what else and listening for the details.
It was very well done indeed. Ben did a lovely job covering a lot of ground. Great job and helpful to listen to.
Re-establishing the agenda or agreement in the middle of the call if new information is revealed.
Getting more specific about identifying the agenda and how to transition from this to the coaching part.
The importance of “Connection, Revealing and Empowering” during coaching. Listening for: 1. connecting w/client 2. revealing vs. telling, teaching, assuming, 3. empowering client vs. handling
I loved the reminder to STAY with the client, esp. when they give short, quick answers. Take them deeper with where they are in the moment.
More calls like this that give a play by play of a coaching session. Very helpful.
The call was another reminder of how simple, yet powerful coaching can be. I also loved how Ben was able to surface so much learning from one simple call!
Love hearing the different perspectives of veteran assessors and MCCs! Thank you.
Great example of the process of helping clients seek clarity with the issues they bring to session so that they can, in turn, apply what they learn about themselves in their everyday lives.
I appreciate the way Ben mentors through a call.
Reminder to ask what the client is learning about the situation.
This is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC!!! Wow. Ben is awesome.
Continually assessing for myself as I am coaching whether I am connected, helping my client reveal vs. teaching, and empowering them. Also, being mindful of my pacing; make sure I’m not pulling my client along with my questions but rather journeying with them where they are and exploring for the sake of movement forward.
Going deeper vs moving the conversation forward to action
Thank you so much for what you’ve created here, Gail. These sessions are a golden touchstone for me as I journey towards my MCC. I love being part of this community and so look forward to each call!
For the first time, a true understanding of what just being present means and WHY it’s so important.
Fran Fisher MCC
Entrepreneur, Executive & Coach Mentor & Assessor
The following are Fran's two mentoring sessions.
1. Via a recording of PCC's coaching session 2. Via the recording of a coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam
Lynn Stewart MCC was scheduled to be the guest but she had a personal emergency but allowed us to listen to one of her earlier recorded sessions prior to receiving her MCC credential. Fran who was Lynn's mentor coach joined us on the call and demonstrated master mentor coaching feedback.
Coaching Scenario: Nelleka had coach training years ago but is not a coach. She and Lynn have know each other for 14 years and Lynn has coached her off and on over the years.
Coaching Topic: Wants to explore what to do over the next 10 years, what to contribute to the world and what next steps to take.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime* with 30-day notice)
Some of the participant take-aways:
Hearing an assessor’s (Fran’s) feedback about this session was invaluable. I picked up so many useful tips for strengthening my own coaching!
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
I loved the way Lynn set up the call in the beginning; she went deep, clarified and explored the agenda really quickly, it took it to another level. I also like that she explored all the possible options of where the session could go. I’m also taking away Lynn’s soft, yet strong/confident presence, and use of/paraphrasing of the clients own words, because of that it felt like she tracked well with the client.
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
Opened my eyes to the nuances as well, really interesting and would love to hear more!
I found Fran’s very specific constructive feedback followed then by how it might have been done differently unbelievably helpful.
Great examples of how not to lead the client.
Questions to ask that invite the client to do the work.
Wow Gail I got so much that I can implement right away. Helped me see where I need and want to grow.
Fran’s specificity helped me see very clearly what it is in my own coaching I need to work on. Watch out for those leading questions and acknowledging sounds or comments!
I found Lynn to be very present with her client and I felt the connection. I appreciated the way she checked in with the client and would repeatedly reflect back what she was hearing.
I will transcribe that entire debriefing.
Must always confirm with the client re my observations otherwise makes client feel that I’m right or that I think I am!
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
Feel like I got a peek behind the scenes, the inner workings so to speak. I have a page full of takeaways.
This is theFIRST TIME EVER that we will listen to an ICF MCC exam session and explore it in this way.
Fran puts on her assessor hat and reviews this coaching session that just passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method.
We get the learning and benefit of two demonstrations followed by Q&A with both Fran and the MCC coach (Erin Owen).
We also get a copy of the coaching session transcript and the ICF MCC BARS evaluation.
Coaching Scenario: This client is a business executive turned entrepreneur and he’s been the MCC's (Erin Owen) coaching client since 2018.
Coaching Topic: He feels that he's now in a place where he can take the time and energy to focus on what’s going on within himself and what he’s feeling in his body. He’s experiencing pain in his back and wants to really feel it and explore what that’s about.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
It was a really interesting session and very helpful to hear from Fran and the MCC “anchors”; she highlighted
That getting my MCC is possible for me!
Having the transcript and the ICF eval are so helpful
Interesting discussion of the assessor’s suggested further exploration beyond the client’s current situation to deepen awareness and address potential obstacles to client growth.
Greater depth of understanding of what’s important to demonstrate in an MCC submission
a new distinction: the qualitative difference between Providing Space for the client versus Leveraging Silence/Space
It's always tremendous to have Fran! I feel she is practically ICF itself. So, what she says is like hearing what we need to know straight from the horse’s mouth.
The importance of challenging the client and finding out what they’re discovering at the moment.
It was helpful to observe this coaching of the Who and then to hear Fran's Assessor feedback - thank you.
Taking partnership, a lot further than I have been doing - right down to getting the client to plan the exploration, rather than asking the client where they want to start and then going straight into it. These are much more expansive question.
Nice demonstration of the more recent ICF evaluation method utilizing a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale across six competency areas, with additional qualifiers assessing ethical practice and coaching mindset.
Another really great coaching demonstration format this month! Thanks!
Super session, thanks Gail. I learnt heaps and loved the feeling of camaraderie. I’ve been floundering around with trying to orientate myself towards my MCC for a while, but it’s so hard to know what the best route is and what’s on offer. I’m so appreciative of keeping abreast of what’s happening in our field through calls like these e.g. the BARS (that was news to me!),
Language used by ICF regarding how the feedback is to be used.
deepen my clients personal learning.
It was so informative on so many levels (BARS, getting to hear a recording that passed and to hear Fran’s comments and feedback to Erin )
That there’s a wonderful community out there also finding their way with this....feeling a bit more supported by being part of this.
Gratitude for MMC offering a first of this kind of learning; Terms of PCC Markers Vs MCC
Specific examples of questions for BARS; The need to dig deeper; check in more frequently and ask where they want to go, what they are learning and how one can apply what they are learning moving forward.
This was a different kind of call and a first for Moore Master Coaching!
Tijen demonstrated Master Mentor coaching from a different approach and powerful angle. We had a coach client, and two of the coach participants helped co-coach that client. Tijen supervised, gave feedback and demonstrated how the offerings could have been more masterful. In this way, we had this rare opportunity to understand and distinguish masterful and precise approaches to coaching to help bring our coaching to a profoundly transformative level for sustaining client results. So we got to hear Master Coaching and Master Mentor coaching all in one session!
Coach Scenario: Annette is a coach and this was the first time she and Tijen had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She is seeking guidance in navigating the next chapter of her Coaching journey…personally and professionally” …She wants to explore her “untapped potential” as a Certified Coach. She is in the process of building resiliency as she leans into authoring her most authentic brand!”
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Provided a perspective around specificity and risk that you do not always hear. Takes coaching to a much higher level.
Really liked the structure of this call with the coach coaching other coaches in real time on how to help the client. Novel and instructive. Would like more of this format!
The coach is listening with all of herself; not just through her mind, but what is the emotional landscape of the client and how does it shift, while creating awareness around that
the importance of narrowing the topic succinctly early on and continuously clarifying with client around where are you now
The most powerful questions come from deep holistic listening. They are personalized according to each client’s uniqueness and what each brings to coaching.
Reflection, instinct, examine and utilize “shifts”. Loved the honoring portion at the end!
full body/soul listening
Tijen’s process for funneling the agenda before expanding the awareness
Mentoring of volunteer coaches was extremely helpful.
I enjoyed this approach to coaching demo- it was interesting to see the master coach intervene in real-time with the coaching.
Find the thing below the thing.
Focus on key words, metaphors in the client’s speech, and paraphrase it back to them without leading them in any assumption on their direction. Also use questions that help to focus on the outcome, not expand on the content.
Interesting different approach to coaching demonstration/ mentoring.
The importance of those emotional shifts in the tone of the voice, the pace, the words being repeated, and the importance to present back to the client what we hear and refer to the initial goal, thus allowing for recontracting.
Very valuable!
How deeply honoring Tijen was of the client and the 2 volunteer coaches. It was so genuine, it's obvious this is who she is as a person and coach, mentor, trainer. What a gift to those she works with, It was a gift to me to experience.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
This session was rich with masterful coaching.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
This was a different kind of call! On this call we heard an MCC mentoring session. We listened to a colleague's coaching session and Hayden mentored her live. That was followed by a debriefing and Q&A with Hayden and the coach.
Coaching Scenario: This was a new client for Nancy and their first session. They met about a year prior at the college where Nancy also coaches.
Coaching Topic: The client wants to feel confident in standing her ground.
Mentoring Scenario: Hayden and Nancy met for the 1st time on the call and Hayden heard the session for the 1st time on the call.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Let’s have more of these sessions where we hear a mentor coach giving feedback on a coach’s coaching. This session was pure gold!
Reminding myself that my role is to serve my client--not please my client. To call out patterns that are taking the conversation away from the agenda
Beautiful mentoring and excellent tips on what could be done differently.
This call was phenomenal! Took lots of notes. Will use when coaching.
That as coaches we need to dig deeper within ourselves--what changes do we need to make within ourselves to take our coaching to the next level.
Hayden Lee evoked awareness for the client
To go deeper when setting the agenda--exploring what’s important about addressing the client’s item agenda. To ask what needs to change within the client to accomplish the desired outcome.
I particularly liked the attention at completing the coaching session and the questions about takeaways that generated actions for the client.
Hayden shared many helpful coaching approaches/ strategies during the call that were excellent and insightful.
Ask more transformational questions rather than info. Silence, simplicity, reflect what you see in the mirror.
The “bookends” of sessions are so important -- setting the agenda and closing out the session with growth identified and celebrated.
I consider myself an advanced coach and I found this call so helpful for finetuning and going deeper into what might be considered some of the "basics" in order to take them to a more masterful level.
This was a different kind of MMC call. We first heard a PCC coach who is going for her MCC conducting a live coaching session with one her real world clients. We then heard Meg mentor her. As a bonus we had an additional 30 minutes to make sure we had plenty of time to delve in, debrief and get all of our questions answered.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara. , it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
You can also read about Meg's regular coaching session under the Executive "niche" tab. Read Meg Mann MCC bio
On this call we heard an Master Mentor coaching session. The mentee Matthew is a PCC working toward his MCC. We first listened to Matthew's live coaching session, followed by Tara's focused insights and feedback. That was followed by a debriefing and Q&A with Tara, Matthew and the client.
Coaching Scenario: Matthew's client Jessica is a coach. They met in a business class in 2022, then reconnected, became friends and began coaching together about 5 months ago.
Coaching Topic: She wants to stop wanting to be rescued by other people or circumstances. She wants to feel confident that she can rescue herself and she doesn't need other people to rescue or take care of her.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Tara's style is very unique, direct and powerful. Brilliant mentoring. Look forward to listening to her exam sessions. Thanks to you both!
A huge take-away that I’ll be using is Tara’s metaphor for the coaching agreement being like an airplane pilot’s checklist. She stressed the importance of it, of taking the time to thoroughly establish it, even if it feels a bit meticulous because once it’s done then the rest of the coaching goes smoothly and you can refer back to it.
The value of getting feedback on your coaching
Excellent coaching seminar format! It was great to have all of the layers of interaction and sharing of perspectives, from client to coach to mentor to audience- and even coming full circle with audience interacting with client! What a great format that elicited a wealth of learnings and insight! Would love to see more of these types of sessions! Thanks :-)
Not being afraid to interrupt when your client goes down a rabbit hole
This call was a wonderful learning experience! The coaching was a masterful demonstration of partnership, presence, and performance. This was followed by the mentor coach and coach reflecting on the coaching. Priceless!
Thank you! Such a wonderful call today. I learned tons from Tara’s Mentor partnership with Matthew and the questions she asked him that I had never heard a Mentor coach ask a Mentee. “What would represent partnership?” for example.
“Don’t hang on when client has moved on.”; I had the realization that sometimes I may hang on to a word that felt seemingly important, moving me away from what is being said in the moment.
That you have to be selective in following the clues that the client gives you and that you have to follow your instincts.
Allowing more time for exploration of the topic
I absolutely loved the Partnership-Presence-Performance balance Tara shared. Balancing these three in service to the client is the intention and what she sees as most challenging for coaches today.
I’m taking away the incredible power of letting deep curiosity about the coachee be a wonderful tool in service to the client throughout the process. That deep curiosity drives those deep expansive questions.
Calling the client out; stay on the hook, I’m not buying that.
Put all your “reflecting back” into a short, concise question
Having a live coaching session followed by a mentoring session was so enthralling to me. I was able to compare what I noticed in the coaching session to what was ofered by Tara as an MCC mentor. It made me listen in a very deep way. Truly, this was an amazing session to witness. I learned so much!
I loved the bit in mentoring session about “how to be your own post it note”. I often have clients land on take aways that involve making a note but practicing personalizing these commitments would be powerful.
I am going to be working on my own discomfort in sessions where I feel like I need to come to the rescue and how that can move me out of my coaching presence. I had a bit of a parallel process happening when listening to the coaching.
helping clients think beyond the usual strategies for accountability
leaning in even more to silence
Read more about Tara's 2 sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the "MCC Exam Sessions" tab.
Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Master Coach Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for debrief and Q&A
This was a different kind of call. We got to be a "fly on the wall" to Marilyn's private mentor coaching process. We listened to her client's recorded coaching session and to Marilyn stopping it along the way to mentor her and point out and comment on the competencies and the PCC Markers. Afterwards we had a debriefing and Q&A with Liz and Marilyn.
FYI Marilyn is an expert in cultural and relationship bias.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was really helpful hearing Marilyn go through the competencies and how they relate to the coaching and the PCC markers.
All of the core competencies in action in a coaching session - and having those explained very thoroughly.
I like that Marilyn validated that creating awareness doesn’t have to be with questions, it can be through the body.
Culture can mean relationship dynamics with a client.
I appreciated this call in that I was able to see a fellow coach use embodiment and somatic experiencing in their coaching session/practice and to see the shift that took place for the client.
Need to get up to speed on understanding how to check in on cultural issues and how to be culturally competent.
First time I’ve listened in on a mentor session. Found it very helpful.
Marilyn expanded my understanding of bias and cultural competence.
Ask myself before each new client or call if I’m coming to the session with any assumptions about that person or the value of their agenda.
Being more consistent in how I structure my sessions
The notion of culturally competent. Had not heard of this but makes sense.
The coaching was brilliant and clarifying the competencies throughout the coaching session was very helpful.
Specifically to incorporate the value of imagining your future self scenario. It is a significant tool I have not incorporated yet in my coaching
CALL # 2 Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for debrief and Q&A
This was a different kind of call. We got to be a "fly on the wall" to Marilyn's private mentor coaching process. We listened to her client's recorded coaching session and to Marilyn stopping it along the way to mentor her and point out and comment on the competencies and the PCC Markers. Afterwards we had a debriefing and Q&A with Liz and Marilyn.
FYI Marilyn is an expert in cultural and relationship bias.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was really helpful hearing Marilyn go through the competencies and how they relate to the coaching and the PCC markers.
All of the core competencies in action in a coaching session - and having those explained very thoroughly.
I like that Marilyn validated that creating awareness doesn’t have to be with questions, it can be through the body.
Culture can mean relationship dynamics with a client.
I appreciated this call in that I was able to see a fellow coach use embodiment and somatic experiencing in their coaching session/practice and to see the shift that took place for the client.
Need to get up to speed on understanding how to check in on cultural issues and how to be culturally competent.
First time I’ve listened in on a mentor session. Found it very helpful.
Marilyn expanded my understanding of bias and cultural competence.
Ask myself before each new client or call if I’m coming to the session with any assumptions about that person or the value of their agenda.
Being more consistent in how I structure my sessions
The notion of culturally competent. Had not heard of this but makes sense.
The coaching was brilliant and clarifying the competencies throughout the coaching session was very helpful.
Specifically to incorporate the value of imagining your future self scenario. It is a significant tool I have not incorporated yet in my coaching
What a blend of coaching and mentoring! This mentor coach was fully in service of the client, creating a safe space for them and working in partnership with her, encouraging her participation and leadership throughout the sharing of feedback and developmental comments.
Focusing even more on client word choice to open up deep paths.
clearer embodiment of partnering
…something I need to pay attention to in my own coaching: being vigilant that having a comfortable relationship with a client is not blunting my ability to pay attention or pick up on cues that clients are giving us that may need to be noticed and/or revisited …Very interesting comment.
I liked Corey’s conversation about making a deeper more meaningful agreement.
I like Corey’s answer to PCC vs. MCC - that it’s less processing and analyzing and more ease, simplicity, second nature, responsiveness and being present.
Enjoyed hearing a mentoring session evaluate the session. Created a different perspective.
What exactly mentors are looking for to move to MCC
The opportunity to hear mentor feedback was incredibly valuable!
Focus on coaching the person and take time exploring what’s most important. The client will come up with his/her own next steps when there’s laser clarity on what he/she wants to change.
Deep intentional engagement in each moment. Going deeper. Challenging when needed.
MCC feedback was invaluable!
Love the courage of all parties!
Lyssa deHart MCC
Confidence, Narrative, Relationship, Mentor & Coaching Super-Vision
Bonuses: A piece that changes perspective on the "sales" conversation and deep discount on Lyssa's 2 other MMC calls.
This is a different kind of MMC call
Lyssa uses the 3 photos that Joy selected as a jumping off point for the Super-Vision session. You will receive those to look at while listening.
This is #3 coaching demonstration Lyssa has done for MMC! See the other two below.
Coaching scenario: Joy and Lyssa met in 2017 when they came together as presidents of their local ICF chapters and collaborated on an ICF Chapter training. After that they saw each other from time to time on other calls and then last year, Joy participated in Lyssa's Coaching with the power of metaphors certification program.
Coaching topic: Joy wants to know how to listen even more deeply.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some participant take-aways:
In 20 plus years, I have never heard anyone talk about supervision in this way. Truly a missing piece in our profession or at least an area that is glossed over. Transformational. Deep thanks!
Using photos in coaching
Great session. So grateful for the better understanding of what Coaching Supervision really is. Not at all what I thought it was.
How supportive superVision can be.
Deeper listening skills.
The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of coaching supervision, or as she calls it Super-Vision. As I now understand it, Super-Vision helps build the capacity of the coach through a reflective, explorative, free-form dialogue/process. This is different from mentor coaching which is an analytical assessment of a specific coaching conversation.
To explore Super-Vision. To continue to work on myself from the inside out in order to show up neutral, open, and fully present for my clients.
An invaluable call to action - deepen the being of my coaching with new reflective practice.
One of the best!
Use of imagery as metaphor in coaching supervision.
Excellent session- really valued how the topic for this session broke out into a new area of exploration in coaching! Thanks
Lyssa had a litany of traps that coaches can get themselves into with clients ex. Caring too much about the client, or the client reminds you of your sister etc.
Coaching presence is built upon the ability to listen deeply, with our heart and all of our being.
Supervision is really helpful and should really be mandatory as part of CEU requirements.
Reminder to use imagery, metaphor and other non-thinking prompts for self and for clients
The perception of “Who we are is how we coach”. Making sure that my personality/biases/opinions etc are taken out of the coaching conversation.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
CALL #1 Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Lyssa have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I would like to be coached on how to fully embrace an abundant mindset. I find my old programs sneak up on me despite how much I have learned about the Law of Attraction. I am ready to leave my self-limiting beliefs behind so I can take my health and wellness website to the next level!"
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This was one of the best and most valuable sessions I’ve listened to.
Loved the discussion about weaving several competencies into the conversation through a “most useful question”
To be aware of any “looping” by a client that could be a red flag indicating the need for therapy.
I am definitely going to listen to this call again!
I particularly appreciated Lyssa’s observations about situational rabbit holes and differentiating between asking interesting questions that might take them backward vs asking important questions that take the client forward.
Great questions I tend to ask, but not as efficiently worded. And, the metaphor of jumping in the pool together holding hands.
Mastery doesn’t have to take long if you’re willing to put discipline and rigorousness into your preparation
Lots of great tips for preparing for MCC, asking for permission, keeping on track throughout the call with what the client wants
Loved this call so much. Can’t wait to get the recording.
The client was poised on the precipice to have a breakthrough and Lyssa’s exquisite coaching got her there. TRULY Breathtaking in only 30 minutes!
Embodiment of heart and intuition
Wow that was a pleasure to observe; one of my top 5 favorite Moore Master Coaching calls.
Lyssa used so many coaching skills in such a masterful way, if I were to note all the skills, I would be listing all the competencies. Lyssa was so present she picked up on the moments that helped the client connect to her awareness, she simply stayed curious, and the client went deep. Beautiful coaching very impressed.
I’m impressed at how the coach stayed in the coaching framework throughout the call even during the moments when the client brought up the past. Lyssa beautifully weaved those therapeutic moments into future oriented, forward moving powerful questions. I’m looking forward to re-listening to this call.
When coaching someone who has been assigned to coaching and who may not be fully onboard with it, ask “How can we make this useful for you?”
Example of not pursuing unpacking of the past, but rather letting the past go to move on.
Lyssa came back for another call to share the recording of her coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam plus the examiners feedback.
Bonuses: She gave an additional 30 minutes for debrief, Q&A and to discuss some the examiners feedback as well as a copy of the examiners feedback report.
Coaching scenario: Pam is a long time on-going client of Lyssas- since @2013.
Coaching topic: She's feeling very stuck as to what to do and how to move forward. She loves being alone and wonders if she should stay with her boyfriend who ultimately would like it to be more. She's worried that maybe her pattern and that she will always find an issue and never be able to be fully comimitted to someone.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes & copy of the assessors evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I thought the coaching was brilliant
Patience, patience, patience. Even when the client says “I don?t know”, keep being curious because they do know!
Loved Lyssa’s style! Her depth of listening and presence to be in the soup with the client and ask only what was necessary to help the client take one step forward at a time!
Exquisite example of how to help a client who is feeling really stuck break through and begin to move forward.
To relax and trust the process-even if the client feels totally stuck, using metaphor and simple questions with slow pacing was enough to help her break into a new space
Ask questions based on what’s important for the benefit of the client rather than for my curiosity
Creating “presence” first as the first communication
Having the client create visuals to describe their focus for the call and/or feelings and then referencing that visual throughout the session.
So many of her methods and ways of being were new and inspiring
How the ICF assessors rated the call
Good examples for the coaches I mentor
How you really have to believe in your client’s wholeness, even when they are going through difficult life experiences.
The multiple check in moments with what the client was physically feeling, and using that as a gauge of her progress.
Building on client metaphors, and getting clarity on what the metaphor means, not to me, but to the client.
The power of metaphor. Loved how the client’s metaphor about the pot could also reflect a coach approach.
Damian Goldvarg MCC
Master Certified Leader, Team & Coach Supervisor Bonus:When Heart Intelligence Meets Conversational Intelligence by Judith E. Glase & Deborah Rozman
This was a different kind of MMC call!
Coaching Scenario: Susan is an executive coach. This is the first time she and Damian have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Supervision Topic: Susan is currently working with leaders in a large national corporation. Although she's been hired to help them navigate culture change she's running into consistent challenges re building a team of people to support the vision, due to constantly changing strategic priorities, unsophisticated hiring and an infatuation with the latest shiny new object to propel into fast growth trajectory.
MP3 + ICF (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day notice)
Some of the participant take-aways:
I could really see the shift in today’s supervisee. She had some enlightening moments...
The value of coaching supervision to improving our coaching capacities.
Reflecting on is there a possibility there is something we have not seen here together, and offering that inquiry to my client to co-create.
I loved- Normative, Formative, Restorative and the summary that Damian gave toward the end of the call.
How to work more intentionally with the coaches I support- and not shy away from Direct Communication and sharing what is there... It is particularly relevant to my work with coaches-- so much so I will be looking into his training.
Process of examining parallel processes in supervision that may mirror what is going on with client. This can be helpful in addressing challenges/impasses in work together.
Understanding of Supervisory Coaching, recognizing potential hazards of failing to self-manage as a coach.
Patience in helping the client to walk through self-reflection.
Asking myself the question: Am I challenging enough with my clients?
Executive, Leadership & Coach Supervisor for this call Special Bonus: the call is extended for an additional 30 minutes to cover the elements below.
This was a different kind of call & an MMC first! 2 MCC coaching sessions for the price of one!
Sam begins by talking to us about coaching supervision, his passion and area of expertise.
Then we hear Sherryl T. Christie coaching one of her real world executive clients
Sam then demonstrates what he talked about and actually supervises Sherryl
Finally there's a Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Mike the client, is an executive and he and Sherryl have been coaching together off and on since 2011. They have been on a bit of a hiatus and so this is the first session theyve had for about 7 months.
Coaching Topic: Mike says his pattern has been to micro manage and take on things that other people arent handling well but knows it’s not sustainable or in the best interest of anyone. He's given an employee a huge project but feels this employee has a similar pathology. The project is not going well and the team is having problems with him. Mike says he’s always been of the mindset “accomplish the mission at any cost” and tends to be a direct bottom line kind of guy. He really wants to know how to approach this differently so that he can help the employee to develop his skillset and grow while also accomplishing the goals of the company.
MP3 + ICF (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Super-vision! Love it! Thanks to Sam and Sherryl for this learning experience!
Gratefulness to witness 2 coaching sessions one being supervision of an MCC. Wow!
How, when direct communication is done with the intent of helping the client get back on track, it can be very powerful.
Thank you for integrating supervision and doubling the MCCs, I so appreciate the variety and complexity.
As Sheryl spoke about, I am often ahead of my clients and need to slow down even more.
Great to listen to the coaching session within the supervision context. How do you know when you are a good enough coach?? was an amazing supervision question.
Paying attention to parallel processes in my coaching sessions...i.e. me doing with the client what he/she is doing in his/her life.
Continuing to note my own urges to advise and not coach.
This call was fantastic, thank you! I loved Sam’s introduction to and definition of supervision: in that it helps the beginner and master coach, increase the moments of mastery. Brilliant!
I will forever continue the process of supervision/mentor coaching in order to continue to be my best self, and best coach for my clients.
Loved learning about super-vision and the difference between that and mentor coaching.
How useful it is to have an observer of the observer!
Excellent learning opportunity
When we hope for but don’t see results in a session, we must remember that the client needs time to reflect. The learning and action most often come after the session.
This series of calls is a different kind of MMC experience. And has NEVER BEEN DONE anywhere else before!
Purchase Options:
The package of all 3 calls at a discounted price
Any of the calls individually
How is this series different?
Coaches often discuss amongst themselves the advantages, disadvantages, benefits and challenges of 2 predominant coaching models: the more directive/consultative approach and the straight exploratory/discovery coaching style.
What's missing is the opportunity to compare both styles to each other with the same coach, the same client and the same issue.
This Grand Trine Coaching Experience did just that!
What you will hear:
Coaching sessions with the same 2 clients on each call using the two different coaching models
A delving into each client's experience of the 2 models and their results
Debriefings and Q&A's with the Master Coach
What's the set up for the 3 calls:
One Master Coach: Ben Dooley MCC, CPCC
Two clients: Neither is in the coaching profession. One has never had coaching and the other has only had marketing coaching before. They both met Ben for the first time on the first call.
Ben coached the 2 clients using the directive/consultative style of coaching with one and the straight/exploratory with the other.
Afterward each session and the client hung up, there was a debrief and Q&A with Ben
Then there was a bonus debriefing and Q&A with Ben
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Or purchase all 3 calls at discounted rate- see last option below
"Loved that Ben could change from Directive to Exploratory on a dime and that he brought a great energy and compassion to both clients and brought out their self belief and confidence in themselves."
"There is something about Ben that I just love. He is light, and fun, and gets the business of coaching done."
"Interesting conversations regarding the difference between being directive and being exploratory. And most importantly just BEING."
"Excited for the switch in the coming weeks, and the follow up with the clients to see which resonated and motivated them."
"This call was really marvelous on so many levels."
Very excited for round 2! Looking forward to hearing how the clients work through their "homework" on their topics.
Ben followed up with the clients, checking in and continuing to coach each on their issue. This time he switched giving the clients the chance to experience the other model.
After each client hung up there was a debrief/Q&A with Ben
Then there was a bonus debriefing and Q&A with Ben
MP3 + 1 ICF CEU+ Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Or purchase all 3 calls at discounted rate- see last option below
"Hearing the stark differences between the exploratory and directive coaching processes was an education by itself."
"How sharing information that can deepen awareness is not advice, nor is it telling the client what to do."
"I love how fast (whether using directive or exploratory) Ben connects the dots for his clients."
"What you offer (through these calls) adds in making the profession of coaching fun for me."
"The discussion in overtime about MCC credential and personal goal or desire was exceptionally refreshing!"
"Clearer distinctions between exploratory coaching and directive ooaching, and that both can be used in service to the client."
Ben did a coaching debrief with both clients with a check in, exploring the discovery, learning, value, accomplishment, etc. and helped to deepen and anchor their insights and discoveries.
We then further explored with the clients the differences in the 2 styles of coaching, how they experienced them, what resonated and what didnt, etc. What came from this was very surprising!
We then had our final debriefing, Q&A and wrap up with Ben.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Or purchase all 3 calls at discounted rate- see last option below
"20 million things! A freaking firehose of insights & gems. So many notes."
"Loved everything about this call and the calls leading up to it! So much wisdom to be gleaned! Thank you Ben and Gail!"
"What a surprising outcome! Appreciated both clients being so forthright in their feedback because it offered huge insights."
"This was extremely helpful. Helped me recognize my strengths as well as areas that need work."
"I plan to be extra aware of my choice of words and sharpen level 3 listening."
"Call/coach provided many practical suggestions for holding more effective coaching options."
"The whole series is incredible with Ben, but today was exponentially more so. It's the discussion afterwards on the nature of coaching."
This was a series of 3 teleclasses designed and specifically customized for the chapter members of the Denver International Coach Federation (ICF).
Each call was with a Master Coach from a different niche, educational background/schooling and ran a bit differently in order to give a unique educational and inspirational coaching experience.
You can purchase the entire series of three (3) for a discounted rate of $97 or each call separately for $59.97.
The 3 participating Master Coaches were:
Cynthia Loy Darst, MCC Life Coach (Co-Active Certified Coach)
The call ran 1hr. 15 minutes
To purchase Cynthia's call individually and see another demo she did, locate her under the "Life/Personal" niche tab.
Coaching Scenario: Shannon the client for the call was a short term client of Cynthia's years ago.
Cynthia conducted her coaching session differently, stopping it occasionally engaging us in her process and inviting us to inquire into our own. This is not meant to be a standard coaching session but rather an opportunity for us to look at how we might expand our range as coaches, expanding our ideas of whmere and how we might work with our clients.
Coaching Topic: Shannon wants coaching around the challenges she's facing with letting go and moving on-having just completed one business and now launching a new one.
Meryl Moritz, MCC Executive Coach (A coaching pioneer)
The call ran 1hr.
To purchase Meryl's call individually and see another MMC demo she did, locate her under the "Executive" niche tab
Coaching Scenario: Julie, the client for the call is an executive with a large global consulting firm.
She is a former client of Meryls, they worked together for @18 months 5 or 6 years ago.
Coaching Topic: Julie has recently moved into a larger, more expanded role within her company and has inherited a lot of internal conflict among team members. She wants coaching around forming a "leadership game plan"- to lead through change, to help inspire, motivate and create innovative thinking among her employees.
Alan Seale, PCC Leader & Transformational Coach (Award winning author)
The call ran 1hr. 15 min,
To purchase Alan's call individually and to see another MMC demo he did, locate him under the "Transformational" niche tab
Coaching scenario: the client had been a student at the school where Alan is an instructor so she had attended a number of his teleclasses but Alan had never coached her before.
Coaching topic: "Feeling the hand of God (the universe, etc.) over me saying, "not yet" or, "not that direction"- doors that seem obvious not opening. How to be in that place of frustration."
Series of 3 MP3s
Laura Berman-Fortgang MCC
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach Special Bonus: Laura's Wisdom Access Questions (WAQ's)- a list of 100 questions to use with our clients
Different Type of Demonstration Call
For this call Laura demonstrated her initial coaching consultation session.
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Laura have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am being recruited for a number of different positions, including a partnership in starting a new business, all in the world of Educational Technology. EdTech is such a high demand field right now and I have at least 6 different potential clients or employers recruiting me. I'm not sure how to proceed or how to leave myself enough flexibility to explore options!"
I asked the client the question that Laura requires all potential clients to answer prior to their initial consultation. I sent the answers to Laura. She then reviews the 3 answers with the client during the session and uses them to show her just how beneficial coaching will be.
MP3 + ICF + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
The "Magic 5 Steps of a Consultation"
"Witnessing the power of brevity"
"Getting to the real question/answer with a potential client vs. wasting time getting the back story"
"Insight into how to choose clients"
"The 4-5 steps to close a potential client"
"Cut out the client's story. Find the pain. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale, don't be afraid to walk away. There's no attachment in having to work with clients for years! A lot can be accomplished in 90 days"
"Have more laser focused conversations to get clients"
Coaching Without Models
Are you always wanting to better serve your clients by becoming a more masterful coach?
If so, get ready to strike gold!
Introducing a Revolutionary, Brand New Way of Coaching!
Coaching Without Models involves connecting the client and the coach's subconscious in order to have adeeper, more lasting breakthrough, faster!
Think you've seen it all? You will be pleasantly surprised!
Master Coach Tony Latimer demonstrated his unique and powerful wayof Coaching Without Models for the first time on a Moore Master Coaching demonstration call. During the debrief, he began to touch on the real power behind it all, which he had never shared with external coaches before.
Coaches found it compelling and were left wanting more!
So in this masterclass, Tony (via use of the transcript) did a deep dive debrief! He peeled back the layers and evaluated what actually happened at the subconscious level during that coaching session.
We were joined by Fran Fisher, one of the world's top MCC, ICF assessor, and mentor coaches! She analyzed Tony's coaching for us against the ICF competencies. Priceless!
GET READY: to walk into a new world and walk away with a better understanding of:
The power of connecting the coach and the clients’ subconscious
Advanced listening to get to a deeper level
How to discern triggers at the instinctive level
The trap doors that lead to the subconscious
Three steps to clarity
How to become more masterful
First in-depth look at Tony's Coaching Without Models, with examples from a real-world demonstration
The benefit of two great minds and masterful coaches
The live experience and answers to your questions
The transcript of the coaching demo from October
The recording of this January Event with Tony for study and review
The ICF and/or BCC CEU
The bragging rights to say you were there when...!
P.S. World renowned Master Coach, trainer and best-selling author Dr. Marcia Reynolds MCC is a big fan of Tony's Coaching Without Models. She actually mentioned it in her WBECS 2021 pre-summit class and urged coaches to ask Tony about it. Finally,we were able to do just that!
“Like Amy (PCC coach on the call), I too was blown away between the inputs from Tony, his explanation of his process and his rationale for his moves and then with Fran’s exquisite deployment of the science and art of MCC coaching. It was an incredible medley. Like Amy I would relish more of these kinds of deconstructions. It really was food for my soul and dare I say subconscious. I learnt so much from this recording and analysis of Tony’s transcript.” ~ Tara Nolan MCC, Executive & Top Teams Coach
"This special call was really great. Loved every aspect of it. Thank you for always bringing us the best of the world of coaching." ~ Tina Muheim ACC, Executive, Leadership & Career Coach
"The session exceeded my expectations. This is the first time that I have heard a session that described listening at a more granular level, including what to look for as opportunities to ask questions. Would love more sessions like this. Even as a beginner, this information is so useful as I strive for excellency." ~ Pamela Taylor CPC, Retirement Coach
"I hung on every word that both Tony and Fran said. I wanted more. I love getting advice that I can grab a hold of. Listening for key words was so helpful." ~ Paula Freeman PCC, Life Coach
So enjoy thishistory making masterful deep dive times two!
MP3, Transcript (Tony's coaching session from 10/21/21 that Tony and Fran use to break down the coaching), Bonus Q&A & CEU
$69.97 OR
To enhance the coaching transcript you can listen to the recording of Tony's coaching session which also contains
a bonus 30 minutes of additional discussion and Q&A and CEU ($59.97 value).
Some participant feedback:
• "So exciting to be presented with a new way of working."
• "I loved the 3 steps to clarity!"
• "The beauty and power of connecting the coach’s subconscious with the client’s subconscious!"
• "What a true master of his craft."
• "Tony is amazing and I want in on the MasterClass he mentioned."
2 MP3s, Transcript of the coaching session, Special Bonuses, CEUs & MMC Nuggets-ways to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life and business
Purchase both products for just $97
(a $33 savings)
There are many more audios. They are listed under the "Master Coach Niches" tabbed section which is located right below this section.
The tabs in this section list the Master Coach Niches in alphabetical order.
Under each tab: you will find the relevant guest Master Coaches (alphabetically by last name) and all info about their calls/audio(s).
Most Master Coaches have more than one niche and so will be listed more than once. They may also be listed in the first tab section above under one of the Different Types of Demonstrations.
Click first tab to collapse all opened call boxes under each tab
Linda Anderson MCC
Master Certified ADHD Coach Bonuses: additional 20 minutes of Q&A and pdf Values: Your North Star and Guidepost
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Linda have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I own my own consulting business helping small nonprofits and have been successful. I have a tendency to procrastinate, but in the past few months it has been to the point of losing the client because it takes me so long to send a proposal. I would love to receive coaching on how to not feel overwhelmed, stay on task and not feel like an imposter."
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I really like when Linda asked Christina to be an “objective observer” of her thinking
I appreciated when she talked about how the ADHD brain works, and her normalizing the client, that it’s not who you are, it’s the traits of the brain. And the advice about being kind to yourself. She had a very kind, caring, and supportive demeanor. And she helped the client to visualize what she needs to put into place in order to achieve her goal.
I really liked the idea of containment - what are the boundaries I need to hold to for the container I provide for my clients?
Working the competencies to maximize impact for clients who have attention span challenges
Don’t be afraid to step outside the box (move from strict coaching to a bit of education/more pointed questions) to really help the client focus
Fabulous call. I think too often we, as coaches, can hamper our clients from getting what they needs if we stick religiously to ICF guidelines. If Linda had just asked questions and not shared her knowledge about how the brain works, the client would have not have made nearly as much progress.
I appreciated the suggestion that coaches learn how different brains work. Also, the suggestions about how to phrase a conversation regarding a potential referral.
To continue to get better at drilling down--assisting a client to name what’s wanted by the end of the session.
Linda’s sense of calm and her slow pace with pauses was wonderful to experience. As a coach I sometimes end up mimicking the frenzy and excitement of my ADHD client, so it was good to hear how she set the tone of consistent tranquility.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this is the first time that she and Barbara have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm an artist, author and creative catalyst. Ioften start things and don't finish them - I know I have sabotaged my success in many ways due to difficulty focusing, too many ideas, feeling spacey etc! The topic I would like to be coached on is: how to set up systems that will work for me so I can follow through on my numerous ideas/projects floating around in my head. Being a super duper creative right brained person means the systems have to be colorful and easy for me to follow."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30-day notice*)
"The Barbara Luther call was phenomenal. She immediately heard beneath the client's stated agenda and gently unpeeled the layers of the onion to reveal the core of the matter and the client's wisdom. A beautiful example of coaching at its very finest!
Thank-you, Gail! I'm so glad to have discovered MMC and to have access to hearing coaches at the top of our profession."~Sally Ward, PCC, CPCC Ward Leadership
"The call today was extremely helpful to me. For me it was an example of really being present to the client and getting over there with the client and allowing them to discover their brilliance. It was also really helpful for me as I am working in a business relationship with a coach who recognizes that she has some ADD traits."~D. Petersen, BCC - Coaching for Well Being
"I enjoyed listening to the call with Barbara Luther. I noticed how Barbara shared information and then very quickly returned power to the client, without needing to resort to being overly directive. It worked beautifully. She kept the integrity of the partnership, kept the client moving forward, and maximized the efficiency of the call. It was excellent session management. Her information about ADD seemed to be well-founded and truly useful to the client. She did all this with ease and good humor. A lovely experience. Thank you." ~Bobbie Burdett, BCC, PCC (applicant), Director of Training HealthWorld Online, www.authenticoach.com
"Thank you to you Gail and to Barbara for choosing me for this teleseminar. I really enjoyed the session and have a few wonderful take aways to use in my toolkit. I sure appreciate it!" ~Violette- the client on the call
Diane McLean M.Ed, MCC
ADHD, Kid, Life & Mentor Coach "I empower uniquely wired kids and the adults in their lives."
MMC Different Kind of Call
And a first ever for coaches!
We heard segments of coaching sessions with one of Diane's 12-year-old clients with ADHD! Diane discussed how the competencies were applied and how its relevant regardless of who the client is. It was especially fascinating to hear a 12-year-old being coached and Diane’s specialty of tuning into a client's unique way of perceiving and learning-- to be able to do that with our clients is so important for all of us.
Diane gave us a bonus 30 minutes in order to have plenty of time as well as a copy of her webinar "The 5 Languages of Kids".
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved the way Diane used play, helped the child envision a task successfully completed, and used acknowledgement to create awareness. Thank-you for a truly out-of-the-box experience!
Ways to work with clients whose brains are wired differently.
It was great to get this exposure to a different area of coaching!
Wow! Getting to hear a 12-year-old spitfire with ADHD being coached felt like such an honor. Witnessing Diane helping this "child" tap into her inner wisdom, was very moving and inspiring for me.
Interactivity to make coaching an active process
Ways to engage a new client who has some ADHD symptoms (undiagnosed)
I found the tools powerful for teaching, parenting and coaching.
Having more compassion for where people are
Coaching with kids. What a wonderful niche!
Overview of adjusting coaching approach/competencies for kids: using repetition, play, interactivity and hands-on work. Helping kids leverage their strengths in addressing challenges.
Refocus on paraphrasing what I've heard the client say
Any age group can benefit from coaching. Excellent examples as well for teachers and parenting
What a fascinating call! It was so clear in hearing McKinna that my daughter, who was not diagnosed with ADHD until her college years, had it all along.
Master Certified Youth/Student & ADD/ADHD Special Bonus: additional 15 minutes of discussion and Q&A on student coaching and an article she wrote “The fundamentals of coaching students”
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has had a bit of coaching in the past but this is the first time that she and Jodi have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:As an executive with self diagnosed adhd, she has real difficulties with organizational management, especially with paper. She's great with the gift of gab, can get deals done but when it comes to working with the details she falls short and it causes her a lot of angst. Learning new computer programs is very hard for her. She also has a tendency to start things at the last minute which is very stressful but feels she needs that adrenaline to get it done. She would like a kind and loving way to encourage/teach herself to do things differently so as to create less anxiety and stress. Perhaps some strategies that would help.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“Thanks for a wonderful, inspiring call!”
“I think this was my favorite MMC coaching session. I loved everything about it. I admire Jodi for her many years of experience, being a leader in the profession and more specifically creating a program for people (and especially youth) with ADHD. I could hear her passion for her nitch, and her desire to train others and share what she has learned for the good of others and ultimately the society as a whole.”
“Jodi had a beautiful calm, supportive sense of presence. She normalized the clients feelings as it relates to ADHD, and shared some knowledge with the client which gave her a sense of ease”
“Grateful for the opportunity to hear a master coach “dance in the moment”- wonderful use of reflecting back the client’s words, metaphors, acknowledgments and normalizing ADHD”
“I was moved by the turnaround in the client’s confidence when Jodi reminded her of her many successes. It truly changed her belief system and what she could do.”
“To keep a check on my whole person when coaching another. Self-manage, stay present, relax my mind and body (pay attention to body posture when coaching), stay centered, focus on the client’s agenda, tap into intuition.”
“It was really inspiring to be reminded that silence is very powerful.”
Margie Gordillo MCC
Master Certified Ancient Wisdom Leadership Coach
Coaching Scenario:Margie brought one of her former clients to the call. They had not spoken for a couple of years.
Coaching Topic: This client is very successful in the business she has created and been running for years but wants to know how to “explode” into the next iteration of her life, herself and her work. It all feels very scary with all the changes it will require and she worries that the new work will not be accepted by society.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47
with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
Some of the participant take-aways:
This session was a lesson in courage and authenticity: I think both must be present in each and every coaching session: Today's call masterfully modeled this blend.
Perhaps more than many other calls, this session demonstrated the power of coach presence
Coaching presence with the client is what will allow me to take risk in service of the client.
Despite the client's repeated stories, Margie never wavered in her absolute belief in the client's greatness.
The reminder again, that it's not about performing for the client. It's about being present. The reminder to use the clients own words/phrasing when revisiting the agreement established in the beginning--as a way to move toward action.
Ability to confront client with what you know is not the case - challenging the client's responses.
How a skilled coach can truly help others create breakthroughs in 30 minutes!
"The energy and excitement of making it tangible"
The warm relaxed style of Margie even while she was using direct communication
Good use of intuition and direct communication early on, then acknowledgment when the energy shifted.
Ken Abrams MCC,BCC
Master Certified Executive, Business & Personal Results Coach Special Bonuses: reduction of Kens normal rate of $600 for 3-45minuts sessions a month to $400
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, he has never been coached before and this is the frist time he and Ken had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: He wants to change careers within same fortune 500 company. So he would like some insights on how to best transition into a new role, how to position self well within current company so not to ruffle any feathers. His ultimate goal is to change careers so wants to know how to do it the right way.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
This was a pleasure and a gift opportunity to hear a different style of MCC coaching.
A fabulous coaching session. The Q and A afterwards was especially rewarding.
As so often is the case, simplicity.
Loved the tips around why, what if, and how. Also the tip about getting related when first meeting the client for a session.
How much can be accomplished in a short time!
I loved hearing a male coach. There's definitely a different vibe and it was interesting to observe it.
I enjoyed listening to Ken talk about assessments he uses & recommended books.
Holding the questions in mind: Why this topic and Why now?
Getting to the "who" of the client is. That was insightful to get the client to that point.
How to reflect back to the client that shows the client a new perspective - using metaphors like the ship has left the dock - helping the client see he had already decided.
Great time getting to know the client before establishing the agreement for the session... good demonstration of competencies: trust and intimacy (tone, energy); reframe/clarificication - direct communication; Powerful questions; awareness (metaphor, etc)
Lyn Allen, MCC
Master Certified Life, Business & Mentor Coach Special Bonus: An audio Lyn created and personalized to meet the specific needs and desires of the MMC particpants
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. And this was the first time that he in and Lyn had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: One of the greatest benefits of these calls is that they are in real time, there is no do over or editing. It makes it very exciting because you never know what's going to happen. Kind of like real life!
The client on this call was specifically chosen among other submissions for the coaching issue he originally submitted. But then on the call unbeknownst to any of us completely changed his topic. Being the master she is, this of course made no difference to Lyn. And as it turned out, the issue he wanted assistance with is something that many clients deal with:
How to take care of himself and his needs without hurting, offending or letting others down.
MP3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
$59.97 or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Two participants had this to say on the call:
"Lyn I loved how in process you were in formulating your questions and truly dancing with the client, taking the time to get clear about the articulation of what was surfacing for you"
"The intuition & the self-acceptance that Lyn demonstrated in her own coaching, listening to her say “no that's not it… oh here it is”- that just fascinated me. And that's really what I’m wanting in my own coaching -to be fully present, listening to my own instincts instead of thinking there is some right way to do it."
Dave Buck, MCC
Master Certified Business & Leadership Coach Bonuses: 1. A detailed introduction to Coachville's Inner Freedom Method that Dave demonstrated with his client on the call. 2. PDF of 2 articles on how to get unstuck and make the right decision.
Coaching Scenario: Dave brought a Coachville student to the call to be his client. They have known each other for a couple of months and Dave has coached her a couple of times.
Coaching Topic:She wants to move forward with her leadership coaching business and being able to take those next steps. She has had some OK traction but is really wants to move to the next level and feels she’s stopping herself.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or just $47
with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
One participant had this to say: "THAT was amazing. Dave Buck was sublime. Exactly what I most admire as a coach & the level I strive to hit. So masterful - perfectly simple, clean, natural. I am inspired! THANK YOU!" ~Amy Kovarick, MA, PCC Executive & Leadership Coach
Karen Cappello MCC
Master Certified Coach's Coach
Helping coaches grow their business Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes for extra Q&A and discussion on how to build and promote our business with ease! And a copy of Karen's popular and very successful webinar Measuring Coaching Success
Coaching Scenario: This client has been a working coach for many years.
Coaching Topic: As she reinvents herself she wants to delve into what stops her from using her voice, imposter syndrome or something about the fear of using her voice to build her business.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The beauty and value of pure coaching!
Loved the dance, trust, rapport and questioning style leading to breakthroughs.
I found the bonus time about business building extremely helpful
I loved how much was covered during the session. It probably helped that the client was a coach, but the whole process was handled masterfully.
The ease in which the coaching conversation happened.
My takeaway from observing this coaching session was how Karen stayed so true to a pure and simple coaching framework. It was very light with some laughter, yet very effective; there was a nice connection between coach and client. She got very clear on the agenda, used the clients language, asked the client to clarify what some of the language meant to her (like “intention” and “what Go looks like”), and she acknowledged the clients awareness and strengths.
To stay with clients through presence, active listening, and powerful questions and thus, avoiding my own agenda. To trust the clients will get to where they need to go.
This call definitely helped me grow as a coach!
Karen did a wonderful job of being lighthearted with the client and picking up on the subtleties of Lori’s response to determine the next question she would ask.
Chrissy Carew, MCC
Personal, Business & Mentor Coach Author of Insightful Player: Football Pros Lead a Bold Movement of Hope Special Bonus:a compilation of 5 of Chrissy’s “Top Ten” articles
Coaching Scenario: The client is a former NFL player and now a certified professional coach. And while Chrissy has interviewed the client for her Insightful Player initiative, this was the first time that he had been coached by her.
Coaching Topic: He wants to take bold steps in a clear direction for his business.
Purchase MP3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Chrissy is passionate about working with clients who dare to have big dreams and "who are driven by the compelling vision to make this world a better place." And this describes the former NFL player/client on this call.
One of the participants had this to say to Chrissy on the call:
"You did a beautiful job of pulling the client from his little "a" agenda- wanting to run out and do the next three things on his list and know what they are. Boy a lot of coaches could have just jumped right in there and gotten right to work but you very deftly asked if it might be worthwhile to go back and visit his vision. Just such the right move and that was where the big "A" agenda emerged."
Philip Cohen MCC
Master Certified Business & Entrepreneur Coach Bonuses: Philips Consumers Guide to Choosing a Mastermind Group and ebook coauthored with his wife Laura Hess MCC- It's Not the Bears that Will Get You Its the Bugs Eliminate What's Bugging You: Focus on Success
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has been coached in the past but this is the first time that she and Philip have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: I am a doctor and business owner but have been struggling over the past year on my "why." This resistance has caused me to drift I think from my passion but I am not 100% sure on what my purpose really is and where I should focus my talents.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
"This coach demonstrated powerful presence with this client. You could hear how closely he was tracking her and how deeply he was listening."
"Clients know what they need. When coaches stay present, in service of the client and asking powerful questions clients open to their deeper knowing."
"I loved listening to Phillip coach Ellie. I admire how he follows his intuition and his hunches and then asked clarifying questions to get more information on what’s really going on for the client. He listened carefully (active listening) to her, to what was said and not said. He picked up on her use of the word ‘permission” and followed it to and all that it revealed for her, without her even realizing she used that word."
"Getting to topic quickly when there is a menu of topics, powerful questioning to have the client lead where the session is going, repeatedly clarifying and taking a new topic on if indicated by client as priority."
"Loved what Philip said about the ICF competencies--that the best coaches integrate the competencies into their lives. The competencies are reflected in how they live their lives."
"To never assume that the client and myself hold the same meaning for a particular word. To listen for the client’s use of words and to check in regarding the client’s definition of words. Also, to continue to check in with the client regarding the coaching agreement."
" I liked his comment on understanding learning styles to really be there with the clientas well as integrating the competencies into who you are personally."
"Q and A was most valuable!"
"Establish norms for coaching and their interaction together."
"Keep it simple. Define language in their own words."
Judy Feld, MCC
Master Certified Executive & Professional Coach
Co-Author of Smart Match Alliances Bonus: Judy's5000 word article "Baby Boomers Escape Your Bubble"
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time she and Judy had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm a Baby Boomer in life transition. I was married to a fairly successful man. I raised children and intermittently, had some great jobs, but my resume is spotty. After 40 years, the marriage has dissolved, dividing my nest egg in half, the stock market fell, dividing it in half again. Most of my friends are on on cruises, are winding down their lives, and cannot imagine going back to work. I've heard the job market is rough - and they are right - it's a jungle out there. Age discrimination is alive and well also. I believe I'm at a fork in the road (perhaps with several tines). I'm treading water with a tad bit of panic. I'm an excellent swimmer - if I can lay the panic aside and start some forward motion."
Purchase MP3-$59.97
One of the participants during the Q&A said to Judy:
"I think your coaching today was probably the best example Ive heard of a Master Coach. Of all the sessions Ive listened to through the ICF and Gail Moore, it was just masterfully done. I thought it was a fabulous call!"~Kay Cross, M.Ed, ACC, Cross Coaching & Wellness, www.kaycross.com
Kathy Fleming MCC
Master Certified Business & Life Coach Bonus:The opportunity to be coached by Kathy-a master coach-at a 50% discount. We can receive up to 2 months of coaching, 4 hours a month for $500 a month versus her regular rate of $1000. In addition to any personal issues, as a senior instructor Kathy can also assist us in our sessions with any coaching issues we may have in general or any specific problems with a client. And Kathy is happy to offer a complimentary session first to make sure it's a good fit.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Kathy have met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "Since my divorce and losing my job (2008-09) I have been trying to "make it" in my new career: entertainment marketing. The agency/network gigs I've gotten have been underpaying and abusive. The freelance work is sparse and pays even less. The truth of the matter is, I have no idea what to do with myself; I see the end result that I want, but I have no idea how to get there. Is it Im blind to opportunity because of my mindset or am I making bad choices? I'm super qualified, I want to figure out what I'm doing that's keeping me playing small."
Purchase MP3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
$59.97 or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
The client had this to say about the session with Kathy: "I didn't know what to expect, or what we would be able to accomplish in the time allotted. I am blown away by the realization that all this time I've been… Helping me to recognize that without being judged and without judging myself, Kathy was insightful and supportive, and helped deliver a huge "aha" that I've struggled with for a long time.
I'm extremely grateful to you and Kathy, and just so you know, the first thing I did when I got off the call was to rinse my face with water-it was an emotional revelation! And immediately after that, I called the filmmaker and set a deadline for the next rough cut. Reflecting since this morning's call, I've found (surprise) a few other places where I've…and I realize how it has impacted other aspects of my life.”
Huge, huge breakthrough for me! Thank you again."
One participant had this to say on the call: "I thought that was totally brilliant, I was absolutely riveted. It was just beautiful you were in a dance with her. Being a leadership coach, I have such an appreciation for how you got her into a new perspective and conversation and about this being a leadership moment and she wasn’t even considering it… so you covered an enormous amount of territory in such a short time."
Some of the participant's take-aways: "Letting the client sit with their mess and trusting they will find the answers they need, to just keep being curious."
"That in 30 minutes Kathy masterfully touched on ALL of the ICF core competencies except #10!"
"The benefit of helping the client distinguish between ''being'' and ''doing''.
"The modeling of how patience, acceptance and total respect for where the client is at could lead to a break through."
"The reminder to allow the process to unfold as it/the client wants to. That's another way of saying it's vital to hold the client naturally creative, resourceful and whole. I'm renewing the practice of allowing the client to reveal their truth slowly, if necessary. I don't need to rush it, or force some kind of breakthrough."
Laura Berman Fortgang MCC
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach Special Bonus: Laura's Wisdom Access Questions (WAQ's)- a list of 100 questions to use with our clients
Different Type of Call
For this call Laura demonstrated her initial coaching consultation session.
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Laura have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am being recruited for a number of different positions, including a partnership in starting a new business, all in the world of Educational Technology. EdTech is such a high demand field right now and I have at least 6 different potential clients or employers recruiting me. I'm not sure how to proceed or how to leave myself enough flexibility to explore options!"
I asked the client the question that Laura requires all potential clients to answer prior to their initial consultation. I sent the answers to Laura. She then reviews the 3 answers with the client during the session and uses them to show her just how beneficial coaching will be.
MP3 + ICF + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
The "Magic 5 Steps of a Consultation"
"Witnessing the power of brevity"
"Getting to the real question/answer with a potential client vs. wasting time getting the back story"
"Insight into how to choose clients"
"The 4-5 steps to close a potential client"
"Cut out the client's story. Find the pain. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale, don't be afraid to walk away. There's no attachment in having to work with clients for years! A lot can be accomplished in 90 days"
"Have more laser focused conversations to get clients"
Lynn Grodzki MCC
Master Certified Business Coach (for solopreneurs in the helping fields) Bonus: Additional 15 minutes for extra Q&A
Note: Lynn gave us the option of hearing her demonstrate one her regular business coaching sessions which as she put it "often-times brushes up against consulting" or a life coaching session which would be more of the pure form of coaching. When put to a vote, the monthly subscirbers chose the busuness session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this is the first time that she and Lynn have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is retired from Estee Lauder as a top sales person. After graduating from the executive coaching program at NYU, then completing many other coaching courses and workshops as well as for marketing etc she feels overwhelmed and frustrated. She would love a methodology for what she needs to do to create successful coaching business
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellent coaching/consulting combination that is invaluable for those of us who have to do both!
Lynn exuded a powerful coaching presence as a listener and was able to use her expertise masterfully in a coaching context
The coach consistently asked the client to look within, and use what worked for her in the past, and to simplify her future strategy by repeating what works for her, and getting out of her own way.
Loved seeing how the coach was very direct while staying in rapport with the client. I also thought the direct communication helped to facilitate the client’s awareness
To give myself permission to make a strong statement when it feels right--as long as I have rapport with my client and allow the client the same freedom, i.e., to not be attached to how the client responds—it’s okay to say it doesn’t land right or that I’m off base.
Im taking away witnessing total presence, validation, acknowledgement, and direct communication, in addition to insight from being stretched and challenged, and growth from the client.
How to intervene as an “expert” with powerful questions to create openings.
Monetizing value we bring to the table for our client as coaches.
Executive, Business & Team Coaching & Gestalt Therapy & Supervision
Coaching Scenario: The client was a PCC coach. Dora had seen her CV prior but they had never met or spoken prior to the call.
Coaching Topic: The client is going through a very difficult period due to health and business. She suffered a large business venture loss. She wanted to explore her patterns around drinking and eating as a way of helping to cope.
MP3 + ICF CEU + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved how Dora reflected her own physical experience with what she was hearing; I think that brought a level of awareness to the client
Dora’s ability to hold the space and to know when to step in and to not have any trepidation in doing so was quite impressive. Also, Dora’s ability to listen with all of herself and to express her deep compassion and empathy for Karen was wonderful to witness.
The gentle and firm interrupting of the client’s story. How Dora was right with Karen and gave her the words that were spot on.
Co-creation- the coach listened to what the client wanted, which is to be listened to and get feedback, and that metaphors-(rollercoaster) were helpful in her understanding her own behaviors and patterns.
Paying attention to emotions/body versus mind in coaching.
Dora’s incredible ability to listen to a long story from the client and share just one or two things that she heard and offering those up to the client.
the power of asking/naming the unspoken emotions; use of metaphors
Communicate how I see and feel as a reflection of clients state without judgement
To serve clients by finding the balance between gently and firmly interrupting them when they’re engrossed in their stories. To partner and co-create with clients how they wish to use their remaining time in the session.
It’s impressive that Dora can keep therapy and coaching separate.
How to communicate and reflect back to client using the metaphor of our state of emotion and body feelings
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach
Author of the Cellular Wisdom series of books Bonus: Joan's powerpoint presentation: Orchestrating Complexity, Strategies to Thirve
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this was the first time that she and Joan had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The clients intention for the coaching session is to gain clarity on why she gives her power away through indecisiveness in making choices- in regard to her career and relationships. Sometimes she hears inner guidance and refuses to act on it because it’s not what she wants to do but then she feels she loses integrity with herself.
Purchase MP3- $59.97 Or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
Andrea J. Lee
Small Business Coach Special Bonus: MP3 & PDF notes of Andrea's course: How Not to Mess Up a Joint Venture.
For this call we got to hear 2 coaching sessions! One was for @ 30 minutes and the other for @5 minutes.
Coaching scenario-full length: This client is not a coach and this is the first time that she and Andrea had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic-full length: "I am currently one of three directors at a young but busy, two year old NYC childcare network, which I started after my sophomore year at Brown. We are at a point where we're doing really well, but looking for assistance on how to manage the exceeding demand for our services". And not let it totally consume their lives!
Coaching scenario- laser: This client is a coach and this was the first time she had ever been coached by Andrea.
Coaching topic-laser: "I need to shXX or get off the pot! 9 years, lots of great stuff but still not @ 6 figure income. Help me break through Andrea!"
Purchase Mp3-$59.97 Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
Michael J. Marx MCC
Business, Executive & Communication Coach Bonuses: 30 additional minutes of Q&A, Transcript & Examiners Review
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
MP3 + 1.5 CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Both coach and client brought their authentic selves to the coaching conversation. The ease with which they engaged was a demonstration of their high-trust relationship.
Trusting myself and my intuition and putting it out there without explanation or asking permission. The coach modeled great confidence and trust.
I appreciated the conversation around external/internal processors and prep forms. I also like the tip shared by the coach--the fastest way to more masterful coaching is to listen to a recording of my coaching and assess it.
1. Brief questions 2. Gentle Coaching presence 3. Coach the person, not the situation
Allowing spaciousness for the client.
To focus more on the contracting process to ensure clients understand what coaching is and isn’t--including coach and client roles and responsibilities.
The power of using words the client uses.
Building trust in the relationship allows for the coach to be more themselves in the call.
When clients feel fear (like I am afraid I will never be able to sing again), to lean into the fear and not avoid it. The question, what if you couldn’t sing again, was a great question that had the client really feel this fear.
simple, easy, space
More room, slow down (as always), the power of letting the client play around with their awareness.
I think the portion of the call that spoke to suicidal intervention was really interesting.
Giving the client the time and room via the silences to tap into their own brilliance.
Want to learn more about coaching suicide awareness- a valuable skill to have not only for clients but for life in general.
Michael revealing his learning around the affirming noises he made. The way he explained why it’s not beneficial to the client was eye opening, loved it! Will be more watchful in my own coaching.
Relationship & Business
Bonus: A relationship tool Christopher used on the call
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Christopher have ever met or spoken. In fact, Christopher did not even know the coaching issue ahead of time, he didn't want to know and so 3 participating coaches voted & this was the topic of choice.
Coaching Topic: "My husband and I seem to have separate plans and never have a common goal or dream. How do we get together and support each other when our views of how to approach things are so different? The balance of the relationship seems to be one person is up and the other person is down. How to create space for us both to be great?"
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47 with subscription & can cancel anytime*
“Wow! What a wonderful coaching session that was with Christopher McAuliffe! I have so many learning nuggets that I am taking away it's hard to know which to mention. And his two final pieces of advice around Coaching Presence being soooo important and his question about 'How can each of us make a lasting difference in the world?' I am committed to pondering, as I found them so meaningful.”~ Wendy Fortune, ACC
Jeff Miller MCC
Business & Life Coach Bonuses: see below
ICF (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
Jeff is also giving us six bonuses:
Additional 30 minutes for Q&A resulting in the accompanying 1.5 ICF CEUs
Transcript of the coaching session
ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
Three forms provided by the incomparable Master Coach, Mentor & Assessor Fran Fisher MCC (Jeff's mentor coach)
* Fran’s observations via the BARS Method
* Fran’s observations via the PCC Markers
* Frans overall scoring
Coaching Scenario: Jeff and his client originally met while going throught the Accomplishment Coach Traing program. They had been coaching together for a couple of years at the time of this session.
Coaching Topic: He recognizes a pattern when things are going well eg with his workouts and he’s getting stronger, reaching his peak and in a good rhythm, he gets sick. This breaks his rhythm and momentum and he goes into disempowering thoughts and self-judgment. He ties this pattern to his performance in life. Would like clarity around this potential block that may be holding him back.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + 6 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
BRILLIANCE. Some of the best coaching ever.
The dynamic between coach and coachee was seamless.
Masterful coaching happens when the coach surrenders to the process.
There were so many good moments and examples. Specifically, I appreciated the brevity of Jeff’s questions and the space he created for his client. I love how insights kept growing… And, how it was about how Todd was being while he was doing. And, how Jeff was sure to not have any of his own agenda - among the many great things in this session
To “play checkers not chess”.
The huge differences of clients focusing on “being” rather than “doing”.
Don’t forget to acknowledge - if it feels natural, not performed, or asked for, in calls.
I like that Jeff said, “You need to trust yourself to trust the client”. Something we know, but he put it simply and effectively.
I am going to try to let go of the tactical and forget about how to coach and just be with the client.
mastery of insights
Acting out of fear vs acting from a position of acceptance, gentleness and strength
To take care when coaching those I have coached for a long time that I don’t assume I know how they will respond.
I loved what the coach said about the MCC process helping him to be an MCC human!
Inspiration to both take myself out and hold the client, as Jeff said.
I appreciated the reminder to ask where the client is in their clarity
This coaching session was full of powerful and clean coaching questions.
It reminded me to not stack questions because it can feel cold and less relational
I’m taking away Jeff’s point about the power is in the hands of the client. Witnessing that in this session was wonderful. The client’s empowerment really shined.
I loved his focus on simply being authentic so he can flow with the client and have a great relationship
The value of clear, direct questions, spaciousness, and with client permission, going beneath the surface
Marketing Coach
Special bonus: Ronnie's Science of Success Audio
Coaching Scenario: This call was run a bit differently - in addition to the full session (with a client that Ronnie had never met or spoken to before) we also got to hear Ronnie have a 5 minute laser session with a different client, (someone she knows but had never coached before).
The topic for the laser session: the client wanted to work on her 10 second elevator speech. The topic for the full session: the client wanted to market her coaching to entrepreneurs as well as businesses who will offer coaching to their employees for helping the company move forward.
Purchase MP3- $59.97 Or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
Marty Raphael NCOC, MCC
Master Certified Executive, Business & Divorce Coach Special bonus: An article by Marty "Conversational Competencies and Complexity Intelligence"
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Marty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is a leader at a wealth management firm but is also rebranding her personal blog to help women get ahead in business. She is feeling overwhelmed and would like direction how to balance her life, time management ideas, how to grow and to stay more focused.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The coach’s presence, compassion, active deep listening, curiosity, and consistent acknowledgement of the clients passion and drive.
I especially appreciated the masterful dialogue at the end of the call with Marty. Very Beneficial!!!
Challenging ourselves and our clients by asking “What conversations are you missing or avoiding?”
Better insights on the use of direct communication.
I acknowledge Marty’s point of view that powerful questions and listening as she said “with curiosity”; are the most important points in coaching.
Asking permission to ask powerful questions and not be afraid to ask them.
I loved the question about what would her client want to declare and walking her through the process.
I really picked up on the coach’s “groundedness” she was describing, and that is something I aspire to work on, and achieve with my clients.
The HOW to have a conversation and when is critical as a leader
I got so much from the 5 conversations she talked about in the Q&A
Sue Sheldon, MCC
Executive, Business & Life Coach Special bonus: a wonderful tool/exercise
Sue has been a MMC guest 2 times- once prior to my having the ICF form for participants to fill out and once more recently. Be sure to read about both calls!
Call #1
Coaching Scenario: This was the first time Sue and the client had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is building her new business which she feels will be great but due to her husband hurting himself through self-neglect, she has lost her way a little bit and needs to get herself motivated on herself and her business.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
"Thank you once again Gail for the amazing opportunity you invited me to participate in. Keep up your great work!"~Sue Sheldon, MCC"
Thank you, the call with Sue today was great! I so appreciate what you are doing, this is really amazing as where else do we ever get to hear MCC’s coaching, or anyone coaching for that matter except ourselves? I am very excited about being a subscriber to what you are making available." Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC Founder and President, Quantum Endeavors®.
Coaching Scenario: Sue didnt want to know anything about the client ahead of time and so did not see her topic. The client is not in the coaching profession, in fact has never been coached before and this was the first time she and Sue had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I've recently started a small business and am still working full-time as an elementary teacher. I want to be coached on how to make my vision a reality. I know what I want and I know my business ideas are high value, but it's difficult to go from employee to business owner. The very successful people I know are driven and have laser-sharp focus on their goals. I want to have that same sharpness and live up to my potential."
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some participant take-aways:
The coach clarified with little words which allowed the client to feel heard without too much recapping/paraphrasing done from the coach. I am working on this skill set right now in my sessions. It is a skill that feels challenging at the moment to master. Nice to see it in action; thank you.
Several ways to pull from the client that which she already knows. Powerful affirming throughout the call the client can expand upon. A lot of wonderful concepts for the client to take in...and draw from.
Just affirming that in my business coaching it serves sometimes to be a bit more directive... especially through the power of observations and reflecting.
Consciously using the 3 part questions Sue identified in order to set the contract
What I liked most from this call was all the acknowledgements Sue gave Jennifer. The client struggles with what people will think of her (her success/failure) and to have a lot of positive acknowledgements of who she is (not just what she has done), I think was very important. I also noticed and liked that the coach picked up on the client’s values of contribution and fulfillment.
Assisting a client to move from a long agenda to their main desire for the session
I appreciated how much time the coach spent on setting the agenda and how clear the process was
Intimacy - “into me see” - great reminder to work with client to delve into self-awareness
Networking, Branding & Career Coach
Special bonus: Wendy's always current "Social Media Report"
Coaching Scenario: Wendy brought to the call one of her established clients, they have worked together for @ 3 years.
Coaching Topic: Is business expansion. Wendy's client has reached a plateau in her business and would like to work on getting past that, find potential ways to expand, and methods to increase visibility online and off.
Purchase MP3- $59.97 Or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
"Enjoyed listening to Wendy's (Terwelp) coach approach as well! What I really appreciate is that your program gets me to stop for an hour and get outside of my work. It is both a treat and provocative to be able to hear other coaches doing their great work." Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC Founder and President, Quantum Endeavors®.
Keri Kuerbis Lehmann CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Life, Leadership & Cancer Coach Bonus: The Tiers of Emotion- diagram, explanation and how to work with it
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching professsion, this is the first time that she and Keri have met or spoken and the 1st time she's ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: Shewas diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27, a day before her 28th birthday & two months before her planned wedding with her finance. They are now happily married but she is always struggling with the balance of how cancer has affected her and her husband. They are now facing the deaths of friends whose cancer returned. There are a lot of fears, she feels like she can handle her own but struggles with how to communicate with her husband about it and their future.
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants takeaways:
"How allowing the client to express anger without feeling guilty can be a great relief and encourage a change of perspective."
"To use PESH- what a great tool!"
"How magical coaching is and what a powerful process it is"
"Don't be afraid to address the obvious, even though it is "scary". It is where the richness is, so I need to be willing to "go for the gold".
"The power of presence. Being able to intuitively go with what surfaces. Self-managing any preconceived ideas around what's needed."
"I had tears in my eyes at several points in this amazing coaching session. It was deeply spiritual and moving."
Terry DeMeo, JD, MCC
Career, Relationship & Communication Coach
Special bonus-will discount her telecourse from $129 to $115
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, had never been coached before and this was the first time she and Terry had met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: After staying home for 11 years to raise her children, the client wants to re-enter the workforce. She felt strongly that she is to be speaking in front of people, to people -but didn't know how to achieve it.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"Just what I needed to hear! For me this was an example of a more challenging session. And it showed that with listening, exploration and having the courage to change directions as often as needed (of course combined with masterful skills and techniques) you will find that transformational entry point. Talk about a change in perspective, I have gone from dreading this scenario to looking forward to the possibilities- thanks!"~ S.B., Life Coach, Vermont
Laura Berman Fortgang MCC
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach Special Bonus: Laura's Wisdom Access Questions (WAQ's)- a list of 100 questions to use with our clients
For this call Laura demonstrated her initial coaching consultation session.
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Laura have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am being recruited for a number of different positions, including a partnership in starting a new business, all in the world of Educational Technology. EdTech is such a high demand field right now and I have at least 6 different potential clients or employers recruiting me. I'm not sure how to proceed or how to leave myself enough flexibility to explore options!"
I asked the client the question that Laura requires all potential clients to answer prior to their initial consultation. I sent the answers to Laura. She then reviews the 3 answers with the client during the session and uses them to show her just how beneficial coaching will be.
MP3 + ICF + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
â€with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
T"he "Magic 5 Steps of a Consultation"
"Witnessing the power of brevity"
"Getting to the real question/answer with a potential client vs. wasting time getting the back story"
"Insight into how to choose clients"
"The 4-5 steps to close a potential client"
"Cut out the client's story. Find the pain. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale, don't be afraid to walk away. There's no attachment in having to work with clients for years! A lot can be accomplished in 90 days"
"Have more laser focused conversations to get clients"
Sarah Fraser MCC
Life, Career, Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 20 minutes and 10% discount on mentoring with Sarah
This is a diffent kind of MMC call!
We heard one of Sarah's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Sarah and the client have known each other for a few years through an associate firm that they both work for. Last year they had a few sessions together that were recorded to potentially submit for Sarahs MCC credential application. The client has since returned for additional coaching and they are part-way through their current coaching engagement.
Coaching Topic: The client wants to know how to feel more at peace in her everyday being and everyday life.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
Brilliantly done. Beautifully paced, curious, and spacious.
I am taking away how clear and concise the coaching was. There were no extra words, which gave space for the client to process her agenda fully and deeply.
I thought it was a masterful example of how to coach around clients’ feelings/emotions and stay in the coaching frame by asking “what” and “how” questions.
To get better at asking succinct questions. The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of how powerful this can be.
Really appreciated what the coach shared about her journey to becoming an MCC coach.
Her extraordinary coaching presence --she made it look simple and it’s not!
Continually clarifying the agreement throughout the session-we’ve heard this from other MCCs as well.
Loved this call--the client got such a beautiful breakthrough, and it was elegantly done.
Reminder of paying attention to body language and keeping questions simple. I just applied it in a chemistry call :) - simpler questions, stop myself, don’t double up.
I plan to practice acknowledging and highlighting clients “Aha moments” more often by pointing it out just like the Coach did in this session “that sounds like a realization”
Great demo of MCC level coaching with powerful questions and a LOT of space for the client to explore and reflect.
I observed some keen re-contracting, great to check in with client to make sure they will get what they want from the session. Also, good reminder to acknowledge client more throughout the session, not just at the end.
How Sarah was able to be present with her client through each of the stages of the coaching process. Everything flowed seamlessly.
Use of “What is coming up for you?” and other similar questions when I don’t know what to ask next.
Executive Leadership & Career Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the assessor's report
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Emily is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Client scenario: This is one of Emily's real life clients who is not in the coaching profession. They coached together on and off for around 2 years.
Client topic: A core issue that’s played out in her professional life that she has made great strides on, is now showing up with her personal passion. She feels stuck, a sense of overwhelm and urgency around creating a blog and workshops etc. around capturing memories and cant figure out what to do first or when to do it.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The call today was exceptional!
This was so effective and felt like a clean version of me. Gives me hope!
Love the way the client drove the session so peacefully, it can be difficult even at the MCC level to let go of our well intentioned agendas
Beautiful at ease MCC coaching - plus deepening my understanding of the MCC
I “loved” what the coach said about leading with love for her clients. That love is one of her strongest values. It showed!
To take more time getting beneath what the client brings to the session to get to the actual agreement. To be better at co-creating an agreement with clients around a pre-session check in form.
To learn about the ICF MCC Qualification Process
This was a great session! It was very interesting to be able to listen to the session and then review the feedback from the ICF assessor’s perspective.
Not looking at the tip of the iceberg but going underneath, looking deeper.
Love these exam review calls as they make me a better assessor and mentor.
It was a very high level call
The importance of trusting the process. Being comfortable with silence, asking powerful questions.
Reminder of how to get to the coaching agreement without my natural curiosity pulling me down a rabbit hole.
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach
Author of the Cellular Wisdom series of books Bonus: Joan's powerpoint presentation: Orchestrating Complexity, Strategies to Thirve
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this was the first time that she and Joan had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client's intention for the coaching session is to gain clarity on why she gives her power away through indecisiveness in making choices- in regard to her career and relationships. Sometimes she hears inner guidance and refuses to act on it because it’s not what she wants to do but then she feels she loses integrity with herself.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Wendy Terwelp
Networking, Branding & Career Coach
Special bonus: Wendy's always current "Social Media Report"
Coaching Scenario: Wendy brought to the call one of her established clients, they have worked together for @ 3 years. The topic is business expansion. Wendy's client has reached a plateau in her business and would like to work on getting past that, find potential ways to expand, and methods to increase visibility online and off.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"Enjoyed listening to Wendy's (Terwelp) coach approach as well! What I really appreciate is that your program gets me to stop for an hour and get outside of my work. It is both a treat and provocative to be able to hear other coaches doing their great work." Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC Founder and President, Quantum Endeavors®.
Sue Sussman M.Ed, MCC, BCC
Master Certified Character Coach
Bonus: PDFs Sue gave on character coaching
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Coaching Scenario: He is not in the coaching profession, he has never been coached before and this is the first time he and Sue ever met or spoke.
Coaching Topic: This is what he submitted (but the conversation changed): "I'm half-way through a career transition with one foot in real estate (my original career) and one foot in app development (new career). I tend not to promote myself well and I think it's because I suffer from Impostor Syndrome, the feeling that one is afraud and does not deserve success despite evidence to the contrary. I think that feeling has prevented me from really growing my real estate business and it seems to be holding me back from promoting my 1st app in the iOS app store or promoting myself as an app developer in general."
Some of the participant feedback:
Deep listening is so crucial to good coaching.
The importance of really understanding and defining what the client wants to take away from the call. It is the responsibility of the coach to clarify and make sure both the coachee and the coach understand the language and intent of the coachee in regard to the topic.
Don't hold back, BE with your client, establish the relationship with authenticity and love. Go to the heart of the matter.
As a coach, I want to show up as my own best self. Clients are on their own timeline.
Patience with myself
Importance on setting the agreement and checking back in with client to make sure the call is moving in his/her desired direction
Karen Cappello MCC
Master Certified Coach's Coach
Helping coaches grow their business Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes for extra Q&A and discussion on how to build and promote our business with ease! And a copy of Karen's popular and very successful webinar Measuring Coaching Success
Coaching Scenario: This client has been a working coach for many years.
Coaching Topic: As she reinvents herself she wants to delve into what stops her from using her voice, imposter syndrome or something about the fear of using her voice to build her business.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The beauty and value of pure coaching!
Loved the dance, trust, rapport and questioning style leading to breakthroughs.
I found the bonus time about business building extremely helpful
I loved how much was covered during the session. It probably helped that the client was a coach, but the whole process was handled masterfully.
The ease in which the coaching conversation happened.
My takeaway from observing this coaching session was how Karen stayed so true to a pure and simple coaching framework. It was very light with some laughter, yet very effective; there was a nice connection between coach and client. She got very clear on the agenda, used the clients language, asked the client to clarify what some of the language meant to her (like “intention” and “what Go looks like”), and she acknowledged the clients awareness and strengths.
To stay with clients through presence, active listening, and powerful questions and thus, avoiding my own agenda. To trust the clients will get to where they need to go.
This call definitely helped me grow as a coach!
Karen did a wonderful job of being lighthearted with the client and picking up on the subtleties of Lori’s response to determine the next question she would ask.
Judith Cohen MSW, CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Coach's Coach Bonus: PDF of Orchestrating Complexity: Startegies to Thrive
This was a different kind of call and so very fascinating! Due to having cancer treatments years ago Judy was left profoundly deaf.
She talks to us about how being deaf has transformed her listening and hearing. Then we get to hear her demonstrate those skills in a coaching session followed of course by debriefing and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach. She and Judy met very briefly when we did a test call to check the sound quality a couple of weeks prior. But Judy knows nothing about Donna or what her coaching topic is for the session.
Coaching Topic: There has been a scandal in her spiritual community and she is contemplating how she can best be of service during this challenging time.
MP3 + ICF CCE+ Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
My concept of hearing and listening is changed forever. Judy is a tremendous inspiration and has inspired me to explore using all my senses and my other gifts and internal resources. Great call! Thanks.
Judy’s coaching blew me away. I think she has amazing intuition and was able to figure out the underlying issue very fast. Very transformational session.
Listening from the deepest place beyond words yields the big breakthroughs fast!
Don’t make resistance wrong. Brilliant The more I resist the client’s resistance, the stronger it will become. Meet resistance with curiosity and use it to inform your coaching
Judy’s ability to listen at a deeper level is inspiring! I love the term “Felt Experience”The beauty of listening with the group mind--listening for the deep felt experience
Judy’s in depth explanation around using her other senses and trusting in her body (intuition) is a valuable takeway for me that I will continue to practice. Also, how she described knowing when to interrupt a client (clients tone of voice/which part is speaking), was good information for me to practice identifying during my sessions.We can’t let our clients;(or our own) stories usurp the power that lies within each of us. This, for me, was the thing that most resonated, along with the deepening of the 3rd level of listening which Judy has truly perfected.
The power of listening to the energy of the client and then clarifying what the coach has heard.
Interrupting to bring the client present to their strengths and what they are communicating at a deeper level than words, when they are resisting and focused on the negativeDeep coaching that is transformational can happen in 30 minutes or less with a coach that is willing to interrupt and challenge
Listening from the deepest place beyond words yields the big breakthroughs fast!
Marion Franklin MS, MCC, BCC
Master Certified Life Coach & Coach's Coach
Marion is the author of The HeART of Laser-Focused Coaching: A Revolutionary Approach to Masterful Coaching Bonus: A tool called Trust Your Gut
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach. She has graduated Marions class and is now in one of her mentor groups.
Coaching Topic: She's gone through coach training and is now having a difficult time getting the business started. She knows the business world, she has an MBA, has a background in business. However she is having great difficulty launching the business and so knows there's something underneath that needs to surface.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I absolutely loved this coaching demonstration. I admire Marion’s intuition, ability to be direct, and honor the silence, all while holding the coaching space with such mastery and skill.
This is my first exposure to the use of “themes” in coaching. I will reflect on this and listen for these thematic comments from my clients.
Focus on the person not the plot!
Marion gave us a laser sharp synopsis in 10 minutes of how to be more masterful! She’s a gift to the coaching world.
Listen for themes. Don’t be afraid to be direct.
It was truly inspiring to see that a lot of principles and themes in her book came out live in the session! Thank you so much for creating this wonderful learning opportunity!
Questioning around the all or nothing bias
How much deep work was accomplished in 20 minutes or so
The coaching actually coached Me! I will want to listen to the replay a few times as an observer again as a coach and then as a client.
It was interesting to get a demonstration of “laser focused” coaching by observing the coach work with the client by avoiding getting caught up in the story and instead focusing on the person.
Barbara McAllister MCC
Master Certified Coach's Coach, Life & Transition Coach Special bonus: “Stop Negative Thinking: Toss Those Thoughts in the Trash” The results of a study done by Dr. Richard E Petty, professor and chair at the department of psychology, Ohio State University
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession and this was the first time that she and Barbara had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She now owns her own company and wants to stay in confidence, not give into fear and become paralyzed. Needs to transfer from sole proprietor who does everything to the CEO who is in charge of assessing new projects and quality control and entrusting and empowering the team to learn and grow.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget - ways to get the most out of the call and any class and apply to your life and business
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription and can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Terrific call-wonderful coach and client relationship. So much was accomplished in 30 minutes. I am envious!
The way Barb lead, but didn’t lead the client!: “Let’s pause to take a breath. I’d like to interrupt you here” And, the way she asked 3 times to get a specific coaching agreement. And, the way she listened super closely and then quickly, smoothly came up with a powerful question.
Keep at getting the coaching agreement. Interrupt sooner. Do it boldly. Keep pointing out the client’s qualities.
The extraordinary gift of presence to help client get shift for themselves
I loved the turning point moment when Barb asked about Jennifer’s relationship with success. (Lucky vs. Success). I think Barb had a hunch, in this moment, and she went for it, by asking a powerful question, and that was the magical moment that shifted the entire session. This is a reminder to me to follow my hunches when they show up with my clients.
Barb must have a genie in her brain because she came out with the MOST insightful questions that really got the client to powerful ah-ha moments!
When clients ask for advice, tell them that coaching is a much more powerful way to help them access the answers they already have inside.
That staying present with what shows up in the call is equally or more important than the contract that is chosen in the beginning.
Don’t step over your client’s successes. Always acknowledge.
Russell Heath MCC
Personal Mastery & Communication Coach & Methodology Coach Trainer Bonuses: additional 30 minutes, the transcript of his coaching session, his MCC coaching evaluation questions and his Mentor Coach's assessment.
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
Coaching Scenario: Jay is one of Russell's real-world, on-going clients. Jay is not in the coaching profession. He hired Russell when every area of his life had stalled, so they coached together for about 18 months and got things back on track. This session was toward the end of that time period.
Coaching Topic: Being whole-hearted is a priority to Jay. Lately he feels he is so caught up in his head, he wants to get out of it and connect with his heart.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Nice example of a coach helping his client getting out of his head and acting more from the heart.
Very insightful call. I totally enjoyed.
3 steps to analyze your call
The importance of your coaching presence in a coaching call so that “you” don’t get in the way of the coaching.
Taking time between calls to continue to center myself so that I keep my coaching presence
Great coaches are always learning and growing--even MCC level coaches.
I really appreciated Carly Anderson’s Ten Characteristics of an MCC Skill Level Coach. Also Russell’s tips on how to evaluate a MCC call.
good checklist for self-evaluation against ICF competencies
A reminder to not coach the problem but the person and his/her relationship to the problem
The power of silence. The use of metaphors.
Challenging the client through an observation
The agreement was done extremely well.
Having patience, Giving the client plenty of space to work out their thoughts and when to shift the conversation back to a positive direction if going south.
Excellent session.
moving from head to heart
Great stuff!!!
Active listening, space for storytelling. Client growth, awareness, patience (I wanted to jump in with questions a couple times where waiting made most sense). Finally, a most thoughtful and effective use of language.
Seek clarity, challenge appropriately. Love the candor! Brutal, but valuable honesty...
Russell Heath MCC full bio
CALL 2 - Radically different kind of MMC call! Bonuses: additional 30 minutes, the coaching transcript and 5 evaluation forms
Important note: Russell has gone through the ICF's PCC marker and MCC BARS training.
What: We will hear Russell’s second coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam!
How: This time we are going to do something different that has never been done before on this program.
Instead of listening to the coaching session in real-time and then discussing it, we will listen to the recording before the class.
Why: to spend the time on the call diving deep in a concentrated and hands-on way.
So overall we will be:
looking at what competencies and markers were being demonstrated
determining what are the deeper issues the client brought, making sure to coach the person not the problem
composing questions that help to uncover those deeper issues
Prior to the call, on our own, we will:
listen to Russell's second coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam
review Russell's “how to evaluate a coaching session”
use Russell’s evaluation guidance and evaluation sheet to make notes as to our own observations and the evidence to support those observations
Then on the call, there will be an interactive, full 90-minutes to:
explore with Russell
discuss our findings
share thoughts and insights
ask questions
To be clear Russell is giving us (ahead of time):
the MP3 of is exam coaching session
the transcript of the coaching session
his "how to evaluate a coaching session"
the PCC competencies and markers evaluation form
the BARS evaluation form
his own assessment of his session
his mentor coaches assessment of the session (there was no ICF feedback, it was just pass/fail)
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + 6 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
I found the call to be highly valuable on many levels including a better understanding of BARS and how to evaluate a coaching session/call. Thank you!
How safety and comfort are two very different things. We are not here to make our clients comfortable. It’s discomfort that creates change not sitting in your comfort zone.
I love this type of training!
Helpful variety in perspectives and increased insight into one’s own mindset/perceptions in coaching.
A deeper sense that I’m exactly where I am meant to be.
The 3 levels of concerns was really well explained & resonated for me. Loved looking deeper at this concept and I will definitely use it.
Russell’s focus on coaching the person not the problem was enlightening.
I’ll be watching the places where I lose presence more closely. I’ll also be looking for this in my clients
I like what he said about safety is not comfort. I must get more familiar with the BARS. I’m glad for the book recommendations, especially Masterful Questions by Michael Stratford.
To engage clients in a deeper exploration as they “wander” so they may settle on an outcome that’s meaningful to them.
I am going to be doing self-evaluations of my coaching (when I can!) using Russell’s reflection questions.
I am seeking to be a more advanced mentor coach and this was a helpful demonstration.
I’ll be watching the places where I lose presence more closely. I’ll also be looking for this in my clients.
Wow, there were so many things. This was a really good session. The biggest take-away is the reminder that the coach is bringing his/her own stuff to the coaching and it’s key for the coach to stay conscious of their stuff and able to manage it so that it doesn’t interfere with the coaching.
Great exercise in analyzing a coaching session using the BARS methodology.
Helpful variety in perspectives and increased insight into one’s own mindset/perceptions in coaching.
Resetting to an MCC level rather than ACC, PCC or other helping positions.
I really liked hearing his more commanding style of coaching which resonated for me and my natural coaching position.
Business, Executive & Communication Coach Bonuses: 30 additional minutes of Q&A, Transcript & Examiners Review
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
MP3 + 1.5 CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Both coach and client brought their authentic selves to the coaching conversation. The ease with which they engaged was a demonstration of their high-trust relationship.
Trusting myself and my intuition and putting it out there without explanation or asking permission. The coach modeled great confidence and trust.
I appreciated the conversation around external/internal processors and prep forms. I also like the tip shared by the coach--the fastest way to more masterful coaching is to listen to a recording of my coaching and assess it.
1. Brief questions 2. Gentle Coaching presence 3. Coach the person, not the situation
Allowing spaciousness for the client.
To focus more on the contracting process to ensure clients understand what coaching is and isn’t--including coach and client roles and responsibilities.
The power of using words the client uses.
Building trust in the relationship allows for the coach to be more themselves in the call.
When clients feel fear (like I am afraid I will never be able to sing again), to lean into the fear and not avoid it. The question, what if you couldn’t sing again, was a great question that had the client really feel this fear.
simple, easy, space
More room, slow down (as always), the power of letting the client play around with their awareness.
I think the portion of the call that spoke to suicidal intervention was really interesting.
Giving the client the time and room via the silences to tap into their own brilliance.
Want to learn more about coaching suicide awareness- a valuable skill to have not only for clients but for life in general.
Michael revealing his learning around the affirming noises he made. The way he explained why it’s not beneficial to the client was eye opening, loved it! Will be more watchful in my own coaching.
Master Certified Complex People Dynamics in the Workplace, Leadership Coach Bonus: Additional 15 minutes of Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has received some kind of coaching in the past and this was the first time that she and Amy have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Wants to learn how to communicate with a difficult manager-he crosses boundaries, talks disrespectfully, eavesdrops on conversations and reads emails etc. She works in the financial industry and finds boundaries get crossed or blurred a lot. So wants to know how to set boundaries and learn how to broach difficult situations/conversations, handle them in a professional and diplomatic way and not let them fester.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
I would rate this one of the three best calls in my long time Moore Master Call subscription.
“There are 100 pathways to get up the mountain with the client”. If you confine yourself to a specific process, you cannot dance in the moment.
When you can trust the client to lead the way, you will be a masterful coach.
Coaching presence - Amy has it in spades!
To “discern when to insert yourself and when to step out”
Thank you Gail! I look forward to listening to the call again.
I thought Amy was terrific -- great questions, great ability in balancing her model with really “getting” the energy of the client and working with it...like skipping “steps” because she had a really responsive client.
The power of reframing the issue so it’s about what the client can focus on changing her mindset rather than trying to change the other person
Having the mindset of a leader in the industry--exhibiting confidence and not second guessing myself. The “LEAD” coaching model.
To consistently work on myself—“push own growing edge”; I need to walk the talk--model the work I ask of my clients.
I absolutely loved Amy’s coaching and candid answers in the Q&A
Lyssa deHart MCC
Confidence, Narrative, Relationship, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
CALL #1 Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Lyssa have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I would like to be coached on how to fully embrace an abundant mindset. I find my old programs sneak up on me despite how much I have learned about the Law of Attraction. I am ready to leave my self-limiting beliefs behind so I can take my health and wellness website to the next level!"
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This was one of the best and most valuable sessions I’ve listened to.
Loved the discussion about weaving several competencies into the conversation through a “most useful question”
To be aware of any “looping” by a client that could be a red flag indicating the need for therapy.
I am definitely going to listen to this call again!
I particularly appreciated Lyssa’s observations about situational rabbit holes and differentiating between asking interesting questions that might take them backward vs asking important questions that take the client forward.
Great questions I tend to ask, but not as efficiently worded. And, the metaphor of jumping in the pool together holding hands.
Mastery doesn’t have to take long if you’re willing to put discipline and rigorousness into your preparation
Lots of great tips for preparing for MCC, asking for permission, keeping on track throughout the call with what the client wants
Loved this call so much. Can’t wait to get the recording.
The client was poised on the precipice to have a breakthrough and Lyssa’s exquisite coaching got her there. TRULY Breathtaking in only 30 minutes!
Embodiment of heart and intuition
Wow that was a pleasure to observe; one of my top 5 favorite Moore Master Coaching calls.
Lyssa used so many coaching skills in such a masterful way, if I were to note all the skills, I would be listing all the competencies. Lyssa was so present she picked up on the moments that helped the client connect to her awareness, she simply stayed curious, and the client went deep. Beautiful coaching very impressed.
I’m impressed at how the coach stayed in the coaching framework throughout the call even during the moments when the client brought up the past. Lyssa beautifully weaved those therapeutic moments into future oriented, forward moving powerful questions. I’m looking forward to re-listening to this call.
When coaching someone who has been assigned to coaching and who may not be fully onboard with it, ask “How can we make this useful for you?”
Example of not pursuing unpacking of the past, but rather letting the past go to move on.
Lyssa came back for another call to share the recording of her coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam plus the examiners feedback.
Bonuses: She gave an additional 30 minutes for debrief, Q&A and to discuss some the examiners feedback as well as a copy of the examiners feedback report.
Coaching scenario: Pam is a long time on-going client of Lyssas- since @2013.
Coaching topic: She's feeling very stuck as to what to do and how to move forward. She loves being alone and wonders if she should stay with her boyfriend who ultimately would like it to be more. She's worried that maybe her pattern and that she will always find an issue and never be able to be fully comimitted to someone.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes & copy of the assessors evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I thought the coaching was brilliant
Patience, patience, patience. Even when the client says “I don?t know”, keep being curious because they do know!
Loved Lyssa’s style! Her depth of listening and presence to be in the soup with the client and ask only what was necessary to help the client take one step forward at a time!
Exquisite example of how to help a client who is feeling really stuck break through and begin to move forward.
To relax and trust the process-even if the client feels totally stuck, using metaphor and simple questions with slow pacing was enough to help her break into a new space
Ask questions based on what’s important for the benefit of the client rather than for my curiosity
Creating “presence” first as the first communication
Having the client create visuals to describe their focus for the call and/or feelings and then referencing that visual throughout the session.
So many of her methods and ways of being were new and inspiring
How the ICF assessors rated the call
Good examples for the coaches I mentor
How you really have to believe in your client’s wholeness, even when they are going through difficult life experiences.
The multiple check in moments with what the client was physically feeling, and using that as a gauge of her progress.
Building on client metaphors, and getting clarity on what the metaphor means, not to me, but to the client.
The power of metaphor. Loved how the client’s metaphor about the pot could also reflect a coach approach.
Lyssa came back again to give us a live real-world demonstration of a coaching Super-Vision session.
Bonuses: A piece that changes perspective on the "sales" conversation and deep discount on Lyssa's 2 other MMC calls.
Lyssa uses three photos that Joy selected as a jumping off point for the Super-Vision session. You will receive those to look at while listening.
Coaching scenario: Joy and Lyssa met in 2017 when they came together as presidents of their local ICF chapters and collaborated on an ICF Chapter training. After that they saw each other from time to time on other calls and then last year, Joy participated in Lyssa's Coaching with the power of metaphors certification program.
Coaching topic: Joy wants to know how to listen even more deeply.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some participant take-aways:
In 20 plus years, I have never heard anyone talk about supervision in this way. Truly a missing piece in our profession or at least an area that is glossed over. Transformational. Deep thanks!
Using photos in coaching
Great session. So grateful for the better understanding of what Coaching Supervision really is. Not at all what I thought it was.
How supportive superVision can be.
Deeper listening skills.
The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of coaching supervision, or as she calls it Super-Vision. As I now understand it, Super-Vision helps build the capacity of the coach through a reflective, explorative, free-form dialogue/process. This is different from mentor coaching which is an analytical assessment of a specific coaching conversation.
To explore Super-Vision. To continue to work on myself from the inside out in order to show up neutral, open, and fully present for my clients.
An invaluable call to action - deepen the being of my coaching with new reflective practice.
One of the best!
Use of imagery as metaphor in coaching supervision.
Excellent session- really valued how the topic for this session broke out into a new area of exploration in coaching! Thanks
Lyssa had a litany of traps that coaches can get themselves into with clients ex. Caring too much about the client, or the client reminds you of your sister etc.
Coaching presence is built upon the ability to listen deeply, with our heart and all of our being.
Supervision is really helpful and should really be mandatory as part of CEU requirements.
Reminder to use imagery, metaphor and other non-thinking prompts for self and for clients
The perception of “Who we are is how we coach”. Making sure that my personality/biases/opinions etc are taken out of the coaching conversation.
Master Certified Confidence & Mentor Coach Bonuses: An additional 45 minute discussiion & Q&A on what makes a masterful coach, upon request a 2 hour recording from Bens class & Ben's Creating Your ABCs Masterful Coaching Phrase
Listed here are Ben's 2 live coaching session demonstrations with very different scenarios and topics.
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Ben have ever met or spoken
Coaching Topic: "My biggest challenge right now is that I have become an emotional eater and gained 60 lbs during this stressful time. It is deeply related to business. I need to appear on TV and in photography for the business beginning this month and in a video for Amazon. I am truly reluctant to do so because of the weight I am carrying and how I feel---however---my company desperately needs me to bring my “A” game if we are to rise."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30-day notice)
Some of the participant take-aways:
This call was one of the best coaching sessions I have ever heard. Ben really let the entire session unfold naturally and got her to really connect to her body. I love the way he allowed her to connect her weight challenge to the real "challenge" of carrying the burden of the downfall of her company and how that was stuck in her cellular memory. I actually had a shift in myself during this coaching session! Thank you!
masterful handling of coaching awareness and presence
Great use of imagery and lots of great metaphors
This was a great call! Ben’s ability to adapt and go where the client needed to be was simply beautiful. What unfolded was a masterful demonstration of coaching in the presence of deep emotions.
I was so struck by ben’s compassion and the loving kindness with which he held the client!
Trust in my intuition, listen to it, and offer it to the client to take or leave as she sees fit.
What a beautiful being he is--honest, vulnerable, humble, funny and so articulate--thank you for allowing us to hear him!
Value of being fully present, agile and available emotionally to hold the space for a client
Trust in myself and client-there isnt always somewhere to go; to be ok with saying we may or may not get there-let's see what we discover-giving us permission not to have an outcome
Inspiration and desire to continue building my own mastery. Grateful to be able to observe an authentic conversation with a truly masterful and compassionate coach.
He was a master of validation and empathy. I will use this! To not have to force our way to get a certain outcome by the end of the coaching session. He is truly a master.
The power of presence, and trust in oneself, the client, and the process. Masterful coaching is about letting go of preconceived ideas and plans--moving with the client, and adapting to what’s needed in the moment.
And please see Ben's other coaching demonstrations:
The 3 MCC call where Ben and 2 other Master Coaches coached the same client back to back picking up where the last left off. In the "Locate by Different Types of Demos" section Under the "3 MCC" tab
The Grand Trine Coaching Experience where Ben coached 2 clients in a 3 call series demonstrating the 2 most popular coaching models: exploratory and directive. In the "Locate by Different Types of Demos" section Under the "Grand Trine" tab
Master Mentor Coaching Session for a PCC using her recorded coaching session. A play-by play breakdown with Ben's unique and powerful insights. In the "Locate by Different Types of Demos" section Under the "Mentoring Sessions" tab.
Coaching Scenario: Amy is a long time, successful PCC level coach. She and Ben dont know each other personally and have never coached together. However Amy has been on every MMC call with Ben and loves his work and approach and felt he would be perfect for her with this topic.
Coaching Topic: Amy is contemplating vitally important and somewhat scary questions. "Why am I still coaching after 22 years? What do I want now, who AM I as a coach, what do I most desire to bring to my clients going forward? So, a meta level exploration about my purpose & way I want to show up as a coach."
Call + MP3 + ICF/BCC CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
The call reminded me how to have fun in my own coaching and also how to stay very, very present to the client.
I find Ben and his inimitable style amazing and there’s always lots to learn from him!
So many more resources available than I thought before the call!
Who we are being comes first - be present in the moment and to the client’s needs
Dancing in the moment
Being as present as I possibly can. Being willing to take a risk.
Coaching mastery is more than following technical steps. It’s a mind, body, heart, spirit experience.
To give clients a place to look if they seem to be struggling with self-awareness.
Loved this call! Totally agree that being hyper-focused on passing the MCC can set one up to fail. Need to lean in and trust client--trust the process--and be in the moment.
An example of coaching where a humorous response was used to lighten the mood but was not really helpful in the moment. This instance demonstrated how recognizing and acknowledging errors in our coaching can be as valuable as so-called “masterful” moments.
I’m taking away what feels like a return to freedom in my work as a coach.
Nice example of the significance of moving from intellectual to bodily awareness during coaching sessions. Transitioning from cerebral discussions to deeper, body-level insights can have a profound effect.
Hearing Ben point out some aspects of the coaching session where his coaching didn’t check box of the standard measure, was really refreshing and confirming. It was freeing. This is my biggest take-away.
Ben’s use of his own physical body (the way he said he had to move during the session) and the way he invited the coachee to connect to her breath and body took the listening and evoking awareness to a new level. In addition his acknowledgement of the coachee was quite impactful.
the incredible gift that is Ben
Ben’s demonstration and explanation that there are sessions that are key for evaluations and those that aren’t and they can all be great sessions. This re-lit the light within me that I will apply in my coaching. That trusting of the flow, and releasing of the trying is the way forward.
Bonus: 30 additional minutes of discussion and Q&A at the end of the call on what it takes to go from a good coach to a great one
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has had coaching in the past but this is the frist time that she and David have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a 56-year-old getting started as a speaker/consultant on leadership issues in technical companies. I’ve written a book, gotten a nice sparkly website, but my biggest issue is “imposter syndrome”. I still have that feeling that I have no business advising anyone on leadership issues, even though I have an MBA, plenty of management experience, and plenty of compliments on my insights and abilities with people. And of course, I’ve written a book on leadership! But still there’s that voice whispering to me “nah, not you, hon”. That’s what I’m looking to get past."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was a pleasure to observe such powerful coaching! One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
Brilliant coaching! David not only challenged the client, he challenged me to think about how I can add more value as a coach. His provocative comments about the future of coaching should be heeded by every coach.
Coaching is more than helping create insight for the client. It’s also about helping the client to take action by getting “ridiculously specific” regarding the steps he/she will take and the “speed bumps” that may get in the way.
Inspiration and a model for truly masterful coaching. Impressive work! I will listen to this session again.
How boldness is the gateway to great coaching.
One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
I am committed to paying more attention to when I turn away from an opportunity to take a risk with a client.
Both client and coach were dynamic!
Other valuable lessons I learned: be willing to be wrong more, be aware of the power dynamic in coaching, and challenge my clients more.
Use of humor, reframing, digging with depth to achieve insight
His coaching presence, in terms of presentation and content, was masterful.
Be confident enough to be wrong. Find the issue and then anchor it.
David Goldsmith's was a guest again for a different kind of call & an MMC first!
Please note: extended call time (to 90 minutes) & how this call was different!
David was a guest in January (the above call) and coached a woman not in the coaching profession, who has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time she and David had ever met or spoken. This call is a participant favorite!
David coached her again on this call as a follow-up session.
The coaching was conducted similarly to the way coaches train the pro athletes by breaking down and examining the action play by play. So David coached in a start and stop fashion giving us the opportunity in the moment to engage with David, the client and the coaching in a very participatory way.
MP3 + CCE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Wow! What a beautiful coaching session and life lesson!
That paraphrasing fears to the point of ridiculousness brings levity to a situation and allows the client to reset.
The impact of reflecting as a mirror the words of the client so that they can hear it.
The importance of listening to one’s gut in deciding in which direction to go during the session
Clients will reveal where the coaching conversation can go deep. Not helpful for coaches to be too nice--okay to provoke/challenge client’s thinking.
Not being afraid to try different things to get to that “thing”; that will be of value and get results.
It is always a pleasure to observe David and his powerful coaching! Thank you for having him back again. I learn so much from him.
I admire his confidence in his own intuition; and how he is not attached to being right, he simply “has a hypothesis” and tests it out. It is such a masterful tool, and this is what I strive to always connect to in my coaching sessions.
He modeled brilliantly how to step over the potential therapy issues regarding her past, but used the depth and pain from those experiences in a coaching framework.
The logic and simplicity David used to shed light into the unconscious fears / beliefs.
Terrie Lupberger MCC
Master Certified Senior Executive & Corporate Coach Contributing Author: A Coach’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence and The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching Bonus: Thomas Leonard's New Client Checklist
Coaching Scenario: Joseph is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time he and Terrie have ever met or spoken
Coaching Topic: "I get 95% of a project completed, and then won't finish the rest. I
have several books that are "almost done". I wrote business plans and then shelved them. I can easily finish projects for other people and other businesses, but when It comes to me, I often let things fall by the sidelines.A lot of times I get distracted by new projects. What's the block, what is stopping me from getting things done? Im very skilled with lots of education, why cant I finish things?"
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
How powerful simply holding space for a client to explore really can be, especially when done with lightness!
I’m taking away joy with Terrie's coaching! Effortless, light & true impact.
Just that master's touch - giving power to the client, light but deep, EASY!
Terrie beautifully and lightly accompanied Joseph in his exploration...she articulated and pointed to areas that were coming up in the exploration that he may not have been aware of, to help him decide where to focus their time. He was really the ''star'' of this session. Also loved what she said about getting trapped as coaches listening too closely to the words but to listen to the energy as well as the words...loved that.
I am going to try to wear the metaphor of my client being the ''star'' and me being the able reflector and observer, lightly accompanying him on his journey and pointing things out along the way. I quite like that.
Continue to stay curious, get agreement from the client, check in with the client, acknowledge, and go deeper--not rush to strategies and/or problem solving.
And you can see Terrie's call where she and 2 other Master Coaches coach the same client back to back under the "3 MCC" tab
Micki McMillan M.Ed., MCC
Master Certified Corporate & Leadership Coach Recorded on: March 18, 2014 Special Bonus: Micki's article-The Business of Learning-How You Can Close the Gaps Between What You Can Do and What You Want to Do
Coaching scenario: The client is an ongoing client of Micki's, they have had @4-5 previous sessions. He is not in the coaching profession but is planning on taking Micki's Transformational Coaching program
Coaching topic:It isa very disconcerting, uncomfortable and confusing time for him. All the things he once felt such passion about no longer hold much interest. He feels like he's just going through the motions. This isnt the way he wants to live his life. He wants to be present and feel grateful. Knows he's in the midst of big changes, doesnt have a clue as to what they are and initially thinks he wants some coping skills to help him until he figures out where he's headed.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the feedback from participants:
"I was really reminded about the power and value of coaching presence and holding that space for emerging awareness. It seemed to me that the movement this client experienced was energized by the container the coach created and held throughout the session, and her connection to him and her clarity about where he was every minute of the session."
"The call was excellent and definitely helped me grow as a coach through seeing the benefit of having the client move from head/analyzing to the heart of his desire. It was very valuable as I am pursuing licensure as a HeartMath Coach in the future."
"The topic was very similar to topics my clients bring to me and the coach's work with this client was validating."
"Very valuable as it went deeply into the personal level, right into the heart of the client, which is my coaching goal."
"Invaluable call today because the coaching was simple and classic. Foundational - no bells and whistles, just pure. I''m walking away with a reminder to go slow, easy - step by step."
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time that he and Darlene had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client loves to paint but often experiences resistance in doing it. His dilemma is: if he loves to paint, why is he resistant to doing it? He experiences the same with marketing his art. He is highly resistant to that even more so than painting itself and is seeking a breakthrough in this limiting pattern.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
August 2012 Special Series
with Darlene Chrissley BA, MLS, MCC
author of Conversations for Power and Possibility: Four Simple Conversations to Transform Your Life and Change the World:
In this 2 part tele-series we learn how to:
Turn around any downward spiral (like Darlene did during the economic crisis in 2009)
Find new sources of power when feeling powerless
Discover new possibilities when feeling boxed in
Choose a creative response to any challenge that arises in life
Stay focused on what you want
Apply your efforts where they can do the most good
Find a new perspective to transform any situation,
Remain strong and centered even when the world is doing its best to spin you around
These calls are unique because not only do we learn about the tools & techniques we also have:
The rare benefit of hearing Darlene actually demonstrating them in real world coaching sessions
The chance to hear Darlene talk about her process & choices
The opportunity to hear Darlene answer questions
The chance to hear what the client has to say about their experience of the work
Each call:
Runs 75 minutes
Demonstrates 2 of the 4 coaching conversations
Provides @40 minutes of coaching-
Enables us to hear the 2 conversations flowing one right into the other
Has 1 coaching client
Allows @25 minutes for discussion and Q&A
Call 1- Conversations 1 & 2
Purchase MP3 & CCE- $59.97
Coaching Scenario: This is a client that Darlene brought to the call and they have coached together in the past.
Coaching Topic: She is making her living as an actress but would like to make more money, book more fulfilling, creatively stimulating jobs. She also wants to inspire people and doesn't know if what she's doing going from gig to gig is doing that. She lets little things stress her out, so she's trying to reduce her stress because she'd like to start a family in the near future.
"What I most appreciated from a coaching standpoint was Darlene's ability to stay with Tricia and not analyze – rather through reflection and mirroring, keep her focused and moving forward. Thanks so much for this – am so looking forward to Conversations #3 and #4"~Kathryn Stolle, SLK Wellness Concepts
"Darlene you are a genius! Thank you a million times over for the coaching session today and helping me to put my worries into perspective. The audition was a success and if I may be so bold as to share what the casting director said, "Amazing! Finally, someone who made this character work! Honestly we've seen crap all day. So thank you Darlene for the million and one-th time" ~ the client on the call
Call 2- Conversations 3 & 4
Purchase MP3 & CCE-$59.97
Coaching Scenario: She is not in the coaching profession and this will be the first time that she and Darlene have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I want to establish my independence from my parents as an adult, despite our (her and her husbands) financial difficulties. I hope to find a way through this coaching session to also negotiate a better rate of pay and understanding with my boss, as I currently do many things for free that others will or would be paid for. Mostly I want to find a way to change my relationship with money. I want to feel like I'm paid what I'm worth, and that I am managing it well despite our challenges."
Bonuses: Jan's Value of Values Exercise and her article BELIEVE which speaks to mindset and connects with her Mindset Mastery work with competitive singing groups
Live coaching demo from Jan who very recently got her MCC
Coaching Scanario: The client has never been coached and she and Jan met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: She is a seasoned former journalist and TV producer who has transitioned into the dynamic realm of public relations. However it no longer feels right or is enough. She wants help to reinvent herself for this next chapter.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
The coach gave a beautiful demonstration of how to move a client forward from feeling stuck to a place of visioning/possibility.
Specifically, I’m taking away the magic that can happen when you simply meet the client where they are. In this session Jan met Eva where she was through supporting her in connecting to her creativity.
Going within and becoming more authentic with how we’re showing up not just as coaches.
I want to develop more questions to help a client with what “unstuck” looks like at the end of a session.
I like that Jan shared what she had to change for herself is to be less teachy in a coachy way. This is probably what I most need to change as well.
Great demonstration of using visualization with a creative
It gave me a lot to think about around the “match” of energy.
I appreciated what the coach said about each session being complete in itself. That in an ongoing long-term relationship a form of follow-up might be in a prep form asking what the client wants to celebrate.
Jan’s example of pulling out Eva’s values and attributes.
I love how she was able to help the client use her own creativity to come up with solutions.
I want to further explore pace matching between coach & client, as a result of listening to this call.
Continue to work toward pure coaching and not integrating or masking teaching into my coaching.
To dig deeper to find out what the client really wants to walk away with.
I try not to say it every time, but I am so grateful to be able to listen in on MCC coaching sessions! I feel like this is the most enjoyable and exciting continuing education.
Master Certified Visual, Creative & Performance Coach
Bonus: PDF compilation of Jan's "Talks"
Coaching Scenario: The client has received coaching in the past but never for this issue. This is the first time that she and Jan have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I’m continuously creative with a flair for the fantastical and a wit that whelms and wonders… however when recently met with a new kinda challenge where MY wishes could come true, I froze. (right down to my toes) A major publisher wants to see a few full chapters from a book by me and I seem to be unable to make a decision on which direction to take. Ironically the book teaches how to get your wishes to come true… perhaps I could get a little assistance."
Purchase MP3
One participant on the call had this to say to Jan:
"You handled the session really masterfully, it was a joy to listen to."
And another:
"You were co-creatively partnering with the client and you were both kind of creative explorers and I really like that you were willing to not be smooth."
Madeleine Homan-Blanchard MCC, MSc
Master Certified Creative Genius Coach Bonus: paper entitled Mindfulness and Coaching: A Primer from an ICF presentation in 2013 given by Doug Silsbee from Presence Based Coaching
Client Scenario:She is not in the coaching profession, she has had some coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Madeleine have ever or met or spoken.
Client Topic:"I am currently in an unfulfilling job and I have digestive health issues that are not being resolved through diet and supplements. I am a creative person and I’m travel-mad and I currently want to leave my job and travel around the world to heal and write about my experiences – a blog first, a book later. But I have fear about this – about financially surviving; about what will happen when I return from my travels; about my safety on the road; about not being able to get rid of my health issues; about how to even write a book! I would like to be coached on how to get past that fear and take the leap."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
• How to listen underneath to what is not being said but is very present and then bringing it to the forefront to check out with the client
• Listen closely and reflect observations - as Madeleine did so well
• I appreciated that Madeleine was so open and transparent about her own vulnerabilities as a coach.
• It was a great example of allowing the client to be the expert of her life.
• Madeline very honestly discussed challenges she sometimes has self-managing when client is very fearful. Extremely helpful to me
• To be comfortable not ”doing a whole lot” letting the process unfold.
• Even as a master coach, I value the opportunity to hear my peers coach clients, and I specifically like how Mad opened the conversation.
• I loved her initial question “What I’m hearing sounds like you have a vision” I got chills from how that shifted the client quickly.
• The benefits a client can obtain from a skilled, present listener asking powerful questions!
• Loved the honest Q and A afterwards - so informative!
• To be fully aware of how my own beliefs, feelings, fears, could influence the coaching conversation. To help manage myself by continually bringing it back to questions for the client.
• I loved how Madeleine checked in “how does that land?” and “does that feel right?”
• Don’t tiptoe around the client’s vision! Help client claim it even it’s scary.
Helen House CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Transformational, Leadership, Creativity & Spiritual Coach Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes for Helen to talk about coaching for marginalized populations e.g. prisoners and $150 off any one of Helen's coaching packages
Coaching Scenario: Helen and Maggie met in a training back in @2007. Maggie then hired Helen to be her coach and they worked together for a while. Maggie has been trained as a coach but they haven’t worked together for @10 years.
Coaching Topic: Maggie has 2 main tracks for what she does- one is a novel and the other is advocacy around mental illness and how to make the delivery of care better. But she’s realized when being creative she is leading with fear instead of joy.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses+ MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“That was marvelous - the master modeling AND all of Helen's self ownership, insights and inspirational give back.”
Coaching a .topic that is serious and emotional for the client can be a light conversation that gets results.”
“Helen “didn’t skip a beat” and that was exactly what I loved about Helen’s coaching. She was so present. And she weaved many pieces together. Those little things are what makes a client really feel heard and understood, and there were many examples of that in this session. Very impressed with Helen’s coaching”
“A beautiful demonstration of coaching. Also enjoyed the discussion around how the coach deals with “heavy” issues.”
“I’d love to be able to use acknowledgment as easily and natural as the coach did in the call.”
“Call was deep enough to be as therapeutic as a therapy session, but in the context of coaching and present/future orientation.So masterful!”
“The dance between the coach and client was electric.”
“I listened to the call early this morning as today is another full day of facilitation. What a BRILLIANT coaching session and what a wonderful inspirational way to start my day.”
“Helen is FABULOUS! A worthy role model at every level.”
“Helen’s extremely skilled use of metaphor.”
“A pleasure to witness the mastery and vulnerability of the coach and the impact of this combination together, and the ease and partnership of the coach and client during the session. Inspiring.”
“I loved this call because it was a great example of how often times the clients who come to us have done a lot of work on themselves in therapy, and we as coaches are the next step for the clients working towards what they want. Helen beautifully embraced the heavy realities that Maggie showed up to the call with, all the while staying in the coach framework”
Barbara Luther, MCC
Master Certified Creative & ADD/ADHD Coach Bonus: audio recording of a special coaching session by Barbara for one of her Soaring Coaches Circle classes
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this is the first time that she and Barbara have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm an artist, author and creative catalyst. Ioften start things and don't finish them - I know I have sabotaged my success in many ways due to difficulty focusing, too many ideas, feeling spacey etc! The topic I would like to be coached on is: how to set up systems that will work for me so I can follow through on my numerous ideas/projects floating around in my head. Being a super duper creative right brained person means the systems have to be colorful and easy for me to follow."
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"The Barbara Luther call was phenomenal. She immediately heard beneath the client's stated agenda and gently unpeeled the layers of the onion to reveal the core of the matter and the client's wisdom. A beautiful example of coaching at its very finest!
Thank-you, Gail! I'm so glad to have discovered MMC and to have access to hearing coaches at the top of our profession."~Sally Ward, PCC, CPCC Ward Leadership
"The call today was extremely helpful to me. For me it was an example of really being present to the client and getting over there with the client and allowing them to discover their brilliance. It was also really helpful for me as I am working in a business relationship with a coach who recognizes that she has some ADD traits."~D. Petersen, BCC - Coaching for Well Being
"I enjoyed listening to the call with Barbara Luther. I noticed how Barbara shared information and then very quickly returned power to the client, without needing to resort to being overly directive. It worked beautifully. She kept the integrity of the partnership, kept the client moving forward, and maximized the efficiency of the call. It was excellent session management. Her information about ADD seemed to be well-founded and truly useful to the client. She did all this with ease and good humor. A lovely experience. Thank you." ~Bobbie Burdett, BCC, PCC (applicant), Director of Training HealthWorld Online, www.authenticoach.com
"Thank you to you Gail and to Barbara for choosing me for this teleseminar. I really enjoyed the session and have a few wonderful take aways to use in my toolkit. I sure appreciate it!" ~Violette- the client on the call
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before, and this is the first time she and Jennifer have met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East working with Iraqi, Palestinian, and Syrian refugees and am now writing a book about my experiences. 8 chapters have been awarded 19 literary awards. Several chapters appear in 7 anthologies, including one published by Random House and another that won a Benjamin Franklin Award and is used in college classes. I've had very positive feedback. But I can't seem to finish. I have 2 or 3 final chapters to go and a few more chapters to polish. The end is so close (after 7 years!), but I haven't touched the book in several months.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Participant take-aways:
Some powerful questions that helped to shift the client and also a reminder that listening to the client’s language or criteria words is very important.
Jennifer’s holistic approach with the client to call forth greater awareness
Remembering not to think I know the answer for the client.
Use of intuition with coaching and setting that up in the agreement so that there is a free flow during the coaching session.
The importance of not being attached to an outcome
Incorporating more of “what’s showing up for you?” type of questions and sharing what’s showing up for me. Jennifer mentioned she and her clients have an understanding that she’ll do that on the call. I need to establish that myself.
To me Kelly, was a tough client to coach and that in itself was instructional to watch Jennifer approach it. It’s like live TV, you never know what is going to happen. I thought it was great.
I will use some of Jennifer’s excellent questions as opportunity presents.
Jennifer’s humility and transparency were wonderful examples for me
I like that Jennifer had she and her client take a deep breath together. When my client is stressed, I ask her if she’dd like to take a couple relaxing breaths and if she’d like me to lead her through it. But, we can do that together in order to set the stage that we are equal partners, in this together
And you can see Jennifer's call where she and 2 other Master Coaches coach the same client back to back under the "3 MCC" tab
Moty Koppes, MCC
Master Certified Executive, Career Transition & Cultural Assimilation Coach
Bonus: Compilation of 3 of Moty's coaching articles
Moty coaches 2 clients on this call!
The first is a 30 minute session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and has never been coached before. This is the first time that he and Moty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is an unemployed middle-aged man seeking to transition from a career in entertainment publicity. He is feeling confused, discouraged and losing his confidence and wants a shift in perspective or an emotional boost.
The second is a 5 minute laser session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and has never been coached before. This is the first time that she and Moty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is a woman who is in the marketing profession with over 10 years of experience and needs help improving her interviewing skills. She's a great employee but feels she doesn't sell herself well in interviews.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
When asked her greatest take away from all her years of coaching Moty replied “People are great, people are unique & intelligent and they know and are capable of accessing their own greatness. Its not me, Im like a travel agent I help prepare the road but they have to make the trip.”
Carol Courcy NCOC, MCC
Master Certified Emotional Agility Coach Author of Save Your Inner Tortoise Bonuses: Carol's audio Spend Less Time in Fear & $50 off her video course Freedom From Excessive Guilt
Coaching Scenario: This client was not in the coaching profession. He had received group coaching as a part of his business at a conference but never one on one or on personal issues. This was the first time he and Carol had ever met or spoken, however Carol did send me 3 questions to send to the client prior to the call.
Coacing Topic: He's dealing with doubt and feelings of inadequacy. Hes a consultant- he works with people, asks them questions then formulates a plan that makes sense only to find out they missed the whole point or didnt at all capture what they talked about. So he wonders, did I not deliver, did I confuse them? If the 1st 2 prospects buy he's feeling confident and the next 3 dont, he begins to doubt and wonders what he's doing wrong. He's having difficulty getting anything to stick and its hard to keep going, to stay motivated- his energy disappears.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses+ MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
"There is no greater gift we can give ourselves or our clients than the understanding of how our emotions (& what we do with them) affects our lives and the tools to work with them. Hearing Carol's "emotional agility" in action was wonderful!Also grateful for her special bonus- an mp3 that takes us step by step through the process"
Cindy Reinhardt, MCC, NCOC, ELI-MP
Energy Management Bonus:2 articles- Important Now is How and What We Think and Direct Your Energy/Create Your Life-an energy leadership overview and contains tools that we can use. Cindy is also offering MMC participants who purchase her call a huge discount on her energy leadership index assessment and debriefing- a 1½ hour session with Cindy which normally runs $400 she's giving to us for $125.
Purchase Mp3 + CCE + Bonus + MMC Nugget (how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business) $59.97 0r $47 with a subscription- can cancel anytime*
Coaching Scenario: Cindy brought the client to the call. She was someone who Cindy had coached in the past mostly around business issues. So it was a bit of a surprise to Cindy when she came with an emotional, personal relationship issue.
Coaching Topic: "I have a lingering issue with a break up of a relationship that I chose to end that I'm having difficulty working through. I ended the relationship but I'm stuck with the consequences of having him live here with me on a six month lease. And I can't seem to shed the anger around how it made me feel to need to end the relationship and not be able to get him out of my life."
While relationships are not specifically Cindys niche/area of expertise, the management of one's energy is applicable to every area of life and she coached her beautifully!
Like they say, after the 1st 3 sessions, all coaching is life coaching, no matter what the niche. And what a treat & a treasure to hear how a master does it!
Philip Cohen MCC
Master Certified Business & Entrepreneur Coach Bonuses: Philips Consumers Guide to Choosing a Mastermind Group and ebook coauthored with his wife Laura Hess MCC- It's Not the Bears that Will Get You Its the Bugs Eliminate What's Bugging You: Focus on Success
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has been coached in the past but this is the first time that she and Philip have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: I am a doctor and business owner but have been struggling over the past year on my "why." This resistance has caused me to drift I think from my passion but I am not 100% sure on what my purpose really is and where I should focus my talents.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
"This coach demonstrated powerful presence with this client. You could hear how closely he was tracking her and how deeply he was listening."
"Clients know what they need. When coaches stay present, in service of the client and asking powerful questions clients open to their deeper knowing."
"I loved listening to Phillip coach Ellie. I admire how he follows his intuition and his hunches and then asked clarifying questions to get more information on what’s really going on for the client. He listened carefully (active listening) to her, to what was said and not said. He picked up on her use of the word ‘permission” and followed it to and all that it revealed for her, without her even realizing she used that word."
"Getting to topic quickly when there is a menu of topics, powerful questioning to have the client lead where the session is going, repeatedly clarifying and taking a new topic on if indicated by client as priority."
"Loved what Philip said about the ICF competencies--that the best coaches integrate the competencies into their lives. The competencies are reflected in how they live their lives."
"To never assume that the client and myself hold the same meaning for a particular word. To listen for the client’s use of words and to check in regarding the client’s definition of words. Also, to continue to check in with the client regarding the coaching agreement."
" I liked his comment on understanding learning styles to really be there with the clientas well as integrating the competencies into who you are personally."
"Q and A was most valuable!"
"Establish norms for coaching and their interaction together."
"Keep it simple. Define language in their own words."
Fran Fisher MCC
Master Certified Entrepreneur, Executive & Coach Mentor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for a skill drill on inquiry and an extra .5 CEUs
Call #1 Coaching Scenario: Gary was a family physician and psychiatrist and is now an integrative wellness coach. He has been a client (coaching then mentoring) of Frans for a few years. They took a bit of a break and this is their first session since the spring.
Coaching Topic: Where and how to allocate his energy within the limits of the energy he has. He has a number of things he’s doing that he finds rewarding, enjoys and is at peace with but needs to figure out what to focus more time and energy on and what to let go of.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Demonstration and validation of coaching at a level of true mastery."
"Noticing the questions the coach asked that were powerful in their simplicity. I will go back and listen to the call again and be conscious of the way she brought the client to explore deeper issues."
"Really powerful to learn the difference between MCC and PCC level use of reflection!"
"Wonderful call and demonstration of inquiry-wish we had longer to go through the 3 case studies for the skill drill"
"Great modeling of presence and new skill -Art of Inquiry"
"The use of inquiry structure to keep the question alive."
"The "discipline" of "holding back" on the part of the coach"
"This was a powerful reminder that clients have all the knowing they need inside them, we can't add any richness by leading or having an agenda for them, and that powerful questions are simple, short and open-ended."
Lynn Stewart MCC was scheduled to be the guest but she had a personal emergency but allowed us to listen to one of her previous recorded sessions. Fran who was Lynn's mentor coach joined us on the call and demonstrated master mentor coaching feedback.
2 Master Coaches and 2 Master Coach demonstrations!
Coaching Scenario: Nelleka had coach training years ago but is not a coach. She and Lynn have know each other for 14 years and Lynn has coached her off and on over the years.
Coaching Topic: Wants to explore what to do over the next 10 years, what to contribute to the world and what next steps to take.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
Hearing an assessor’s (Fran’s) feedback about this session was invaluable. I picked up so many useful tips for strengthening my own coaching!
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
I loved the way Lynn set up the call in the beginning; she went deep, clarified and explored the agenda really quickly, it took it to another level. I also like that she explored all the possible options of where the session could go. I’m also taking away Lynn’s soft, yet strong/confident presence, and use of/paraphrasing of the clients own words, because of that it felt like she tracked well with the client.
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
Opened my eyes to the nuances as well, really interesting and would love to hear more!
I found Fran’s very specific constructive feedback followed then by how it might have been done differently unbelievably helpful.
Great examples of how not to lead the client.
Questions to ask that invite the client to do the work.
Wow Gail I got so much that I can implement right away. Helped me see where I need and want to grow.
Fran’s specificity helped me see very clearly what it is in my own coaching I need to work on. Watch out for those leading questions and acknowledging sounds or comments!
I found Lynn to be very present with her client and I felt the connection. I appreciated the way she checked in with the client and would repeatedly reflect back what she was hearing.
I will transcribe that entire debriefing.
Must always confirm with the client re my observations otherwise makes client feel that I’m right or that I think I am!
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
Feel like I got a peek behind the scenes, the inner workings so to speak. I have a page full of takeaways.
Call #3
Establishing the Coaching Agreement is where many coaches can get tripped up and can be the main reason for not passing the ICF exam. So this call is dedicated to exploring and delving deeply into this core competency as well as hearing Fran demonstrating it at the master level in a real coaching session with one her clients.
Fran says there are three things that are typically challenging at the MCC level regarding Establishing the Coaching Agreement, and they are KEY to the conversation:
1. HOW to take the client’s exploration DEEPER for their underlying issue and taking the time to do so
2. Measuring for success
3. Inviting the client to lead
Get ready to take this competency to the next level!
As special bonuses Fran gave us an additional 30 minutes to do this, she gave a hand-out which is a wonderful reource and the call provides 1.5 CEU's.
MP3 + ICF 1.5 CE's + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I am so very impressed at how Fran established that agreement! I have never heard such an in depth demo on the clarity and depth that could come out of establishing the agreement to that extent. Wow. That was very insightful. I now have a beautiful example of what to strive for, to really be of service to my clients.
Competency 2 is pivotal in going deeper with the client to hear what’s important or meaningful for that person
Don’t step over the energy shifts, incongruencies, as this is an opportunity to dive deeper
It’s not linear and Fran circled back to each [PCC] marker until the client was really clear and grounded in the agreement
Who is the client being in relation to the focus or issue they are bringing to the call.
Realising how I might be/ am leading clients - Having measures always with numbers - instead of how the client would measure where they are.
Moving from coaching the “What” to coaching the “Who”; the client.
Changing how I respond to the client’s answer to: How will you know if you have gotten your outcome?
Amazing demonstration and learning on how important it is to be patient and meet the client where they are, to fully explore what the client wants to achieve and the motivation underneath in defining the coaching agreement.
How overlooked the coaching agreement can be! How very important it is in defining and focusing the area(s) of coaching on what the client really wants. It IS the coaching!
Really nail it down and confirm topic, motivation, and outcome before moving on.
This was an extremely helpful call and a great reminder to up my game!
Wynne Miller MCC
Master Certified Leadership, Entrepreneur & Transition Coach Bonus: Harvard Business Review article: From Purpose to Impact
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Wynne have met or spoken. In fact Wynne didnt even know what the topic was. The monthly subscribers chose this topic from a list a submitted to them.
Coaching Topic: "I'd wag my tail over the opportunity to be coached on how to have my Pet Disaster Preparedness and First Aid trainings reach that next level! My topic may be niche however, pets are part of the family evidenced by the $63 billion pet care industry and the unending disasters occurring round the globe. So many more animals, and the people who love them, could benefit from my help while bringing me sustainable income, so I need guidance to build upon my books, courses, celebrity students and TV segments to make it a reality!"
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
“Changed my views on what constitutes a brilliant demonstration! Hearing the master coach fall into the trap of trying to solve the problem but quickly catching herself was amazing. It was really valuable for me to see how she successfully turned it around.”
“I loved when the coach immediately interrupted the client when she used the word “obnoxious” to describe herself. That was a turning point in the call. And it’s a good reminder going forward of when it’s really important to interrupt a client.”
“Getting client to narrow the problem early on saves time!”
“The use of the internal question (by Alan Seale) “What wants to happen here?”
“How to use powerful questions for almost all of the coach communication to the client”
“Clients are frequently in need of confidence boosting- trying to solve their problems for them does not support their becoming more confident in their own competence and abilities to address/solve their own challenges.”
“The use of somatic coaching: starting a call by asking the client to take a few deep breaths to center herself; asking where the client feels or experiences something.”
“Wynne had the grace and humility to “catch herself” and tell all of us when she fell into the trap of fixing. Takes great courage and self-awareness to do this.”
Mickey Parsons Psy.D, MCC. BCC
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Entrepreneur Coach Bonus: 30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives
Coaching Scenario: Laura is a student of Mickeys in his Masters program at Life University in Marietta Georgia. She will be graduating in June. She and Mickey have also had a couple of laser coaching sessions previously
Coaching Topic: Laura wants coaching around pioneering a coaching niche that she is passionate about.
MP3 + CCE's + Special Bonus(30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives)+ MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
I appreciated how although he had a teacher student relationship with the client outside the call, that was not apparent in the session at all. And I think that has a lot to do with him honoring the client as the expert in her life, and that was a beautiful example of that. I will be taking that reminder away from this call.
Mickey had a great relationship and connection with his client. His presence, and tracking with her was on point. He spent a lot of time establishing the agenda. Her goal of getting clear on her vision really evolved from the beginning of the call to the end thanks to his coaching. He used many coaching tools in the toolbox, acknowledging, scaling, metaview, etc.
Great call. I would love to have his dissertation to read. Can you/he forward to us. I enjoyed his interaction and insights he shared on the extra time.
The exploration phase is key...take the time.
Thanks so much! Helpful to hear another coach explore a pioneering venture.
PCC sessions are usually 50% awareness where MCC sessions aim for 100% awareness, with any actions flowing naturally from that awareness
I want to pay more attention to my level of awareness when I’m coaching.
Concrete example on helping a client articulate vision/passion/values
Master Certified Entrepreneur & Leadership Coach Bonus: Creatvity and Problem Solving by Jon Weiss PhD and Laurie Weiss Phd courtesy of Coach U
Coaching Scenario: Chuck is a high level executive (VP) and a former client of Andrea's.
Coaching Topic: He helps take care of other peoples development but his own ends up being his last priority. Wants to get past that stuck place and do what he needs to do for himself professionally.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
or $47 ( with subscription)
Some participant take-aways:
"One of the best calls ever!"
” This coach was indeed masterful in her approach. She kept the client with his nose to the grindstone of creating awareness. It was really good.”
"The ease and authenticity of Andrea's coaching---she was completely comfortable in her own coaching style"
“She was confident! She was bold, intuitive and natural. She did well giving questions back to the client, knowing he had his answers. She reminded him of his qualities and abilities”
“The use of body movement and motion to access the brain for different information to help the client.”
"An awareness and learning that "I am not enough" is the most common thread among most coaching sessions."
"The value of having an intimate and honest relationship with the client allows for very direct communication."
"I admired her confidence and transparency."
"Displayed a lightness and playfulness even when discussing serious topics."
"An awareness and learning that executives are human, and there is no difference in coaching them except for being aware of having professional language at all times."
"Identifying and using your own coaching style to combine with your coaching skills to be more authentic."
"Dive deeper into my own coaching style, pare it down, simple, authentic, deep."
Sandy Vilas, MCC
Master Certified Entrepreneur Coach
Author of Power Networking Bonus: Compilation of solutions to common coaching situations from the book Thomas Leonard's How To Coach Anyone produced by Andrea J. Lee Plus: MMC Nugget-explaining different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business.
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this is the first time she and Sandy have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I have been coaching as a sole business for about seven years. I currently have eight paying clients. I have been fairly steady with this as an average. I would love to have more clients and take my business to the next level. "
Cost $59.97
Sandy is one of the industry's earliest pioneers having been involved at the inception of both Coach U in 1992 and the ICF in 1996 when he was made the very 1st co-president!
The client on the call had this to say about the session the next day:
"After receiving coaching from Sandy on the call, I feel energized and have already made some changes in my business! I experienced Sandy as clear and focused. I am excited to see the next steps, after considering the new possibilities."~ Caron Maclane Circle Coach & Consultant
Michael Stratford MCC
Master Certified Transformational & Evolutionary Coach Bonuses: Additional 25 minutes of Q&A at the end of the call and a copy of Michael's ebook Masterful Questions: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this is the first time she and Michael have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She had over 20 years in music industry, moved up to VP of a major label, then there was the economic downturn coupled with the music industry falling apart. She started her own business and is doing well but thinking about her future she’s concerned about whether or not to continue her own small business or focus on a return to a "real" full time desk job.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
“This coach was beyond masterful and elegant. He listened so exquisitely, followed the client’s story, asked powerful questions that forwarded the coaching session step by elegant step.”
“Incredible presence created by Michael’s silences.”
I appreciate witnessing Michael have his client give herself a pep talk and examples, giving her back the work she gave him to do, keeping it powerful coaching vs. consulting. He also had an easiness to him; being calm, confident and cheerful, believing in his client and in life.
A very strong reminder to let the client lead and get myself out of the way!
Coach should be comfortable with uncertainty in allowing clients to pursue their own paths forward in coaching relationship
Everything that came out of his mouth in that Q&A was gold
I am going to challenge myself to slow down and pause more.
WOWSA! What real deal mastery looks like.
How 25 minutes of masterful laser coaching can be enough for client to receive a real shift.
The purity of Michael’s coaching, his powerful questioning and his silences.
Master Certified Executive, Business & Personal Results Coach Special Bonus: reduction of Kens normal rate of $600 for 3-45minuts sessions a month to $400
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, he has never been coached before and this is the frist time he and Ken had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: He wants to change careers within same fortune 500 company. So he would like some insights on how to best transition into a new role, how to position self well within current company so not to ruffle any feathers. His ultimate goal is to change careers so wants to know how to do it the right way.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participants take-aways:
This was a pleasure and a gift opportunity to hear a different style of MCC coaching.
A fabulous coaching session. The Q and A afterwards was especially rewarding.
As so often is the case, simplicity.
Loved the tips around why, what if, and how. Also the tip about getting related when first meeting the client for a session.
How much can be accomplished in a short time!
I loved hearing a male coach. There's definitely a different vibe and it was interesting to observe it.
I enjoyed listening to Ken talk about assessments he uses & recommended books.
Holding the questions in mind: Why this topic and Why now?
Getting to the "who" of the client is. That was insightful to get the client to that point.
How to reflect back to the client that shows the client a new perspective - using metaphors like the ship has left the dock - helping the client see he had already decided.
Great time getting to know the client before establishing the agreement for the session... good demonstration of competencies: trust and intimacy (tone, energy); reframe/clarificication - direct communication; Powerful questions; awareness (metaphor, etc)
Jane Adshead-Grant MCC
Master Certified Executive & Mentor Coach Bonus: Infographic of the Thinking Environment 10 Components
Client Scenario: Catherine is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Jane had ever met or spoken.
Client Topic: "I am a female health advocate and author in her first year of a health advocacy business. Master Coaching is really needed to empower me to charge for my services, deal with friends who ask for advice and create a more compelling online presence."
MP3 + ICF/BCC CCE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways as well as the client feedback a week after the call:
Elegant demo of powerful coaching at its best. The coach listened deeply, asked the most powerful questions and held the space for the client to listen to her own thoughts and move through her confusion to brilliant clarity.
One of the best masterful coaching session I have ever heard.
I really enjoyed the call; the coach trusted the client to be the expert, to be creative, and resourceful. Her thinking process exemplified the clients ability to go deep. Very deep! And think new thoughts/ideas she has not before.
What stood out to me was hearing the coach’s presence and confidence in providing the space for the client to be listened to, like she may not have ever been listened to before. What a gift.
The call today with Jane was awe-inspiring, and her approach to coaching resonated with me who has used the Socratic method in teaching. Thanks again.
Asking the client, at the beginning, for a clue/symbol they will use to let the coach know when they are ready for the next question. And, closing with appreciation for a specific trait observed in the client.
This was a fascinating call that demonstrated the power of presence, powerful questioning, and trust in the client’s ability to think for herself.
To be aware of how I’m showing up as a coach--especially my assumptions about my clients’ abilities to be resourceful and think for themselves--to avoid “directing” their thinking. To be present and ask questions that “free” their minds.
Don’t be afraid to keep asking the same question! And what else? And what else?
Great demo. I appreciated the opportunity to be educated about the Thinking Environment and being the Thinking Partner.
I really liked Jane’s intro and the way in which she set up the call for success. I think I’m going to spend some time working on my intro/agreement, by discussing my style, and being upfront about the way I coach by mentioning it at the start. I can see how it really would help find the right client-coach match.
Really appreciated such a beautiful demonstration of this process.
Idea of helping foster client “independent thinking” in tackling situations where they are feeling stuck. “The purpose of the coach it not to direct the client’s mind, but rather to help free it.”
You can read a powerful quote from Jane about the TE work, more takeaways and what the client reported 1 week after this session under the Thinking Environment tab.
Rodrigo Aranha MCC
Executive, Mentor and Coach Supervisor Bonus: Article 10 Signs You're In Touch With Your Emotions: Are you emotionally secure?
Coaching Scenario: This is a real life client of Rodrigos. They coached together for @ 4 sessions about a year ago.
Coaching Topic: This client want to "unhook" from feeling shame when she is given feedback that is anything other than positive in work or life.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Extremely beneficial as it was an unusual demo, client was not articulating or going deep in words despite there obviously being deep feeling and emotion. However, coach discovered access point through process coaching and body feelings and sensations, and this was helpful to the client.
Emotions will come up for clients during coaching. It is possible to coach clients around their emotions without “practicing therapy”.
This was one of my favorites! Loved how the questions flowed, the references to the body and how Rodrigo stayed present even when the client didn’t understand what he was saying/asking, .
My biggest takeaway was the use of somatic coaching in this MCC call. I love how helpful it can be when coaching around emotions to use the body and the present moment as a way of not getting sucked into the past, and not getting the client stuck on the story of the past.
Finding tools that the client can use to hold their own without you, the coach, being their “anchor” past the call.
Holding the space for self-awareness past situations where emotion may overwhelm the client.
All the different ways Rodrigo evoked awareness with the client
Rodrigo’s beautifully simple & powerful questions. His positivity - such great energy.
I am already present to importance of emotional literacy in coaching clients in accessing the heart’s intelligence; this was just a beautiful example for me to follow.
Holding the space for self-awareness re past situations where emotion may overwhelm the client.
Allowing the client to associate the emotion present with their body sensations ~ can make it easier for them to talk about their emotion
Personal & Executive Master Coach
Special bonus-20% off Angelas teleclass (which cycles throughout the year): Personal Strengths: An Indepth Study For Everyday Living and Working"
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this was her first session with Angela.
Coaching Topic: She wanted to work on her lack of confidence and clarity.
Purchase MP3 - $59.97
"Gail!!! The call was fabulous, I was in a trance! Thank you, I am still listening to it. I can’t believe it has already started to affect my coaching! Again, really THANK YOU, very much appreciate what you are doing and looking forward to “moore"!" ~Ruba F.H. Personalized Life Coaching, Switzerland http://rubahomaidi.com
I thank you for the opportunity to be part of your wonderful creation, and was honoured to be your first guest coach. Please don’t hesitate to call on me again." ~Angela Bird
Vikki Brock PhD, EMBA, MCC, CEC
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Mentor Coach
Author of Sourcebook of Coaching History Bonus:The History of the ICF Credentialing and Accreditation
Coaching scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She is familiar with coaching as she has been coached in the past. This is the first time she and Vikki have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: The client left a "stable" part-time job to focus on a freelance writing career, she has received a major grant and her boyfriend of 3.5 years proposed to her-they have three children from previous marriages. She is thrilled-all of this is a dream come true and she is a freaked out!
She would like to be coached on building a successful company while maintaining a healthy balance and making sure she doesn't sabotage herself.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
To witness Vikki Brock's trust- in herself, the client and the coaching process was awe-inspiring and the best motivator in the world. To give just one example- unexpected “stuff” came up for the client in the last minutes of the session and she suddenly became very emotional. It was really wonderful to witness Vikki's mastery. There was no sense of urgency on her part, she continued to remain totally present with the client, honored where she was and helped move her through it by asking a series of 3 powerful questions.
The first of which was “And how does that relate to who you are as a human being and the love you bring into the world?”
"These calls you're providing where coaches get to hear master coaches coaching and then ask questions is really very important work."~Vikki Brock
Jessica Bronzert MCC
Executive & Vertical Development Coach Bonus: Additional 30 minutes
Different kind of MMC call
We listen to one of Jessica's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with getting to hear some of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
Please Note Jessica's coaching session runs around 53 minutes, so she gave us a bonus 30 minutes in order to have plenty of time for debrief and Q&A. The call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching Scenario: This client is in health care delivery and is applying for an internal position as an assistant dean. It’s a brand-new position so there’s no one to ask about what to expect. Would like a better understanding of things she should be thinking about at least for the interview process.
Coaching Topic: She was one of Jessica's real-world clients a couple of years ago and they coached together for about 7 sessions.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I am VERY appreciative of this coach’s insight!
She’s so open with the pitfalls of trying to move forward in her own coaching technique.
Excellent brief, powerful questions.
I really like her coaching style. I think I would like to be coached by her.
Truly - that was great reinforcement & training - setting the coaching tone deeply.
Playing with the balance between spacious/not getting ahead of the client/neutral with innovation/deep client connection.
I hope I have the same determination as Jessica demonstrated (in getting her MCC). It’s encouraging!
The point she made of being careful about getting “into” the client’s work, where laughing could be interpreted as leading, rather than acknowledgement or affirmation.
The diligence of the process and time it took to get to a proper MCC recording.
Amazing call. I so appreciated her openness and candor.
This was a particularly valuable call -- Focused relevant questions, effective rapport, easy flow, blend of tools.
I thought this was a great call- great demo of a well-structured and implemented coaching session.
It was also nice to hear a master coach be so humble and share about her stumbles in her process towards attaining the MCC credential. Thanks!
Loved watching the coach dance with the client.
Her calm presence
Remember to not stack my questions!
Ensuring I leave plenty of space for the client to do their own work. Make sure that I use the client’s language.
Master Certified Executive Coach Bonus: 30 extra minutes for additional discussion and Q&
This was a very different and unprecedented call! We got to hear Elene's coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam, debrief it with Elene, hear the comments of the ICF assessors and ask questions!
Coaching Scenario: Michelle hasn’t been a formal client of Elene’s since 2008. However she and Elene have worked together professionally since then in joint workshops. Michelle is a speech pathologist and they have also brought each other in on different engagements. And so in 2017 Elene asked Michelle if she would like a free coaching session in exchange for the session being recorded and submitted for the exam.
Coaching Topic: Wants to know how to deal with mistakes. How to get back on track and not get cynical about it. How to continue to have things continue to be working and humming along without being hard on herself. Wants to balance the extremes.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Very impressed by her master skill level. So many golden nuggets, but I guess my biggest takeaway was her use of the clients words, and how she consistently wove them back in to the conversation. It allowed the client to really feel heard and understood
A truly memorable call. I will listen and re-listen to this recording many times.
What taking time to explore the coaching agreement looks like in practice
So many great tips for the MCC exam.
What a fabulous call! There were so many powerful and immediately useful takeaways. The one that sticks out is related to not uttering affirming sounds as the clients speaking because that it is considered interrupting the client.
Some of the pointers to look for when doing a recording.
The power of silence for both the coach and the client.
How MCC coaching differs in quality from PCC coaching-specifically the critical element of designing the coaching agreement (can take a large part of the session) and coaching presence How she reflected back what she was hearing and tied themes together throughout the call
I’m so glad she shared her assessment feedback.
Another great call! My head is spinning with new things to practice.
The work, practice and preparation it takes to reach the MCC level!
Master Certified Executive & Mentor Coach Bonus: An article written by Sylviane called From Coronavirus to Corona-ENERGY!
Coaching Scenario: This client is not a coach, she has never been coached before and this was the first time she and Sylviane had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The issue is fear of supporting herself with a new business from scratch, as she was let go from my day job due to budget cuts. Her skills are in graphic design, marketing and she's close to getting an AA in Holistic Health Studies. She's very interested in designing holistic interior spaces. She's ready to start but her direction is kind of fuzzy, she wants coaching on clarity and on managing fear and doubt.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
How the coach’s presence and intensity were skillfully used to advance a client discovery in less than 30 minutes!
I am taking away the reminder of the power of metaphor! I thought it was very insightful of the coach to bring the bridge/river metaphor into the session, it was a turning point for the client who was feeling stuck and fearful. It provided the client with perspective, courage to take the next “baby step” and the opportunity to control and change her mindset.
Trust the process of coaching and the client’s innate wisdom. I feel I am getting a bit over-reliant on asking “right questions” vs. listening and offering what I hear to help client claify the wisdom within
Tap into the energy in the body to hone in to the motivation
Wow Gail, Sylviane is truly gifted.
The importance of trusting the client.
When I get a fearful client, I’ll remind the client that fear is 90-95% irrational and help her/him tap into the 5-10% that’s useful.
The magic of powerful questioning, direct communication, and use of metaphor to build awareness and shift the client’s energy.
To understand that not everything a client brings can be handled in one session. That I can best serve my client by paying attention to whether the conversation is moving in a direction that is most useful to the client given any constraints (time, energy, topic, etc.) and then choosing an approach that will be most helpful in moving or shifting the client all while trusting the process.
Loved hearing the shift in the client’s energy by the end of the call. Found the use of the breath as an anchor to be a great tip.
The pace of the coach does not have to match client
Use of metaphor to strengthen self-awareness
“Going deep fast”. Daring to be direct with clients.
Never doubt your intuition and be certain that the CLIENT KNOWS. I felt this gave the coach the power to stay on track without being afraid to use strong energy
Bonuses: Jan's Value of Values Exercise and her article BELIEVE which speaks to mindset and connects with her Mindset Mastery work with competitive singing groups
Live coaching demo from Jan who very recently got her MCC
Coaching Scanario: The client has never been coached and she and Jan met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: She is a seasoned former journalist and TV producer who has transitioned into the dynamic realm of public relations. However it no longer feels right or is enough. She wants help to reinvent herself for this next chapter.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
The coach gave a beautiful demonstration of how to move a client forward from feeling stuck to a place of visioning/possibility.
Specifically, I’m taking away the magic that can happen when you simply meet the client where they are. In this session Jan met Eva where she was through supporting her in connecting to her creativity.
Going within and becoming more authentic with how we’re showing up not just as coaches.
I want to develop more questions to help a client with what “unstuck” looks like at the end of a session.
I like that Jan shared what she had to change for herself is to be less teachy in a coachy way. This is probably what I most need to change as well.
Great demonstration of using visualization with a creative
It gave me a lot to think about around the “match” of energy.
I appreciated what the coach said about each session being complete in itself. That in an ongoing long-term relationship a form of follow-up might be in a prep form asking what the client wants to celebrate.
Jan’s example of pulling out Eva’s values and attributes.
I love how she was able to help the client use her own creativity to come up with solutions.
I want to further explore pace matching between coach & client, as a result of listening to this call.
Continue to work toward pure coaching and not integrating or masking teaching into my coaching.
To dig deeper to find out what the client really wants to walk away with.
I try not to say it every time, but I am so grateful to be able to listen in on MCC coaching sessions! I feel like this is the most enjoyable and exciting continuing education.
Executive & Leadership Coach Special Bonus: the call is extended for an additional 30 minutes to cover the elements below.
This was a different kind of call & an MMC first!
2 MCCs for the price of one!
SamMagill MCC (executive and coach supervisor for this call) begins by talking to us about coaching supervision, his passion and area of expertise.
Then we hear Sherryl T. Christie coaching one of her real world executive clients
Sam then demonstrates what he talked about and actually supervises Sherryl
Finally there's a Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Mike the client, is an executive and he and Sherryl have been coaching together off and on since 2011. They have been on a bit of a hiatus and so this is the first session theyve had for about 7 months.
Coaching Topic: Mike says his pattern has been to micro manage and take on things that other people arent handling well but knows it’s not sustainable or in the best interest of anyone. He's given an employee a huge project but feels this employee has a similar pathology. The project is not going well and the team is having problems with him. Mike says he’s always been of the mindset “accomplish the mission at any cost” and tends to be a direct bottom line kind of guy. He really wants to know how to approach this differently so that he can help the employee to develop his skillset and grow while also accomplishing the goals of the company.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Super-vision! Love it! Thanks to Sam and Sherryl for this learning experience!
Gratefulness to witness 2 coaching sessions one being supervision of an MCC. Wow!
How, when direct communication is done with the intent of helping the client get back on track, it can be very powerful.
Thank you for integrating supervision and doubling the MCCs, I so appreciate the variety and complexity.
As Sheryl spoke about, I am often ahead of my clients and need to slow down even more.
Great to listen to the coaching session within the supervision context. How do you know when you are a good enough coach?? was an amazing supervision question.
Paying attention to parallel processes in my coaching sessions...i.e. me doing with the client what he/she is doing in his/her life.
Continuing to note my own urges to advise and not coach.
This call was fantastic, thank you! I loved Sam’s introduction to and definition of supervision: in that it helps the beginner and master coach, increase the moments of mastery. Brilliant!
I will forever continue the process of supervision/mentor coaching in order to continue to be my best self, and best coach for my clients.
Loved learning about super-vision and the difference between that and mentor coaching.
How useful it is to have an observer of the observer!
Excellent learning opportunity
When we hope for but don’t see results in a session, we must remember that the client needs time to reflect. The learning and action most often come after the session.
Executive Coach Bonus: Julies LinkedIn Guide on how to optimize your profile
Coaching Scenario: This client is a coach, is one of Julie's real life clients and they have also become friends
Coaching Topic: For 10 months out of the year she has clients back to back every day. She's grateful but feels it's exhausting and she's losing her enthusiasm
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participants take-aways:
Very powerful to witness such a major shift in the client when her own stated value early on was then applied later to a block she was experiencing!
Great questions that drilled down on clarifying the “goal”
I really liked her style, slow and clear language, great use of powerful questions, loved her presence, really felt the love and genuine care for the client.
This was a pure fulfillment call(CTI terminology)and a good reminder of how the use of values and acknowledgement lights up the client and helps her claim her most powerful self.
I especially liked the discussion around “difficult” clients during the Q & A.
I loved her use of the client’s metaphor with the tree example, and how she kept tying that back in through the entire session.
A reminder of how marketing can be fun if we focus on our gifts as coaches.
The skillful use of metaphor was very powerful for the client.
Use of intuition to decide best approach to proceed when at a crossroads in the coaching, things to factor in to whether to take one path or another
Redirecting/reframing using client’s values to help them figure out their course while being in alignment with their values
Assisting the client in identifying what is easy about a project and doing that first - when getting started is the issue
Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Superviser Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes of Q&A, discount on programs
Coaching Scenario: Laurie and Heidi have coached together for about 5 years and then became colleagues.
Coaching Topic: The issue Heidi brought to the call was that due to a bad work situation, she changed her job/career. She has a colleague friend from that last job that calls her regularly to complain about the work situation and ask for advice. This is very stressful for her and causes her to keep reliving a difficult time. She knows it has to stop as it shifts her mood and effectiveness in her work now. She wants to decide if she just needs to end the relationship or discuss it with her. If the latter how to go about that.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 15 minutes of Q&A, discount on programs) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This coaching session was a beautiful example of the coach’s ability to dance in the moment with the client’s energy. The client and coach moved from great depths to moments of lightness and levity without missing a beat.
Presence is the difference between PCC and MCC.
To trust that what I need as a coach is already inside me--to trust in my own value as a coach.
less notes, try to increase presence.
the safe container she created for Heidi to explore her somatic experience.
Reminder to use silence and allow intuition to be a tool, but to be careful about how questions are posed so as not to be directive.
Using personal values as a way to discuss the emotional conflict that arises in the conversations.
The way Laurie matched her client’s energy as it would shift, sometimes dramatically throughout the session.
How powerful patience and presence are.
That coaching is an embodiment—it’s not what I do as a coach but is who I am being
Invite client to notice wisdom of the body -- somatic sensations
that gentle, loving, careFULL approach, great call!
Jane Creswell MCC
Master Certified Executive Coach Author of Christ-Centered Coaching and The Complete Idiots Guide to Coaching for Excellence Special Bonus: from a paper written by Carol Kaufman calledPositive Psychology: The Science at the Heart of Coaching
Coaching Scenario: The client was a colleague of Janes making this the first time we have experienced an internal coaching session. The have know each other since 2001 and have coached each other for years.
Coaching Topic: He's afaith positive leader who's intention is to create and maintain relationships with biz leaders and is establishing a movement. He's getting lots of accolades but wants to figure out how to get from that to a firm yes.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
I’m proud and grateful that ICF/MCC coaches are in the world coaching at this level. And, hope for this (pure) kind of coaching to become more widespread in society.
An example of presence and ease in masterful coaching and the real power of increased awareness for the client
Beautiful conversation!
This extraordinary example of MCC level coaching! Jane did not speak much. Her presence was powerful. She was right with Perry, although silent much of the time, allowing him to do most the talking and asking particularly poignant questions.
The spectacular questions and patience allowing the coachee talking
Jane had a beautiful sense of presence with the client, it was such a smooth session, natural and flowed well. She empowered the client by giving him the space to work it through for himself.
I appreciated having the opportunity to hear an “internal coaching session”; I am not an internal coach and really appreciated this insiders view of how co-workers would coach each other!
This session deepened my overall experience as a professional coach.
Liz Dobbins MCC
Somatic Sensory Awareness (Sensory Intelligence), Executive & Mentor Coach Bonuses: transcript of the coaching session, the ICF Performance Evaluation, 30 additional minutes of Q&A
Different Kind of Call
ICF MCC Exam (BARS) Coaching Session
We will be diving into powerful insights and gaining a deeper understanding of masterful coaching and what it takes to pass the ICF MCC exam.
We will do this by listening to one of Liz's coaching sessions that passed the ICF exam and awarded her the Master credential. We will then debrief, review the valuable bonus ICF evaluation and ask our questions of Liz.
Liz is a Somatic Sensory Awareness Coach certified in Sensory Intelligence. We will also spend some time learning more about this and how to better integrate it into our coaching.
Coaching Scenario: Peter and Liz are in the same ICF Chapter and met there. They have been coaching together for 6-8 months.
Coaching Topic: Peter wants to explore where he's going with his coaching practice. He coaches people in the ministry and it’s his passion. However his concern is will he be able to garner and maintain enough clients or does he need to branch out.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (transcript & ICF Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Tweaking Intuition for Client Growth
"Tweaking my intuition will help me offer sensory and somatic observations and tools to my clients."
Freedom to Align
"I feel like what I’m taking away to use in my coaching practice is freedom... Liz shared that her greatest learning was that she can trust herself... Alignment is possible."
Memorable Questions
"I loved this question! – 'How does your intuition reveal itself to you?' and then 'What sensations are you noticing?'"
Enhanced Presence Through Sensory Coaching
"Coaches become more present to clients and better able to meet clients where they are through an enhanced sensory lens."
Validation of Current Practices
"Great to hear more about the somatic approach and see how often I’m already using it in my practice."
Tailored Client Engagement
"To ask clients about their preference for learning... uncover client preferences by how they answer the questions."
The Power of Somatic Coaching
"A fascinating call. The coach shared how somatic coaching can among other things, 'enhance listening, build trust, foster engagement, and tailor communication.'"
Professional Advancement
"This session was very beneficial for my growth to become an MCC."
Future Self Visualization
"Deeper understanding of coaching at the MCC level. Really connecting with the WHO. I loved the visualization on going for a walk with your future self in 6 months. How will you start the conversation? If you are successful what will your future self say to you?"
High Energy Engagement
"She jazzed him up by asking him how he felt and fed back his high energy."
The Impact of Sensory Coaching
"How sensory coaching can be so powerful."
Encouragement to Be Whole
"I really enjoyed this session. It’s made me feel like I’ve had to have two parts of me... Liz’s session was really refreshing, encouraging, and empowering. Was it all just my fears? I’m now really encouraged."
Executive Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes for Q&A and discussion on Tunde's new non-profit coaching documentary film: The Light & Shadow of Coaching - In and Beyond Organizations. Tunde also gave a copy of the transcript of the session.
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Tunde is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs and answers questions. And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Client scenario: This is one of Tunde's real-life, high-level executive clients. This was their second session.
Client topic: This client wants to know how to balance giving and receiving. She feels she gives a lot and would like to feel appreciated. How she can care for and serve others and at the same time care for herself without feeling selfish. She is able to analyze it but is unable to find the correct balance and to feel confident about it.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
There is a balance between knowledge and the practical wisdom that comes from working with clients. Be curious about both science and practice.
To always have top of mind awareness of how present I am as well as my ability to show up authentically.
I can trust myself.
It is interesting how she mentioned that if she did the session now, she would use more silence to move progress faster.
Going after the limiting belief.
Appreciated Tunde’s comments about her documentary. Appreciated her challenge to coaches to pay attention to who we are becoming as well as demonstrating our capacity to be challenged.
A reminder of how important the somatic elements of a coaching session are and not to step over them.
You can give the client the choice to choose how to conduct the coaching. Ask the client if they want to sit, stand, move during the coaching
The energy between the client and coach was visceral and dynamic.
The topic is extremely valuable!
Tunde’s humility & learning focus
Her book on Coaching Presence focuses on non-verbal communication. My first thought is that this aligns with her comment about more silence.
I like how she built trust by respecting the client’s desire to move their coaching space
I struggle at times with the feeling to move the conversation in a direction that I think it should go. I like the reminder of silence helps me slow things down. Allow the client to think resulting in moving the conversation in their direction not mine.
So many valuable insights on presence and dancing with the client.
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Personal & Soul Conversation Coach
Bonus: 2 articles by Vicki-"Transformational Coaching A Real-Life Example of Positive Change" and to get “My Coaching Business: Myself!” which is about the limiting beliefs we have as coaches in terms of marketing ourselves.
Coaching scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and the master coach have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wantsto connect with her vision on a more succinct level so she can move forward in turning my dreams into reality. She is a teacher and has a gift of being able to break down information in a way that is easily understood. She is charismatic- everyone tells her she is very inspiring and should be a motivational speaker. She feels due to her experience and her gifts she has a lot to share and offer. She's finding it difficult to decide where to focus and how to articulate what she does.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
I was very impressed with how Vicki got the client to move past her planned and prepared speech that she came to the call with. I can see how challenging that was, and I am walking away from this call with a great example of how to move a client like this to a much deeper level.
Inspiration from “observing” the elegance of “dancing in the moment” and the power of presence. Wow!
A reminder of how important it is to be centered for both the client and coach. An inquiry/reflection for me re: how to work with clients who are in their heads
I loved the moment in the beginning of the call, when Vicki asked the client to take a moment to center herself before beginning coaching. She then asked her how does she usually center herself, which got the client to pull from her past experiences, which I think provided her a moment of comfort, I will definitely borrow this specific technique to use with my clients.
Vicki really was able to allow the client to find her own way. It felt uncomfortable for me as I listened understanding my primal urge to jump in and lead or guide.
Exploring more options rather than drilling down too quickly for a solution
Asking the kind of questions that allow the client to do the work
Technique of helping client turn off their repetitive thought patterns by focusing on their bodies.
Judy Feld, MCC
Master Certified Executive & Professional Coach
Co-Author of Smart Match Alliances Bonus: Judy's5000 word article "Baby Boomers Escape Your Bubble"
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time she and Judy had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm a Baby Boomer in life transition. I was married to a fairly successful man. I raised children and intermittently, had some great jobs, but my resume is spotty. After 40 years, the marriage has dissolved, dividing my nest egg in half, the stock market fell, dividing it in half again. Most of my friends are on on cruises, are winding down their lives, and cannot imagine going back to work. I've heard the job market is rough - and they are right - it's a jungle out there. Age discrimination is alive and well also. I believe I'm at a fork in the road (perhaps with several tines). I'm treading water with a tad bit of panic. I'm an excellent swimmer - if I can lay the panic aside and start some forward motion."
Purchase MP3- $59.97
One of the participants during the Q&A said to Judy:
"I think your coaching today was probably the best example Ive heard of a Master Coach. Of all the sessions Ive listened to through the ICF and Gail Moore, it was just masterfully done. I thought it was a fabulous call!"~Kay Cross, M.Ed, ACC, Cross Coaching & Wellness, www.kaycross.com
Her phenomenal assessing and breaking down of the Tony Latimer MCC coaching demonstration on the Latimer Deep Dive
Fran's mentoring/assessing a coaching sessiont that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS evaluation. Under the MCC exam sessions tab.
Call #1 Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for a skill drill on inquiry and an extra .5 CEUs Coaching Scenario: Gary was a family physician and psychiatrist and is now an integrative wellness coach. He has been a client (coaching then mentoring) of Frans for a few years. They took a bit of a break and this is their first session since the spring.
Coaching Topic: Where and how to allocate his energy within the limits of the energy he has. He has a number of things he’s doing that he finds rewarding, enjoys and is at peace with but needs to figure out what to focus more time and energy on and what to let go of.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Demonstration and validation of coaching at a level of true mastery."
"Noticing the questions the coach asked that were powerful in their simplicity. I will go back and listen to the call again and be conscious of the way she brought the client to explore deeper issues."
"Really powerful to learn the difference between MCC and PCC level use of reflection!"
"Wonderful call and demonstration of inquiry-wish we had longer to go through the 3 case studies for the skill drill"
"Great modeling of presence and new skill -Art of Inquiry"
"The use of inquiry structure to keep the question alive."
"The "discipline" of "holding back" on the part of the coach"
"This was a powerful reminder that clients have all the knowing they need inside them, we can't add any richness by leading or having an agenda for them, and that powerful questions are simple, short and open-ended."
Lynn Stewart MCC was scheduled to be the guest but she had a personal emergency but allowed us to listen to one of her previous PCC recorded sessions. Fran who was Lynn's mentor coach joined us on the call and demonstrated master mentor coaching feedback.
2 demonstrations in one call- coaching and mentoring!
Coaching Scenario: Nelleka had coach training years ago but is not a coach. She and Lynn have know each other for 14 years and Lynn has coached her off and on over the years.
Coaching Topic: Wants to explore what to do over the next 10 years, what to contribute to the world and what next steps to take.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
Hearing an assessor’s (Fran’s) feedback about this session was invaluable. I picked up so many useful tips for strengthening my own coaching!
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
I loved the way Lynn set up the call in the beginning; she went deep, clarified and explored the agenda really quickly, it took it to another level. I also like that she explored all the possible options of where the session could go. I’m also taking away Lynn’s soft, yet strong/confident presence, and use of/paraphrasing of the clients own words, because of that it felt like she tracked well with the client.
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
Opened my eyes to the nuances as well, really interesting and would love to hear more!
I found Fran’s very specific constructive feedback followed then by how it might have been done differently unbelievably helpful.
Great examples of how not to lead the client.
Questions to ask that invite the client to do the work.
Wow Gail I got so much that I can implement right away. Helped me see where I need and want to grow.
Fran’s specificity helped me see very clearly what it is in my own coaching I need to work on. Watch out for those leading questions and acknowledging sounds or comments!
I found Lynn to be very present with her client and I felt the connection. I appreciated the way she checked in with the client and would repeatedly reflect back what she was hearing.
I will transcribe that entire debriefing.
Must always confirm with the client re my observations otherwise makes client feel that I’m right or that I think I am!
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
Feel like I got a peek behind the scenes, the inner workings so to speak. I have a page full of takeaways.
Establishing the Coaching Agreement is where many coaches can get tripped up and can be the main reason for not passing the ICF exam. So this call is dedicated to exploring and delving deeply into this core competency as well as hearing Fran demonstrating it at the master level in a real coaching session with one her clients.
Fran says there are three things that are typically challenging at the MCC level regarding Establishing the Coaching Agreement, and they are KEY to the conversation:
1. HOW to take the client’s exploration DEEPER for their underlying issue and taking the time to do so
2. Measuring for success
3. Inviting the client to lead
Get ready to take this competency to the next level!
As special bonuses Fran gave us an additional 30 minutes to do this, she gave a hand-out which is a wonderful reource and the call provides 1.5 CEU's.
MP3 + ICF 1.5 CE's + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I am so very impressed at how Fran established that agreement! I have never heard such an in depth demo on the clarity and depth that could come out of establishing the agreement to that extent. Wow. That was very insightful. I now have a beautiful example of what to strive for, to really be of service to my clients.
Competency 2 is pivotal in going deeper with the client to hear what’s important or meaningful for that person
Don’t step over the energy shifts, incongruencies, as this is an opportunity to dive deeper
It’s not linear and Fran circled back to each [PCC] marker until the client was really clear and grounded in the agreement
Who is the client being in relation to the focus or issue they are bringing to the call.
Realising how I might be/ am leading clients - Having measures always with numbers - instead of how the client would measure where they are.
Moving from coaching the “What” to coaching the “Who”; the client.
Changing how I respond to the client’s answer to: How will you know if you have gotten your outcome?
Amazing demonstration and learning on how important it is to be patient and meet the client where they are, to fully explore what the client wants to achieve and the motivation underneath in defining the coaching agreement.
How overlooked the coaching agreement can be! How very important it is in defining and focusing the area(s) of coaching on what the client really wants. It IS the coaching!
Really nail it down and confirm topic, motivation, and outcome before moving on.
This was an extremely helpful call and a great reminder to up my game!
Ellen Fulton MCC
Executive Leadership & Coach Trainer Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for debrief and Q&A
Client Scenario: Rich is not in the coaching profession, in fact he's never been coached before and this is the first time he and Ellen have ever met or spoken.
Client Topic: He's 62yrs old and has a painful and messy past including a felony conviction. He wants to make a difference and has developed a system for climate change. He's been working on it for 4 years, has all the necessary players lined up behind him and its ready to go but he feels somewhat intimidated. He wants help to unpack whats holding him back and find the inspiration, motivation, education and accountability to get it rolling.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Ellen’s coaching was so masterful, she was so present, she stayed in the coach role and didn’t get tempted to get into Rich’s past and at the same time, she didn’t step over it. She was supportive with acknowledgements without being cheerleadery. She consistently used Rich’s own words and metaphors and by doing that Rich shifted his thinking and realized in those moments he has choice. She held the agenda, required the client to dig deep and the client was able to see and feel his power, he remembered he has the answers and he knows what he needs to do. I like how she stuck with the “being” and not the “doing”.
Despite the clients current financial stressors, a “messy” past, and having a very big goal, the session was light with laughter, it flowed very nice, and you could hear the shift in the clients’ voice and energy.
I really appreciated hearing an example of how to handle a moment where the language wasn’t landing for the client (“too coachy”), Ellen very masterfully noticed it, acknowledged it, and quickly corrected.
I thought the coach demonstrated great presence. When the client didn’t understand the questions she simply adapted--kept trying ways to discover language he did understand. Loved it when she said they were still learning their language together.
Careful when working with a new client to use language that is easy for them to access. Also how the taking of something big and drilling it into a smaller question is so tremendously empowering!
Strong coaching Presence and non-attachment to outcome. Ellen empathetically held space and asked questions to access the client's wisdom. She truly partnered with her client with patience and grace, causing a shift in his energy and perspective leading to his clarity and committed choice.
This was a different kind of call and a first for Moore Master Coaching!
Tijen demonstrated Master Mentor coaching from a different approach and powerful angle. We had a coach client, and two of the coach participants helped co-coach that client. Tijen supervised, gave feedback and demonstrated how the offerings could have been more masterful. In this way, we had this rare opportunity to understand and distinguish masterful and precise approaches to coaching to help bring our coaching to a profoundly transformative level for sustaining client results. So we got to hear Master Coaching and Master Mentor coaching all in one session!
Coach Scenario: Annette is a coach and this was the first time she and Tijen had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She is seeking guidance in navigating the next chapter of her Coaching journey…personally and professionally” …She wants to explore her “untapped potential” as a Certified Coach. She is in the process of building resiliency as she leans into authoring her most authentic brand!”
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Provided a perspective around specificity and risk that you do not always hear. Takes coaching to a much higher level.
Really liked the structure of this call with the coach coaching other coaches in real time on how to help the client. Novel and instructive. Would like more of this format!
The coach is listening with all of herself; not just through her mind, but what is the emotional landscape of the client and how does it shift, while creating awareness around that
the importance of narrowing the topic succinctly early on and continuously clarifying with client around where are you now
The most powerful questions come from deep holistic listening. They are personalized according to each client’s uniqueness and what each brings to coaching.
Reflection, instinct, examine and utilize “shifts”. Loved the honoring portion at the end!
full body/soul listening
Tijen’s process for funneling the agenda before expanding the awareness
Mentoring of volunteer coaches was extremely helpful.
I enjoyed this approach to coaching demo- it was interesting to see the master coach intervene in real-time with the coaching.
Find the thing below the thing.
Focus on key words, metaphors in the client’s speech, and paraphrase it back to them without leading them in any assumption on their direction. Also use questions that help to focus on the outcome, not expand on the content.
Interesting different approach to coaching demonstration/ mentoring.
The importance of those emotional shifts in the tone of the voice, the pace, the words being repeated, and the importance to present back to the client what we hear and refer to the initial goal, thus allowing for recontracting.
Very valuable!
How deeply honoring Tijen was of the client and the 2 volunteer coaches. It was so genuine, it's obvious this is who she is as a person and coach, mentor, trainer. What a gift to those she works with, It was a gift to me to experience.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
This session was rich with masterful coaching.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
Executive Leadership & Career Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the assessor's report
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Emily is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Client scenario: This is one of Emily's real life clients who is not in the coaching profession. They coached together on and off for around 2 years.
Client topic: A core issue that’s played out in her professional life that she has made great strides on, is now showing up with her personal passion. She feels stuck, a sense of overwhelm and urgency around creating a blog and workshops etc. around capturing memories and cant figure out what to do first or when to do it.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The call today was exceptional!
This was so effective and felt like a clean version of me. Gives me hope!
Love the way the client drove the session so peacefully, it can be difficult even at the MCC level to let go of our well intentioned agendas
Beautiful at ease MCC coaching - plus deepening my understanding of the MCC
I “loved” what the coach said about leading with love for her clients. That love is one of her strongest values. It showed!
To take more time getting beneath what the client brings to the session to get to the actual agreement. To be better at co-creating an agreement with clients around a pre-session check in form.
To learn about the ICF MCC Qualification Process
This was a great session! It was very interesting to be able to listen to the session and then review the feedback from the ICF assessor’s perspective.
Not looking at the tip of the iceberg but going underneath, looking deeper.
Love these exam review calls as they make me a better assessor and mentor.
It was a very high level call
The importance of trusting the process. Being comfortable with silence, asking powerful questions.
Reminder of how to get to the coaching agreement without my natural curiosity pulling me down a rabbit hole.
Bonus: 30 additional minutes of discussion and Q&A at the end of the call on what it takes to go from a good coach to a great one
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has had coaching in the past but this is the frist time that she and David have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a 56-year-old getting started as a speaker/consultant on leadership issues in technical companies. I’ve written a book, gotten a nice sparkly website, but my biggest issue is “imposter syndrome”. I still have that feeling that I have no business advising anyone on leadership issues, even though I have an MBA, plenty of management experience, and plenty of compliments on my insights and abilities with people. And of course, I’ve written a book on leadership! But still there’s that voice whispering to me “nah, not you, hon”. That’s what I’m looking to get past."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was a pleasure to observe such powerful coaching! One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
Brilliant coaching! David not only challenged the client, he challenged me to think about how I can add more value as a coach. His provocative comments about the future of coaching should be heeded by every coach.
Coaching is more than helping create insight for the client. It’s also about helping the client to take action by getting “ridiculously specific” regarding the steps he/she will take and the “speed bumps” that may get in the way.
Inspiration and a model for truly masterful coaching. Impressive work! I will listen to this session again.
How boldness is the gateway to great coaching.
I am committed to paying more attention to when I turn away from an opportunity to take a risk with a client.
Both client and coach were dynamic!
Other valuable lessons I learned: be willing to be wrong more, be aware of the power dynamic in coaching, and challenge my clients more.
Use of humor, reframing, digging with depth to achieve insight
His coaching presence, in terms of presentation and content, was masterful.
Be confident enough to be wrong. Find the issue and then anchor it.
David Goldsmith's was a guest again for a different kind of call & an MMC first!
Please note: extended call time (to 90 minutes) & how this call was different!
David was a guest in January (the above call) and coached a woman not in the coaching profession, who has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time she and David had ever met or spoken. This call is a participant favorite!
David coached her again on this call as a follow-up session.
The coaching was conducted similarly to the way coaches train the pro athletes by breaking down and examining the action play by play. So David coached in a start and stop fashion giving us the opportunity in the moment to engage with David, the client and the coaching in a very participatory way.
MP3 + CCE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Wow! What a beautiful coaching session and life lesson!
That paraphrasing fears to the point of ridiculousness brings levity to a situation and allows the client to reset.
The impact of reflecting as a mirror the words of the client so that they can hear it.
The importance of listening to one’s gut in deciding in which direction to go during the session
Clients will reveal where the coaching conversation can go deep. Not helpful for coaches to be too nice--okay to provoke/challenge client’s thinking.
Not being afraid to try different things to get to that “thing”; that will be of value and get results.
It is always a pleasure to observe David and his powerful coaching! Thank you for having him back again. I learn so much from him.
I admire his confidence in his own intuition; and how he is not attached to being right, he simply “has a hypothesis” and tests it out. It is such a masterful tool, and this is what I strive to always connect to in my coaching sessions.
He modeled brilliantly how to step over the potential therapy issues regarding her past, but used the depth and pain from those experiences in a coaching framework.
The logic and simplicity David used to shed light into the unconscious fears / beliefs.
Libby Graves MBA, MCC
Master certified Leadership Development & Executive Career/Life Transition Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes for more debriefing and Q&A
Client Scenario: This is one of Libby's real-world clients. They have worked together for about 2 years.
Client Topic: He is a dentist in the military. He realizes the questions he’s been asking “What do I do next and How do I continue along the path of self-development for a particular job?” are not the right questions. The better ones are “What kinds of roles do I foresee for myself that allow me to be authentic in who I am? And “knowing who I am and taking an inventory of the leaders I have available to me, how do I leverage those into the next level?”
This was one of our ICF MCC exam sessions
We got to hear one of Libby's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
MP3 + ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
Wiith the subscription.
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice.
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellent call today which exemplified truly masterful coaching!
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
Her good example of pinpointing the coaching agreement.
how well she packaged together a summary from what her client said. Also, I like the wording, “What progress do you feel you’re making?” regarding the coaching session.
Clients are supported when they feel a sense of trust and safety in the coaching relationship, and when they are given plenty of space to engage in deep exploration and the time to process what’s uncovered.
To be completely comfortable in a space of not know knowing--to let whatever unfolds appear--to let go of any need to have “the” answers.
Maintaining Presence is what stood out for me. I often have to calm myself, to be more present. This was helpful.
Self-management and patience with the process of uncertainty of outcome.
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
A new tool “allow the story telling” for retirement transitioning clients.
the completeness of the ending - I can learn a lot from this, going deeper even as I am moving to close.
The power of coaching to help clients develop and grow strong belief in themselves.
Discussion of tools was really helpful; for example, use of “Life Story” in setting baseline and connecting with clients to help them feel heard and understood.
It's always valuable to hear a session that passed the MCC exam.
Executive & Leadership Coach Bonus: 15 minute discussion on a topic Sarah is passionate about. "We are losing too many great coaches & potential great coaches in our profession because they don’t know how to make a living as a coach." She explained and gave us her methodology that we can use to get to a "Happy Yes" when building a robust coaching business.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, he has never been coached before and he and Sarah met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: "I am the founder and CEO of a financial group, a registered investment advisory firm. I started the firm when I was 24, and became the younger founder of an RIA firm in the State of Ohio’s history. I’ve been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, the Washington Post, CNN Business, Authority Magazine, etc. And I really don’t say that to brag, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. I say that because I have horrible imposter syndrome. I just feel like a fraud because I’m not as experienced or as smart as other people and I am too young to be running an investment firm. I am the youngest person at my company. Think about how crazy it is that the CEO of the company is the youngest and least experienced of the whole company."
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Gail, I just listened back to this recording between Sarah Happel MCC and Ryan. It was magnificent. I re-learnt what it means to be an MCC and Sarah modelled her capacity as MCC brilliantly. I came away buoyed and keen again to rekindle my love affair with improving my MCCness. Thank you for your magnificent resource." ~Executive Coach, Tara Nolan MCC
"A powerful demonstration of presence, curiosity, and partnering with the client."
"When a client seems challenged in coming up with an outcome--jumps around a lot--I want to stay with the client. I want to dance with the client as a true partner--fully present and curious about what’s really wanted."
"I really appreciated some of the questions the coach asked. I also appreciated her response when the client seemed to be asking her advice or making references to therapy."
"Outstanding call!"
"Very helpful discussion about the business of coaching."
"Sarah’s simplicity and easy going questioning style."
“Don’t get sucked into the situation. Focus on what it’s like for the client to be in that situation.”
"Let the client lead"
"Great example of pure coaching and helping clients to figure things out for themselves."
"The way she held the client accountable and tossed it back to him to solve his own issues and not give advice.
"I have clients as Im sure we all do that can be all over the place. Getting to see how masterfully Sarah handled it, was a real gift!"
Executive, Business & Team Coaching & Gestalt Therapy & Supervision
Coaching Scenario: The client was a PCC coach. Dora had seen her CV prior but they had never met or spoken prior to the call.
Coaching Topic: The client is going through a very difficult period due to health and business. She suffered a large business venture loss. She wanted to explore her patterns around drinking and eating as a way of helping to cope.
MP3 + ICF CEU + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved how Dora reflected her own physical experience with what she was hearing; I think that brought a level of awareness to the client
Dora’s ability to hold the space and to know when to step in and to not have any trepidation in doing so was quite impressive. Also, Dora’s ability to listen with all of herself and to express her deep compassion and empathy for Karen was wonderful to witness.
The gentle and firm interrupting of the client’s story. How Dora was right with Karen and gave her the words that were spot on.
Co-creation- the coach listened to what the client wanted, which is to be listened to and get feedback, and that metaphors-(rollercoaster) were helpful in her understanding her own behaviors and patterns.
Paying attention to emotions/body versus mind in coaching.
Dora’s incredible ability to listen to a long story from the client and share just one or two things that she heard and offering those up to the client.
the power of asking/naming the unspoken emotions; use of metaphors
Communicate how I see and feel as a reflection of clients state without judgement
To serve clients by finding the balance between gently and firmly interrupting them when they’re engrossed in their stories. To partner and co-create with clients how they wish to use their remaining time in the session.
It’s impressive that Dora can keep therapy and coaching separate.
How to communicate and reflect back to client using the metaphor of our state of emotion and body feelings
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Establishing the Coaching Agreement, 5 Steps to Contracting & How to Stop Negative Thinking
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Margie have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is a film director and loves her career. She feels she's doing all the right things but she’s not moving ahead, she's been on one level for many years. She knows there needs to be a change, feels something within is blocking her.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the particiapnt take aways:
Outstanding call! So much was accomplished in just 30 minutes. I felt each question moved her forward skillfully and sensitively, without feeling rushed.
The value of coaching--holding the space to create clarity around vision and obstacles to achieving it. Powerful stuff!
I got a lot out of it for my own personal development. Thank You!
Simple, graceful and powerful coaching. Margie was masterful at bringing the client fully in touch with the depth of her passion and purpose. This helped the client break through her stuckness
Loved the use of the I AM model.
Never quite saw intention setting done in this way. I'm going to borrow it!
Good post discussion on process and values
Importance of doing "values" work in coaching
I want to continue accessing this kind of call. Its very interesting.
Patricia Hirsch NCOC, MCC
Master Certified Executive Personal Coach Bonus: 20% off Patricia's ongoing 8 teleclass series for women over 40- Conversations With Women: From Knowledge to Wisdom. Also Thomas Leonard's Client Coachability Index
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time she and Patricia had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She has self published a book on infidelity-contains stats etc. but is very user friendly with lots of humor. She has been on both sides of the fence, been cheated on and has cheated. So has the advantage of being able to see both sides and the book is not condemning or judging. She feels the need is around re-education and personal accountability. She'd like to start an Infidelity Campaign (for example something like MADD) - nationwide, worldwide, whatever direction it may take. She's a theatre arts major, wants to get out from behind the computer and out in the world talking to everyday people about it. She feels stuck but like she's on the verge and just needs to get over the hump.
MP3 +ICF CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with a subscription - can cancel anytime*
One of the participants- a monthly subscriber had this to say:
My takeaway was related to how amazing coachable clients are and the vastly different ways they can be legitimately and profoundly served. This session really opened my eyes to this other modality and has made me curious to know more. It was a powerful experience that enriched and deepened my knowledge-base. I think it is very important to keep growing and learning and always beneficial to be exposed to new things and stretch out of my comfort zone."
~Jackie Black PhD, BCC
And here are just some of the other participants takeaways:
A reminder of how cool the ontological approach is, bringing a client to focus on who they are being, not the problem.
After 10 plus years of coaching - I need to get back to basics!
The use of somatic focus to help clients break out repetitive thinking patterns that they may find themselves stuck in.
How important body awareness is to clarity.
The value of using the ontological framework in coaching. I use this all the time, and appreciated the creative way it was approached here to get the client out of her ''story.''
That interrupting the client firmly but with compassion has value. This was well demonstrated.
The value of tuning in to the body and emotions to help the client understand who they are being.
Annette Hurley MCC, BCC
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Wellness & Mentor Coach Bonus: an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach who is a PCC preparing for her MCC. This is the first time that she and Annette have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm challenged by how much/when/how to balance my own coaching voice and presence with trusting the client to take the lead. While I have invested time to listen and learn from MCCs, even they have PCC moments so it is difficult to know whether or not I am taking the ICF rubric too literally or appropriately examining my behaviors to ensure I'm moving out of PCC/virtuoso habits. One of my teachers said "what got you here [PCC] won't get you there [MCC]" but though I have identified what's holding me back I've yet to surmount it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
Annette clearly has many years of coaching experience and wisdom. I enjoyed the extra 30 minutes to debrief....that time was very valuable to hear how the coachee and the coach processed.
I really enjoyed the discussion we had in the Q&A regarding the clients expectations of discussing/solving her common stuck-point, when the microphone gets passed to her, and how this coaching conversation mirrored the challenge she’s been working on “ the client expecting the coach to solve their problem”. Great discussion!
Annette’s “inquiry” at the end resonated with me and is a question that I believe will be important for me to consider as I continue to develop.
Inspired to reflect on my goals as a coach. Curious to review “rules” for PCC and MCC and then use this to re-assess my skills and set intentional goals to continue self-improvementThank you for a thought provoking topic!
Using my presence as a tool to self manage. I want to continue to hone my coaching presence and I move toward the MMC level of coaching
Was a great learning experience. Loved the discussion following the call!
Investing the time to co-create the relationship. The art of pacing the conversation so a potential energetic shift may occur
The journey to MCC is about self-managing. I will commit to focusing more on how i can use “pure” coaching with my clients who want me to offer consultative help, even if it’s uncomfortable.
Diana Ideus MCC
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Diana is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Diana and this client worked for the same coaching company for years, including a few years where she was Diana’s direct report. They have continued their friendship and remain in each other's support network, which includes occasional coaching sessions.
Coaching Topic: She wants to get over the hesitancy and turmoil she feels when she has to discuss pricing for her services
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the particpant take-aways:
All of it! But I think the length of the silence is what intrigued me most, allowing the client the time to process and write things down, and letting go of the feeling of having the next question, and just BEING WITH the client.
Ask brief questions using their words. See them on stage holding a microphone and me in the audience.
How brilliantly Diana was present and yet not taking up “space”--she aerated the call with possibilities for the client to process, reflect, and take notes.
Get this woman back for another MMC call!
Every coach needs to hear this call.
Her contracting extended for much of the call... was always aware of it!
My biggest takeaways from this call were the coaches presence and use of silence, and the awesome pacing…Absolutely loved this session, what a great Master Coach!
The power of summarizing and recapping periodically to make sure we’re tracking with the client, while also sharing observations and making distinctions to facilitate their reflection.
Diana brilliantly demonstrated the effectiveness of brief, powerful questions that literally took the client’s breath away!
the deep, deep silence
I better understand what it means to meet the client where they’re at vs. pushing them ahead by teaching new concepts!
This not only reinforced my direction, it demonstrated there’s even a deeper level beyond what I’ve been achieving.
Diana's 2nd coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and a copy of the examiner's report and scoring
Coaching scenario: He became Diana's direct report on her Organizational Development team in 2017. Jacen then became a coach and has become an integral part of Diana’s company Hawthorne Union
Coaching topic: He’s working on his next iteration of transformation. His productivity goes up then things out of his control derail him. Wants to be more consistent and not allow himself to be completely shut down or thrown off course.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
The masterful way in which Diana asked the questions so that Jason identified his own solutions
recognizing and noting changes in tone more often.
"what do you want to keep?"
Usefulness of acknowledging voice tone and body changes in clients as they discuss certain topics. This observation can help inform what should be pursued and how.
Use the clients metaphors, beautiful demo of doing so.
Diana really did the dance and listened. Took her time and paused to form thoughtful questions.
Coaches vulnerability to share she didn’t pass ICF test 1st time.
Paid attention to clients use of, piggybacked and built off metaphors to tie back and move client forward.
The Demonstration of using more questions about client feeling something in their body/the emotion.
Very clear and concise questions!
A powerful demonstration of the ICF Competencies.
Verbalizing a client’s energy/energy shifts/tone...
keeping in mind to check in with client about awareness being created during the process
Excellent book she wrote, I ordered it after visiting her website.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonus: Judy's book: Living Courageously in a Changing World: 101 Tips for Authentic Success
Judycoached 2 clients for us!
Coaching Scenario 1: The 25 minute session was with a man who had never been coached before and this was the first time he and Judy had ever met or spoken:
Coaching Topic 1: "Even after 18 years in business, with a 500 page book about to be published on internet marketing and almost too many customers, I have no quality of life. I would like assistance with working with my employees -how to inspire them to be more empowered and to respect me more as boss so that I am able to achieve more life balance."
One participant on the call said to Judy:
"What you did was a brilliant example of coaching the system by inviting the client to look at his part in the system and how he creates his reality. I don't think he had the understanding of his part in the system, he was seeing the system in disparate pieces."
Coaching Scenario 2: This laser session was with a woman who has been coached before in branding & speaking. This was the first time she and Judy had ever met or spoken:
Coaching Topic 2: "I am an author and leader of a popular networking organization in Indianapolis. I would like a better understanding of how to navigate the road to go from where I am now to getting on talk shows and regular paid speaking engagements."
Purchase- MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Joelle K. Jay, MCC
Master Certified Executive Coach
Author of 3 books- latest: The Inner Edge: The 10 Practices of Personal Leadership
Special Bonus: Joelles Executive Summary (good for any niche) & follow-ups to help implement
Coaching Scenario: The client is one of Joelles real life on-going clients. They have been working together for about a year.
Coaching Topic: The client wants to learn how to transition back and forth on an on-going basis between the big picture vision she has for what she wants for herself and the day to day details.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
"Thank you for bringing Joelle K. Jay to your Master Coaching call. While I was listening to her session, I said to myself, “Now there is a master coach!” It seems that she lives and breathes the core competencies without a shred of artifice or seeming efforting. She’s just there with the client as a clear partner, calling the client to her greatness. Her respect for her client was palpable, while she deftly crafted the structure of the session with lightness AND firmness at the same time – all in service to her client’s goals and always dancing in the moment. She kept bringing the client back to her vision, holding the space for the client to hone what she wanted and then to explore how to get there. She asked the client to stay in touch with her feelings in the process, thus helping her anchor to what was most important to her and maximizing her empowerment. And all of this was done with joy and a distinct sense of fun. The client commented on that after the call. To my mind that’s mastery!" ~Bobbie Burdett, Bcc, PCC (applicant), Director of Training HealthWorld Online, www.authenticoach.com
"WOW ~ this call was wonderful for me. I heard so many coaching tools used at a high level which really resulted in the client reaching her brilliance and coming away with significant direction. I was also personally assisted in my own growth by putting myself in the chair of the client and asking what does this have to do with me and my own needs around the same issue. I took away strategies and tools for myself from the work of these two together today."~D Petersen, BCC Coaching for Well Being
Maggie Joao MCC
Executive, Medical, Mentor Coach & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 15 minutes for Q&A and review of examiner's feedback and scoring.
This is a different kind of call!
We heard one of Maggie's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback and scoring. Followed then by a debriefing and Q&A with the Master Coach.
The coaching session runs approximately 21 minutes. So this was the first time we will hear a session under 30 minutes that met all the requirements to pass.
Please Note extended call time. Maggie gave us a bonus 15 minutes in order to have plenty of time.
Coaching Scenario: Maggie and Kamila didn’t really know each other before this session but they were both coaches and trainers for the same training provider. So Maggie invited her to be the client and of course thesession passed and Maggie received her MCC last year (2020).
Coaching Topic: She is redefining her business to include not just working with her clients but to package her knowledge into eBooks, books and recordings. She feels her “willing” is much higher than her doing. It’s very important to her to come up with steps that she not only wants to take but will take.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
A beautiful demonstration of trust and intimacy and powerful questioning. It can be a great opportunity for the client’s growth to ask challenging questions. Notice patterns and put it on the table asking, “what does this mean for you?”;
I loved what Maggie said at the end: 1. Trust yourself; 2. Trust the process/system/partnership; 3. Be in service; 4. Enjoy the ride. This is how I attempt to and want to approach every coaching conversation.
There’s some comfort in hearing that even a coach at the MCC level has to stay vigilant about coaching the person and not the problem.
How to dance with a Client during the session:
To be focused on using client’s metaphors
I love these MCC exam passing calls!!! Keep them coming!! Thanks!!
How simplicity can work magic in coaching a client to move forward efficiently and with conviction.
Coaching does not need to be hard... You can keep it simple, take it one step at a time, and be with your client. This resulted in a very efficient, and elegant session which delivered results for this client.
Just love these sessions, Gail - so real and so helpful as I evolve as a coach.
The power to explore the client’s metaphor in birthing her plans. The power of expansive questions that created intimacy and trust in a very short time.
Pay attention to the patterns during the session and lay them out on the table. Keep only a few notes – clients’; words that have meaning for them and perhaps a pattern around them. Loved her last 4 pieces of wise advice.
Make sure I am checking in with the client to ensure the session is meeting the client’s goals.
The impact of using metaphors, client’s words and short questions. Check with the client on the progress during the session
Helping clients connect what excites them to what their next steps might be in pursuing their goals.
Incredible session! The ease and simplicity of it was brilliant.
The coaching session was seamless and highly effective in only 22 minutes. No need to prolong things when the coach is skilled! The client got exceptional value.
Spend more time on the agreement with the client. Make sure the contracting is solid.
Just love these sessions, Gail - so real and so helpful as I evolve as a coach.
Executive, Leadership, Team, Group & Mentor Coach
Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation
Different Kind of MCC Exam Call
Zsofia allowed us to listen to one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam and gave permission for Karl Van Hoey MCC, an ICF Master Coach, Mentor and Assessor to review the session with us and share is observations and valuable insights
Coaching Topic: The client can't get at this stage people to take her on as a volunteer, they are concerned about the insurance piece.
She wants to try to find a way to understand and cover the gaps, what she can do to get people to take her on board and make sure she’s on the same page with them.
Coaching Scenario: Zsofia and her client had contracted for 6 sessions, for the specific purpose of the MCC application. They knew each other prior to this engagement through some consulting work.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (additional 30-minutes, transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Deeper understanding of the MCC Bars and their role in assessing recordings.
Great contracting at the beginning; including re-contracting
This is overall such a wonderful way for me to learn, thank you!
How using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Zsofia did a great job Establishing and Maintaining the Agreement. Also, Listening Actively, Evoking Awareness and Maintaining Presence also stood out.
Don’t summarize but ask what has changed for the client.
less is more when it comes to the MCC level coaching
So many wonderful tidbits were shared: “Silence supported by presence becomes holding the space.”
Simplify my questions! Don’t add before or after.
how using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Any opportunity to listen to others coach along with how an ICF assessor would respond helps me reflect on my own coaching. always adds something else to my toolbox.
I appreciate how Zsofia did not give in to her client’s prompts to be a consultant and continued to be a coach with her questions. And, how she made use of many of the common questions we ask.
At ACC you’re learning the competencies, PCC you’re applying the competencies, and MCC you intuitively know the competencies.
I don’t need to remember what the client said. The client needs to remember.
Reminder to not summarize for the client. Let them say it.
Karl’s sharing a bit about how we should work with the Bars in an integrated way. Very helpful.
I really appreciated the coaches presence and natural flow of the session
Master Certified Executive, Career Transition & Cultural Assimilation Coach
Bonus: Compilation of 3 of Moty's coaching articles
Moty coaches 2 clients on this call!
The first is a 30 minute session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and has never been coached before. This is the first time that he and Moty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is an unemployed middle-aged man seeking to transition from a career in entertainment publicity. He is feeling confused, discouraged and losing his confidence and wants a shift in perspective or an emotional boost.
The second is a 5 minute laser session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and has never been coached before. This is the first time that she and Moty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is a woman who is in the marketing profession with over 10 years of experience and needs help improving her interviewing skills. She's a great employee but feels she doesn't sell herself well in interviews.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
When asked her greatest take away from all her years of coaching Moty replied “People are great, people are unique & intelligent and they know and are capable of accessing their own greatness. Its not me, Im like a travel agent I help prepare the road but they have to make the trip.”
Terrie Lupberger MCC
Master Certified Senior Executive & Corporate Coach Contributing Author: A Coach’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence and The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching Bonus: Thomas Leonard's New Client Checklist
Coaching Scenario: Joseph is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time he and Terrie have ever met or spoken
Coaching Topic: "I get 95% of a project completed, and then won't finish the rest. I
have several books that are "almost done". I wrote business plans and then shelved them. I can easily finish projects for other people and other businesses, but when It comes to me, I often let things fall by the sidelines.A lot of times I get distracted by new projects. What's the block, what is stopping me from getting things done? Im very skilled with lots of education, why cant I finish things?"
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
How powerful simply holding space for a client to explore really can be, especially when done with lightness!
I’m taking away joy with Terrie's coaching! Effortless, light & true impact.
Just that master's touch - giving power to the client, light but deep, EASY!
Terrie beautifully and lightly accompanied Joseph in his exploration...she articulated and pointed to areas that were coming up in the exploration that he may not have been aware of, to help him decide where to focus their time. He was really the ''star'' of this session. Also loved what she said about getting trapped as coaches listening too closely to the words but to listen to the energy as well as the words...loved that.
I am going to try to wear the metaphor of my client being the ''star'' and me being the able reflector and observer, lightly accompanying him on his journey and pointing things out along the way. I quite like that.
Continue to stay curious, get agreement from the client, check in with the client, acknowledge, and go deeper--not rush to strategies and/or problem solving.
And you can see Terrie's call where she and 2 other Master Coaches coach the same client back to back under the "3 MCC" tab
Sam Magill MCC
Executive, Leadership & Coach Supervisor for this call Special Bonus: the call is extended for an additional 30 minutes to cover the elements below.
This was a different kind of call & an MMC first!
2 MCCs for the price of one!
Sam begins by talking to us about coaching supervision, his passion and area of expertise.
Then we hear Sherryl T. Christie coaching one of her real world executive clients
Sam then demonstrates what he talked about and actually supervises Sherryl
Finally there's a Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Mike the client, is an executive and he and Sherryl have been coaching together off and on since 2011. They have been on a bit of a hiatus and so this is the first session theyve had for about 7 months.
Coaching Topic: Mike says his pattern has been to micro manage and take on things that other people arent handling well but knows it’s not sustainable or in the best interest of anyone. He's given an employee a huge project but feels this employee has a similar pathology. The project is not going well and the team is having problems with him. Mike says he’s always been of the mindset “accomplish the mission at any cost” and tends to be a direct bottom line kind of guy. He really wants to know how to approach this differently so that he can help the employee to develop his skillset and grow while also accomplishing the goals of the company.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Super-vision! Love it! Thanks to Sam and Sherryl for this learning experience!
Gratefulness to witness 2 coaching sessions one being supervision of an MCC. Wow!
How, when direct communication is done with the intent of helping the client get back on track, it can be very powerful.
Thank you for integrating supervision and doubling the MCCs, I so appreciate the variety and complexity.
As Sheryl spoke about, I am often ahead of my clients and need to slow down even more.
Great to listen to the coaching session within the supervision context. How do you know when you are a good enough coach?? was an amazing supervision question.
Paying attention to parallel processes in my coaching sessions...i.e. me doing with the client what he/she is doing in his/her life.
Continuing to note my own urges to advise and not coach.
This call was fantastic, thank you! I loved Sam’s introduction to and definition of supervision: in that it helps the beginner and master coach, increase the moments of mastery. Brilliant!
I will forever continue the process of supervision/mentor coaching in order to continue to be my best self, and best coach for my clients.
Loved learning about super-vision and the difference between that and mentor coaching.
How useful it is to have an observer of the observer!
Excellent learning opportunity
When we hope for but don’t see results in a session, we must remember that the client needs time to reflect. The learning and action most often come after the session.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Mentor Coach Special Bonus: addtitional 30 minutes for Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Meg have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She wants away to figure out what she wants to do with her life "what to do when she grows up". She's had many careers and been very successful but doesn't know if she's ever been content.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes of Q&A ) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"I was surprised by Meg's humble attitude about her mastery. I could relate to her struggle with her perfectionism and confidence about her session. I appreciated her discussion about how natural that is as a coach, and how we often are very hard on ourselves immediately after a session thinking what we could have, or should have done differently. Her sharing her experiences of clients returning and reporting back the positive feelings they had the following week after the call, and the importance of just being with them in the process, and not being attached to the outcome, is something we all need to continue to work on, and I will remember listening in on this master. Thank you Meg, for your transparency."
"I really liked Megs consistent use of the clients own language throughout the entirety of the session. I loved how (in coaching with the client), she distinguished the difference between "best fit" "most sense" and "calling".
"This coach was very "real" & a masterful accompaniment of the client, meeting her where she needed to be and creating a safe space for exploration."
"Superb establishing the agreement"
"Loved Meg's transparency with her own process, encouraging us all to simply let go and trust the process....that's enough."
"I really liked Meg's technique of having the client write down the "ingredients to her recipe". That's where I heard a major shift in her thinking."
" Highly beneficial"
"Great model of using energy on a phone call"
Megs 2nd call which demonstrated coach mentoring from a Master who has also served as an ICF assessor.
This was a different kind of MMC call. We first heard a PCC coach who is going for her MCC conducting a live coaching session with one her real world clients. We then heard Meg mentor her. As a bonus we had an additional 30 minutes to make sure we had plenty of time to delve in, debrief and get all of our questions answered.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara. , it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
Christine Martin MCC
Master Certified Executive Coach Bonus: Article: How Feeling Ambivalent Can Improve Your Decisions (EI and the research)
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach but this is the first time that she and Christine have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: About 10 years ago, I started on a journey in the world of positive psychology by taking a prestigious masters program and working to bring that to the world of business through speaking, coaching, consulting and training. However, I have not done that. Despite ideas for several books, engagements, ways to market myself, and a deep belief that I have something great to offer the world, I have sat around and done nothing except get a decade older and watch my kids grow up. I am doing a few small things, but would love to take my game up to the global stage.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
"I loved when she said one has to practice coaching without the need to help. The ability to stay apart, but become connected."
"I saw the importance of the coach allowing the client to see her humanity as a way of connecting with the client"Challenge of addressing client issues that are similar to our own."
"To remind myself of my own bias and to be mindful of how it might color my coaching."
"The importance of building relationship with the client through connection and vulnerability"
"Coaching is not about helping or fixing. Coaching is about discovery."
"I loved Christine’s transparency with the client, sharing the mirror effect that was occurring for her."
"Establishing what the client wants to get from the session is the most crucial thing to do in a session."
"Resisting the temptation to offer my own story/experience."
"I found the discussion about what the coach shared about her own journey interesting. I would have liked more time to discuss this."
Business, Executive & Communication Coach Bonuses: 30 additional minutes of Q&A, Transcript & Examiners Review
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
MP3 + 1.5 CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Both coach and client brought their authentic selves to the coaching conversation. The ease with which they engaged was a demonstration of their high-trust relationship.
Trusting myself and my intuition and putting it out there without explanation or asking permission. The coach modeled great confidence and trust.
I appreciated the conversation around external/internal processors and prep forms. I also like the tip shared by the coach--the fastest way to more masterful coaching is to listen to a recording of my coaching and assess it.
1. Brief questions 2. Gentle Coaching presence 3. Coach the person, not the situation
Allowing spaciousness for the client.
To focus more on the contracting process to ensure clients understand what coaching is and isn’t--including coach and client roles and responsibilities.
The power of using words the client uses.
Building trust in the relationship allows for the coach to be more themselves in the call.
When clients feel fear (like I am afraid I will never be able to sing again), to lean into the fear and not avoid it. The question, what if you couldn’t sing again, was a great question that had the client really feel this fear.
simple, easy, space
More room, slow down (as always), the power of letting the client play around with their awareness.
I think the portion of the call that spoke to suicidal intervention was really interesting.
Giving the client the time and room via the silences to tap into their own brilliance.
Want to learn more about coaching suicide awareness- a valuable skill to have not only for clients but for life in general.
Michael revealing his learning around the affirming noises he made. The way he explained why it’s not beneficial to the client was eye opening, loved it! Will be more watchful in my own coaching.
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Allan is the author of Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Winand co-author of the Amazon Top 100 bestseller, Bold Moves: Jump to Outstanding Self-Managed Action and the corporate workbook, Empathy: Connecting with the Customer.
Bonus: his Amazon #1 bestselling book- Bold Moves: Jump to Outstanding Self Managed Action. This interactive online journal version allows us to record our thoughts, actions, ideas on the right margin in relation to our next bold move.
Coaching Scenario:My goal for this series is for us to have the opportunity to hear as many different types of situations as possible and this call provided a different and first time scenario! One of Allan's previous high level executive clients was scheduled for the call. However she didn't show and I found out later that she hadn't taken the different timezone into account. So anyway one of the participants stepped up and had the good fortune of being coached by Allan on the call.
The scenario is that Allan was anticipating coaching a client he knows and in a niche that is his forte. So we got to witness his mastery at being able to switch on a dime, maintain profound presence and prove that if you are masterful you can coach anyone.
Coaching Topic: Sarah's book is at the publishers and will be coming out in the next month or so. She has qusetions, concerns and fears about the steps that she needs to take to successfully launch the book.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Here are some of the participant takeaways:
"The importance of Coaching Presence. It is something we all heard on day #1 in coach training; but this stunning real-time reminder was tremendously valuable. Allan's coaching presence was strong, clear and elegant."
"A heightened awareness to the importance of "clean language" and attentive listening"
"How Allan skillfully focused on her emotional tone and was able to partner with her so that she could begin to celebrate her achievement"
"A gratitude for Allan's beautiful presence as a coach"
"It was very good coaching. Im taking away how important it is to dance in the moment as Alan and Sarah did!"
"How crucial self-management, as a coach is to the ability to be fully present for the client. Also the importance of curiosity and powerful questions in shifting the conversation towards new perspectives."
"Excellent coaching works in a variety of contexts -- from executive to entrepreneur to life."
"Great reminders on self management and the "clean white room"."
"Use of probing questions to address limiting beliefs."
Jim Milner MBA, BCC, MCC
Executive, Leadership Development & Strategy Coach Bonus: Discusses the core competencies & additional 30 minutes for Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, he has had coaching in the past however not for the topic he brought to this call. This will not only be the first time he and Jim have met, Jim didnt want to know anything about the client or the topic ahead of time.
Coaching Topic: "I would like advice on how to take my plan to decrease racism in the US to a national level. I’ve had tremendous success locally but don’t know how to scale it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Incredible call! One of the very best ever.
When asking where a feeling is showing up in the client’s body, follow it with a 2nd question: “what is that telling you?” Triples the impact!
I was tremendously impressed with how Jim responded each time the client asked to be told how to do something - i.e. “what would you have me tell you?” That tapped right into the client’s wisdom!
Jim talked about investing time to deeply build the coaching agreement.
Another perspective to the core competencies
To be comfortable with silence. To ask “what else?”
I am taking way Jim’s approach to building the coaching agreement, which does not need to happen all in the first few minutes of the session.
My biggest take away from this call was watching the process of believing in the client in full-force. The coach held the space, and the belief that the client had his own answers even in those moments when the client felt most “stuck”, and repeatedly wanted the coach to “tell me what to do” or “what’s the right answer for my problem”? Jim Milner stuck to the core competency, and simply continued to put the question back on the client. The client dug deep, experienced vulnerability; hit some core emotional pieces and will ultimately have accountability and personal responsibility, which is at the core of personal growth; all thanks to this call with Jim
Coaching questions and the core competencies
That coaching can transcend diversity. This was stated so beautifully. Also, the importance of the coaching agreement. “Coaching without an agreement is a conversation”.
To trust the process of coaching and to trust myself through that process.
This was an excellent call!
Revisiting the coaching agreement when the client seems to be deviating off topic.
To paraphrase and then ask a thought provoking question.
I will continue to commit to do my best to ALWAYS honor the client as the expert of their life, and stand my ground when the client pushes back hard. This is authentic and genuine “tough-love” in service of the client and their beautiful journey. Lovely demonstration to witness.
Leadership & Executive Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes of Q&A
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
We get to hear one of Cathy's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. Wethen have a debriefing and Q&A. This call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching scenario: The client is one of Cathy's real world past clients, they worked together for a short time a couple of years ago.
Coaching topic: He has worked for an organization for 12 years. It no longer aligns with his vlaues, its a toxic environment with no room for innovation and growth. He wants to decided if he should leave and if so when.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Cathy’s call was incredible. I loved her coaching presence, powerful questions, and the way she built off the client responses to dive deep. It was transformational coaching at its best.
Introducing myself to myself; Questions: What would you want the child to forgive yourself for? Who do you need to be to come face to face with yourself? I found value in what the coach said about working with clients who may not be as emotionally intelligent as this client: to speak their language.
How much our clients' “topics” often are a reflection of our own experiences as a Coach. The importance of introducing myself to myself!
I especially appreciated the partnership as equals that Cathy and Thomas co-created. Thank you!
Lovely, evocative exploration between client and coach, which enabled client to reclaim parts of his inner child and face his fears.
Masterful coaching results when we learn to master ourselves; we move beyond thinking about or doing the process of coaching. We become the process--we live it. The coach demonstrated this. She was present and had trust and rapport with her client. A beautiful dance ensued as the coach listened deeply, asked powerful questions, and the client responded with an open heart.
This call was a powerful example of a coach who trusts her intuition and abilities as an empath.
Takeaway -- remember that I am more than just a coach -- bring my whole self into the coaching relationship.
eloquence and ease
That using scales can sometimes be valuable
Great call exemplifying masterful coaching methodology and process.
Integrating emotional intelligence into work as well as technique of practicing turning statements into questions.
I’ve always been a bit reticent to work with client metaphors as I can sometimes get lost, but loved the way Cathy did that and it has encouraged me to explore that more.
I thought the call was very beneficial.
This was an amazing and powerful coaching session!
This affirms the power of coaching, and that as I continue to grow in confidence and the art of coaching, I see the wonderful road I am on. This client is incredibly open and receptive to wherever the session goes.
Great observations about what was going on in the client’s body language
Master Certified Executive Coach
Special bonus: Transcript of Meryl answering more questions after the call.
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this was the first time she and Meryl had met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "How do I deal with the “gremlin” that keeps holding me back from being the best I can be by “no confidence, I can’t do it, what if I fail”? And how do I deal with the stress that comes from this very limiting belief?"
MP3- $59.97
"Collaberating in coaching particularly for the purpose of learning and development is very special...Thanks for this opportunity Gail, I love what it is you are doing here."~Meryl Moritz, MCC
This call was second in a series of 3 teleclass calls customized for the Denver ICF chapter. We had the extremely rare opportunity on this call to hear Meryl coaching one of her real life high level executive clients.
You will receive the certificate for continuing education credit(s) in the area of resource development. You can purchase Meryl's call individually for $59.97 or the series of 3 for a discounted rate $97 -see the "Different Types of Demonstrations" section under the tab titled "ICF Series".
Coaching Scenario: Julie, the client for the call is an executive with a large global consulting firm.
She is a former client of Meryls, they worked together for @18 months 5 or 6 years ago.
Coaching Topic: Julie has recently moved into a larger, more expanded role within her company and has inherited a lot of internal conflict among team members. She wants coaching around forming a "leadership game plan"- to lead through change, to help inspire, motivate and create innovative thinking among her employees.
MP3- $59.97 Or get the series of three (3) for a discounted rate $97 -see the "Different Types of Demonstrations" section under the tab titled "ICF Series".
Please note: Both of Meryl's calls were prior to my having the ICF form for participants to fill out with their take-aways so thats why there are none listed.
Dr. Relly Nadler, MCC
Master Certified Leadership & Executive Coach
Bonus: 1st 2 chapters of Rellys book Leading With Emotional Intelligence
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this was the first time that she and Relly had ever met or spoken. Coaching Topic: "I am a recent graduate of ICA and am struggling with getting clarity around my message - especially as it pertains to a seminar I've developed called "Embracing the Power of Now". I'd like to walk away with a clear understanding of the following:
1. the 3 main points of the class
2. the 3 main points of my coaching practice (basically, what can I offer people)
In essence I would like to move from confusion to clarity."
Tara has been a guest three times:
The first time, as a PCC she did a live coaching session and then was mentored by Meg Mann MCC. This session was already masterful enough to pass the exam and it did so.
Second time, Tara shared her other session that passed the ICF MCC exam.
Third time, in a full circle moment, Tara demonstrated her master mentoring of a PCC who coached live.
This was a different kind of MMC call. We first heard a PCC coach Tara, who is going for her MCC conducting a live coaching session with one her real world clients. We then heard Meg mentor her. As a bonus we had an additional 30 minutes to make sure we had plenty of time to delve in, debrief and get all of our questions answered.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara. , it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
Bonuses: additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the examiner's report
On this call Tara allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Tara and her clientmet on a High Performance Leadership Program back in 2008. Tara was her Leadership Facilitator/Coach at the time and since then Veronica has engaged Tara multiple times and back at the beginning of 2019, Tara asked Veronica to be her coachee for the MCC exam.
Coaching Topic: This was an unusual topic for most of the coaches and one that was contraversial. The client brought to the session what she called an "intiguing dichotomy". In essence it revolved around having a relationship with a married man. She wanted to gain clarity and a sense of peace around the issue and her decisions.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes of Q&A & a copy of the examiners report) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Again, I feel like saying, “Wow, that was the best yet!” These MCC test examples are super valuable. I am blown away by how she did the whole session without really talking in-between her powerful questions.
A good example of it being very much about the client’s relationship with the issue vs. the issue itself.
The power of short, evocative questions using the client’s words.
The importance of recognizing when it’s “my stuff” that can get in the way
This was the Best Call Ever! You are wonderful and thank you for these calls. Anyone not taking advantage of what you are offering is really missing out.
Wonderful call! It was deeply instructive.
The precision in asking questions in service of what the client wants and not getting distracted by the shiny objects.
Wow, just wow, very impressed. Taking away all of it, wrapped up in a beautiful bow.
This was an extraordinary learning opportunity. Would love to have her on a call again just to be able to learn from her.
Tara was masterful in helping the client get clarity and not allowing any judgment to get in the way of serving her.
Tara exhibited great spaciousness and curiosity, and was completely invested in what was most important for the client.
Spend more time establishing the coaching agreement.
The beauty of being able to withhold judgment
This was like listing to an exquisite musical performance. So skilled, so talented and so beneficial to the client and the coaches that got to listen to it.
I will be using the insights shared by Tara in my next coaching engagement.
I learned a better way to set up the coaching agreement with the client as well as the level of detail this competency truly requires.
The way Tara structured her questions was brilliant - so short and precise that focused her client on the topic versus soliciting details.
Use the client language in a way that is provocative
On this call we heard an Master Mentor coaching session. The mentee Matthew is a PCC working toward his MCC. We first listened to Matthew's live coaching session, followed by Tara's focused insights and feedback. That was followed by a debriefing and Q&A with Tara, Matthew and the client.
Coaching Scenario: Matthew's client Jessica is a coach. They met in a business class in 2022, then reconnected, became friends and began coaching together about 5 months ago.
Coaching Topic: She wants to stop wanting to be rescued by other people or circumstances. She wants to feel confident that she can rescue herself and she doesn't need other people to rescue or take care of her.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Tara's style is very unique, direct and powerful. Brilliant mentoring. Look forward to listening to her exam sessions. Thanks to you both!
A huge take-away that I’ll be using is Tara’s metaphor for the coaching agreement being like an airplane pilot’s checklist. She stressed the importance of it, of taking the time to thoroughly establish it, even if it feels a bit meticulous because once it’s done then the rest of the coaching goes smoothly and you can refer back to it.
The value of getting feedback on your coaching
Excellent coaching seminar format! It was great to have all of the layers of interaction and sharing of perspectives, from client to coach to mentor to audience- and even coming full circle with audience interacting with client! What a great format that elicited a wealth of learnings and insight! Would love to see more of these types of sessions! Thanks :-)
Not being afraid to interrupt when your client goes down a rabbit hole
This call was a wonderful learning experience! The coaching was a masterful demonstration of partnership, presence, and performance. This was followed by the mentor coach and coach reflecting on the coaching. Priceless!
Thank you! Such a wonderful call today. I learned tons from Tara’s Mentor partnership with Matthew and the questions she asked him that I had never heard a Mentor coach ask a Mentee. “What would represent partnership?” for example.
“Don’t hang on when client has moved on.”; I had the realization that sometimes I may hang on to a word that felt seemingly important, moving me away from what is being said in the moment.
That you have to be selective in following the clues that the client gives you and that you have to follow your instincts.
Allowing more time for exploration of the topic
I absolutely loved the Partnership-Presence-Performance balance Tara shared. Balancing these three in service to the client is the intention and what she sees as most challenging for coaches today.
I’m taking away the incredible power of letting deep curiosity about the coachee be a wonderful tool in service to the client throughout the process. That deep curiosity drives those deep expansive questions.
Calling the client out; stay on the hook, I’m not buying that.
Put all your “reflecting back” into a short, concise question
Having a live coaching session followed by a mentoring session was so enthralling to me. I was able to compare what I noticed in the coaching session to what was ofered by Tara as an MCC mentor. It made me listen in a very deep way. Truly, this was an amazing session to witness. I learned so much!
I loved the bit in mentoring session about “how to be your own post it note”. I often have clients land on take aways that involve making a note but practicing personalizing these commitments would be powerful.
I am going to be working on my own discomfort in sessions where I feel like I need to come to the rescue and how that can move me out of my coaching presence. I had a bit of a parallel process happening when listening to the coaching.
helping clients think beyond the usual strategies for accountability
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach Bonus: PDF of 2 of Marilyn's articles on How to Stay Motivated
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has had coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Marilyn have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am the Chief of Staff at a large financial planning firm.
I would like coaching on how I can enhance my performance by focusing on my strengths and since part of my role is managing our Senior Leadership Team I need coaching on how to make a larger impact with this group of executives."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 written notice
Some participant take-aways:
I’m impressed how much Marilyn accomplished in a short time by being direct and succinct and, by her stabilizing confidence. So fun to listen to these true masters!
I applaud her context setting in the beginning.
Her use of acknowledgement and affirmation with the client at different points, even in a short session, was powerful.
Using visualization of future perfect as more of a tool
A reinforced appreciation for the value of the structure of a coaching session
Her incredible use of direct communication. Her understanding of culture, how fast it moves and the stress it brings.
Ideas and concepts to strengthen my use of direct communication.
I like how Marilyn set up the call with the client, mentioning it as a partnership, asking about triggers, asking the client what she will do if a trigger happens, and asking if there is any cultural background that she may want to share before getting started, and the mini-story about why that is important. I liked the visioning she used and the physical action (stepping over the line) that she asked of the client to portray her commitment to her goal. I will be using both of these in my coaching sessions.
Idea that it’s not enough to just think about things, but also to experience them in the body.
Checking for cultural issues and client presence on the front end of the session.
Marilyn's different kind of MMC call
This was a different kind of call. We got to be a "fly on the wall" to Marilyn's private mentor coaching process. We listened to her client's recorded coaching session and to Marilyn stopping it along the way to mentor her and point out and comment on the competencies and the PCC Markers. Afterwards we had a debriefing and Q&A with Liz and Marilyn. As a bonus Marilyn gave us an additional 30 minutes to get it all in!
FYI Marilyn is an expert in cultural bias.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was really helpful hearing Marilyn go through the competencies and how they relate to the coaching and the PCC markers.
All of the core competencies in action in a coaching session - and having those explained very thoroughly.
I like that Marilyn validated that creating awareness doesn’t have to be with questions, it can be through the body.
Culture can mean relationship dynamics with a client.
I appreciated this call in that I was able to see a fellow coach use embodiment and somatic experiencing in their coaching session/practice and to see the shift that took place for the client.
Need to get up to speed on understanding how to check in on cultural issues and how to be culturally competent.
First time I’ve listened in on a mentor session. Found it very helpful.
Marilyn expanded my understanding of bias and cultural competence.
Ask myself before each new client or call if I’m coming to the session with any assumptions about that person or the value of their agenda.
Being more consistent in how I structure my sessions
The notion of culturally competent. Had not heard of this but makes sense.
The coaching was brilliant and clarifying the competencies throughout the coaching session was very helpful.
Specifically to incorporate the value of imagining your future self scenario. It is a significant tool I have not incorporated yet in my coaching
This is theFIRST TIME EVERthat we will listen to an ICF MCC exam session and explore it in this way.
Erin allows Master Coach and Assessor Fran Fisher to put on her assessor hat and review Erin's coaching session that just passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method.
We get the learning and benefit of two demonstrations followed by Q&A with both Fran and Erin.
We also get a copy of the coaching session transcript and the ICF MCC BARS evaluation.
Coaching Scenario: This client is a business executive turned entrepreneur and he’s been the MCC's (Erin Owen) coaching client since 2018.
Coaching Topic: He feels that he's now in a place where he can take the time and energy to focus on what’s going on within himself and what he’s feeling in his body. He’s experiencing pain in his back and wants to really feel it and explore what that’s about.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
It was a really interesting session and very helpful to hear from Fran and the MCC “anchors”; she highlighted
That getting my MCC is possible for me!
Having the transcript and the ICF eval are so helpful
Interesting discussion of the assessor’s suggested further exploration beyond the client’s current situation to deepen awareness and address potential obstacles to client growth.
Greater depth of understanding of what’s important to demonstrate in an MCC submission
a new distinction: the qualitative difference between Providing Space for the client versus Leveraging Silence/Space
It's always tremendous to have Fran! I feel she is practically ICF itself. So, what she says is like hearing what we need to know straight from the horse’s mouth.
The importance of challenging the client and finding out what they’re discovering at the moment.
It was helpful to observe this coaching of the Who and then to hear Fran's Assessor feedback - thank you.
Taking partnership, a lot further than I have been doing - right down to getting the client to plan the exploration, rather than asking the client where they want to start and then going straight into it. These are much more expansive question.
Nice demonstration of the more recent ICF evaluation method utilizing a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale across six competency areas, with additional qualifiers assessing ethical practice and coaching mindset.
Another really great coaching demonstration format this month! Thanks!
Super session, thanks Gail. I learnt heaps and loved the feeling of camaraderie. I’ve been floundering around with trying to orientate myself towards my MCC for a while, but it’s so hard to know what the best route is and what’s on offer. I’m so appreciative of keeping abreast of what’s happening in our field through calls like these e.g. the BARS (that was news to me!),
Language used by ICF regarding how the feedback is to be used.
deepen my clients personal learning.
It was so informative on so many levels (BARS, getting to hear a recording that passed and to hear Fran’s comments and feedback to Erin )
That there’s a wonderful community out there also finding their way with this....feeling a bit more supported by being part of this.
Gratitude for MMC offering a first of this kind of learning; Terms of PCC Markers Vs MCC
Specific examples of questions for BARS; The need to dig deeper; check in more frequently and ask where they want to go, what they are learning and how one can apply what they are learning moving forward.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Entrepreneur Coach Bonus: 30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives
Coaching Scenario: Laura is a student of Mickeys in his Masters program at Life University in Marietta Georgia. She will be graduating in June. She and Mickey have also had a couple of laser coaching sessions previously
Coaching Topic: Laura wants coaching around pioneering a coaching niche that she is passionate about.
MP3 + CCE's + Special Bonus(30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives)+ MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
I appreciated how although he had a teacher student relationship with the client outside the call, that was not apparent in the session at all. And I think that has a lot to do with him honoring the client as the expert in her life, and that was a beautiful example of that. I will be taking that reminder away from this call.
Mickey had a great relationship and connection with his client. His presence, and tracking with her was on point. He spent a lot of time establishing the agenda. Her goal of getting clear on her vision really evolved from the beginning of the call to the end thanks to his coaching. He used many coaching tools in the toolbox, acknowledging, scaling, metaview, etc.
Great call. I would love to have his dissertation to read. Can you/he forward to us. I enjoyed his interaction and insights he shared on the extra time.
The exploration phase is key...take the time.
Thanks so much! Helpful to hear another coach explore a pioneering venture.
PCC sessions are usually 50% awareness where MCC sessions aim for 100% awareness, with any actions flowing naturally from that awareness
I want to pay more attention to my level of awareness when I’m coaching.
Concrete example on helping a client articulate vision/passion/values
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Author of 7 books including Seal the Deal and the #1 international best seller Ready, Aim, Captivate, co-authored with Deepak Chopra and other luminaries Bonus: Suzi's online course- Seal the Deal: Win Business and Influence Leadership for 75% off! So instead of paying $99 for this amazing course, Suzi's giving it to MMC participants for only $25!
Coaching Scenario: The client has been coached before in the past but never on this particular issue and this is the 1st time he and Suzi have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm currently a 12 year veteran of the Mortgage Banking industry and I've decided to take on additional business ventures with the plan on moving away from mortgage banking and towards these other, mostly home based (but very upwardly mobile) industries and I'm having difficulty compartmentalizing all the different tasks I now have to complete, stay organized and also remain motivated and focused on each new "hat" I'm wearing."
Purchase- MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47 for any of the past calls with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
"I liked that you gently challenged him on his assertion… that you didn't accept the story… and it was very effortless and you held him lightly."~Sally Ward, PCC, CPCC Ward Leadership
Teresa Pool MCC
Master Certified Executive Coach
Special bonus: Executive Presence Self Assessment that Teresa developed for use in the UTD MBA program.
Coaching Scenario: This client is an author. She has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Teresa have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She was brutally assualted a year and a half ago. She has had therapy and all sorts of help and feels her life is pretty much back to normal in all areas but one- her career.
She has been a successful writer of romantic comedies. She is feeling neither romantic nor funny right now and is under a deadline. She loves writing and making people laugh and wants to "get her groove back". She is ready for a breakthrough.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
â€Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
In this session we heard a master (executive coach) walk the fine line between coaching and therapy and not cross over it. We witnessed how coaching can deal with emotions beautifully (as they are a big part of being human!), help the person see through the gunk and move forward.
Some of the participant take-aways:
One of the best calls you have ever had! Teresa did SUCH a beautiful job. I want to be like her when I grow up - that was elegant coaching.
It was an honour to witness the incredible skill with which the coach weaved the conversation. After the session Teresa explained the "trade secrets" , i.e the profound and fundamental difference between masterful coaching and other forms of coaching.
This call was an example of the amazing shifts and changes that can happen deep inside a person in a short time using masterful coaching skills.
What a masterful call! Especially appreciated the explanation of PCC vs. MCC coaching differences. Teresa's skill was incredible; something to strive for!
The importance of the complete reliance on the client's knowledge
WOW!!! What a call with Teresa Pool!!! I look forward to listening again and learning even more from this great gift.
Great call and great steering around potential therapeutic issues
Pamela Ramadei, MCC
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Special Bonus:Pamela's article entitled What a Wonderful Life
Coaching Scenario:This client is not in the coaching profession. She has been coached in the past primarily on personal issues. This is the first time she and Pamela have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:Started her own consulting business. Wants to consult and strategize with large brands like McDonalds & Whole Foods etc. like she did in the past through her ad agency work. Since being on her own she's had success with small and medium size companies but wants to step up her game and work with the big guys.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or just $47 with monthly subscription & can cancel anytime*
Here's just some of what the participants had to say about the call:
"It was one of the most valuable calls of all I've heard. I want to listen to it at least 2 more times."
"Amazing call tonight!"
"I was really impressed with Pamela. She is a true master. Thanks so much for introducing her work to us."
Marty Raphael NCOC, MCC
Master Certified Executive, Business & Divorce Coach Special bonus: An article by Marty "Conversational Competencies and Complexity Intelligence"
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Marty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is a leader at a wealth management firm but is also rebranding her personal blog to help women get ahead in business. She is feeling overwhelmed and would like direction how to balance her life, time management ideas, how to grow and to stay more focused.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
The coach’s presence, compassion, active deep listening, curiosity, and consistent acknowledgement of the clients passion and drive.
I especially appreciated the masterful dialogue at the end of the call with Marty. Very Beneficial!!!
Challenging ourselves and our clients by asking “What conversations are you missing or avoiding?”
Better insights on the use of direct communication.
I acknowledge Marty’s point of view that powerful questions and listening as she said “with curiosity”; are the most important points in coaching.
Asking permission to ask powerful questions and not be afraid to ask them.
I loved the question about what would her client want to declare and walking her through the process.
I really picked up on the coach’s “groundedness” she was describing, and that is something I aspire to work on, and achieve with my clients.
The HOW to have a conversation and when is critical as a leader
I got so much from the 5 conversations she talked about in the Q&A
Patrick Ryan
Executive, Entrepreneurial & Personal Coach
Special bonus- 16 visualizations for an awakened life & 3 coaching lessons
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this the first time she and Patrick had met or spoken. Coaching Topic: She wanted to figure out how to put her specialities under one umbrella & market her philosophy and approach.
Purchase MP3-$59.97
After a very inspiring coaching session, Patrick among other things gave coaches an invaluable, very liberating tool that can be used in any session, at anytime to immediately help if the session feels like a struggle or you’re feeling stuck, confused, at a loss as to where to go next, bored or with any uncomfortable feeling or situation that may arise with a client.
"I want to thank you Gail for organizing these calls. What a gift and a service this is to the coaching industry. Because we need to keep gathering and sharing with each other different styles, methods and techniques of coaching." ~Patrick Ryan
Sue Sheldon, MCC
Executive, Business & Life Coach Special bonus: a wonderful tool/exercise
Sue has been a MMC guest 2 times- once prior to my having the ICF form for participants to fill out and once more recently. Be sure to read about both calls!
Call #1 Coaching Scenario: This was the first time Sue and the client had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is building her new business which she feels will be great but due to her husband hurting himself through self-neglect, she has lost her way a little bit and needs to get herself motivated on herself and her business.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
"Thank you once again Gail for the amazing opportunity you invited me to participate in. Keep up your great work!"~Sue Sheldon, MCC"
Thank you, the call with Sue today was great! I so appreciate what you are doing, this is really amazing as where else do we ever get to hear MCC’s coaching, or anyone coaching for that matter except ourselves? I am very excited about being a subscriber to what you are making available." Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC Founder and President, Quantum Endeavors®.
Coaching Scenario: Sue didnt want to know anything about the client ahead of time and so did not see her topic. The client is not in the coaching profession, in fact has never been coached before and this was the first time she and Sue had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I've recently started a small business and am still working full-time as an elementary teacher. I want to be coached on how to make my vision a reality. I know what I want and I know my business ideas are high value, but it's difficult to go from employee to business owner. The very successful people I know are driven and have laser-sharp focus on their goals. I want to have that same sharpness and live up to my potential."
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some participant take-aways:
The coach clarified with little words which allowed the client to feel heard without too much recapping/paraphrasing done from the coach. I am working on this skill set right now in my sessions. It is a skill that feels challenging at the moment to master. Nice to see it in action; thank you.
Several ways to pull from the client that which she already knows. Powerful affirming throughout the call the client can expand upon. A lot of wonderful concepts for the client to take in...and draw from.
Just affirming that in my business coaching it serves sometimes to be a bit more directive... especially through the power of observations and reflecting.
Consciously using the 3 part questions Sue identified in order to set the contract
What I liked most from this call was all the acknowledgements Sue gave Jennifer. The client struggles with what people will think of her (her success/failure) and to have a lot of positive acknowledgements of who she is (not just what she has done), I think was very important. I also noticed and liked that the coach picked up on the client’s values of contribution and fulfillment.
Assisting a client to move from a long agenda to their main desire for the session
I appreciated how much time the coach spent on setting the agenda and how clear the process was
Intimacy - “into me see” - great reminder to work with client to delve into self-awareness
Master Certified Genius Coach
Bonus: audio file "Introduction to Coaching Brilliant People of Any Age"
Coaching scenario: Otto brought one of his "real life" clients to the call. She is 18 years old and this was their 13th session.
Coaching Topic: She wants to know how to tell her father that she's really passionate about going to school in London and would like brainstorm the best way to present the idea.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
Benita Stafford-Smith MCC
Master Certified Executive Coach Bonuses: Benita gave 3 coaching supervisions to 1 participant, also link to a coaching session she did for the ICF Russia Chapter
Coaching Scenario: Benita brought one of her former clients to the call. He is a Senior Vice President.
Coaching Topic: Both he and his company have been and continue to go through many changes. Wants to be coached on the various elements of organizational communication for the company as well as his own personal development.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
"The way that Benita managed the call was remarkable. She allowed Frank to lead the content, yet through her phenomenal listening skills, she asked powerful questions that moved him forward in a gentle, strong way."
"The power of heart-centered coaching."
"Less is more. She asked short, succinct questions and did very little of the talking; let him explore and come to his own conclusions.
"The reminder to Keep Focus on the Client. Check in with the client. I thought Benita was masterful."
"I admired Benita's confidence, presence, and sense of calmness with the client."
"A beautiful example of a long term coaching partnership, and the value that it can provide to the client (and the coach)."
"Masterful coaching and a masterly client. Thanks to you all!"
"Self-mgt strategies can be simple such as hand on heart. Reminder that intention of who I am being as a coach is key to state control & also knowing/honouring our clients i.e. some like Frank process through talking 1st."
Lynn U. Stewart MCC
Master Certified Executive Life Coach Bonus: 15 additional minutes for a discussion on the use of "the mirror" in coaching and it's value
Client Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, has only had an introductory coaching session in the past and this is the first time that he and Lynn had ever met or spoken.
Client Topic: He's been leading a poverty reduction organization that he wants to expand in the not-too-distant future to about 5 times the size it is now. Doesn't believe he's a leader at the corporate level, feels he needs certain skills and talents that he’s lacking.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Lynn’s presence was phenomenal!
The importance of humility and beginner’s mind. What will be the client’s gift to themselves when I let go? This is a succinct reminder to us all!
Amazed at how quickly a master coach can get to the root of the question without it feeling like it was rushed. Also, today how much “the who” was combined with “the what” in an easy comfortable way.
To continue to check in with my clients throughout our coaching. To be able to seamlessly acknowledge clients.
Masterful questioning!
I am grateful for Lynn having given this live coaching session - lot's of beautiful questions, energy, listening and connection.
Don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions repeatedly and helping client break down the road ahead into small pieces (baby steps)
Patience. When the client was all over the place with ideas in the beginning, I may have pushed him into picking a topic. She let him go all over the place which resulted in him creating a mind-map of ideas, which was much more valuable to him.
I have felt a little guilty learning from my clients. After Lynn talked (about “the mirror”), I can confidently enjoy my learning as well and still be in control as a coach! Thank you.
Focus on the “who” first with clients and the “what” will follow.
To always ask myself, what is the mirror here?
Kathleen Stinnett MCC
Executive, Leadership Development & Coach Supervision Bonuses: additional 15 minutes to demo coach supervision, PDFs -Creative Possibilities in Coaching and Coaching Gets Results
Different kind of call!
Kathleen of course demonstrated MCC coaching skills. She initially though talked to us about the specific skills she intended to (an did) focus on in during the session e.g. immediacy and creativity.
After the coaching there was Q&A and Kathleen asked for some of the participants to share what they picked up on and how they might have used those skills in the session and then got feedback from the client.
Finally during the bonus 15 minutes Kathleen demonstrated coaching supervision with a coach who's having a challenge with one of her clients. Kathleen also showed us how those same skills that she spoke about and demonstrated, show up in coaching supervision!
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach. She and Kathleen met a few yesr ago in a workshop and they have peer coached each other a couple times a year.
Coaching Topic: Wants to focus onhow her life will look and feel in the near future. She has come through a period of great demands- her work, children, aging parents etc. with her "head down just going through the motions" and she wants to move forward in a more "thoughtful way"
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE + 3 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved the uniqueness of this MMC call, everything from listening in with the intent to notice images, feelings, metaphors, and colors that come up for me during the coaching session, and how to use them to assist the client, and the uplifting positive vibration of the call by inviting in play (despite the topic which felt gray at times). Loved watching the gray shift for the client to yellow, all within the framework of metaphor and imagery was pretty fascinating. I also loved the bonus session, of an example group mentor coaching session/speeddating supervision.? LOL. Can’t wait to learn more from Kathleen.
To give myself permission to think less and feel more
It ranks at the top of my experiences with these valuable calls. I have been exploring listening to the stillness under the words and her share and demonstration of immediacy was amazing.
I definitely learned some new skills from this call, in addition to feeling myself dusting off some of my old skills that I previously had in my tool box that may have had some cob webs on them. (See that right there, already using metaphor; it feels contagious after this call). LOL I plan to practice the new and the old skills more in my coaching sessions with my clients, because it was a beautiful demonstration of how helpful they can be with a client.
Expressing how I feel when listening to client - the power of mirror neurons
Reminder of the power of feelings, mirroring, metaphors, and intuition as tools in the coaching conversation to help move things forward and open pathways
I loved this call. This was a great demonstration of the coach using immediacy and other creative resources i.e., metaphor, images, sounds, etc. throughout the coaching process. The supervision part of the call was really interesting as I was in the fishbowl. Very insightful. I can see how supervision--working as a group or individually--could be very valuable.
How important a tool it is to connect to emotional listening so you can dance in the moment with the client
The imagery Kathleen used with me was great. Helped me as client and coach!
Lesley Thompson MCC
Executive, Leadership & Resilience, Wellbeing Coach and Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes for more Q&A, a copy of the transcript andexaminer's feedback
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Lesley allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Lesley and the client knew each other from a coach training but this was the first time they coached together.
Coaching Topic: Lindsay was offered a wonderful opportunity to give one of her nutrition and wellness programs. But its abroad and she will have to gone for an extended period of time. It has really upset her daughter and she feels panicky about her mother going. While Lindsay really wants to take the offer and essentially said yes, she is concerned about her daughter. She can see the pros and cons and keeps going round in a circle and would like to gain some clarity around what’s best.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellence in drawing and applying insight. Incredible questions!!!
Great how much was covered in a short period of time.
“I got a big smile on my face” (client comment) a moment any coach would look for and relish.
A fabulous call! loved it!
This was an excellent example of being relaxed and trusting the client knows.
Leslie’s presence of being powerfully there, listening without much interference of her talking and her asking poignant questions to move ahead.
Once again, I am struck by how little the coach has to say for the client to make a transformation.
Pure and simple.
It's important to really understand the competencies. Mastery happens with practice, practice, practice, and presence, presence, presence.
Talk less and just ask the questions with some reflection.
This call was a beautiful demonstration of presence and how to create an environment of trust and safety.
To “love my clients”
I appreciated the coach’s ability to reflect back to the client her own words in a way that brought the client to a place of further exploration, insight, clarity.
The degree to which we can be fully there for someone is like a tuning fork.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Team Coach Bonus: 3 articles written by Adria on coaching
Coaching Scenario: This client is a student at the coaching school where Adria is an instructor. She has been taught as well as mentor coached by Adria but never received personal coaching from her until this session.
Coaching Topic: the client is in the midst of creating a business that is a huge undertaking and is being very well received. She is concerned about losing sight of whats important to her and wants to make sure she keeps her focus on how she is "being" while involved in the "doing".
$59.97-Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) or just $47 when you buy the subscription- can cancel anytime*
One participant on the skyped in saying:
"I was impressed with how much time Adria took to set the agreement. I looked at the clock and it was nearly half of the session! It really worked."
Its very obvious why Adria Trowhill, MCC is a 4X award winning coach! Just hearing the 1st few minutes of her coaching session blew a number of us off the map. We agreed that we'd never heard a session set up that way before and that we're going to "steal" it!!!
Karl Van Hoey MCC
Executive, Team, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
See Karl's seccond call reviewing a coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam below this one.
Coaching Scenario: Karl coaches a real-world executive client who he met only briefly before the call.
Coaching Topic: "I struggle with the less concrete, or emotional, aspects of leadership where people feel inspired by me. I feel I possess many of the more tangible qualities that allow me to effectively guide an organization towards success, such as objective decision making, efficient prioritization and resource allocation, and strategic vision. But I don't feel I have whatever sort of charisma is needed for people to want to be led by me."
MP3 + ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
How to stay with someone who relies so heavily on the rational side of things.
I loved what K. Van Hoey said about “the mastery over yourself”.
This call took my breath away. His coaching presence was so masterful. Every single question was powerful and advanced the client’s understanding of self. Something to be in awe of!
To lean into my ability to energetically connect with client and to explore and observe vs. focus on question generation.
A good reminder to nail down a specific coaching agreement
Explore the meaning of the words the client is using.
Be respectful of the client’s comfort level and don’t push beyond it, especially early in the relationship.
How to stop doing the work for my clients by asking better questions.
Elicit and delve into feeling. Engaged listening.
Karl’s coaching presence was extraordinary. What I most admired was how every single question was an invitation into deeper water with a sense of curiosity and lightness.
I always listen for feeling, but I now see the benefit seeking feeling as an opportunity for exploration.
A key shift to masterful coaching occurs when the coach moves into a holistic mode of presence that includes curiosity, observation, and the sharing of those observations with the client. The coach demonstrated this by noticing and sharing the client’s use of specific words, expressions, and changes in voice tempo.
I really appreciated how Karl shared about his own journey--the shifts he had to make in order to make the leap from PCC to MCC.
Continued fascination with unlocking each human. And Karl’s powerful noticing of each significant word.
Call #2 (To read about Karl's live coaching demo with a real world executive client Karl only met briefly right before the session - look under the section "Locate By MCC Niche) under the "Executive" tabbed section.
Karl, an ICF Master Coach, Mentor and Assessor reviews with us a coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam
awarding Zsofia Juhasz(bio) her MCC, master credential! Karl shares his observations and invaluable insights.
Coaching Topic: The client can't get at this stage people to take her on as a volunteer, they are concerned about the insurance piece. She wants to try to find a way to understand and cover the gaps, what she can do to get people to take her on board and make sure she’s on the same page with them.
Coaching Scenario: Zsofia and her client had contracted for 6 sessions, for the specific purpose of the MCC application. They knew each other prior to this engagement through some consulting work.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (additional 30-minutes, transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Deeper understanding of the MCC Bars and their role in assessing recordings.
Great contracting at the beginning; including re-contracting
This is overall such a wonderful way for me to learn, thank you!
How using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Don’t summarize but ask what has changed for the client.
less is more when it comes to the MCC level coaching
So many wonderful tidbits were shared: “Silence supported by presence becomes holding the space.”
Simplify my questions! Don’t add before or after.
how using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Any opportunity to listen to others coach along with how an ICF assessor would respond helps me reflect on my own coaching. always adds something else to my toolbox
At ACC you’re learning the competencies, PCC you’re applying the competencies, and MCC you intuitively know the competencies.
I don’t need to remember what the client said. The client needs to remember.
Reminder to not summarize for the client. Let them say it.
Karl’s sharing a bit about how we should work with the Bars in an integrated way. Very helpful.
I really appreciated the coaches presence and natural flow of the session
Master Certified Leadership & Executive Coach Bonus: Compilation of 24 of Pat's Choice Magazing articles
Coaching Scenario: This client is not a coach and this is the first time he and Pat have ever met or spoken. It is also the first time the client has ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: This client is what Pat termed a "social entrepreneur" and had this to say about his business and coaching issue: "Our brand is affordably changing the world through healthcare, footwear, education and recycling programs. I would like to be coached on improving our sales strategies in order to acquire additional wholesale accounts and end-consumers in order to move our business forward."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97
OR $47 with subscription
can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
***This call was prior to their being an ICF form to be filled out so that is why there are no take-aways noted.
Check out Pat's 3 Master Coach call under the 3 MCC tab and his 2nd call below
Bonuses: Addtional 30 minutes for Q&A and article by Pat "Is Work-Life Balance a Myth?"
Coaching Scenario: Sandra is a coach, she met Pat back in 2003 when taking her coach training. Years later they reconnected while doing pro bono work and Sandra then participated in Pat’s conscious living mastery course
Coaching Topic: She wanted to explore what her legacy might be. Where this coaching session led her was a big surprise.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 OR $47 with subscription
can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Connecting heart to head yields big moments
Several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
What a special joy this session was- the 90 minutes fairly flew! The debrief conversation was like being with longtime friends who challenge and learn from each other.
I like that he stopped her head from talking and asked her to come from her heart and his confirmation to us that the heart’s message is short and simple.
Always assisting our clients in getting to the real underlying issue at hand.
Loved the way he had her move from Head to Heart. I will use that!
transformational coaching vs. transactional coaching
Dr. Williams described several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
Being more curious
Pat’s question to his client,”what’s the message in those emotions” and his subsequent debrief around this topic is readily applicable to any coaching situation. I will listen even more closely than I already do for emotions and tonal shifts, with the mindset of uncovering the “messages” within.
I will be more courageous when working with clients who bring all of their emotional reactions to our coaching conversation.
I especially liked the specific questions Dr. Williams asked to set up the action items with the client and then how he reinforced her commitment to address those topics after the call.
I enjoyed how Dr. William injected his personality into the coaching as it was very natural and supportive to his client.
Best questions to ask should be Brief, Understandable, and Compassionately Curious
The call with Dr. Patrick Williams was great.
This was my first call and it was outstanding! Looking forward to participating in many “Moore” :)
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of debriefing and Q&A and review of her mentor's feedback
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Ebru is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She will then be debriefing, sharing her mentor's feedback of the session, and answering our questions!
Coaching Scenario: The client is a new coach. Ebru was one of her coach trainers 2 years ago. She also mentor coached her during her ACC accreditation process. This was their first coaching session and it was recorded last year before Lucy kicked off her accreditation prep.
Coaching Topic: She is in a delimma over a long term friendship. She doesnt like that she judges her for the way she has handled her past relationships but doesnt know how not to. She feels this person is taking up too much space in her life and there is resentment.
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
She confirmed what it is to be MCC.
Tremendous example of powerful questions, one after another!
Deep transformation can take place with presence; lots of time not not required.
I loved everything about this call, Ebru is such a master, I am so impressed. I liked her presence, the simplicity of the language, the powerful questions, I loved it all. So much growth and transformation in the client in one session!
I liked how the coach always focused on "the being", and did not get sucked into the clients relationship story, despite the client sharing "the story".
Was such a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence.
loved the distinction between MCC and PCC coaching at the end. Very clear!
Thank you so much for creating these learning opportunities. I appreciate these calls so much and find them so helpful as I work on my own coaching mastery from PCC to MCC.
Connecting the client's values to the coaching can be transformative.
I generally ask what the client has learned about themself toward the end of the call. I liked the alternative question Ebru used: What would you like to acknowledge in yourself?
I loved the way Ebru was so creative in exploring the areas to include in the coaching agreement. Rather than launching into the coaching conversation after the 2nd point raised by the client.
I was intrigued by Ebru's questions evoking awareness of the client's outlook re/ judgment, resentment and changing her perspectives.
Executive, Team & Generative Leadership Bonus:Lessons from a Decade of Coaching Public Leaders: Coaching Works an article Lynnette wrote for IJCO
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. He has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time that he and Lynnette had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Doesn't know if he has a block on money or sales or what- he gets close and then its not there. Wants help on figuring out what he needs to get a jump start and get moving faster.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Loved Lynette's strength of purpose, staying on task; beautiful use of interrupting client for their benefit."
"For me this session was very valuable-to be able to see how Lynnette- a master- handled a client who was stuck was very powerful. I now have insights and more tools in my box to use going forward."
"The importance of giving careful attentiveness to the process of determining which coaching approach will engage the client the most."
"That when you are working with a 'non-coachy' client - use THEIR language, metaphors & really be with THEM - not in your own paradigm"
"Keep returning to the focus and ask permission with every change in approach"
"Offer a suggestion to name what is present when the client is staying in a mental focus. Encourage the client to be bold and think outside the box"
Diane McLean M.Ed, MCC
ADHD, Kid, Life & Mentor Coach "I empower uniquely wired kids and the adults in their lives."
MMC Different Kind of Call
And a first ever for coaches!
We heard segments of coaching sessions with one of Diane's 12-year-old clients with ADHD! Diane discussed how the competencies were applied and how its relevant regardless of who the client is. It was especially fascinating to hear a 12-year-old being coached and Diane’s specialty of tuning into a client's unique way of perceiving and learning-- to be able to do that with our clients is so important for all of us.
Diane gave us a bonus 30 minutes in order to have plenty of time as well as a copy of her webinar "The 5 Languages of Kids".
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved the way Diane used play, helped the child envision a task successfully completed, and used acknowledgement to create awareness. Thank-you for a truly out-of-the-box experience!
Ways to work with clients whose brains are wired differently.
It was great to get this exposure to a different area of coaching!
Wow! Getting to hear a 12-year-old spitfire with ADHD being coached felt like such an honor. Witnessing Diane helping this "child" tap into her inner wisdom, was very moving and inspiring for me.
Interactivity to make coaching an active process
Ways to engage a new client who has some ADHD symptoms (undiagnosed)
I found the tools powerful for teaching, parenting and coaching.
Having more compassion for where people are
Coaching with kids. What a wonderful niche!
Overview of adjusting coaching approach/competencies for kids: using repetition, play, interactivity and hands-on work. Helping kids leverage their strengths in addressing challenges.
Refocus on paraphrasing what I've heard the client say
Any age group can benefit from coaching. Excellent examples as well for teachers and parenting
What a fascinating call! It was so clear in hearing McKinna that my daughter, who was not diagnosed with ADHD until her college years, had it all along.
Master Certified Genius Coach
Bonus: audio file "Introduction to Coaching Brilliant People of Any Age"
Coaching scenario: Otto brought one of his "real life" clients to the call. She is 18 years old and this was their 13th session.
Coaching Topic: She's really passionate about going to school in London. Shes a bit nervous about presenting the idea to her father and so would like to discuss that and brainstorm the best way to do so.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
Vivian Padua MCC, FFC, AFC
Financial Wellness & Life Coach Bonus 15-minutes for a discussion and tips on financial wellness coaching. Regardless of one's financial status, all different kinds of money issues come up that can impact all areas of life. And of course, these concerns and or blocks can arise in any coaching niche.
Coaching Scenario: Vivian and the client met for the first time minutes before the session.
Coaching Topic: "I am starting my own coaching business (1 month in). I have just left a 6 figure steady corporate salary for zero at the moment, and this is causing friction between my husband and me. He expects me to continue paying the bills I was responsible for, so I am using my savings. I would love to be coached so that I can see the possibilities and options I have in front of me."
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Great use of acknowledgement and championing, reminder that I need to do this more. Also good reminder and demo of reflecting at the end to lock in the learnings and move forward with them.
meet the client where they are
Very interesting niche (financial wellness coaching) but in the end it’s life coaching! Nice to hear about the interplay of this kind of coaching and links / relationships with other niches.
Self management.
An option of how to incorporate teaching into a coaching session
Staying with the client where their energy.
There were so many times during this call that a coach could have steered the client. This call was a reminder to avoid the temptation to steer and just go where the client wants to go.
This call made me really think about how I might coach this client. Overall, good session and appreciated the coach’s approach.
Keep my patience and focus, no matter what direction my subconscious mind might tempt me to go.
Be aware that our questions might have a hidden directional motivation. Be careful about this and have restraint so I stay on track with the client driving the session.
I would be interested in contacting this coach for her services (at a later date).
Staying engaged with what the client wanted (when there were many options to explore her feelings/emotions).
Staying more focused.
Coaching presence. Rapport with client. Courage of the coach in exploring
Master Certified Genius Coach Co-author of Yes, You Are a Genius-Whether You Know it or Not
Special Bonus: audio file "Introduction to Coaching Brilliant People of Any Age"
Coaching scenario: Otto brought one of his "real life" clients to the call. She is 18 years old and this was their 13th session.
Coaching Topic: She wants to know how to go about telling her father that she's really passionate about going to school in London and would like to brainstorm the best way to present the idea.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
Dorothy Siminovitch PhD, CSC, MCC
Master Certified Gestalt Coach Bonus:The Pragmatics of Magic, The Work of Gestalt Coaching + 3 Gestalt diagrams
Coaching Scenario:Dorothy brought the client to the call. She's been coached by Dorothy in the past
Coaching Topic:The client is not happy in her relationship with her husband and has been thinking and talking about it for a long time. She is tired of all of it and wants to come to some decision so that she can experience harmony in her life- which is the alias she chose to go by for the call!
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant takeaways:
"Dorothy was masterful. I am taking away the power of somatic work in getting clients ''out of their head.'' Also liked the intense focus on reframing the challenge; that allowed for a big shift."
"I have a better appreciation of the nuances between ''putting words in the client's "mouth'' and ''inviting'' the client to use words that can open up unknown/unseen avenues for exploration."
"Dorothy's comment about the coach's own vulnerability and her directive to use it in the service of the client, I will consciously seek to incorporate in my work."
"I am taking away an appreciation of powerful questioning. I am also interested in learning more of Gestalt practices."
"When I am coaching someone new I could be more acknowledging of what they are bringing and what it is like for them"
Cat Williford CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Goddess Wisdom Coach Bonus:MP3 meditation & accompanying Ebook- Decode Your Body’s Messages For Love, Health & Happiness
Purchase Mp3 + CCE + Bonus + MMC Nugget (how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business) $59.97 Or $47 with a subscription- can cancel anytime*
Coaching Scenario:This client is not in the coaching profession and in fact this is the first time she has ever been coached and the first time that she and Cat have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:"I have a non-profit animal rescue. Due to my childhood, I have very few social skills and need help on how to approach people in groups so I don't bungle it. As well as for what I call the Batman syndrome- I'm Robin but always looking to be Batman-I know the state of the world is not my fault and I'm not responsible but its hard to forgive myself for taking personal time.I want to reach my goals and not be crippled by the emotional issue of being too hard on self."
Aurora Winter
Grief Master Coach Author of Encouraging Words, The Peace Method® and From Heartbreak to Happiness® Bonus: Audio on grief coaching
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this is the first time she and Aurora have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The clients husband, best friend & soul mate died after fighting cancer for a couple of years. It was a second marriage for both of them and they were only married 3 years when he got sick. He has been gone now for 5 years and while she goes on with her life she still feels she is just going through the motions, there is no joy and is scared there never will be again.
$59.97- purchase mp3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
$59.97 Or $47with the subscription and you can cancel anytime*
"Thanks, Gail – it's a terrific session with Aurora and well worth a good listen….much to learn, much to learn!"~Kathryn Stolle, SLK Wellness Concepts
Pat Barone, MCC
Master Certified Weight Loss, Health & Well Being Coach Bonus: Pat's article entitled "Real Hunger"
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time that she and Pat had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "Having overcome fear of intimacy (I actually got married even though I said NEVER!), compulsive spending (I finally got my act together and eventually bought my own condo, now have savings and work as a successful portfolio manager helping others understand all things financial). The one thing I cannot seem to master - and I have tried -is my relationship with food and staying healthy. When I get on a treadmill, go to an aerobics class, or even Weight Watchers meetings - within the first few seconds of being there, I am overcome by a paralyzing fear and you'll find me in a corner trying to stop myself from crying or be seen crying. I haven't figured it - the mental block - and I am mentally exhausted from trying (@ 41 yrs old & I am 50lbs overweight @ 200lbs+)"
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Tim Cline Ph.D, MCC
Master Certified Health & Wellbeing Lifestyle Coach Bonus: 90 minute free coaching session with Tim
Coaching Scenario: This client has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Tim had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I've built a 6-figure executive resume writing business, but I've learned that a flourishing business can also come at the expense of your health. I have been battling depression and anxiety, combine that with being terrible at saying no and I tended to take on too much work. How do I make the income I need to make and continue to grow my business while also taking care of my physical and mental health."
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
Tim is one of the most masterful coaches I’ve ever heard. He helped a very stuck client gain awareness of a pattern that has been holding her back.
The value of the structure and framework for the overall coaching session and how it keeps the session “on track”. : Masterful coaching involves adherence to competencies, trust, and intuition. Mastery may be described as unconscious competence or the ability to honor the competencies while also allowing the coach’s “inner guidance to take the steering wheel”.
How you can successfully have a coaching call with someone who’s also in therapy.
Tim’s coaching is awesome, and it’s awesome for a few reasons: he maintains the coaching structure, he honors ALL the coaching principles and competencies, he uses his intuition to guide him, and he shows up authentically without ego (despite his mastery).
I thought this was an excellent demonstration of a methodical, well-executed coaching session, led by a true veteran
Gail Haun RN, MS, MCC
Master Certified Life, Health & Well Being Coach Special bonus: Gails guided meditation audio
Coaching Scenario: Kathy is in the coaching profession and is one of Gail's real-life ongoing clients. They have been working together on and off for about nine months.
Coaching Topic: Kathy wanted to be coached on issues related to stress eating.
$59.97 - purchase mp3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
A participant had this to say on the call:
"I'm actually very emotional and teared up right now because it (the session) was so, so beautiful. It seemed to come from that place, for both parties where they were so relaxed and just allowing for everything to just happen in its own time."
Annette Hurley MCC, BCC
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Wellness & Mentor Coach Bonus: an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach who is a PCC preparing for her MCC. This is the first time that she and Annette have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm challenged by how much/when/how to balance my own coaching voice and presence with trusting the client to take the lead. While I have invested time to listen and learn from MCCs, even they have PCC moments so it is difficult to know whether or not I am taking the ICF rubric too literally or appropriately examining my behaviors to ensure I'm moving out of PCC/virtuoso habits. One of my teachers said "what got you here [PCC] won't get you there [MCC]" but though I have identified what's holding me back I've yet to surmount it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
Annette clearly has many years of coaching experience and wisdom. I enjoyed the extra 30 minutes to debrief....that time was very valuable to hear how the coachee and the coach processed.
I really enjoyed the discussion we had in the Q&A regarding the clients expectations of discussing/solving her common stuck-point, when the microphone gets passed to her, and how this coaching conversation mirrored the challenge she’s been working on “ the client expecting the coach to solve their problem”. Great discussion!
Annette’s “inquiry” at the end resonated with me and is a question that I believe will be important for me to consider as I continue to develop.
Inspired to reflect on my goals as a coach. Curious to review “rules” for PCC and MCC and then use this to re-assess my skills and set intentional goals to continue self-improvement Thank you for a thought provoking topic!
Using my presence as a tool to self manage. I want to continue to hone my coaching presence and I move toward the MMC level of coaching
Was a great learning experience. Loved the discussion following the call!
Investing the time to co-create the relationship. The art of pacing the conversation so a potential energetic shift may occur
The journey to MCC is about self-managing. I will commit to focusing more on how i can use “pure” coaching with my clients who want me to offer consultative help, even if it’s uncomfortable.
Mary Allen CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Success & Inner Peace Coach Bonus: 2 Inner Peace audios & a Reality Check Process
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She is a previous client of Mary's.
Coaching Topic: She has 2 young children and a 3rd on the way. She has had a rough pregnancy with continual intense morning sickness and so she feels she hasnt been there for her children especially the younger one who now seems very distant. She's afraid of the long term impact and feels sad and guilty.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
â€(can cancel anytime*)
Some participant takeaways:
"To intuitively dance in the moment, remaining fully present, while also providing framework and accountability. Trust in the process!"
"The power of coaching presence in facilitating client breakthroughs"
"I loved some of the metaphors she used for guilt and transition...."
"Reminders of the extreme importance of coaching presence and listening skills".
"The power of active listening to assist the client in designing actions"
"I am taking away a desire to be curious about the client's wisdom and inner unfolding. It is not enough to teach."
Marc Bowles MCC
Leadership, Well-Being & Team Coach Bonus: additional 30 minutes of Q&A
Different kind of MMC call
ICF MCC Exam Session with a Twist & MMC First!
Coaching mastery is achieved in part byexploring and dissecting our less than masterful moments. This is why mentoring is so valuable.
And it's why this call with Marc is really exciting. We heard a coaching session that he submitted for the ICF Master Certified Coach exam.
The Twist: it is not one of the sessions that awarded him his MCC! But now it's being used in great service to coaches!
We chose to go with this coaching session in order to focus the learning on:
What wasn't considered masterful enough
Why that is
Ways it might have been done differently to be more masterful, more beneficial for the client
Hearing the differences in this way, with a side by side comparison, provides learning that only this kind of demonstration can.
Coaching Scenario: Marc met Ally when he was his instructor in a coaching course. Marc also mentored Ally. Then they stayed connected through their interest in bike riding and eventually got into a formal coaching relationship.
Coaching Topic: He wants to progress through the ICF process and get his PCC. He’s finding the CCEU part very confusing and challenging. How to find meaningful programs and living in Scotland finding them at an affordable price
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Very helpful call format in reviewing "failure", as opposed to success in meeting coaching certification requirements. This approach should be incorporated more often!
This was a great experience that was made even greater by the coach’s humility as he shared his learning. He modeled the value of “stepping into feedback” and continually learning. I learned that a way to more masterful coaching is to take every opportunity to reflect and learn from each coaching conversation--and that something new may be learned each time that conversation is listened to.
To be aware of how familiarity with a client can impact my presence and who I am “being” in the coaching conversation. To be a true partner, stay curious, explore, and evoke awareness without influencing or leading clients.
I found the discussion around ways to check in with clients when they have breakthroughs to be very helpful--especially how it’s not about looking like “approval” by the coach.
This was maybe even more valuable than listening to MCC calls that passed! So much insight and learning about what to watch out for and pitfalls. Fascinating, Thank you!!
Marc’s heart & humility!
The importance of getting a “thumbs up”; from mentor coaches for the selected recordings to include with an application; We’re all on a learning curve -- just because a coach makes mistakes now doesn’t mean they won’t develop mastery!
Be attentive to familiarity in coaching. Knowing the person really well (personally) can result in making assumptions about what the person truly means. It impacts natural curiosity.
Importance to self-management and maintaining coaching mindset and state of “being”, of being a coach.
The point around being careful not to demonstrate approval when celebrating client wins
It was interesting to be attuned to the contrast of looking for mistakes rather than just successful “masterful” technique. The presenting coach’s courage in sharing the session, along with noted critique was also a valuable example of modeled healthy introspective behavior for coaches.
This approach was refreshing and offered an interesting and productive perspective in furthering coaching development.
To ask the client what certain words mean to them and to ask them to come up with their own metaphors.
Master Certified Leadership and Team Bonus: Judith E. GlasersNeuro-tip coaching card- Co-Creating Changes Neural Chemistry
Coaching Scenario: The client is a healthcare CEO. He has been a client of Diane’s since around 2004. They have worked together for different periods of time throughout the years. And Now it's more of a 'spot or periodic coaching' that they do.
Coaching Topic: There have been significant changes within his organization- a non profit hospital was bought by a for profit hospital chain. He is no longer feeling aligned in terms of the work he does which largely has been more independent than it is now. This is not the way he wants to spend the remainder of his career and so wants to figure out what he wants to do about it.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
"One of my favorite sessions!"
"Free myself as a coach from any judgment of my coaching. Just be a thinking partner and trust that things will evolve."
"I admired Diane's intuition. This was such an exemplary session on how important it is to trust your gut in the moment... Such a great example of masterful coaching, I was very impressed."
"Don't get tactical too quickly. Take time to allow the client to discover what he wants (what is in his heart)."
"The power of presence and patience to let things unfold in their own time."
"Questions and responses at the end were most helpful."
" Natural rapport - freedom to tell meaningful story."
"Listening on all levels (non-verbals) and responding in kind."
Vikki Brock PhD, EMBA, MCC, CEC
Executive, Leadership & Mentor
Author of Sourcebook of Coaching History Bonus:The History of the ICF Credentialing and Accreditation
Coaching scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She is familiar with coaching as she has been coached in the past. This is the first time she and Vikki have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: The client left a "stable" part-time job to focus on a freelance writing career, she has received a major grant and her boyfriend of 3.5 years proposed to her-they have three children from previous marriages. She is thrilled-all of this is a dream come true and she is a freaked out!
She would like to be coached on building a successful company while maintaining a healthy balance and making sure she doesn't sabotage herself.
Purchase MP3 +CCEU +Bonus + MMC Nugget
Or $47 with subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notiice
To witness Vikki Brock's trust- in herself, the client and the coaching process was awe-inspiring and the best motivator in the world. To give just one example- unexpected “stuff” came up for the client in the last minutes of the session and she suddenly became very emotional. It was really wonderful to witness Vikki's mastery. There was no sense of urgency on her part, she continued to remain totally present with the client, honored where she was and helped move her through it by asking a series of 3 powerful questions.
The first of which was “And how does that relate to who you are as a human being and the love you bring into the world?”
Dave Buck, MCC
Master Certified Business & Leadership Coach Bonuses: 1. A detailed introduction to Coachville's Inner Freedom Method that Dave demonstrated with his client on the call. 2. PDF of 2 articles on how to get unstuck and make the right decision.
Coaching Scenario: Dave brought a Coachville student to the call to be his client. They have known each other for a couple of months and Dave has coached her a couple of times.
Coaching Topic:She wants to move forward with her leadership coaching business and being able to take those next steps. She has had some OK traction but is really wants to move to the next level and feels she’s stopping herself.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or just $47
with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
One participant had this to say:
"THAT was amazing. Dave Buck was sublime. Exactly what I most admire as a coach & the level I strive to hit. So masterful - perfectly simple, clean, natural. I am inspired! THANK YOU!"
~Amy Kovarick, MA, PCC Executive & Leadership Coach
Bonuses: Jan's Value of Values Exercise and her article BELIEVE which speaks to mindset and connects with her Mindset Mastery work with competitive singing groups
Live coaching demo from Jan who very recently got her MCC
Coaching Scanario: The client has never been coached and she and Jan met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: She is a seasoned former journalist and TV producer who has transitioned into the dynamic realm of public relations. However it no longer feels right or is enough. She wants help to reinvent herself for this next chapter.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
The coach gave a beautiful demonstration of how to move a client forward from feeling stuck to a place of visioning/possibility.
Continue to work on getting a clear, concise agreement. To dig deeper to find out what the client really wants to walk away with.
Specifically, I’m taking away the magic that can happen when you simply meet the client where they are. In this session Jan met Eva where she was through supporting her in connecting to her creativity.
Going within and becoming more authentic with how we’re showing up not just as coaches.
I want to develop more questions to help a client with what “unstuck” looks like at the end of a session.
I like that Jan shared what she had to change for herself is to be less teachy in a coachy way. This is probably what I most need to change as well.
Great demonstration of using visualization with a creative
It gave me a lot to think about around the “match” of energy.
I appreciated what the coach said about each session being complete in itself. That in an ongoing long-term relationship a form of follow-up might be in a prep form asking what the client wants to celebrate.
Jan’s example of pulling out Eva’s values and attributes.
I love how she was able to help the client use her own creativity to come up with solutions.
I want to further explore pace matching between coach & client, as a result of listening to this call.
Continue to work toward pure coaching and not integrating or masking teaching into my coaching.
To dig deeper to find out what the client really wants to walk away with.
I try not to say it every time, but I am so grateful to be able to listen in on MCC coaching sessions! I feel like this is the most enjoyable and exciting continuing education.
Master Certified Leader, Life & Creativity Coach Bonus: ebook Poetry of Coaching
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time that he and Darlene had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client loves to paint but often experiences resistance in doing it. His dilemma is: if he loves to paint, why is he resistant to doing it? He experiences the same with marketing his art. He is highly resistant to that even more so than painting itself and is seeking a breakthrough in this limiting pattern.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
Also see Darlene's special series listed under the Creativity tab!
Sherryl T. Christie MCC
Executive & Leadership Coach Special Bonus: the call is extended for an additional 30 minutes to cover the elements below.
This was a different kind of call & an MMC first!
2 MCCs for the price of one!
SamMagill MCC (executive and coach supervisor for this call) begins by talking to us about coaching supervision, his passion and area of expertise.
Then we hear Sherryl T. Christie coaching one of her real world executive clients
Sam then demonstrates what he talked about and actually supervises Sherryl
Finally there's a Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Mike the client, is an executive and he and Sherryl have been coaching together off and on since 2011. They have been on a bit of a hiatus and so this is the first session theyve had for about 7 months.
Coaching Topic: Mike says his pattern has been to micro manage and take on things that other people arent handling well but knows it’s not sustainable or in the best interest of anyone. He's given an employee a huge project but feels this employee has a similar pathology. The project is not going well and the team is having problems with him. Mike says he’s always been of the mindset “accomplish the mission at any cost” and tends to be a direct bottom line kind of guy. He really wants to know how to approach this differently so that he can help the employee to develop his skillset and grow while also accomplishing the goals of the company.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Super-vision! Love it! Thanks to Sam and Sherryl for this learning experience!
Gratefulness to witness 2 coaching sessions one being supervision of an MCC. Wow!
How, when direct communication is done with the intent of helping the client get back on track, it can be very powerful.
Thank you for integrating supervision and doubling the MCCs, I so appreciate the variety and complexity.
As Sheryl spoke about, I am often ahead of my clients and need to slow down even more.
Great to listen to the coaching session within the supervision context. How do you know when you are a good enough coach?? was an amazing supervision question.
Paying attention to parallel processes in my coaching sessions...i.e. me doing with the client what he/she is doing in his/her life.
Continuing to note my own urges to advise and not coach.
This call was fantastic, thank you! I loved Sam’s introduction to and definition of supervision: in that it helps the beginner and master coach, increase the moments of mastery. Brilliant!
I will forever continue the process of supervision/mentor coaching in order to continue to be my best self, and best coach for my clients.
Loved learning about super-vision and the difference between that and mentor coaching.
How useful it is to have an observer of the observer!
Excellent learning opportunity
When we hope for but don’t see results in a session, we must remember that the client needs time to reflect. The learning and action most often come after the session.
Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Superviser Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes of Q&A, discount on programs
Coaching Scenario: Laurie and Heidi have coached together for about 5 years and then became colleagues.
Coaching Topic: The issue Heidi brought to the call was that due to a bad work situation, she changed her job/career. She has a colleague friend from that last job that calls her regularly to complain about the work situation and ask for advice. This is very stressful for her and causes her to keep reliving a difficult time. She knows it has to stop as it shifts her mood and effectiveness in her work now. She wants to decide if she just needs to end the relationship or discuss it with her. If the latter how to go about that.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 15 minutes of Q&A, discount on programs) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This coaching session was a beautiful example of the coach’s ability to dance in the moment with the client’s energy. The client and coach moved from great depths to moments of lightness and levity without missing a beat.
Presence is the difference between PCC and MCC.
To trust that what I need as a coach is already inside me--to trust in my own value as a coach.
less notes, try to increase presence.
the safe container she created for Heidi to explore her somatic experience.
Reminder to use silence and allow intuition to be a tool, but to be careful about how questions are posed so as not to be directive.
Using personal values as a way to discuss the emotional conflict that arises in the conversations.
The way Laurie matched her client’s energy as it would shift, sometimes dramatically throughout the session.
How powerful patience and presence are.
That coaching is an embodiment—it’s not what I do as a coach but is who I am being
Invite client to notice wisdom of the body -- somatic sensations
that gentle, loving, careFULL approach, great call!
We got to hear one of Rachel's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Rachel gave us the following bonuses:
additional 30 minutes for more Q&A making the call 90 minutes and worth 1.5 CEUs
a copy of the transcript
a copy of the examiner's feedback
Coaching Scenario: Rachel and the client Cynthia are colleagues and met in a class. They have and continue to support each other in their coaching.
Coaching Topic: After receiving some surprising (and somewhat difficult to hear) feedback on her communication, she’s wants to look at effective communication and what that means for her.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“This session went so deep using the power of metaphor. It was such a gift witnessing the coach’s mastery in weaving it throughout the session, using reflection and powerful and unusual questioning to take the client deeper and deeper.”
“The power of sharing the coach’s observation and following with an exploration of the client’s self-observation. And the power of visioning in the session.”
“It was a beautifying and elegantly progressed session with spaciousness and such powerful presence.”
"The importance of pauses and creating space for the client to reflect."
"Reminded of the power of metaphors; surprised that a session which included a guided meditation passed the MCC exam, but obviously if carefully done making sure the client is leading the way it can be done"
"I am taking away principles as well as tidbits on style to inform my practice of mentoring MCC candidates"
"This session was truly amazing in all ways! One of my favorites"
"The coach was in partnership with the client when she offered the visualization based on the client’s learning. The visualization became a resource that evolved naturally as the coach heard the client’s context and how she moved into it—especially the client’s use of metaphors."
"To ask how a client likes to learn during an initial conversation when contracting with a new client. For example, visual vs non-visual thinker, use of metaphors, etc."
"Loved the coach’s comments about reflective practice!"
"New ways to continue to develop trust with established clients."
"A strong example of how to keep utilizing the client’s metaphor beyond, “how does it feel?” and to take it into support of the client’s accountability methods post-session."
"Exquisite coaching presence and trust-ability to help client create new awareness and breakthrough."
"partnership with the client by informing what coach was experiencing and asking what client wanted her to experience."
"How to use guided imagery well in a session"
"Reflect back on specific terms or phrases the client is using to go deeper on meaning."
"Setting the agreement and seeing what the client wants from the session."
Leadership & Team Coach, Mentor & Supervisor Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session, ICF Performance Evaluation & 30 additional minutes of Q&A
ICF (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
We listen to one of Sharaf's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method/rating.
This session masterfully weaves all the competencies necessary to pass in approximately 30 minutes!
Sharaf is also giving us:
the transcript of the coaching session
the ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
Coaching Scenario: Sharaf and Matthew have known each other for about two years and have been coaching together ever since. Matthew is a coach.
Coaching Topic: Matthew is really upset that a company he was hired by to teach a class asked him just that morning to remove the resources he had so carefully vetted to give to the class. Wants clarity about whether to just let it go and do what they ask and not risk losing the job or honor himself and let them know how he feels. And if so what to say.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
• How Sharaf knew what to cherry pick out of the conversation eg “what’s honesty” or asking Matthew how being a strategic communicator would add to his response. So clever! This question enabled Matthew to access his higher self AND the question flushed out one on Matthew’s core concerns
• To speak less, to pull out a key word to ask about, keep my questions succinct.
• The journey to become MCC need not be hasty and exposure to a wide variety of coaches/mentors is important.
• How little Sharaf spoke
• I am going to say to myself before each of my sessions: listen as though English is not your first language. I will listen more deeply and not make any assumptions, just a Sharaf so beautifully did!
• Practice deep listening and be comfortable with long silence
• Get better at letting the client drive the measure of success, and not to keep pushing a tangible measure if it does not feel right. It is an art form, not a science formula.
• I feel like the coach’s recognition of the difference in the client’s energy was really key for the client. Like picking up on and asking “what’s still in there?”
• So appreciated Sharaf’s:
- tone of voice
- the amazing silences
- his natural questions
• Sharaf used silence so well! He seemed comfortable with prolonged moments of silence either after he asked a question or after Matthew was done sharing.
• the spacious coaches reset my presence.
• Not being so hard on myself about the specific language used in a question!
• The importance of giving space to the client.
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Personal & Soul Conversation Coach Bonus: 2 articles by Vicki-"Transformational Coaching A Real-Life Example of Positive Change" and to get “My Coaching Business: Myself!” which is about the limiting beliefs we have as coaches in terms of marketing ourselves.
Coaching scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and the master coach have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wantsto connect with her vision on a more succinct level so she can move forward in turning my dreams into reality. She is a teacher and has a gift of being able to break down information in a way that is easily understood. She is charismatic- everyone tells her she is very inspiring and should be a motivational speaker. She feels due to her experience and her gifts she has a lot to share and offer. She's finding it difficult to decide where to focus and how to articulate what she does.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
I was very impressed with how Vicki got the client to move past her planned and prepared speech that she came to the call with. I can see how challenging that was, and I am walking away from this call with a great example of how to move a client like this to a much deeper level.
Inspiration from “observing” the elegance of “dancing in the moment” and the power of presence. Wow!
A reminder of how important it is to be centered for both the client and coach. An inquiry/reflection for me re: how to work with clients who are in their heads
I loved the moment in the beginning of the call, when Vicki asked the client to take a moment to center herself before beginning coaching. She then asked her how does she usually center herself, which got the client to pull from her past experiences, which I think provided her a moment of comfort, I will definitely borrow this specific technique to use with my clients.
Vicki really was able to allow the client to find her own way. It felt uncomfortable for me as I listened understanding my primal urge to jump in and lead or guide.
Exploring more options rather than drilling down too quickly for a solution
Asking the kind of questions that allow the client to do the work
Technique of helping client turn off their repetitive thought patterns by focusing on their bodies.
David Franklin MCC
Organizational and Leadership Development & Mentor Coaching Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for Q&A
ICF MCC exam session!
We heard one of David's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. David gave us a bonus 30-minutes for additional Q&A and the call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching Scenario: Joy is a coach and she and David have had numerous coaching sessions over the years. Joy has also mentored with David off and on for several years.
Coaching Topic: Shewants to fine-tune her coaching niche and explore hesitations around embracing it.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participants' take-aways:
To continue to develop my contracting skills at the beginning of a session. David asked for the client’s meaning behind things over and over. That was a great example of what I need to do more of.
This was a beautiful demonstration of how a trusting partnership led to an “unpacking” that took the client from the surface, or “symptom” to a deeper level, or the “root” of what she wanted to work on.
How still and calm the session was. Really transformative, not transactional
What a beautiful call to witness. The coachee had much insight that added to the richness.
Growing myself to focus more on open ended invocation for clients without bringing them to action.
The huuuge space David created with his client
David maintained beautiful presence and his curiosity without pushing the client to go anywhere. The use of metaphor on her part was especially powerful in this call.
To fully trust in client’s abilities to have the answers. To assist the client to unpack the presenting problem and go deeper. To empower clients to make their own connections and insights. To support clients in “taking actions that will really serve them”.
Loved what the coach said about actions emerging from awareness.
He maintained presence by continually asking her “In this conversation” (what would be useful) and did a lovely job with partnering the conversation.
Slow it down, and keep bringing the client back to the conversation and how she was feeling.
Getting to know the coach in the debrief is just as interesting as the session.
Growing myself to focus more on open ended invocation for clients without bringing them to action.
Executive Leadership & Coach Trainer Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for debrief and Q&A
Client Scenario: Rich is not in the coaching profession, in fact he's never been coached before and this is the first time he and Ellen have ever met or spoken.
Client Topic: He's 62yrs old and has a painful and messy past including a felony conviction. He wants to make a difference and has developed a system for climate change. He's been working on it for 4 years, has all the necessary players lined up behind him and its ready to go but he feels somewhat intimidated. He wants help to unpack whats holding him back and find the inspiration, motivation, education and accountability to get it rolling.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Ellen’s coaching was so masterful, she was so present, she stayed in the coach role and didn’t get tempted to get into Rich’s past and at the same time, she didn’t step over it. She was supportive with acknowledgements without being cheerleadery. She consistently used Rich’s own words and metaphors and by doing that Rich shifted his thinking and realized in those moments he has choice. She held the agenda, required the client to dig deep and the client was able to see and feel his power, he remembered he has the answers and he knows what he needs to do. I like how she stuck with the “being” and not the “doing”.
Despite the clients current financial stressors, a “messy” past, and having a very big goal, the session was light with laughter, it flowed very nice, and you could hear the shift in the clients’ voice and energy.
I really appreciated hearing an example of how to handle a moment where the language wasn’t landing for the client (“too coachy”), Ellen very masterfully noticed it, acknowledged it, and quickly corrected.
I thought the coach demonstrated great presence. When the client didn’t understand the questions she simply adapted--kept trying ways to discover language he did understand. Loved it when she said they were still learning their language together.
Careful when working with a new client to use language that is easy for them to access. Also how the taking of something big and drilling it into a smaller question is so tremendously empowering!
Strong coaching Presence and non-attachment to outcome. Ellen empathetically held space and asked questions to access the client's wisdom. She truly partnered with her client with patience and grace, causing a shift in his energy and perspective leading to his clarity and committed choice.
Master Certified Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes on the call for discussion and Q&A on How to Get Out of Judgment, powerful quote/instructions before beginning a session and some really "neat" freebies.
Coaching Scenario: The client was a teacher when she initially came to Annie back in 2005 and was coached for about a year. She decided to pursue coaching as a profession following their coaching together and has since retired as a teacher and is now a full time coach. She has taken a variety of classes with Annie over the years but this is the first coaching session they've had since that initial coaching engagement.
Coaching Topic: Even after all the work she has done to become a coach and as much as she loves it all the marketing and having to put herself out there makes her want to run and hide. And she thinks do I really want to do this? Yet she loves being a coach but feels its too much work and is fearful she is not up to it.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
This was purest MCC level coaching demonstrated. Annies presence with her client was brilliant! I loved her question after the long silence Where did you go?
The reminder that as coaches--- what we offer the world is what we personally have the most challenge with.
I appreciated the reminder about coaching the whole person not just focusing on behavior, outcomes and goals; and valuable ways to insure that we check any judgment we might have at the door.
I work with couples facing life-threatening and chronic illness, and a reminder that masterful coaching includes holding the space for people’s experience is always valuable
How to apply masterful coaching through clear, concise, powerful questioning and deep listening.
Thanks for a great call yesterday. I found it very powerful and helpful as I continue to develop as a career coach. Also, I appreciated how gentle Annie was, her voice softened when she was digging deeper about the emotions her client was expressing.
I found the call helpful, especially the discussion around using silence. I work very hard on that, as I often want to jump in when it gets quite.
Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for in my learning and development as a coach.
Even master coaches finish a call and reflect on other paths they could have taken their client on.
Remember to stay in the moment and trust that if you’re coaching from a place of love and possibility for your client, you can’t go wrong
Really liked the questions towards the beginning “What’s really under this?” and the end “What have you become aware of today?”
Bonus: 30 additional minutes of discussion and Q&A at the end of the call on what it takes to go from a good coach to a great one
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has had coaching in the past but this is the frist time that she and David have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a 56-year-old getting started as a speaker/consultant on leadership issues in technical companies. I’ve written a book, gotten a nice sparkly website, but my biggest issue is “imposter syndrome”. I still have that feeling that I have no business advising anyone on leadership issues, even though I have an MBA, plenty of management experience, and plenty of compliments on my insights and abilities with people. And of course, I’ve written a book on leadership! But still there’s that voice whispering to me “nah, not you, hon”. That’s what I’m looking to get past."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was a pleasure to observe such powerful coaching! One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
Brilliant coaching! David not only challenged the client, he challenged me to think about how I can add more value as a coach. His provocative comments about the future of coaching should be heeded by every coach.
Coaching is more than helping create insight for the client. It’s also about helping the client to take action by getting “ridiculously specific” regarding the steps he/she will take and the “speed bumps” that may get in the way.
Inspiration and a model for truly masterful coaching. Impressive work! I will listen to this session again.
How boldness is the gateway to great coaching.
One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
I am committed to paying more attention to when I turn away from an opportunity to take a risk with a client.
Both client and coach were dynamic!
Other valuable lessons I learned: be willing to be wrong more, be aware of the power dynamic in coaching, and challenge my clients more.
Use of humor, reframing, digging with depth to achieve insight
His coaching presence, in terms of presentation and content, was masterful.
Be confident enough to be wrong. Find the issue and then anchor it.
David Goldsmith's was a guest again for a different kind of call & an MMC first!
Please note: extended call time (to 90 minutes) & how this call was different!
David was a guest in January (the above call) and coached a woman not in the coaching profession, who has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time she and David had ever met or spoken. This call is a participant favorite!
David coached her again on this call as a follow-up session.
The coaching was conducted similarly to the way coaches train the pro athletes by breaking down and examining the action play by play. So David coached in a start and stop fashion giving us the opportunity in the moment to engage with David, the client and the coaching in a very participatory way.
MP3 + CCE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Wow! What a beautiful coaching session and life lesson!
That paraphrasing fears to the point of ridiculousness brings levity to a situation and allows the client to reset.
The impact of reflecting as a mirror the words of the client so that they can hear it.
The importance of listening to one’s gut in deciding in which direction to go during the session
Clients will reveal where the coaching conversation can go deep. Not helpful for coaches to be too nice--okay to provoke/challenge client’s thinking.
Not being afraid to try different things to get to that “thing”; that will be of value and get results.
It is always a pleasure to observe David and his powerful coaching! Thank you for having him back again. I learn so much from him.
I admire his confidence in his own intuition; and how he is not attached to being right, he simply “has a hypothesis” and tests it out. It is such a masterful tool, and this is what I strive to always connect to in my coaching sessions.
He modeled brilliantly how to step over the potential therapy issues regarding her past, but used the depth and pain from those experiences in a coaching framework.
The logic and simplicity David used to shed light into the unconscious fears / beliefs.
Damian Goldvarg Ph.D., MCC
Leader, Team & Coach Supervisor Bonus:When Heart Intelligence Meets Conversational Intelligence by Judith E. Glaser & Deborah Rozman
Coaching Scenario: Susan is an executive coach. This is the first time she and Damian have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Supervision Topic: Susan is currently working with leaders in a large national corporation. Although she's been hired to help them navigate culture change she's running into consistent challenges re building a team of people to support the vision, due to constantly changing strategic priorities, unsophisticated hiring and an infatuation with the latest shiny new object to propel into fast growth trajectory.
MP3 + ICF (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day notice)
Some of the participant take-aways:
I could really see the shift in today’s supervisee. She had some enlightening moments...
The value of coaching supervision to improving our coaching capacities.
Reflecting on is there a possibility there is something we have not seen here together, and offering that inquiry to my client to co-create.
I loved- Normative, Formative, Restorative and the summary that Damian gave toward the end of the call.
How to work more intentionally with the coaches I support- and not shy away from Direct Communication and sharing what is there... It is particularly relevant to my work with coaches-- so much so I will be looking into his training.
Process of examining parallel processes in supervision that may mirror what is going on with client. This can be helpful in addressing challenges/impasses in work together.
Understanding of Supervisory Coaching, recognizing potential hazards of failing to self-manage as a coach.
Patience in helping the client to walk through self-reflection.
Asking myself the question: Am I challenging enough with my clients?
Coaching Scenario:Margie brought one of her former clients to the call. They had not spoken for a couple of years.
Coaching Topic: This client is very successful in the business she has created and been running for years but wants to know how to “explode” into the next iteration of her life, herself and her work. It all feels very scary with all the changes it will require and she worries that the new work will not be accepted by society.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47
with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
Some of the participant take-aways:
This session was a lesson in courage and authenticity: I think both must be present in each and every coaching session: Today's call masterfully modeled this blend.
Perhaps more than many other calls, this session demonstrated the power of coach presence
Coaching presence with the client is what will allow me to take risk in service of the client.
Despite the client's repeated stories, Margie never wavered in her absolute belief in the client's greatness.
The reminder again, that it's not about performing for the client. It's about being present. The reminder to use the clients own words/phrasing when revisiting the agreement established in the beginning--as a way to move toward action.
Ability to confront client with what you know is not the case - challenging the client's responses.
How a skilled coach can truly help others create breakthroughs in 30 minutes!
"The energy and excitement of making it tangible"
The warm relaxed style of Margie even while she was using direct communication
Good use of intuition and direct communication early on, then acknowledgment when the energy shifted. â€
Libby Graves MBA, MCC
Master certified Leadership Development & Executive Career/Life Transition Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes for more debriefing and Q&A
Client Scenario: This is one of Libby's real-world clients. They have worked together for about 2 years.
Client Topic: He is a dentist in the military. He realizes the questions he’s been asking “What do I do next and How do I continue along the path of self-development for a particular job?” are not the right questions. The better ones are “What kinds of roles do I foresee for myself that allow me to be authentic in who I am? And “knowing who I am and taking an inventory of the leaders I have available to me, how do I leverage those into the next level?”
This was one of our ICF MCC exam sessions
We got to hear one of Libby's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
MP3 + ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
Wiith the subscription.
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice.
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellent call today which exemplified truly masterful coaching!
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
Her good example of pinpointing the coaching agreement.
how well she packaged together a summary from what her client said. Also, I like the wording, “What progress do you feel you’re making?” regarding the coaching session.
Clients are supported when they feel a sense of trust and safety in the coaching relationship, and when they are given plenty of space to engage in deep exploration and the time to process what’s uncovered.
To be completely comfortable in a space of not know knowing--to let whatever unfolds appear--to let go of any need to have “the” answers.
Maintaining Presence is what stood out for me. I often have to calm myself, to be more present. This was helpful.
Self-management and patience with the process of uncertainty of outcome.
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
A new tool “allow the story telling” for retirement transitioning clients.
the completeness of the ending - I can learn a lot from this, going deeper even as I am moving to close.
The power of coaching to help clients develop and grow strong belief in themselves.
Discussion of tools was really helpful; for example, use of “Life Story” in setting baseline and connecting with clients to help them feel heard and understood.
It's always valuable to hear a session that passed the MCC exam.
Executive & Leadership Coach Bonus: 15 minute discussion on a topic Sarah is passionate about. "We are losing too many great coaches & potential great coaches in our profession because they don’t know how to make a living as a coach." She explained and gave us her methodology that we can use to get to a "Happy Yes" when building a robust coaching business.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, he has never been coached before and he and Sarah met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: "I am the founder and CEO of a financial group, a registered investment advisory firm. I started the firm when I was 24, and became the younger founder of an RIA firm in the State of Ohio’s history. I’ve been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, the Washington Post, CNN Business, Authority Magazine, etc. And I really don’t say that to brag, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. I say that because I have horrible imposter syndrome. I just feel like a fraud because I’m not as experienced or as smart as other people and I am too young to be running an investment firm. I am the youngest person at my company. Think about how crazy it is that the CEO of the company is the youngest and least experienced of the whole company."
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Gail, I just listened back to this recording between Sarah Happel MCC and Ryan. It was magnificent. I re-learnt what it means to be an MCC and Sarah modelled her capacity as MCC brilliantly. I came away buoyed and keen again to rekindle my love affair with improving my MCCness. Thank you for your magnificent resource." ~Executive Coach, Tara Nolan MCC
"A powerful demonstration of presence, curiosity, and partnering with the client."
"When a client seems challenged in coming up with an outcome--jumps around a lot--I want to stay with the client. I want to dance with the client as a true partner--fully present and curious about what’s really wanted."
"I really appreciated some of the questions the coach asked. I also appreciated her response when the client seemed to be asking her advice or making references to therapy."
"Outstanding call!"
"Very helpful discussion about the business of coaching."
"Sarah’s simplicity and easy going questioning style."
“Don’t get sucked into the situation. Focus on what it’s like for the client to be in that situation.”
"Let the client lead"
"Great example of pure coaching and helping clients to figure things out for themselves."
"The way she held the client accountable and tossed it back to him to solve his own issues and not give advice.
"I have clients as Im sure we all do that can be all over the place. Getting to see how masterfully Sarah handled it, was a real gift!"
Master Certified Corporate & Life Coach Special Bonus: Video of a webinar Janet gave for ICF New England Chapter-Lifelong Learning Journey to Artful Mastery
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession. She has been coached in the past as an employee by a manager and has had some group business coaching. This was the 1st time that she and Janet had ever met or spoken. In fact Janet preferred not to know anything about the client or her topic before the session.
Coaching Topic: She's an action actress, fight coordinator, stand-up comic and an independent writer, director & producer. She needs to start another production company and to do so she needs to mentor with top producers, distributors and directors.
She wants help choosing the right people to partner with- those that she can work well with and depend on-- people who keep their word. Also how to motivate people to do what they say they're going to do.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant feedback:
"What an incredible call today! Hats off to Janet."
"I found this call most fascinating! It was masterful the way Janet Harvey used interruption to constantly refocus the client as Janet later said, "to hear her own strength". Truly masterful! I will be listening to this recording many more times. Of all the sessions I have heard over the past 2 years, I found this the most intriguing. Being able to coach someone about whom one knows nothing, bar the information gleaned in the coaching session is truly masterful."
"Janet was exceptional - she felt it wasn't as masterful, but I thought she was amazing - it was her calm, really holding her coaching space."
"The session was an opportunity for me to witness how a master coach leads a client from being a processor who reaches out for external answers to becoming a person capable of identifying her own internal strengths; it was also a demonstration of an approach that promotes a full development of both meaning and personal visions. The session brought to light the importance of uncovering intrinsic motivations: it was not the drive for money that has propelled the client to get involved with the production world but rather her wish to communicate/disseminate and educate for high moral standards. I found it inspiring to follow the ease and fluency with which the coaching conversation evolved."
Also check out Janet's 3 MCC call under the "3 MCC" tab
Margie Heiler MS, MCC, CEC
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Establishing the Coaching Agreement, 5 Steps to Contracting & How to Stop Negative Thinking
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Margie have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is a film director and loves her career. She feels she's doing all the right things but she’s not moving ahead, she's been on one level for many years. She knows there needs to be a change, feels something within is blocking her.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the particiapnt take aways:
Outstanding call! So much was accomplished in just 30 minutes. I felt each question moved her forward skillfully and sensitively, without feeling rushed.
The value of coaching--holding the space to create clarity around vision and obstacles to achieving it. Powerful stuff!
I got a lot out of it for my own personal development. Thank You!
Simple, graceful and powerful coaching. Margie was masterful at bringing the client fully in touch with the depth of her passion and purpose. This helped the client break through her stuckness
Loved the use of the I AM model.
Never quite saw intention setting done in this way. I'm going to borrow it!
Good post discussion on process and values
Importance of doing "values" work in coaching
I want to continue accessing this kind of call. Its very interesting.
Helen House MCC, CPCC
Master Certified Transformational, Leadership, Creativity & Spiritual Coach Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes for Helen to talk about coaching for marginalized populations e.g. prisoners and $150 off any one of Helen's coaching packages
Coaching Scenario: Helen and Maggie met in a training back in @2007. Maggie then hired Helen to be her coach and they worked together for a while. Maggie has been trained as a coach but they haven’t worked together for @10 years.
Coaching Topic: Maggie has 2 main tracks for what she does- one is a novel and the other is advocacy around mental illness and how to make the delivery of care better. But she’s realized when being creative she is leading with fear instead of joy.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses+ MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“That was marvelous - the master modeling AND all of Helen's self ownership, insights and inspirational give back.”
Coaching a .topic that is serious and emotional for the client can be a light conversation that gets results.”
“Helen “didn’t skip a beat” and that was exactly what I loved about Helen’s coaching. She was so present. And she weaved many pieces together. Those little things are what makes a client really feel heard and understood, and there were many examples of that in this session. Very impressed with Helen’s coaching”
“A beautiful demonstration of coaching. Also enjoyed the discussion around how the coach deals with “heavy” issues.”
“I’d love to be able to use acknowledgment as easily and natural as the coach did in the call.”
“Call was deep enough to be as therapeutic as a therapy session, but in the context of coaching and present/future orientation.So masterful!”
“The dance between the coach and client was electric.”
“I listened to the call early this morning as today is another full day of facilitation. What a BRILLIANT coaching session and what a wonderful inspirational way to start my day.”
“Helen is FABULOUS! A worthy role model at every level.”
“Helen’s extremely skilled use of metaphor.”
“A pleasure to witness the mastery and vulnerability of the coach and the impact of this combination together, and the ease and partnership of the coach and client during the session. Inspiring.”
“I loved this call because it was a great example of how often times the clients who come to us have done a lot of work on themselves in therapy, and we as coaches are the next step for the clients working towards what they want. Helen beautifully embraced the heavy realities that Maggie showed up to the call with, all the while staying in the coach framework”
Annette Hurley MCC, BCC
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Wellness & Mentor Coach Bonus: an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach who is a PCC preparing for her MCC. This is the first time that she and Annette have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm challenged by how much/when/how to balance my own coaching voice and presence with trusting the client to take the lead. While I have invested time to listen and learn from MCCs, even they have PCC moments so it is difficult to know whether or not I am taking the ICF rubric too literally or appropriately examining my behaviors to ensure I'm moving out of PCC/virtuoso habits. One of my teachers said "what got you here [PCC] won't get you there [MCC]" but though I have identified what's holding me back I've yet to surmount it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
Annette clearly has many years of coaching experience and wisdom. I enjoyed the extra 30 minutes to debrief....that time was very valuable to hear how the coachee and the coach processed.
I really enjoyed the discussion we had in the Q&A regarding the clients expectations of discussing/solving her common stuck-point, when the microphone gets passed to her, and how this coaching conversation mirrored the challenge she’s been working on “ the client expecting the coach to solve their problem”. Great discussion!
Annette’s “inquiry” at the end resonated with me and is a question that I believe will be important for me to consider as I continue to develop.
Inspired to reflect on my goals as a coach. Curious to review “rules” for PCC and MCC and then use this to re-assess my skills and set intentional goals to continue self-improvement Thank you for a thought provoking topic!
Using my presence as a tool to self manage. I want to continue to hone my coaching presence and I move toward the MMC level of coaching
Was a great learning experience. Loved the discussion following the call!
Investing the time to co-create the relationship. The art of pacing the conversation so a potential energetic shift may occur
The journey to MCC is about self-managing. I will commit to focusing more on how i can use “pure” coaching with my clients who want me to offer consultative help, even if it’s uncomfortable.
Judy Irving, MCC
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonus: Judy's book: Living Courageously in a Changing World: 101 Tips for Authentic Success
Judycoached 2 clients for us!
Coaching Scenario 1: The 25 minute session was with a man who had never been coached before and this was the first time he and Judy had ever met or spoken:
Coaching Topic 1: "Even after 18 years in business, with a 500 page book about to be published on internet marketing and almost too many customers, I have no quality of life. I would like assistance with working with my employees -how to inspire them to be more empowered and to respect me more as boss so that I am able to achieve more life balance."
Judy's questioning quickly revealed the truth of one of my favorite Gandhi quotes that in order for there to be any real transformation we need to "be the change we want to see in the world".
And as one participant on the call said to Judy:
"What you did was a brilliant example of coaching the system by inviting the client to look at his part in the system and how he creates his reality. I don't think he had the understanding of his part in the system, he was seeing the system in disparate pieces."
Coaching Scenario 2: This laser session was with a woman who has been coached before in branding & speaking. This was the first time she and Judy had ever met or spoken:
Coaching Topic 2: "I am an author and leader of a popular networking organization in Indianapolis. I would like a better understanding of how to navigate the road to go from where I am now to getting on talk shows and regular paid speaking engagements."
Purchase- MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Zsofia Juhasz MCC
Executive, Leadership, Team, Group & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation
Different Kind of MCC Exam Call
Zsofia allowed us to listen to one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam and gave permission for Karl Van Hoey MCC, an ICF Master Coach, Mentor and Assessor to review the session with us and share is observations and valuable insights
Coaching Topic: The client can't get at this stage people to take her on as a volunteer, they are concerned about the insurance piece.
She wants to try to find a way to understand and cover the gaps, what she can do to get people to take her on board and make sure she’s on the same page with them.
Coaching Scenario: Zsofia and her client had contracted for 6 sessions, for the specific purpose of the MCC application. They knew each other prior to this engagement through some consulting work.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (additional 30-minutes, transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Deeper understanding of the MCC Bars and their role in assessing recordings.
Great contracting at the beginning; including re-contracting
This is overall such a wonderful way for me to learn, thank you!
How using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Zsofia did a great job Establishing and Maintaining the Agreement. Also, Listening Actively, Evoking Awareness and Maintaining Presence also stood out.
Don’t summarize but ask what has changed for the client.
less is more when it comes to the MCC level coaching
So many wonderful tidbits were shared: “Silence supported by presence becomes holding the space.”
Simplify my questions! Don’t add before or after.
how using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Any opportunity to listen to others coach along with how an ICF assessor would respond helps me reflect on my own coaching. always adds something else to my toolbox.
I appreciate how Zsofia did not give in to her client’s prompts to be a consultant and continued to be a coach with her questions. And, how she made use of many of the common questions we ask.
At ACC you’re learning the competencies, PCC you’re applying the competencies, and MCC you intuitively know the competencies.
I don’t need to remember what the client said. The client needs to remember.
Reminder to not summarize for the client. Let them say it.
Karl’s sharing a bit about how we should work with the Bars in an integrated way. Very helpful.
I really appreciated the coaches presence and natural flow of the session
Master Certified Organization Effectiveness & Leadership Transition Coach Bonus: Ben's 30 minute webinar-Integrating Reflective Learning in the Coaching Process
Coaching Scenario: He has had coaching in the past but this is the first time he and Ben had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "Increasing my influence as a thought leader in the personal finance and the self-help field is my mission. I have helped over 3,000 families working on a one-on-one basis. Now I would like to help millions and am seeking coaching on how I can accomplish my calling."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
â€with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant feedback:
"Ben had a calming and supportive presence. He also tracked very well; it was a dance with the client. He recapped and summarized the clients words very articulately, and offered it back to the client for the client to hear himself. He asked great clarifying questions, brainstorming, and forward thinking questions, and checked in with the client frequently. I will remember the experience of listening to Ben's call when I work with my clients. It was a great live example of the core competencies."
"The skilled use of clarifying questions in the coaching process"
"The importance of going deeper with the client. Ben masterfully helped the client gain deeper awareness of his inner knowing."
"Use of powerful, yet relevant, imagery. Linking personal meaning to goals..."
"Acknowledging and affirming the client. Listening for more than the words, i.e., voice tone, pace, tempo.Stay neutral. Don’t lead the client. Help the client to chunk up the perspective around an issue to draw additional insight."
"The importance of going deeper with the client. Ben masterfully helped the client gain deeper awareness of his inner knowing."
Hope Langner MS, MCC, CPCC
Master Certified Transformational, Spiritual & Leadership Coach Bonus: Article by Sally Ourieff, MD. to educate coaches in the symptoms and signs of when a client might need therapy or psychiatric help so that we can then make the appropriate referral
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession. She has never been coached before and this was the first time that she and Hope had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client feels she can do something in the world and make an impact, not necessarily far reaching but her negative, self judgmental thoughts are blocking her. She feels if she can find a way to go beyond the critical self talk she can do great things.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
“Importance of coach not slipping into problem-solving for client.”
“Fluidity of moving back and forth with close, but different parts of client's content.”
“The beauty of the CTI model in action! As always, make it simple. Stop adding so much extra noise in my coaching.”
“The client's concern is so common; this demonstrated a powerful, yet simple way to help breakthrough negative self-talk in short order.”
“The powerful self-confidence and skill of the master coach.”
“Make observations (using the direct communication) without fear!”
“Always hold the door open for the client's vision to get bigger. This client initially played small, but Hope didn't take the bait!”
“Use the client's language when I frame questions. Play with metaphor, especially with clients who are visual like this one was.”
“What does that open up for you?' I had forgotten how powerful that question is!”
Tony Latimer MCC, BCC
Master Certified Leadership Transition Coach Bonus: Tony gave us a bonus 30 minutes for additional Q&A and an overview discussion on "coaching without a model", his work with the subconscious to be able to go deeper faster and obtain longer lasting breakthroughs.
Coaching Scenario: This client Eli, has been coached in the past but this was the first time she and Tony had ever met.
Coaching Topic: Eli has been working in the corporate world for many years, is successful and found it fulfilling for a long time. However not so in recent years and the pandemic really brought it to a head. She has found something she feels so passionate about but is really frightened to let go of the security. But its very painful for her to stay and she doesnt know if she can do it anymore. She would like help getting clear on what she should do.
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
What a true master of his craft.
Deeper validation of the importance of helping the client create a clear and felt sense of the future they desire. (behavior and emotion)
The distinction between “problem” and “situation”
“Coaching is about triggering thinking”. How to do it comes from the client and what he/she says.
The beauty and power of connecting the coach’s subconscious with the client’s subconscious.
Get clarity on where the client is now, get clarity on what behavioral change is needed to get there.
Very interesting call with new things to think about.
The Q&A session after was particularly helpful.
The importance of not trying to be a problem solver and tapping into the client’s subconscious.
I loved the 3 steps to clarity!
The power of patience and sitting without judgment with the client through their discomfort
So exciting to be presented with a new way or working.
Coach was so even in his approach to the emotion of the client, but kept the conversation moving forward out of problem talk.
Tony is amazing and I want in on the MasterClass he mentioned.
Master Certified Life, Leadership & Cancer Coach Bonus: The Tiers of Emotion-diagram, explanation & how to work with it
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching professsion, this is the first time that she and Keri have met or spoken and the 1st time she's ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: Shewas diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27, a day before her 28th birthday & two months before her planned wedding with her finance. They are now happily married but she is always struggling with the balance of how cancer has affected her and her husband. They are now facing the deaths of friends whose cancer returned. There are a lot of fears, she feels like she can handle her own but struggles with how to communicate with her husband about it and their future.
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants takeaways:
"How allowing the client to express anger without feeling guilty can be a great relief and encourage a change of perspective."
"To use PESH- what a great tool!"
"How magical coaching is and what a powerful process it is"
"Don't be afraid to address the obvious, even though it is "scary". It is where the richness is, so I need to be willing to "go for the gold".
"The power of presence. Being able to intuitively go with what surfaces. Self-managing any preconceived ideas around what's needed."
"I had tears in my eyes at several points in this amazing coaching session. It was deeply spiritual and moving."
Sam Magill MCC
Executive, Leadership & Coach Supervisor for this call Special Bonus: the call is extended for an additional 30 minutes to cover the elements below.
This was a different kind of call & an MMC first!
2 MCCs for the price of one!
Sam begins by talking to us about coaching supervision, his passion and area of expertise.
Then we hear Sherryl T. Christie coaching one of her real world executive clients
Sam then demonstrates what he talked about and actually supervises Sherryl
Finally there's a Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Mike the client, is an executive and he and Sherryl have been coaching together off and on since 2011. They have been on a bit of a hiatus and so this is the first session theyve had for about 7 months.
Coaching Topic: Mike says his pattern has been to micro manage and take on things that other people arent handling well but knows it’s not sustainable or in the best interest of anyone. He's given an employee a huge project but feels this employee has a similar pathology. The project is not going well and the team is having problems with him. Mike says he’s always been of the mindset “accomplish the mission at any cost” and tends to be a direct bottom line kind of guy. He really wants to know how to approach this differently so that he can help the employee to develop his skillset and grow while also accomplishing the goals of the company.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Super-vision! Love it! Thanks to Sam and Sherryl for this learning experience!
Gratefulness to witness 2 coaching sessions one being supervision of an MCC. Wow!
How, when direct communication is done with the intent of helping the client get back on track, it can be very powerful.
Thank you for integrating supervision and doubling the MCCs, I so appreciate the variety and complexity.
As Sheryl spoke about, I am often ahead of my clients and need to slow down even more.
Great to listen to the coaching session within the supervision context. How do you know when you are a good enough coach?? was an amazing supervision question.
Paying attention to parallel processes in my coaching sessions...i.e. me doing with the client what he/she is doing in his/her life.
Continuing to note my own urges to advise and not coach.
This call was fantastic, thank you! I loved Sam’s introduction to and definition of supervision: in that it helps the beginner and master coach, increase the moments of mastery. Brilliant!
I will forever continue the process of supervision/mentor coaching in order to continue to be my best self, and best coach for my clients.
Loved learning about super-vision and the difference between that and mentor coaching.
How useful it is to have an observer of the observer!
Excellent learning opportunity
When we hope for but don’t see results in a session, we must remember that the client needs time to reflect. The learning and action most often come after the session.
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Special Bonus: additional 30 minutes for Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Meg have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She wants away to figure out what she wants to do with her life "what to do when she grows up". She's had many careers and been very successful but doesn't know if she's ever been content.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes of Q&A ) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"I was surprised by Meg's humble attitude about her mastery. I could relate to her struggle with her perfectionism and confidence about her session. I appreciated her discussion about how natural that is as a coach, and how we often are very hard on ourselves immediately after a session thinking what we could have, or should have done differently. Her sharing her experiences of clients returning and reporting back the positive feelings they had the following week after the call, and the importance of just being with them in the process, and not being attached to the outcome, is something we all need to continue to work on, and I will remember listening in on this master. Thank you Meg, for your transparency."
"I really liked Megs consistent use of the clients own language throughout the entirety of the session. I loved how (in coaching with the client), she distinguished the difference between "best fit" "most sense" and "calling".
"This coach was very "real" & a masterful accompaniment of the client, meeting her where she needed to be and creating a safe space for exploration."
"Superb establishing the agreement"
"Loved Meg's transparency with her own process, encouraging us all to simply let go and trust the process....that's enough."
"I really liked Meg's technique of having the client write down the "ingredients to her recipe". That's where I heard a major shift in her thinking."
" Highly beneficial"
"Great model of using energy on a phone call"
Read all about Meg's mentoring session in the "Differents types of demos" section under the "Mentoring Sessions" tab.
Master Certified Corporate & Leadership Coach Special Bonus: Micki's article-The Business of Learning-How You Can Close the Gaps Between What You Can Do and What You Want to Do
Coaching scenario: The client is an ongoing client of Micki's they have had @4-5 previous sessions. He is not presently in the coaching profession but is planning on taking Micki's Transformational Coaching program.
Coaching topic:It isa very disconcerting, uncomfortable and confusing time for him. All the things he once felt such passion about no longer hold much interest. He feels like he's just going through the motions. This isnt the way he wants to live his life. He wants to be present and feel grateful. Knows he's in the midst of big changes, doesnt have a clue as to what they are and initially thinks he wants some coping skills to help him until he figures out where he's headed.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the feedback from participants:
"I was really reminded about the power and value of coaching presence and holding that space for emerging awareness. It seemed to me that the movement this client experienced was energized by the container the coach created and held throughout the session, and her connection to him and her clarity about where he was every minute of the session."
"The call was excellent and definitely helped me grow as a coach through seeing the benefit of having the client move from head/analyzing to the heart of his desire. It was very valuable as I am pursuing licensure as a HeartMath Coach in the future."
"The topic was very similar to topics my clients bring to me and the coach's work with this client was validating."
"Very valuable as it went deeply into the personal level, right into the heart of the client, which is my coaching goal."
"Invaluable call today because the coaching was simple and classic. Foundational - no bells and whistles, just pure. I''m walking away with a reminder to go slow, easy - step by step."
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this was the first time that she and Christine had ever met or spoken. Up to this point it had been standard procedure for the Master Coach to be sent the submitted coaching topics only (no names or any other info). But for the first time on a MMC call, Christine didnt want to know anything at all about the client before the session. So I asked participants to vote on which topic they preferred and thats how this one was selected.
Part of the theme of this call was 'living with uncertainty' and its obvious Christine walks her talk.
Coaching Topic: The client has run a successful coaching business now for 10 years but has decided to take a "pause" to reflect on what's next for her with her work in the world. It feels very scary and at the same time exciting. This is the first time in her life she's ever given herself this opportunity. Christine McDougalls words that she really resonated with were "illuminate truth on the soul level" and thats what she wants to connect with.
Cost: $59.97
Allan Milham MCC
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Allan is the author of Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Winand co-author of the Amazon Top 100 bestseller, Bold Moves: Jump to Outstanding Self-Managed Action and the corporate workbook, Empathy: Connecting with the Customer.
Bonus: his Amazon #1 bestselling book- Bold Moves: Jump to Outstanding Self Managed Action. This interactive online journal version allows us to record our thoughts, actions, ideas on the right margin in relation to our next bold move.
Coaching Scenario:My goal for this series is for us to have the opportunity to hear as many different types of situations as possible and this call provided a different and first time scenario! One of Allan's previous high level executive clients was scheduled for the call. However she didn't show and I found out later that she hadn't taken the different timezone into account. So anyway one of the participants stepped up and had the good fortune of being coached by Allan on the call.
The scenario is that Allan was anticipating coaching a client he knows and in a niche that is his forte. So we got to witness his mastery at being able to switch on a dime, maintain profound presence and prove that if you are masterful you can coach anyone.
Coaching Topic: Sarah's book is at the publishers and will be coming out in the next month or so. She has questions, concerns and fears about the steps that she needs to take to successfully launch the book.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Here are some of the participant takeaways:
"The importance of Coaching Presence. It is something we all heard on day #1 in coach training; but this stunning real-time reminder was tremendously valuable. Allan's coaching presence was strong, clear and elegant."
"A heightened awareness to the importance of "clean language" and attentive listening"
"How Allan skillfully focused on her emotional tone and was able to partner with her so that she could begin to celebrate her achievement"
"A gratitude for Allan's beautiful presence as a coach"
"It was very good coaching. Im taking away how important it is to dance in the moment as Alan and Sarah did!"
"How crucial self-management, as a coach is to the ability to be fully present for the client. Also the importance of curiosity and powerful questions in shifting the conversation towards new perspectives."
"Excellent coaching works in a variety of contexts -- from executive to entrepreneur to life."
"Great reminders on self management and the "clean white room"."
"Use of probing questions to address limiting beliefs."
Wynne Miller MCC
Master Certified Leadership, Entrepreneur & Transition Coach Bonus: Harvard Business Review article: From Purpose to Impact
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Wynne have met or spoken. In fact Wynne didnt even know what the topic was. The monthly subscribers chose this topic from a list a submitted to them.
Coaching Topic: "I'd wag my tail over the opportunity to be coached on how to have my Pet Disaster Preparedness and First Aid trainings reach that next level! My topic may be niche however, pets are part of the family evidenced by the $63 billion pet care industry and the unending disasters occurring round the globe. So many more animals, and the people who love them, could benefit from my help while bringing me sustainable income, so I need guidance to build upon my books, courses, celebrity students and TV segments to make it a reality!"
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
“Changed my views on what constitutes a brilliant demonstration! Hearing the master coach fall into the trap of trying to solve the problem but quickly catching herself was amazing. It was really valuable for me to see how she successfully turned it around.”
“I loved when the coach immediately interrupted the client when she used the word “obnoxious” to describe herself. That was a turning point in the call. And it’s a good reminder going forward of when it’s really important to interrupt a client.”
“Getting client to narrow the problem early on saves time!”
“The use of the internal question (by Alan Seale) “What wants to happen here?”
“How to use powerful questions for almost all of the coach communication to the client”
“Clients are frequently in need of confidence boosting- trying to solve their problems for them does not support their becoming more confident in their own competence and abilities to address/solve their own challenges.”
“The use of somatic coaching: starting a call by asking the client to take a few deep breaths to center herself; asking where the client feels or experiences something.”
“Wynne had the grace and humility to “catch herself” and tell all of us when she fell into the trap of fixing. Takes great courage and self-awareness to do this.”
Jim Milner MBA, BCC, MCC
Executive, Leadership Development & Strategy Coach Bonus: Discusses the core competencies & additional 30 minutes for Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, he has had coaching in the past however not for the topic he brought to this call.
This will not only be the first time he and Jim have met, Jim didnt want to know anything about the client or the topic ahead of time.
Coaching Topic: "I would like advice on how to take my plan to decrease racism in the US to a national level. I’ve had tremendous success locally but don’t know how to scale it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Incredible call! One of the very best ever.
When asking where a feeling is showing up in the client’s body, follow it with a 2nd question: “what is that telling you?” Triples the impact!
I was tremendously impressed with how Jim responded each time the client asked to be told how to do something - i.e. “what would you have me tell you?” That tapped right into the client’s wisdom!
Jim talked about investing time to deeply build the coaching agreement.
Another perspective to the core competencies
To be comfortable with silence. To ask “what else?”
I am taking way Jim’s approach to building the coaching agreement, which does not need to happen all in the first few minutes of the session.
My biggest take away from this call was watching the process of believing in the client in full-force. The coach held the space, and the belief that the client had his own answers even in those moments when the client felt most “stuck”, and repeatedly wanted the coach to “tell me what to do” or “what’s the right answer for my problem”? Jim Milner stuck to the core competency, and simply continued to put the question back on the client. The client dug deep, experienced vulnerability; hit some core emotional pieces and will ultimately have accountability and personal responsibility, which is at the core of personal growth; all thanks to this call with Jim
Coaching questions and the core competencies
That coaching can transcend diversity. This was stated so beautifully. Also, the importance of the coaching agreement. “Coaching without an agreement is a conversation”.
To trust the process of coaching and to trust myself through that process.
This was an excellent call!
Revisiting the coaching agreement when the client seems to be deviating off topic.
To paraphrase and then ask a thought provoking question.
I will continue to commit to do my best to ALWAYS honor the client as the expert of their life, and stand my ground when the client pushes back hard. This is authentic and genuine “tough-love” in service of the client and their beautiful journey. Lovely demonstration to witness.
Leadership & Executive Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes of Q&A
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
We get to hear one of Cathy's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. Wethen have a debriefing and Q&A. This call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching scenario: The client is one of Cathy's real world past clients, they worked together for a short time a couple of years ago.
Coaching topic: He has worked for an organization for 12 years. It no longer aligns with his vlaues, its a toxic environment with no room for innovation and growth. He wants to decided if he should leave and if so when.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Cathy’s call was incredible. I loved her coaching presence, powerful questions, and the way she built off the client responses to dive deep. It was transformational coaching at its best.
Introducing myself to myself; Questions: What would you want the child to forgive yourself for? Who do you need to be to come face to face with yourself? I found value in what the coach said about working with clients who may not be as emotionally intelligent as this client: to speak their language.
How much our clients' “topics” often are a reflection of our own experiences as a Coach. The importance of introducing myself to myself!
I especially appreciated the partnership as equals that Cathy and Thomas co-created. Thank you!
Lovely, evocative exploration between client and coach, which enabled client to reclaim parts of his inner child and face his fears.
Masterful coaching results when we learn to master ourselves; we move beyond thinking about or doing the process of coaching. We become the process--we live it. The coach demonstrated this. She was present and had trust and rapport with her client. A beautiful dance ensued as the coach listened deeply, asked powerful questions, and the client responded with an open heart.
This call was a powerful example of a coach who trusts her intuition and abilities as an empath.
Takeaway -- remember that I am more than just a coach -- bring my whole self into the coaching relationship.
eloquence and ease
That using scales can sometimes be valuable
Great call exemplifying masterful coaching methodology and process.
Integrating emotional intelligence into work as well as technique of practicing turning statements into questions.
I’ve always been a bit reticent to work with client metaphors as I can sometimes get lost, but loved the way Cathy did that and it has encouraged me to explore that more.
I thought the call was very beneficial.
This was an amazing and powerful coaching session!
This affirms the power of coaching, and that as I continue to grow in confidence and the art of coaching, I see the wonderful road I am on. This client is incredibly open and receptive to wherever the session goes.
Great observations about what was going on in the client’s body language
Ubuntu, Leadership, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonus: Nobantu's article Evolution of Coaching and the Practice of Ancient African Wisdom of Ubuntu
Coaching Scenario: The client has had minimal business coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Nobantu had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is tired of playing small and would like to go from a local presence to a global one. However, she needs to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome to keep her from shrinking back into complacency so she can step boldly into the world in which she wants to belong.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some participant takeaways:
STELLAR, worth the wait!
tapping into your body to connect with the client; trusting your intuition
Amazing energy & presence
TUNE IN, focus on the being & the WHO, not the doing & the WHAT
The ways Nobantu helped the client anchor her new insights and awarenesses
I really appreciate the diverse vantage, especially from a coaching perspective. As well, Buddhist principles really resonate.
Continually checking in with the client and bringing them back to how they can create their own solution.
Thank you!!!!
An ability to home in on key phrases and nonverbals
Future vision embodied on many levels, clear head, client focus
Coach & client utilizing their own bodies and reactions to help client connect with themselves.
Interesting coaching and cultural perspective. Enjoyed the call.
How she connected with the client’s energy, had the client check in with her body and brought the client to a place of deep self-awareness.
Mentioning bringing the ancestors in felt very powerful to me, would like to know more.
Listening at level 3 and focusing on the being part of the client; I also loved the different ways in which she helped the client articulate her takeaways.
The reminder to bring out who the client is being.
Deep level 3 listening...with your cells!
Paying attention to what I am feeling (genuinely) about what the client is saying and share with the client.
Intrigued by the Ubuntu coaching, look forward to learning more about it.
Great to witness how a different culture plays out
Master Certified Leadership & Executive Coach Bonus: 1st 2 chapters of Rellys book Leading With Emotional Intelligence
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this was the first time that she and Relly had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a recent graduate of ICA and am struggling with getting clarity around my message - especially as it pertains to a seminar I've developed called "Embracing the Power of Now". I'd like to walk away with a clear understanding of the following:
1. the 3 main points of the class
2. the 3 main points of my coaching practice (basically, what can I offer people)
In essence I would like to move from confusion to clarity."
Purchase MP3, Bonus, CEU & MMc Nugget
Or $47 with subscription
This call was before there was an ICF form for the participants to fill out so that is why there are no take-aways noted.
Cynder Niemela, MCC
Master Certified Leadership & Team Coach
Author of LEADING HIGH IMPACT TEAMS: the Coach Approach to Peak Performance Bonus: pdf of the case study
Cynder is known throughout the industry as the "Queen" of team coaching and we have the very rare privilege of hearing her coach a team* on this call!
Coaching Scenario: Cynder gave us the opportunity to hear her masterfully coach a team in a full 30 minute session. * This session was based on a case study and the executive clients were represented by 2 other masterful leadership coaches who also are Cynder's colleagues.
MP3 + CEU + MMC Nugget -ways to getthe most out of the call or any class and apply to your life and business
or just $47 when you buy the subscription- can cancel anytime*
As exemplified in the session Cynder is finding that working in triads, building a relationship of 3 peers to be a powerful way to transform the culture of an organization. Instead of competitiveness “it helps develop collaboration and a connectedness or relatedness amongst each other – its what's required to sustain a company and organizations that are so complex now in this global economy”.
The first time, as a PCC she did a live coaching session and then was mentored by Meg Mann MCC. This session was already masterful enough to pass the exam and it did so.
Second time, Tara shared her other session that passed the ICF MCC exam.
Third time, in a full circle moment, Tara demonstrated her master mentoring of a PCC who coached live.
This was a different kind of MMC call. We first heard a PCC coach Tara, who is going for her MCC conducting a live coaching session with one her real world clients. We then heard Meg mentor her. As a bonus we had an additional 30 minutes to make sure we had plenty of time to delve in, debrief and get all of our questions answered.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara. , it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
Bonuses: additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the examiner's report
On this call Tara allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Tara and her clientmet on a High Performance Leadership Program back in 2008. Tara was her Leadership Facilitator/Coach at the time and since then Veronica has engaged Tara multiple times and back at the beginning of 2019, Tara asked Veronica to be her coachee for the MCC exam.
Coaching Topic: This was an unusual topic for most of the coaches and one that was contraversial. The client brought to the session what she called an "intiguing dichotomy". In essence it revolved around having a relationship with a married man. She wanted to gain clarity and a sense of peace around the issue and her decisions.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes of Q&A & a copy of the examiners report) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Again, I feel like saying, “Wow, that was the best yet!” These MCC test examples are super valuable. I am blown away by how she did the whole session without really talking in-between her powerful questions.
A good example of it being very much about the client’s relationship with the issue vs. the issue itself.
The power of short, evocative questions using the client’s words.
The importance of recognizing when it’s “my stuff” that can get in the way
This was the Best Call Ever! You are wonderful and thank you for these calls. Anyone not taking advantage of what you are offering is really missing out.
Wonderful call! It was deeply instructive.
The precision in asking questions in service of what the client wants and not getting distracted by the shiny objects.
Wow, just wow, very impressed. Taking away all of it, wrapped up in a beautiful bow.
This was an extraordinary learning opportunity. Would love to have her on a call again just to be able to learn from her.
Tara was masterful in helping the client get clarity and not allowing any judgment to get in the way of serving her.
Tara exhibited great spaciousness and curiosity, and was completely invested in what was most important for the client.
Spend more time establishing the coaching agreement.
The beauty of being able to withhold judgment
This was like listing to an exquisite musical performance. So skilled, so talented and so beneficial to the client and the coaches that got to listen to it.
I will be using the insights shared by Tara in my next coaching engagement.
I learned a better way to set up the coaching agreement with the client as well as the level of detail this competency truly requires.
The way Tara structured her questions was brilliant - so short and precise that focused her client on the topic versus soliciting details.
Use the client language in a way that is provocative
On this call we heard an Master Mentor coaching session. The mentee Matthew is a PCC working toward his MCC. We first listened to Matthew's live coaching session, followed by Tara's focused insights and feedback. That was followed by a debriefing and Q&A with Tara, Matthew and the client.
Coaching Scenario: Matthew's client Jessica is a coach. They met in a business class in 2022, then reconnected, became friends and began coaching together about 5 months ago.
Coaching Topic: She wants to stop wanting to be rescued by other people or circumstances. She wants to feel confident that she can rescue herself and she doesn't need other people to rescue or take care of her.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Tara's style is very unique, direct and powerful. Brilliant mentoring. Look forward to listening to her exam sessions. Thanks to you both!
A huge take-away that I’ll be using is Tara’s metaphor for the coaching agreement being like an airplane pilot’s checklist. She stressed the importance of it, of taking the time to thoroughly establish it, even if it feels a bit meticulous because once it’s done then the rest of the coaching goes smoothly and you can refer back to it.
The value of getting feedback on your coaching
Excellent coaching seminar format! It was great to have all of the layers of interaction and sharing of perspectives, from client to coach to mentor to audience- and even coming full circle with audience interacting with client! What a great format that elicited a wealth of learnings and insight! Would love to see more of these types of sessions! Thanks :-)
Not being afraid to interrupt when your client goes down a rabbit hole
This call was a wonderful learning experience! The coaching was a masterful demonstration of partnership, presence, and performance. This was followed by the mentor coach and coach reflecting on the coaching. Priceless!
Thank you! Such a wonderful call today. I learned tons from Tara’s Mentor partnership with Matthew and the questions she asked him that I had never heard a Mentor coach ask a Mentee. “What would represent partnership?” for example.
“Don’t hang on when client has moved on.”; I had the realization that sometimes I may hang on to a word that felt seemingly important, moving me away from what is being said in the moment.
That you have to be selective in following the clues that the client gives you and that you have to follow your instincts.
Allowing more time for exploration of the topic
I absolutely loved the Partnership-Presence-Performance balance Tara shared. Balancing these three in service to the client is the intention and what she sees as most challenging for coaches today.
I’m taking away the incredible power of letting deep curiosity about the coachee be a wonderful tool in service to the client throughout the process. That deep curiosity drives those deep expansive questions.
Calling the client out; stay on the hook, I’m not buying that.
Put all your “reflecting back” into a short, concise question
Having a live coaching session followed by a mentoring session was so enthralling to me. I was able to compare what I noticed in the coaching session to what was ofered by Tara as an MCC mentor. It made me listen in a very deep way. Truly, this was an amazing session to witness. I learned so much!
I loved the bit in mentoring session about “how to be your own post it note”. I often have clients land on take aways that involve making a note but practicing personalizing these commitments would be powerful.
I am going to be working on my own discomfort in sessions where I feel like I need to come to the rescue and how that can move me out of my coaching presence. I had a bit of a parallel process happening when listening to the coaching.
helping clients think beyond the usual strategies for accountability
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach Bonus: PDF of 2 of Marilyn's articles on How to Stay Motivated
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has had coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Marilyn have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am the Chief of Staff at a large financial planning firm.
I would like coaching on how I can enhance my performance by focusing on my strengths and since part of my role is managing our Senior Leadership Team I need coaching on how to make a larger impact with this group of executives."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 written notice
Some participant take-aways:
I’m impressed how much Marilyn accomplished in a short time by being direct and succinct and, by her stabilizing confidence. So fun to listen to these true masters!
I applaud her context setting in the beginning.
Her use of acknowledgement and affirmation with the client at different points, even in a short session, was powerful.
Using visualization of future perfect as more of a tool
A reinforced appreciation for the value of the structure of a coaching session
Her incredible use of direct communication. Her understanding of culture, how fast it moves and the stress it brings.
Ideas and concepts to strengthen my use of direct communication.
I like how Marilyn set up the call with the client, mentioning it as a partnership, asking about triggers, asking the client what she will do if a trigger happens, and asking if there is any cultural background that she may want to share before getting started, and the mini-story about why that is important. I liked the visioning she used and the physical action (stepping over the line) that she asked of the client to portray her commitment to her goal. I will be using both of these in my coaching sessions.
Idea that it’s not enough to just think about things, but also to experience them in the body.
Checking for cultural issues and client presence on the front end of the session.
Marilyn's different kind of MMC call
This was a different kind of call. We got to be a "fly on the wall" to Marilyn's private mentor coaching process. We listened to her client's recorded coaching session and to Marilyn stopping it along the way to mentor her and point out and comment on the competencies and the PCC Markers. Afterwards we had a debriefing and Q&A with Liz and Marilyn. As a bonus Marilyn gave us an additional 30 minutes to get it all in!
FYI Marilyn is an expert in cultural bias.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was really helpful hearing Marilyn go through the competencies and how they relate to the coaching and the PCC markers.
All of the core competencies in action in a coaching session - and having those explained very thoroughly.
I like that Marilyn validated that creating awareness doesn’t have to be with questions, it can be through the body.
Culture can mean relationship dynamics with a client.
I appreciated this call in that I was able to see a fellow coach use embodiment and somatic experiencing in their coaching session/practice and to see the shift that took place for the client.
Need to get up to speed on understanding how to check in on cultural issues and how to be culturally competent.
First time I’ve listened in on a mentor session. Found it very helpful.
Marilyn expanded my understanding of bias and cultural competence.
Ask myself before each new client or call if I’m coming to the session with any assumptions about that person or the value of their agenda.
Being more consistent in how I structure my sessions
The notion of culturally competent. Had not heard of this but makes sense.
The coaching was brilliant and clarifying the competencies throughout the coaching session was very helpful.
Specifically to incorporate the value of imagining your future self scenario. It is a significant tool I have not incorporated yet in my coaching
This is theFIRST TIME EVERthat we will listen to an ICF MCC exam session and explore it in this way.
Erin allows Master Coach and Assessor Fran Fisher to put on her assessor hat and review Erin's coaching session that just passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method.
We get the learning and benefit of two demonstrations followed by Q&A with both Fran and Erin.
We also get a copy of the coaching session transcript and the ICF MCC BARS evaluation.
Coaching Scenario: This client is a business executive turned entrepreneur and he’s been the MCC's (Erin Owen) coaching client since 2018.
Coaching Topic: He feels that he's now in a place where he can take the time and energy to focus on what’s going on within himself and what he’s feeling in his body. He’s experiencing pain in his back and wants to really feel it and explore what that’s about.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
It was a really interesting session and very helpful to hear from Fran and the MCC “anchors”; she highlighted
That getting my MCC is possible for me!
Having the transcript and the ICF eval are so helpful
Interesting discussion of the assessor’s suggested further exploration beyond the client’s current situation to deepen awareness and address potential obstacles to client growth.
Greater depth of understanding of what’s important to demonstrate in an MCC submission
a new distinction: the qualitative difference between Providing Space for the client versus Leveraging Silence/Space
It's always tremendous to have Fran! I feel she is practically ICF itself. So, what she says is like hearing what we need to know straight from the horse’s mouth.
The importance of challenging the client and finding out what they’re discovering at the moment.
It was helpful to observe this coaching of the Who and then to hear Fran's Assessor feedback - thank you.
Taking partnership, a lot further than I have been doing - right down to getting the client to plan the exploration, rather than asking the client where they want to start and then going straight into it. These are much more expansive question.
Nice demonstration of the more recent ICF evaluation method utilizing a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale across six competency areas, with additional qualifiers assessing ethical practice and coaching mindset.
Another really great coaching demonstration format this month! Thanks!
Super session, thanks Gail. I learnt heaps and loved the feeling of camaraderie. I’ve been floundering around with trying to orientate myself towards my MCC for a while, but it’s so hard to know what the best route is and what’s on offer. I’m so appreciative of keeping abreast of what’s happening in our field through calls like these e.g. the BARS (that was news to me!),
Language used by ICF regarding how the feedback is to be used.
deepen my clients personal learning.
It was so informative on so many levels (BARS, getting to hear a recording that passed and to hear Fran’s comments and feedback to Erin )
That there’s a wonderful community out there also finding their way with this....feeling a bit more supported by being part of this.
Gratitude for MMC offering a first of this kind of learning; Terms of PCC Markers Vs MCC
Specific examples of questions for BARS; The need to dig deeper; check in more frequently and ask where they want to go, what they are learning and how one can apply what they are learning moving forward.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Entrepreneur Coach Bonus: 30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives
Coaching Scenario: Laura is a student of Mickeys in his Masters program at Life University in Marietta Georgia. She will be graduating in June. She and Mickey have also had a couple of laser coaching sessions previously
Coaching Topic: Laura wants coaching around pioneering a coaching venture/niche that she is passionate about.
MP3 + CCE's + Special Bonus(30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives)+ MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
I appreciated how although he had a teacher student relationship with the client outside the call, that was not apparent in the session at all. And I think that has a lot to do with him honoring the client as the expert in her life, and that was a beautiful example of that. I will be taking that reminder away from this call.
Mickey had a great relationship and connection with his client. His presence, and tracking with her was on point. He spent a lot of time establishing the agenda. Her goal of getting clear on her vision really evolved from the beginning of the call to the end thanks to his coaching. He used many coaching tools in the toolbox, acknowledging, scaling, metaview, etc.
Great call. I would love to have his dissertation to read. Can you/he forward to us. I enjoyed his interaction and insights he shared on the extra time.
The exploration phase is key...take the time.
Thanks so much! Helpful to hear another coach explore a pioneering venture.
PCC sessions are usually 50% awareness where MCC sessions aim for 100% awareness, with any actions flowing naturally from that awareness
I want to pay more attention to my level of awareness when I’m coaching.
Concrete example on helping a client articulate vision/passion/values
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Author of 7 books including Seal the Deal and the #1 international best seller Ready, Aim, Captivate, co-authored with Deepak Chopra and other luminaries Bonus: Suzi's online course- Seal the Deal: Win Business and Influence Leadership for 75% off! So instead of paying $99 for this amazing course, Suzi's giving it to MMC participants for only $25!
Coaching Scenario: The client has been coached before in the past but never on this particular issue and this is the 1st time he and Suzi have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm currently a 12 year veteran of the Mortgage Banking industry and I've decided to take on additional business ventures with the plan on moving away from mortgage banking and towards these other, mostly home based (but very upwardly mobile) industries and I'm having difficulty compartmentalizing all the different tasks I now have to complete, stay organized and also remain motivated and focused on each new "hat" I'm wearing."
Purchase- MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47 for any of the past calls with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
"I liked that you gently challenged him on his assertion… that you didn't accept the story… and it was very effortless and you held him lightly."~Sally Ward, PCC, CPCC Ward Leadership
Pamela Ramadei MCC
Master Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Special Bonus:an article Pamela wrote entitled What a Wonderful Life
Coaching Scenario:She is not in the coaching profession. She has been coached in the past but primarily on personal issues. This is the first time that she and Pamela have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Started her own consulting business. Wants to consult and strategize with large brands like McDonalds & Whole Foods etc. like she did in the past through her ad agency work. Since being on her own she's had success with small and medium size companies but wants to step up her game and work with the big guys.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or just $47 with monthly subscription & can cancel anytime*
Here's just some of what the participants had to say about the call:
"It was one of the most valuable calls of all I've heard. I want to listen to it at least 2 more times."
"Amazing call tonight!"
"I was really impressed with Pamela. She is a true master. Thanks so much for introducing her work to us."
Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, MCC
Master Certified Transformational Leadership Coach & Best Selling Author
Call #1 Special bonus: Marcia offers an MP3 recording on "Shifting Beliefs"!
Coaching scenario:
The client is a coach and this was the first time that she and Marcia had ever met or spoken. Coaching Topic: The client is from France now living in Thailand. She has 3 children and is recently separated from her husband. She would like to reinforce her self confidence to begin her coaching practice in a new country and handle all that’s on her plate with serenity and with a stronger belief in her strengths.
MP3 + CE + Bonus
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
What an exceptional, instructive example of dancing in the moment, of masterful coaching under less than ideal circumstances! Even though it was difficult to hear/understand the client at times, Marcia maintained an amazing presence, exemplified perseverance, powerful listening & questioning, acknowledgement and such courage and confidence to simply be in the silences and to trust her client and her process. What a great reminder and teaching that we are not always going to find ourselves in the ideal situation and we don’t need that to be of service. What’s important is how we show up!
Call #2 Special bonus Marcia's ebook From the Pits to the Peak based on work she did around what it takes to make a big life change
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has received some coaching in the past but this is the first time that she and Marcia have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a successful Engineer working in corporate sales, who also owns a blossoming small business on the side. I know I have great potential in the corporate world, but have such a strong inner passion for entrepreneurship that I am constantly finding myself questioning what path I should be on. I would love to be coached about what path would lead me to my fullest potential."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
Some participant take-aways:
The power of reflection--reflecting back to the client key words and emotions can be as important as powerful questions.
Great rapport, active listening, and eliciting client’s needs. The need to assess feeling towards identifying main topic and resulting course(s) of action.
I admired Marcia’s confidence, her pace and how well she tracked with the client; how she held up the mirror and reflected back what the client had said so that the client could really hear her thoughts, beliefs, fears, and goals.
I love how the coaching conversation went deeper towards the end of the call, when the client realized that the real fear /the real question going on for the client is whether she will miss the opportunity to reach her full potential by not having clarity about choosing the right path. The coach then stood-for the client and what she said she wanted and reminded her by reflecting back over and over again.
Dr Reynolds spoke about financial freedom, it made me see that subject differently
The value of the occasional closed question.
Great reminder of how little it can take to help folks break through fear!
Listening to the emotional energy that is coming from the client - especially regarding which direction to go in making a choice/decision
After listening to Marcia I am encouraged to continue to use closed questions for purposes of clarification...it was a nice affirmation.
Marcia asked great questions…Very powerful. I was fascinated by the transition in the call--it seemed to go from a process-oriented approach to make a decision, and moved to a conversation that was very personal evaluation of her experience. It was a subtle transition
Amy Ruppert MCC
Master Certified Complex People Dynamics in the Workplace / Leadership Coach Bonus: Additional 15 minutes of Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has received some kind of coaching in the past and this was the first time that she and Amy have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Wants to learn how to communicate with a difficult manager-he crosses boundaries, talks disrespectfully, eavesdrops on conversations and reads emails etc. She works in the financial industry and finds boundaries get crossed or blurred a lot. So wants to know how to set boundaries and learn how to broach difficult situations/conversations, handle them in a professional and diplomatic way and not let them fester.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
I would rate this one of the three best calls in my long time Moore Master Call subscription.
“There are 100 pathways to get up the mountain with the client”. If you confine yourself to a specific process, you cannot dance in the moment.
When you can trust the client to lead the way, you will be a masterful coach.
Coaching presence - Amy has it in spades!
To “discern when to insert yourself and when to step out”
Thank you Gail! I look forward to listening to the call again.
I thought Amy was terrific -- great questions, great ability in balancing her model with really “getting” the energy of the client and working with it...like skipping “steps” because she had a really responsive client.
The power of reframing the issue so it’s about what the client can focus on changing her mindset rather than trying to change the other person
Having the mindset of a leader in the industry--exhibiting confidence and not second guessing myself. The “LEAD” coaching model.
To consistently work on myself—“push own growing edge”; I need to walk the talk--model the work I ask of my clients.
I absolutely loved Amy’s coaching and candid answers in the Q&A
Teresa Schwab MSW, MCC
Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Additional 30-minutes, the transcript, the ICF Performance Evaluation & discussion on the credentialing process
ICF MCC (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
Including vital credentialing information!
We will listen to one of Teresa's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method/rating.
Teresa is also giving us:
the transcript of the coaching session
the ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
ANDthis will be a first! Teresa will be reviewing the credentialling process from submission to exam. She will share things that are not necessarily made clear ahead of time and can catch coaches off guard!
Coaching Scenario: Teresa and her client worked together initially for about a year over 10 years ago. At the time, the client was in a nonprofit organization and was moving up into an executive role. They reconnected last year, and Teresa offered her pro bono coaching in return for her allowing Teresa to record the sessions
Coaching Topic: The client is an executive. She wants to come from a place of inquiry but has difficulty coming up with questions in the moment. So she defers to her familiar argumentative/debate perspective. Would like help implementing this new perspective and desired way of being- the “calm wise one”.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Must listen to at least once or twice more as I feel as though I just noticed a fraction of all the juice in this session!
Beautiful pivoting between client layers of awareness.
It was very nice to hear a more executive-based topic, while still coaching the person, at the MCC level.
The client was profoundly insightful and the coach truly masterful! This was probably one of the best sessions I’ve attended.
It seems like the coach was in flow in a powerful way and allowed the huge healing to occur in the session. I’m taking all of this in.
Her sharing of credentialing tips and her experience was invaluable, thank you!
Excellent example of a truly masterful coaching session!
This was probably one of the best sessions I have attended, Gail! Truly wonderful- I definitely plan to listen to this one again! Thanks so much! :-)
That flexibility to work multiple layers within one coaching contract.
A client who was incredibly insightful, and a coach who was truly masterful in helping her client reach profound understanding about important patterns in her life (both personal and professional).
That acknowledgment is about the work clients are doing, their willingness to show up, and how they’re showing up. It’s not about who they are as human beings--which is a judgment. I hadn’t really ever thought about acknowledgment in that way.
Loved what the coach said about the agreement not being a checkbox to get to coaching--that it is the coaching.
Was struck by the coach’s discussion of how we coaches need to take care of ourselves and that we’re not in coaching to alleviate our client’s suffering but to be with them in their suffering.
So many things, once again demonstration of how important the coaching agreement is, importance of following the client and their metaphors and agenda, not imposing your own, and acknowledging the WORK of the client and how they’re showing up in the session rather than their characteristics.
Metaphor that the Agreement is the spine to the book - essential to have and follow; It is not the first chapter. The above for myself and I will share that with the students I train as well.
Tying all questions back to the agreement
Great call! Agreement and mirroring deftness.
Silence is so golden!! The client really benefitted from processing what was inside of her and the coach gave her so much lovely space to do just that. It was wonderful to witness.
The questions and reflections from the coach really helped the client see herself more and more and more.
Presence and partnering are two major takeaways. Also, the reflecting and continuing to stay right beside the client throughout every twist and shift and awareness and checking in, revisiting the agreement, asking questions that continuously evoke awareness throughout, are all key too.
Award Winning Author, Leader & Transformational Coach
Special bonus: Alans ebook "Anatomy of Transformational Presence"
Coaching scenario: the client is not a coach, its the 1st time she had ever been coached and the 1st time she and Alan had met or spoken.
Coaching topic: The client wants help dealing with issues around her mother having Alzheimers.
Purchase MP3 - $59.97
"All I can say is WOW!!! Working with Master Coach Alan Seale was such a transformative experience. I had an incredible breakthrough in our 30-minute session that has truly left me feeling liberated from old thought and behavior patterns. As a result, I feel more courageous about making decisions that are beneficial for both my mother and me. I cannot thank Alan and Moore Master Coaching enough for this golden opportunity to step into my own power." ~Florence, VA
"Thanks so much, Gail. I had a wonderful time. You are offering a great service. I look forward to being a guest coach on your program again. All blessings..." ~Alan Seale
Recorded: 4/19/11 for the Denver ICF Purchase MP3 $59.97
This was the third call in a series of 3 teleclass calls customized for the Denver ICF chapter. Alan's call ran for 1 hr 15 minutes. You will receive the certificate for continuing education credit(s) in the area of core competencies. You can purchase Alan's call individually for $69.97 or the series of 3 for a discounted rate $150.00 -see tab titled "ICF Series".
Coaching scenario: The client had been a student at the school where Alan is an instructor so she had attended a number of his teleclasses but Alan had never coached her before.
Coaching topic: "Feeling the hand of God (the universe, etc.) over me saying, "not yet" or, "not that direction"- doors that seem obvious not opening. How to be in that place of frustration."
Lucy Shenouda MCC, ACTC, ESIA
Leader & Team Coach Bonuses: the transcript of the coaching session, additional 30-minutes and the call provides 1.5 CEUs
ICF MCC Exam Session!
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, this was their 7th coaching session and they did not know each other prior to the coaching.
Coaching Topic: She wants to uncover a bit about this new feeling she’s had in the past few days around being in charge. Wants to dig a little deeper into the things she’s in charge of, can control and can advance. Wants to focus on that and see progress rather than on things that do not depend on her right now and leave her feeling frustrated.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
This was a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence. The coach gave the client the gift of space. Within that space the client was able to go deeper as the coach practiced active listening and powerful questioning.
The coach’s ability to be so present as to allow slow pacing and silence. This created spaciousness for the client to go deep and have a breakthrough that will be lasting.
asking: “what is important to you right now in this moment?” was a powerful reminder to help client anchor in the new awareness.
Truly great demo of mastery in action that sounds easy, flowing, and conversational.
A session full of silence/spaciousness that was so rich and teeming with possibilities. Witnessing what emerged was proof modeled right before our eyes that with masterful coaching, less is so much more.
To listen with “full body awareness” by engaging “heart, mind, and soul listening.” To remember Lucy did a fantastic job of sharing her observations of what the client was expressing through nonverbal communication.
To listen for what the client wants out of the conversation, suspend judgment, and remember that every piece of what I’m hearing matters.
The depth and breadth of her exploration while maintaining the client’s desired outcome for the call. She kept bringing it back to the agreement.
Leaning in to allow space for breathing and centering.
It's encouraging to know that the 2 things she’s great at, allowing space/silence and not assuming are the 2 things she used to be worst at.
What was most new and helpful for me was learning that asking, “What’s important now cuts the narrative and keeps the client in the present.
I am taking away a reinforcement of reflecting the client’s language rather than inserting your own.
There were several great reminders including using client language, keeping the client in the present moment, suspending judgement
Just listening to the conversation after the session is giving insights and I appreciate that
Lots of empty spaces during the session. Trust between client and coach. The client knows
Boils down to being where the client takes you, every time...
The need to be continuously aware of assumptions when very familiar with a client was a good reminder.
Honoring the clients inner wisdom by being still, very present and holding the space for them.
Master Certified Entrepreneur & Leadership Coach Bonus: Creativity and Problem Solving by Jon Weiss PhD and Laurie Weiss Phd courtesy of Coach U
Coaching Scenario: Chuck is a high-level executive (VP) and a former client of Andrea's.
Coaching Topic: He helps take care of other people's development, but his own ends up being his last priority. Wants to get past that stuck place and do what he needs to do for himself professionally.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
or $47 ( with subscription)
Some participant take-aways:
"One of the best calls ever!"
” This coach was indeed masterful in her approach. She kept the client with his nose to the grindstone of creating awareness. It was really good.”
"The ease and authenticity of Andrea's coaching---she was completely comfortable in her own coaching style"
“She was confident! She was bold, intuitive and natural. She did well giving questions back to the client, knowing he had his answers. She reminded him of his qualities and abilities”
“The use of body movement and motion to access the brain for different information to help the client.”
"An awareness and learning that "I am not enough" is the most common thread among most coaching sessions."
"The value of having an intimate and honest relationship with the client allows for very direct communication."
"I admired her confidence and transparency."
"Displayed a lightness and playfulness even when discussing serious topics."
"An awareness and learning that executives are human, and there is no difference in coaching them except for being aware of having professional language at all times."
"Identifying and using your own coaching style to combine with your coaching skills to be more authentic."
"Dive deeper into my own coaching style, pare it down, simple, authentic, deep."
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Jennifer have met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East working with Iraqi, Palestinian and Syrian refugees and am now writing a book about my experiences. 8 chapters have been awarded 19 literary awards. Several chapters appear in 7 anthologies, including one published by Random House and another that won a Benjamin Franklin Award and is used in college classes. I've had very positive feedback. But I can't seem to finish. I have 2 or 3 final chapters to go and a few more chapters to polish. The end is so close (after 7 years!), but I haven't touched the book in several months.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Participant take-aways:
Some powerful questions that helped to shift the client and also a reminder that listening to the client’s language or criteria words is very important.
Jennifer’s holistic approach with the client to call forth greater awareness
Remembering not to think I know the answer for the client.
Use of intuition with coaching and setting that up in the agreement so that there is a free flow during the coaching session.
The importance of not being attached to an outcome
Incorporating more of “what’s showing up for you?” type of questions and sharing what’s showing up for me. Jennifer mentioned she and her clients have an understanding that she’ll do that on the call. I need to establish that myself.
To me Kelly, was a tough client to coach and that in itself was instructional to watch Jennifer approach it. It’s like live TV, you never know what is going to happen. I thought it was great.
I will use some of Jennifer’s excellent questions as opportunity presents.
Jennifer’s humility and transparency were wonderful examples for me
I like that Jennifer had she and her client take a deep breath together. When my client is stressed, I ask her if she’dd like to take a couple relaxing breaths and if she’d like me to lead her through it. But, we can do that together in order to set the stage that we are equal partners, in this together
And you can see Jennifer's call where she and 2 other Master Coaches coach the same client back to back under the "3 MCC" tab
Kathleen Stinnett MCC
Executive, Leadership Development & Coach Supervision Bonuses: additional 15 minutes to demo coach supervision, PDFs -Creative Possibilities in Coaching and Coaching Gets Results
Different kind of call!
Kathleen of course demonstrated MCC coaching skills. She initially though talked to us about the specific skills she intended to (an did) focus on in during the session e.g. immediacy and creativity.
After the coaching there was Q&A and Kathleen asked for some of the participants to share what they picked up on and how they might have used those skills in the session and then got feedback from the client.
Finally during the bonus 15 minutes Kathleen demonstrated coaching supervision with a coach who's having a challenge with one of her clients. Kathleen also showed us how those same skills that she spoke about and demonstrated, show up in coaching supervision!
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach. She and Kathleen met a few yesr ago in a workshop and they have peer coached each other a couple times a year.
Coaching Topic: Wants to focus onhow her life will look and feel in the near future. She has come through a period of great demands- her work, children, aging parents etc. with her "head down just going through the motions" and she wants to move forward in a more "thoughtful way"
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE + 3 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved the uniqueness of this MMC call, everything from listening in with the intent to notice images, feelings, metaphors, and colors that come up for me during the coaching session, and how to use them to assist the client, and the uplifting positive vibration of the call by inviting in play (despite the topic which felt gray at times). Loved watching the gray shift for the client to yellow, all within the framework of metaphor and imagery was pretty fascinating. I also loved the bonus session, of an example group mentor coaching session/speeddating supervision.? LOL. Can’t wait to learn more from Kathleen.
To give myself permission to think less and feel more
It ranks at the top of my experiences with these valuable calls. I have been exploring listening to the stillness under the words and her share and demonstration if immediacy was amazing.
I definitely learned some new skills from this call, in addition to feeling myself dusting off some of my old skills that I previously had in my tool box that may have had some cob webs on them. (See that right there, already using metaphor; it feels contagious after this call). LOL I plan to practice the new and the old skills more in my coaching sessions with my clients, because it was a beautiful demonstration of how helpful they can be with a client.
Expressing how I feel when listening to client - the power of mirror neurons
Reminder of the power of feelings, mirroring, metaphors, and intuition as tools in the coaching conversation to help move things forward and open pathways
I loved this call. This was a great demonstration of the coach using immediacy and other creative resources i.e., metaphor, images, sounds, etc. throughout the coaching process. The supervision part of the call was really interesting as I was in the fishbowl. Very insightful. I can see how supervision--working as a group or individually--could be very valuable.
How important a tool it is to connect to emotional listening so you can dance in the moment with the client
The imagery Kathleen used with me was great. Helped me as client and coach!
Rick Tamlyn CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Leadership Coach Co-author of The Bigger Game: Why Playing a Bigger Game Designs Who You Want to Become and author of the soon to be released (October 1st) Play Your Bigger Game Special Bonus: a pdf copy of a program that Thomas Leonard (the father of modern coaching) developed called The Clean Sweep
Coaching Scenario:She is not in the coaching profession. She was coached a couple of times around six years ago by a friend going through coach training. This is the first time that she and Rick have ever met or spoken. in fact Rick was totally unaware of what the coaching issue would be as he wanted the participants to choose the topic.
Coaching Topic: She opened community acupuncture center a year ago & 2 months into it found out she was pregnant The clinic is limping along, feels it has potential but doesnt know if its the best use of time and energy what with having the baby. Before the clinic she thought of doing an online ebook and one on one lifestyle nutrition and herbal counseling- she specializes in fertility. In addition to being unsure of which direction she should take financially and emotionally, she feels like she's also dealing with quite a bit of spiritual confusion as she wants to do something meaningful-- like at the clinic they provide low-cost acupuncture treatments on a sliding payment scale. However she has yet to make any profit and her energy is really torn and so ends most days feeling like a bad mother AND a bad acupuncturist and business owner.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or just $47 with monthly subscription & can cancel anytime*
Lesley Thompson MCC
Executive, Leadership & Resilience, Wellbeing Coach and Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes for more Q&A, a copy of the transcript and the examiner's feedback
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Lesley allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Lesley and the client knew each other from a coach training but this was the first time they coached together.
Coaching Topic: Lindsay was offered a wonderful opportunity to give one of her nutrition and wellness programs. But its abroad and she will have to gone for an extended period of time. It has really upset her daughter and she feels panicky about her mother going. While Lindsay really wants to take the offer and essentially said yes, she is concerned about her daughter. She can see the pros and cons and keeps going round in a circle and would like to gain some clarity around what’s best.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellence in drawing and applying insight. Incredible questions!!!
Great how much was covered in a short period of time.
“I got a big smile on my face” (client comment) a moment any coach would look for and relish.
A fabulous call! loved it!
This was an excellent example of being relaxed and trusting the client knows.
Leslie’s presence of being powerfully there, listening without much interference of her talking and her asking poignant questions to move ahead.
Once again, I am struck by how little the coach has to say for the client to make a transformation.
Pure and simple.
It's important to really understand the competencies. Mastery happens with practice, practice, practice, and presence, presence, presence.
Talk less and just ask the questions with some reflection.
This call was a beautiful demonstration of presence and how to create an environment of trust and safety.
To “love my clients”
I appreciated the coach’s ability to reflect back to the client her own words in a way that brought the client to a place of further exploration, insight, clarity.
The degree to which we can be fully there for someone is like a tuning fork.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Team Coach Bonus: 3 articles written by Adria on coaching
Coaching Scenario: This client is a student at the coaching school where Adria is an instructor. She has been taught as well as mentor coached by Adria but never received personal coaching from her until this session.
Coaching Topic: the client is in the midst of creating a business that is a huge undertaking and is being very well received. She is concerned about losing sight of whats important to her and wants to make sure she keeps her focus on how she is "being" while involved in the "doing".
$59.97-Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) or just $47 when you buy the subscription- can cancel anytime*
One participant on the skyped in saying:
"I was impressed with how much time Adria took to set the agreement. I looked at the clock and it was nearly half of the session! It really worked."
Its very obvious why Adria Trowhill, MCC is a 4X award winning coach! Just hearing the 1st few minutes of her coaching session blew a number of us off the map. We agreed that we'd never heard a session set up that way before and that we're going to "steal" it!!!
Pat Williams, Ed.D, MCC, BCC
Master Certified Leadership & Executive Coach Bonus: Compilation of 24 of Pat's Choice Magazing articles
Coaching Scenario: This client is not a coach and this is the first time he and Pat have ever met or spoken. It is also the first time the client has ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: This client is what Pat termed a "social entrepreneur" and had this to say about his business and coaching issue: "Our brand is affordably changing the world through healthcare, footwear, education and recycling programs. I would like to be coached on improving our sales strategies in order to acquire additional wholesale accounts and end-consumers in order to move our business forward."
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Check out Pat's 3 Master Coach call under the 3 MCC tab and his 2nd regular call below
Bonuses: Addtional 30 minutes for Q&A and article by Pat "Is Work-Life Balance a Myth?"
Coaching Scenario: Sandra is a coach, she met Pat back in 2003 when taking her coach training. Years later they reconnected while doing pro bono work and Sandra then participated in Pat’s conscious living mastery course
Coaching Topic: She wanted to explore what her legacy might be. Where this coaching session led her was a big surprise.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 OR $47 with subscription
can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Connecting heart to head yields big moments
Several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
What a special joy this session was- the 90 minutes fairly flew! The debrief conversation was like being with longtime friends who challenge and learn from each other.
I like that he stopped her head from talking and asked her to come from her heart and his confirmation to us that the heart’s message is short and simple.
Always assisting our clients in getting to the real underlying issue at hand.
Loved the way he had her move from Head to Heart. I will use that!
transformational coaching vs. transactional coaching
Dr. Williams described several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
Being more curious
Pat’s question to his client,”what’s the message in those emotions” and his subsequent debrief around this topic is readily applicable to any coaching situation. I will listen even more closely than I already do for emotions and tonal shifts, with the mindset of uncovering the “messages” within.
I will be more courageous when working with clients who bring all of their emotional reactions to our coaching conversation.
I especially liked the specific questions Dr. Williams asked to set up the action items with the client and then how he reinforced her commitment to address those topics after the call.
I enjoyed how Dr. William injected his personality into the coaching as it was very natural and supportive to his client.
Best questions to ask should be Brief, Understandable, and Compassionately Curious
The call with Dr. Patrick Williams was great.
This was my first call and it was outstanding! Looking forward to participating in many “Moore” :)
Leadership, Mentor & Coaching Supervision
Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and a review of the examiner's scoring and feedback
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Mary Anna is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Frances is a coach and she and Mary Anna met a number of years. More recently Frances joined a group Mary Ann runs for coaches and offered to be a guinea pig for Mary Anna’s MCC practice sessions.
Coaching Topic: She would like to look at her long standing fear and reluctance around writing. She's hoping for some movement forward.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
What a beautiful session! Loved the playfulness and trust.
These MCC test recordings are particularly helpful. Though, I do like both formats. Thank you!!! Wonderful that Frances shared her outcomes as well.
The discussion around asking permission was really interesting.
Great questioning, loved the dance!
To continue to sharpen my saw--to hone my skills. To let go of any need to ask the perfect question and instead rely on my intuition, trust of the process, of my client, and of our shared partnership.
How Mary Anna did not give any emotional response. She just said “Okay…” She remained calm. She really trusted her client and the process and did not feel rushed about getting where her client wanted to be by the end. She just asked the next simple and poignant question.
Absolutely scrub your ego out of it.
I don’t have to ask for permission to share a story that might be helpful. Just tell the essence of the story.
Beautiful example of MCC coaching. I also appreciated the explanation around the assessment of Mary Anna
I really appreciate her humility.
The question “What is the feeling of “sweating palms telling you?” and “Where will you be with this when we finish?”
The power of the coach as a witness and holding space for challenging exploration
Shorter questions, longer silences
Going deep into discomfort where appropriate without worrying about the action step
The questions she asked - I want to use many of them. They are very effective.
Helpful discussion related to preparation for MCC exam.
Interesting to learn about the difference in perspective at the MCC level- with increased trust between coach and client.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of debriefing and Q&A and reviewing of her mentor's feedback
This was a different kind of call.
On this call Ebru is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She will then be debriefing, sharing her mentor's feedback of the session, and answering our questions!
Coaching Scenario: The client is a new coach. Ebru was one of her coach trainers 2 years ago. She also mentor coached her during her ACC accreditation process. This was their first coaching session and it was recorded last year before Lucy kicked off her accreditation prep.
Coaching Topic: She is in a delimma over a long term friendship. She doesnt like that she judges her for the way she has handled her past relationships but doesnt know how not to. She feels this person is taking up too much space in her life and there is resentment.
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
She confirmed what it is to be MCC.
Tremendous example of powerful questions, one after another!
Deep transformation can take place with presence; lots of time not not required.
I loved everything about this call, Ebru is such a master, I am so impressed. I liked her presence, the simplicity of the language, the powerful questions, I loved it all. So much growth and transformation in the client in one session!
I liked how the coach always focused on "the being", and did not get sucked into the clients relationship story, despite the client sharing "the story".
Was such a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence.
loved the distinction between MCC and PCC coaching at the end. Very clear!
Thank you so much for creating these learning opportunities. I appreciate these calls so much and find them so helpful as I work on my own coaching mastery from PCC to MCC.
Connecting the client's values to the coaching can be transformative.
I generally ask what the client has learned about themself toward the end of the call. I liked the alternative question Ebru used: What would you like to acknowledge in yourself?
I loved the way Ebru was so creative in exploring the areas to include in the coaching agreement. Rather than launching into the coaching conversation after the 2nd point raised by the client.
I was intrigued by Ebru's questions evoking awareness of the client's outlook re/ judgment, resentment and changing her perspectives.
Executive, Team & Generative Leadership Bonus:Lessons from a Decade of Coaching Public Leaders: Coaching Works an article Lynnette wrote for IJCO
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. He has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time that he and Lynnette had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Doesn't know if he has a block on money or sales or what- he gets close and then its not there. Wants help on figuring out what he needs to get a jump start and get moving faster.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Loved Lynette's strength of purpose, staying on task; beautiful use of interrupting client for their benefit."
"For me this session was very valuable-to be able to see how Lynnette- a master- handled a client who was stuck was very powerful. I now have insights and more tools in my box to use going forward."
"The importance of giving careful attentiveness to the process of determining which coaching approach will engage the client the most."
"That when you are working with a 'non-coachy' client - use THEIR language, metaphors & really be with THEM - not in your own paradigm"
"Keep returning to the focus and ask permission with every change in approach"
"Offer a suggestion to name what is present when the client is staying in a mental focus. Encourage the client to be bold and think outside the box"
Donna Zajonc MCC
Master Certified Leadership Coach Special Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes of Q&A and a handout on TED* The Empowerment Dynamic
Coaching Scenario: He is a corporate executive who is a former client of Donnas. They worked together about a year ago.
Coaching Topic: He would like to get perspective on what’s going on and how to slow down. He feels with all the stress he's been in a reactive mode and would like to be making better more intentional choices.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 †OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
I can see the tremendous value of the TED model, moving away from the Victim, Persecutor and Rescuer roles to the empowering and more resourceful roles of Creator, Challenger and Coach, and it was very powerful to observe Donna Zojonc working the model in real time with her client.
I think this was perhaps the best call I have listened to. Very powerful and practical concepts based in psychology. I rarely get interested in yet another coaching program. However I plan to take a serious look at hers.
Not only the theoretical model but how to actually implement the model with my clients.
Using the "Making the Shift" page as a resource in my coaching.
Patience! Look at what is working first. Love this (MMC) program!
Questioning everything. Taking nothing that the client says for granted.
Paying close attention to languaging of problems and how it's use can be helpful in helping individuals liberate themselves from their problems/perceived difficulties.
This was a superb session!
How to pull back when I move into my habit of rescuer mode and move to empowering the client in their own process
Good demonstration of core competencies with a +Psy spin. I like Donna's ability to explore emotion without getting hooked into it! Excellent work creating the agreement and establishing trust/intimacy
Amorah Ross MCC
Master Certified Transition, Spiritual & Life Balance Coach Bonus:30 minutes extra of Q&A with Amorah & extra .5 CE's and her Choice Magazine article- The Gateway to Coaching Artistry
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this the first time that she and Amorah have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She's been married 13 years but theyve been together 20. They met freshman year, its the only relationship she's ever had. They have separated, she's just moved out of the house. Her husband is the one who wants the divorce-no affair or anyone else its due to underlying issues. She's trying to get through it, still very tender- still has feelings for him. She wants to figure out how to deal with her emotions and the feelings she has for him still and move on.
Purchase MP3 + ICF CCE (1.5 CE's) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
"Amorah is truly an MCC and I will keep her in mind when I want my MCC for her mentor coaching program".
"THAT was purely masterful. Just beautiful. Taking away the energy & pacing of masterful."
"The power of the coaching vessel when held by a truly present and fearless individual can be transformational in 30 minutes."
"Excellent call, great demonstration of ICF competencies"
"Brilliance of clearing emotion first. A few key questions for exploring emotion with clients"
"Reminder that all calls do not need to be an hour. There may be a need to reframe these expectations with my clients."
"Hearing Amorah go back over her thinking/feeling process she used with her client."
"Address emotions when I hear them"
Lyn Allen, MCC
Life, Business & Mentor Coach
Special Bonus: An audio Lyn created and personalized to meet the specific needs and desires of the MMC particpants
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. And this was the first time that he in and had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: One of the greatest benefits of these calls is that they are in real time, there is no do over or editing. It makes it very exciting because you never know what's going to happen. Kind of like real life!
The client on this call was specifically chosen among other submissions for the coaching issue he originally submitted. But then on the call unbeknownst to any of us completely changed his topic. Being the master she is this of course made no difference to Lyn. And turned out the issue he wanted assistance with is something that many clients deal with:
How to take care of himself and his needs without hurting, offending or letting others down.
MP3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business $59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime with 30 day notice)
Two participants had this to say on the call:
"Lyn I loved how in process you were in formulating your questions and truly dancing with the client, taking the time to get clear about the articulation of what was surfacing for you"
"The intuition & the self-acceptance that Lyn demonstrated in her own coaching, listening to her say “no that's not it… oh here it is”- that just fascinated me. And that's really what I’m wanting in my own coaching -to be fully present, listening to my own instincts instead of thinking there is some right way to do it."
Angela Bird
Personal & Executive Coach
Special bonus-20% off Angelas teleclass (which cycles throughout the year): Personal Strengths: An Indepth Study For Everyday Living and Working"
Coaching Scenario: the client is a coach and this was her first session with Angela. She wanted to work on her lack of confidence and clarity.
Purchase MP3 - $59.97
"Gail!!! The call was fabulous, I was in a trance! Thank you, I am still listening to it. I can’t believe it has already started to affect my coaching! Again, really THANK YOU, very much appreciate what you are doing and looking forward to “moore"!" ~Ruba F.H. Personalized Life Coaching, Switzerland http://rubahomaidi.com
I thank you for the opportunity to be part of your wonderful creation, and was honoured to be your first guest coach. Please don’t hesitate to call on me again." ~Angela Bird
Chrissy Carew, MCC
Personal, Business & Mentor Coach Author of Insightful Player: Football Pros Lead a Bold Movement of Hope Special Bonus:a compilation of 5 of Chrissy’s “Top Ten” articles
Coaching Scenario: The client is a former NFL player and now a certified professional coach. And while Chrissy has interviewed the client for her Insightful Player initiative, this was the first time that he had been coached by her.
Coaching Topic: He wants to take bold steps in a clear direction for his business.
Purchase mp3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Chrissy is passionate about working with clients who dare to have big dreams and "who are driven by the compelling vision to make this world a better place." And this describes the former NFL player/client on this call.
One of the participants had this to say to Chrissy on the call:
"You did a beautiful job of pulling the client from his little "a" agenda- wanting to run out and do the next three things on his list and know what they are. Boy a lot of coaches could have just jumped right in there and gotten right to work but you very deftly asked if it might be worthwhile to go back and visit his vision. Just such the right move and that was where the big "A" agenda emerged."
Darlene Chrissley, MCC
Master Certified Leader, Life & Creativity CoachRecorded on: 3/14/11
Bonus: ebook Poetry of Coaching
Coaching scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time that he and Darlene had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: The client loves to paint but often experiences resistance in doing it. His dilemma is: if he loves to paint, why is he resistant to doing it? He experiences the same with marketing his art. He is highly resistant to that even more so than painting itself and is seeking a breakthrough in this limiting pattern.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
See also Darlene's special series listed under the Creativity tab!
Cynthia Loy Darst, MCC
Life Coach
Special bonus- $10 off Cynthia's CD "Celebration, Metaphor & Magic"
Call #1
Coaching Topic: This was an established client of Cynthia's. She wanted assistance around her surprising & disturbing realization that she felt other peoples time was more valuable than her own.
This call ran a bit differently- the goal was for us to consider if we are falling into ruts in our coaching, boring ourselves and our clients. There are so many possibilities within a session, so we took notes on what we were hearing and what directions we might go as a coach. Sharing our insights and witnessing where Cynthia went with her coaching was revitalizing and inspiring on so many levels.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"My niche is heart transformation. I am in awe, we just witnessed a demonstration of how you can get a client there so quickly. I don't even know what to say, I am just so thrilled. It's been a huge missing piece for me and I just heard it! Thank you." ~Lynn Nason, Heart Empowerment Coach, Canada
"Gail, I'm excited and inspired by what you have created, by what you are doing" ~Cynthia Loy Darst
Call #2
This call was first in a series of 3 teleclass calls customized for the Denver ICF chapter. Cynthia's call ran for 1 hr 15 minutes. You will receive the certificate for continuing education credit(s) in the area of resource development. You can purchase Cynthia's call individually for $59.97 or the series of 3 for a discounted rate $97 -see the "Different Types of Demonstrations" section under the tab titled "ICF Series".
Coaching Scenario: Shannon the client for the call was a short term client of Cynthia's years ago.
Cynthia conducted her coaching session differently, stopping it occasionally engaging us in her process and inviting us to inquire into our own. This is not meant to be a standard coaching session but rather an opportunity for us to look at how we might expand our range as coaches, expanding our ideas of whmere and how we might work with our clients.
Coaching Topic: Shannon wants coaching around the challenges she's facing with letting go and moving on-having just completed one business and now launching a new one.
MP3 $59.97 Or get the series of three (3) for a discounted rate $97 -see the "Different Types of Demonstrations" section under the tab titled "ICF Series".
FYI There wasnt a form yet for participants to fill out with their feedback and take-aways
David Darst, CPCC, ORSCC, PCC
Personal & Relationship Master Coach Bonus: The "Wheel of Relationship" tool
Coaching scenario: This was the first time the client and David have either met or spoken.
Coaching topic: "I just turned 50 in May and my whole world seemsto be changing. My relationships are at the core of all of it. First, my divorce was finalized in December but the financial agreement has not been finalized and I really, sincerely want to create a financial settlement that has the energy of right relationship to it so that we can move forward. I have two children as well and the relationship between my ex is both intense and sad.
Second, my oldest daughter is leaving for college in August and I am taking her. I love her so much and am having an unbelievably hard time with here leaving. Next fall it will just be her younger brother and I. I am feeling very scared about this big shift and what it means for my relationship with my daughter and my son."
Finally, while I am taking my daughter to school in August, to the East Coast, I will be seeing my mother who has Alzheimers and no longer knows who I am. She is institutionalized and my older sister lives near her. Last year my younger brother died and the family is estranged.
In every relationship aspect of my life there is change, big stuff change. I can barely find my footing in all of this, including my relationship to my own self.
I'm feeling paralyzed. I seem to be stuck and I don't want the last month with my daughter to betainted by this. I want to be present to her, myself and my son and trust that all will be well."
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Vicki Escude M.A. MCC, BCC
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Personal & Soul Conversation Coach Bonus: 2 articles by Vicki-"Transformational Coaching A Real-Life Example of Positive Change" and to get “My Coaching Business: Myself!” which is about the limiting beliefs we have as coaches in terms of marketing ourselves.
Coaching scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and the master coach have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wantsto connect with her vision on a more succinct level so she can move forward in turning my dreams into reality. She is a teacher and has a gift of being able to break down information in a way that is easily understood. She is charismatic- everyone tells her she is very inspiring and should be a motivational speaker. She feels due to her experience and her gifts she has a lot to share and offer. She's finding it difficult to decide where to focus and how to articulate what she does.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
I was very impressed with how Vicki got the client to move past her planned and prepared speech that she came to the call with. I can see how challenging that was, and I am walking away from this call with a great example of how to move a client like this to a much deeper level.
Inspiration from “observing” the elegance of “dancing in the moment” and the power of presence. Wow!
A reminder of how important it is to be centered for both the client and coach. An inquiry/reflection for me re: how to work with clients who are in their heads
I loved the moment in the beginning of the call, when Vicki asked the client to take a moment to center herself before beginning coaching. She then asked her how does she usually center herself, which got the client to pull from her past experiences, which I think provided her a moment of comfort, I will definitely borrow this specific technique to use with my clients.
Vicki really was able to allow the client to find her own way. It felt uncomfortable for me as I listened understanding my primal urge to jump in and lead or guide.
Exploring more options rather than drilling down too quickly for a solution
Asking the kind of questions that allow the client to do the work
Technique of helping client turn off their repetitive thought patterns by focusing on their bodies.
Kathy Fleming MCC
Master Certified Business & Life Coach Bonus:The opportunity to be coached by Kathy-a master coach-at a 50% discount. We can receive up to 2 months of coaching, 4 hours a month for $500 a month versus her regular rate of $1000. In addition to any personal issues, as a senior instructor Kathy can also assist us in our sessions with any coaching issues we may have in general or any specific problems with a client. And Kathy is happy to offer a complimentary session first to make sure it's a good fit.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Kathy have met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "Since my divorce and losing my job (2008-09) I have been trying to "make it" in my new career: entertainment marketing. The agency/network gigs I've gotten have been underpaying and abusive. The freelance work is sparse and pays even less. The truth of the matter is, I have no idea what to do with myself; I see the end result that I want, but I have no idea how to get there. Is it Im blind to opportunity because of my mindset or am I making bad choices? I'm super qualified, I want to figure out what I'm doing that's keeping me playing small."
Purchase mp3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
$59.97 or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
The client had this to say about the session with Kathy: "I didn't know what to expect, or what we would be able to accomplish in the time allotted. I am blown away by the realization that all this time I've been… Helping me to recognize that without being judged and without judging myself, Kathy was insightful and supportive, and helped deliver a huge "aha" that I've struggled with for a long time.
I'm extremely grateful to you and Kathy, and just so you know, the first thing I did when I got off the call was to rinse my face with water-it was an emotional revelation! And immediately after that, I called the filmmaker and set a deadline for the next rough cut. Reflecting since this morning's call, I've found (surprise) a few other places where I've…and I realize how it has impacted other aspects of my life.”
Huge, huge breakthrough for me! Thank you again."
One participant had this to say on the call: "I thought that was totally brilliant, I was absolutely riveted. It was just beautiful you were in a dance with her. Being a leadership coach, I have such an appreciation for how you got her into a new perspective and conversation and about this being a leadership moment and she wasn’t even considering it… so you covered an enormous amount of territory in such a short time."
Some of the participants take-aways: "Letting the client sit with their mess and trusting they will find the answers they need, to just keep being curious."
"That in 30 minutes Kathy masterfully touched on ALL of the ICF core competencies except #10!"
"The benefit of helping the client distinguish between ''being'' and ''doing''.
"The modeling of how patience, acceptance and total respect for where the client is at could lead to a break through."
"The reminder to allow the process to unfold as it/the client wants to. That's another way of saying it's vital to hold the client naturally creative, resourceful and whole. I'm renewing the practice of allowing the client to reveal their truth slowly, if necessary. I don't need to rush it, or force some kind of breakthrough."
Laura Berman Fortgang MCC
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach Special Bonus: Laura's Wisdom Access Questions (WAQ's)- a list of 100 questions to use with our clients
For this call Laura demonstrated her initial coaching consultation session.
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Laura have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am being recruited for a number of different positions, including a partnership in starting a new business, all in the world of Educational Technology. EdTech is such a high demand field right now and I have at least 6 different potential clients or employers recruiting me. I'm not sure how to proceed or how to leave myself enough flexibility to explore options!"
I asked the client the question that Laura requires all potential clients to answer prior to their initial consultation. I sent the answers to Laura. She then reviews the 3 answers with the client during the session and uses them to show her just how beneficial coaching will be.
MP3 + ICF + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
â€with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
The "Magic 5 Steps of a Consultation"
"Witnessing the power of brevity"
"Getting to the real question/answer with a potential client vs. wasting time getting the back story"
"Insight into how to choose clients"
"The 4-5 steps to close a potential client"
"Cut out the client's story. Find the pain. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale, don't be afraid to walk away. There's no attachment in having to work with clients for years! A lot can be accomplished in 90 days"
"Have more laser focused conversations to get clients"
Marion Franklin, MCC
Master Certified Life Coach & Coach's Coach
Marion is the author of The HeART of Laser-Focused Coaching: A Revolutionary Approach to Masterful Coaching Bonus: A tool called Trust Your Gut
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach. She has graduated Marions class and is now in one of her mentor groups.
Coaching Topic: She's gone through coach training and is now having a difficult time getting the business started. She knows the business world, she has an MBA, has a background in business. However she is having great difficulty launching the business and so knows there's something underneath that needs to surface.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I absolutely loved this coaching demonstration. I admire Marion’s intuition, ability to be direct, and honor the silence, all while holding the coaching space with such mastery and skill.
This is my first exposure to the use of “themes” in coaching. I will reflect on this and listen for these thematic comments from my clients.
Focus on the person not the plot!
Marion gave us a laser sharp synopsis in 10 minutes of how to be more masterful! She’s a gift to the coaching world.
Listen for themes. Don’t be afraid to be direct.
It was truly inspiring to see that a lot of principles and themes in her book came out live in the session! Thank you so much for creating this wonderful learning opportunity!
Questioning around the all or nothing bias
How much deep work was accomplished in 20 minutes or so
The coaching actually coached Me! I will want to listen to the replay a few times as an observer again as a coach and then as a client.
It was interesting to get a demonstration of “laser focused” coaching by observing the coach work with the client by avoiding getting caught up in the story and instead focusing on the person.
Sarah Fraser MCC
Life, Career, Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 20 minutes and 10% discount on mentoring with Sarah
This is a diffent kind of MMC call!
We heard one of Sarah's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Sarah and the client have known each other for a few years through an associate firm that they both work for. Last year they had a few sessions together that were recorded to potentially submit for Sarahs MCC credential application. The client has since returned for additional coaching and they are part-way through their current coaching engagement.
Coaching Topic: The client wants to know how to feel more at peace in her everyday being and everyday life.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
Brilliantly done. Beautifully paced, curious, and spacious.
I am taking away how clear and concise the coaching was. There were no extra words, which gave space for the client to process her agenda fully and deeply.
I thought it was a masterful example of how to coach around clients’ feelings/emotions and stay in the coaching frame by asking “what” and “how” questions.
To get better at asking succinct questions. The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of how powerful this can be.
Really appreciated what the coach shared about her journey to becoming an MCC coach.
Her extraordinary coaching presence --she made it look simple and it’s not!
Continually clarifying the agreement throughout the session-we’ve heard this from other MCCs as well.
Loved this call--the client got such a beautiful breakthrough, and it was elegantly done.
Reminder of paying attention to body language and keeping questions simple. I just applied it in a chemistry call :) - simpler questions, stop myself, don’t double up.
I plan to practice acknowledging and highlighting clients “Aha moments” more often by pointing it out just like the Coach did in this session “that sounds like a realization”
Great demo of MCC level coaching with powerful questions and a LOT of space for the client to explore and reflect.
I observed some keen re-contracting, great to check in with client to make sure they will get what they want from the session. Also, good reminder to acknowledge client more throughout the session, not just at the end.
How Sarah was able to be present with her client through each of the stages of the coaching process. Everything flowed seamlessly.
Use of “What is coming up for you?” and other similar questions when I don’t know what to ask next.
This was a different kind of call and a first for Moore Master Coaching!
Tijen demonstrated Master Mentor coaching from a different approach and powerful angle. We had a coach client, and two of the coach participants helped co-coach that client. Tijen supervised, gave feedback and demonstrated how the offerings could have been more masterful. In this way, we had this rare opportunity to understand and distinguish masterful and precise approaches to coaching to help bring our coaching to a profoundly transformative level for sustaining client results. So we got to hear Master Coaching and Master Mentor coaching all in one session!
Coach Scenario: Annette is a coach and this was the first time she and Tijen had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She is seeking guidance in navigating the next chapter of her Coaching journey…personally and professionally” …She wants to explore her “untapped potential” as a Certified Coach. She is in the process of building resiliency as she leans into authoring her most authentic brand!”
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Provided a perspective around specificity and risk that you do not always hear. Takes coaching to a much higher level.
Really liked the structure of this call with the coach coaching other coaches in real time on how to help the client. Novel and instructive. Would like more of this format!
The coach is listening with all of herself; not just through her mind, but what is the emotional landscape of the client and how does it shift, while creating awareness around that
the importance of narrowing the topic succinctly early on and continuously clarifying with client around where are you now
The most powerful questions come from deep holistic listening. They are personalized according to each client’s uniqueness and what each brings to coaching.
Reflection, instinct, examine and utilize “shifts”. Loved the honoring portion at the end!
full body/soul listening
Tijen’s process for funneling the agenda before expanding the awareness
Mentoring of volunteer coaches was extremely helpful.
I enjoyed this approach to coaching demo- it was interesting to see the master coach intervene in real-time with the coaching.
Find the thing below the thing.
Focus on key words, metaphors in the client’s speech, and paraphrase it back to them without leading them in any assumption on their direction. Also use questions that help to focus on the outcome, not expand on the content.
Interesting different approach to coaching demonstration/ mentoring.
The importance of those emotional shifts in the tone of the voice, the pace, the words being repeated, and the importance to present back to the client what we hear and refer to the initial goal, thus allowing for recontracting.
Very valuable!
How deeply honoring Tijen was of the client and the 2 volunteer coaches. It was so genuine, it's obvious this is who she is as a person and coach, mentor, trainer. What a gift to those she works with, It was a gift to me to experience.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
This session was rich with masterful coaching.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
Master Certified Personal, Business, Corporate & Mentor Coach Bonus: From How to Coach Anyone by Thomas Leonard- Lesson 1- How do you help a client who is big time stuck with their goal and nothing you, or they, are doing seems to help.
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this was the first time he and Lerae had ever met or spoken
Coaching Topic: He recruits executives and is very successful doing so only he waits for them to come to him. He's paralyzed when it comes to recruiting for himself and he actually teaches others how to do this!â€
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant feedback:
This was an outstanding call. Again, thanks for bringing these sessions to us!
The power of a using a simple but masterful technique with a client in stuck state to create movement
Topic was spot on for me personally!
Invitation to small step for 3 days is big!!!
If I find that I’ve become distracted or that I’ve got an agenda, having a process to return my focus to the client.
The coaches reflection on her own performance was very honest and delivered in a detached and learning enhancing way
Really being patient and be ok with waiting for the clients best thinking.
Respect the process, the wisdom is in the process.
Reminder that when clients are holding themselves back – it’s important to dive deeper if they are ok with that and tools like parts work or EFT can be helpful
Power of acknowledging the client’s strengths; offering options
Challenging clients to make changes in their lives; to take next steps towards their goals
Focusing on what the client gives (in his business) and seeing it as a gift as well as a gift of the choice he is giving the person he is approaching.
A masterful coach is open to reflecting about what could have gone better in a session and to feedback.
â€When the client is stuck, knows what to do but isn’t doing it, offer a challenge.
Margie Gordillo MCC
Master Certified Ancient Wisdom Leadership Coach
Coaching Scenario:Margie brought one of her former clients to the call. They had not spoken for a couple of years.
Coaching Topic: This client is very successful in the business she has created and been running for years but wants to know how to “explode” into the next iteration of her life, herself and her work. It all feels very scary with all the changes it will require and she worries that the new work will not be accepted by society.
Purchase MP3 + CCE + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47
with the monthly subscription-can cancel anytime*
Some of the participant take-aways:
This session was a lesson in courage and authenticity: I think both must be present in each and every coaching session: Today's call masterfully modeled this blend.
Perhaps more than many other calls, this session demonstrated the power of coach presence
Coaching presence with the client is what will allow me to take risk in service of the client.
Despite the client's repeated stories, Margie never wavered in her absolute belief in the client's greatness.
The reminder again, that it's not about performing for the client. It's about being present. The reminder to use the clients own words/phrasing when revisiting the agreement established in the beginning--as a way to move toward action.
Ability to confront client with what you know is not the case - challenging the client's responses.
How a skilled coach can truly help others create breakthroughs in 30 minutes!
"The energy and excitement of making it tangible"
The warm relaxed style of Margie even while she was using direct communication
Good use of intuition and direct communication early on, then acknowledgment when the energy shifted. â€
Molly Gordon MCC
Master Certified Vision & Traction Coach Bonus:Set It Free- article by Martha Beck with special 2 step process
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. He has had some coaching in the past and this is the first time that he and Molly have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:He feels stuck in his platform. He’s written 2 books, the first in 1998. He wants to put the books on audio, create a web presence, fine tune his branding & turn into real company and an animated film. Drawbacks are he’s not technical, feels he has ADHD as he has issues with follow up and being scattered.He would like insight and direction as to why he's stuck and a path and track to run on to accomplish goals.
Here’s are the take-aways of 2 other MCCs followed by some “advanced” participants:
”Great call -- honored many of the ICF core competencies -- which is difficult to find in MCC demonstrations!”
“A confirmation of what I'm doing”
“Another outstanding demonstration - it stretched me and allowed my coaching skills to grow.”
“One of the most powerful coaching sessions I have heard”
"Being still & quiet more often in my coaching. Less getting trapped in giving advice”
“Being willing to be more patient as a coach and to not focus on "how am I doing?"
“That we, as coaches, can get into a rut when we get into problem-solving. The way out of the rut is to trust in possibility.”
Janet Harvey MCC
Master Certified Corporate & Life Coach
Special Bonus: Video of a webinar Janet gave for ICF New England Chapter-Lifelong Learning Journey to Artful Mastery
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession. She has been coached in the past as an employee by a manager and has had some group business coaching. This was the 1st time that she and Janet had ever met or spoken. In fact Janet preferred not to know anything about the client or her topic before the session.
Coaching Topic: She's an action actress, fight coordinator, stand-up comic and an independent writer, director & producer. She needs to start another production company and to do so she needs to mentor with top producers, distributors and directors.
She wants help choosing the right people to partner with- those that she can work well with and depend on-- people who keep their word. Also how to motivate people to do what they say they're going to do.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant feedback:
"What an incredible call today! Hats off to Janet."
"I found this call most fascinating! It was masterful the way Janet Harvey used interruption to constantly refocus the client as Janet later said, "to hear her own strength". Truly masterful! I will be listening to this recording many more times. Of all the sessions I have heard over the past 2 years, I found this the most intriguing. Being able to coach someone about whom one knows nothing, bar the information gleaned in the coaching session is truly masterful."
"Janet was exceptional - she felt it wasn't as masterful, but I thought she was amazing - it was her calm, really holding her coaching space."
"The session was an opportunity for me to witness how a master coach leads a client from being a processor who reaches out for external answers to becoming a person capable of identifying her own internal strengths; it was also a demonstration of an approach that promotes a full development of both meaning and personal visions. The session brought to light the importance of uncovering intrinsic motivations: it was not the drive for money that has propelled the client to get involved with the production world but rather her wish to communicate/disseminate and educate for high moral standards. I found it inspiring to follow the ease and fluency with which the coaching conversation evolved."
Also check out Janet's 3 MCC call under the "3 MCC" tab
Gail Haun RN, MS, MCC
Master Certified Life, Health & Well Being Coach Special bonus: Gails guided meditation audio
Coaching Scenario: Kathy is in the coaching profession and is one of Gail's real-life ongoing clients. They have been working together on and off for about nine months.
Coaching Topic: Kathy wanted to be coached on issues related to stress eating.
$59.97 - purchase mp3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
A participant had this to say on the call:
"I'm actually very emotional and teared up right now because it (the session) was so, so beautiful. It seemed to come from that place, for both parties where they were so relaxed and just allowing for everything to just happen in its own time."
Dr. Joan C. King, MCC
Master Certified Personal, Career & Business Coach
Author of the Cellular Wisdom series of books Bonus: Joan's powerpoint presentation: Orchestrating Complexity, Strategies to Thirve
Coaching scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this was the first time that she and Joan had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: Her intention for the coaching session is to gain clarity on why she gives her power away through indecisiveness in making choices- in regard to her career and relationships. Sometimes she hears inner guidance and refuses to act on it because it’s not what she wants to do but then she feels she loses integrity with herself.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Keri Kuerbis Lehmann CPCC MCC
Master Certified Life, Leadership & Cancer Coach Bonus: The Tiers of Emotion- diagram, explanation and how to work with it
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching professsion, this is the first time that she and Keri have met or spoken and the 1st time she's ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: Shewas diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27, a day before her 28th birthday & two months before her planned wedding with her finance. They are now happily married but she is always struggling with the balance of how cancer has affected her and her husband. They are now facing the deaths of friends whose cancer returned. There are a lot of fears, she feels like she can handle her own but struggles with how to communicate with her husband about it and their future.
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants takeaways:
"How allowing the client to express anger without feeling guilty can be a great relief and encourage a change of perspective."
"To use PESH- what a great tool!"
"How magical coaching is and what a powerful process it is"
"Don't be afraid to address the obvious, even though it is "scary". It is where the richness is, so I need to be willing to "go for the gold".
"The power of presence. Being able to intuitively go with what surfaces. Self-managing any preconceived ideas around what's needed."
"I had tears in my eyes at several points in this amazing coaching session. It was deeply spiritual and moving."
Diane McLean M.Ed, MCC
ADHD, Kid, Life & Mentor Coach "I empower uniquely wired kids and the adults in their lives."
MMC Different Kind of Call
And a first ever for coaches!
We heard segments of coaching sessions with one of Diane's 12-year-old clients with ADHD! Diane discussed how the competencies were applied and how its relevant regardless of who the client is. It was especially fascinating to hear a 12-year-old being coached and Diane’s specialty of tuning into a client's unique way of perceiving and learning-- to be able to do that with our clients is so important for all of us.
Diane gave us a bonus 30 minutes in order to have plenty of time as well as a copy of her webinar "The 5 Languages of Kids".
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved the way Diane used play, helped the child envision a task successfully completed, and used acknowledgement to create awareness. Thank-you for a truly out-of-the-box experience!
Ways to work with clients whose brains are wired differently.
It was great to get this exposure to a different area of coaching!
Wow! Getting to hear a 12-year-old spitfire with ADHD being coached felt like such an honor. Witnessing Diane helping this "child" tap into her inner wisdom, was very moving and inspiring for me.
Interactivity to make coaching an active process
Ways to engage a new client who has some ADHD symptoms (undiagnosed)
I found the tools powerful for teaching, parenting and coaching.
Having more compassion for where people are
Coaching with kids. What a wonderful niche!
Overview of adjusting coaching approach/competencies for kids: using repetition, play, interactivity and hands-on work. Helping kids leverage their strengths in addressing challenges.
Refocus on paraphrasing what I've heard the client say
Any age group can benefit from coaching. Excellent examples as well for teachers and parenting
What a fascinating call! It was so clear in hearing McKinna that my daughter, who was not diagnosed with ADHD until her college years, had it all along.
Additional 30 minutes for Q&A resulting in the accompanying 1.5 ICF CEUs
Transcript of the coaching session
ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
Three forms provided by the incomparable Master Coach, Mentor & Assessor Fran Fisher MCC (Jeff's mentor coach)
* Fran’s observations via the BARS Method
* Fran’s observations via the PCC Markers
* Frans overall scoring
Coaching Scenario: Jeff and his client originally met while going throught the Accomplishment Coach Traing program. They had been coaching together for a couple of years at the time of this session.
Coaching Topic: He recognizes a pattern when things are going well eg with his workouts and he’s getting stronger, reaching his peak and in a good rhythm, he gets sick. This breaks his rhythm and momentum and he goes into disempowering thoughts and self-judgment. He ties this pattern to his performance in life. Would like clarity around this potential block that may be holding him back.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + 6 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
BRILLIANCE. Some of the best coaching ever.
The dynamic between coach and coachee was seamless.
Masterful coaching happens when the coach surrenders to the process.
There were so many good moments and examples. Specifically, I appreciated the brevity of Jeff’s questions and the space he created for his client. I love how insights kept growing… And, how it was about how Todd was being while he was doing. And, how Jeff was sure to not have any of his own agenda - among the many great things in this session
To “play checkers not chess”.
The huge differences of clients focusing on “being” rather than “doing”.
Don’t forget to acknowledge - if it feels natural, not performed, or asked for, in calls.
I like that Jeff said, “You need to trust yourself to trust the client”. Something we know, but he put it simply and effectively.
I am going to try to let go of the tactical and forget about how to coach and just be with the client.
mastery of insights
Acting out of fear vs acting from a position of acceptance, gentleness and strength
To take care when coaching those I have coached for a long time that I don’t assume I know how they will respond.
I loved what the coach said about the MCC process helping him to be an MCC human!
Inspiration to both take myself out and hold the client, as Jeff said.
I appreciated the reminder to ask where the client is in their clarity
This coaching session was full of powerful and clean coaching questions.
It reminded me to not stack questions because it can feel cold and less relational
I’m taking away Jeff’s point about the power is in the hands of the client. Witnessing that in this session was wonderful. The client’s empowerment really shined.
I loved his focus on simply being authentic so he can flow with the client and have a great relationship
The value of clear, direct questions, spaciousness, and with client permission, going beneath the surface
Financial Wellness & Life Coach Bonus 15-minutes for a discussion and tips on financial wellness coaching. Regardless of one's financial status, all different kinds of money issues come up that can impact all areas of life. And of course, these concerns and or blocks can arise in any coaching niche.
Coaching Scenario: Vivian and the client met for the first time minutes before the session.
Coaching Topic: "I am starting my own coaching business (1 month in). I have just left a 6 figure steady corporate salary for zero at the moment, and this is causing friction between my husband and me. He expects me to continue paying the bills I was responsible for, so I am using my savings. I would love to be coached so that I can see the possibilities and options I have in front of me."
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Great use of acknowledgement and championing, reminder that I need to do this more. Also good reminder and demo of reflecting at the end to lock in the learnings and move forward with them.
meet the client where they are
Very interesting niche (financial wellness coaching) but in the end it’s life coaching! Nice to hear about the interplay of this kind of coaching and links / relationships with other niches.
Self management.
An option of how to incorporate teaching into a coaching session
Staying with the client where their energy.
There were so many times during this call that a coach could have steered the client. This call was a reminder to avoid the temptation to steer and just go where the client wants to go.
This call made me really think about how I might coach this client. Overall, good session and appreciated the coach’s approach.
Keep my patience and focus, no matter what direction my subconscious mind might tempt me to go.
Be aware that our questions might have a hidden directional motivation. Be careful about this and have restraint so I stay on track with the client driving the session.
I would be interested in contacting this coach for her services (at a later date).
Staying engaged with what the client wanted (when there were many options to explore her feelings/emotions).
Staying more focused.
Coaching presence. Rapport with client. Courage of the coach in exploring
Executive, Entrepreneurial & Personal Coach
Special bonus- 16 visualizations for an awakened life & 3 coaching lessons
Coaching scenario: The client is a coach and this the first time she and Patrick had met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wants to figure out how to put her specialities under one umbrella & market her philosophy and approach.
Purchase MP3-$59.97
After a very inspiring coaching session, Patrick among other things gave coaches an invaluable, very liberating tool that can be used in any session, at anytime to immediately help if the session feels like a struggle or you’re feeling stuck, confused, at a loss as to where to go next, bored or with any uncomfortable feeling or situation that may arise with a client.
"I want to thank you Gail for organizing these calls. What a gift and a service this is to the coaching industry. Because we need to keep gathering and sharing with each other different styles, methods and techniques of coaching." ~Patrick Ryan
Sue Sheldon, MCC
Executive, Business & Life Coach Special bonus: a wonderful tool/exercise Sue has been a MMC guest 2 times- once prior to my having the ICF form for participants to fill out and once more recently. Be sure to read about both calls!
Call #1
Coaching Scenario: This was the first time Sue and the client had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is building her new business which she feels will be great but due to her husband hurting himself through self-neglect, she has lost her way a little bit and needs to get herself motivated on herself and her business.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice)
"Thank you once again Gail for the amazing opportunity you invited me to participate in. Keep up your great work!"~Sue Sheldon, MCC"
Thank you, the call with Sue today was great! I so appreciate what you are doing, this is really amazing as where else do we ever get to hear MCC’s coaching, or anyone coaching for that matter except ourselves? I am very excited about being a subscriber to what you are making available." Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC Founder and President, Quantum Endeavors®.
Coaching Scenario: Sue didnt want to know anything about the client ahead of time and so did not see her topic. The client is not in the coaching profession, in fact has never been coached before and this was the first time she and Sue had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I've recently started a small business and am still working full-time as an elementary teacher. I want to be coached on how to make my vision a reality. I know what I want and I know my business ideas are high value, but it's difficult to go from employee to business owner. The very successful people I know are driven and have laser-sharp focus on their goals. I want to have that same sharpness and live up to my potential."
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some participant take-aways:
The coach clarified with little words which allowed the client to feel heard without too much recapping/paraphrasing done from the coach. I am working on this skill set right now in my sessions. It is a skill that feels challenging at the moment to master. Nice to see it in action; thank you.
Several ways to pull from the client that which she already knows. Powerful affirming throughout the call the client can expand upon. A lot of wonderful concepts for the client to take in...and draw from.
Just affirming that in my business coaching it serves sometimes to be a bit more directive... especially through the power of observations and reflecting.
Consciously using the 3 part questions Sue identified in order to set the contract
What I liked most from this call was all the acknowledgements Sue gave Jennifer. The client struggles with what people will think of her (her success/failure) and to have a lot of positive acknowledgements of who she is (not just what she has done), I think was very important. I also noticed and liked that the coach picked up on the client’s values of contribution and fulfillment.
Assisting a client to move from a long agenda to their main desire for the session
I appreciated how much time the coach spent on setting the agenda and how clear the process was
Intimacy - “into me see” - great reminder to work with client to delve into self-awareness
Coaching Scenario:This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Jennifer have met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East working with Iraqi, Palestinian and Syrian refugees and am now writing a book about my experiences. 8 chapters have been awarded 19 literary awards. Several chapters appear in 7 anthologies, including one published by Random House and another that won a Benjamin Franklin Award and is used in college classes. I've had very positive feedback. But I can't seem to finish. I have 2 or 3 final chapters to go and a few more chapters to polish. The end is so close (after 7 years!), but I haven't touched the book in several months.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Participant take-aways:
Some powerful questions that helped to shift the client and also a reminder that listening to the client’s language or criteria words is very important.
Jennifer’s holistic approach with the client to call forth greater awareness
Remembering not to think I know the answer for the client.
Use of intuition with coaching and setting that up in the agreement so that there is a free flow during the coaching session.
The importance of not being attached to an outcome
Incorporating more of “what’s showing up for you?” type of questions and sharing what’s showing up for me. Jennifer mentioned she and her clients have an understanding that she’ll do that on the call. I need to establish that myself.
To me Kelly, was a tough client to coach and that in itself was instructional to watch Jennifer approach it. It’s like live TV, you never know what is going to happen. I thought it was great.
I will use some of Jennifer’s excellent questions as opportunity presents.
Jennifer’s humility and transparency were wonderful examples for me
I like that Jennifer had she and her client take a deep breath together. When my client is stressed, I ask her if she’dd like to take a couple relaxing breaths and if she’d like me to lead her through it. But, we can do that together in order to set the stage that we are equal partners, in this together
And you can see Jennifer's call where she and 2 other Master Coaches coach the same client back to back under the "3 MCC" tab
Dr. Pat Williams MCC
Master Certified Transformational Life Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes fo discussion and Q&A, 1.5 CEU's and Pats "Coaches C-19 Consciousness Checklist"
Coaching Scenario: Sandra is a coach and She and Pat first met back in 2003 when she took her initial coach training.
Coaching Topic: She came with the issue of wanting to figure out what her legacy will be and what the real underlying issue turned out to be was a big surprise!
This was a different kind of call in that Pat also known as "Indiana Jones of the Interior" conducting his coaching session with the express purpose of demonstrating:
the process and value of going deeper into the emotions
keeping it on the coaching (vs therapy) side of the fence
the heart-head communication
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEUs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
Connecting heart to head yields big moments
Several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
What a special joy this session was- the 90 minutes fairly flew! The debrief conversation was like being with longtime friends who challenge and learn from each other.
I like that he stopped her head from talking and asked her to come from her heart and his confirmation to us that the heart’s message is short and simple.
Always assisting our clients in getting to the real underlying issue at hand.
Loved the way he had her move from Head to Heart. I will use that!
transformational coaching vs. transactional coaching
Dr. Williams described several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
Pat’s question to his client,”what’s the message in those emotions” and his subsequent debrief around this topic is readily applicable to any coaching situation. I will listen even more closely than I already do for emotions and tonal shifts, with the mindset of uncovering the “messages” within.
I will be more courageous when working with clients who bring all of their emotional reactions to our coaching conversation.
I especially liked the specific questions Dr. Williams asked to set up the action items with the client and then how he reinforced her commitment to address those topics after the call.
I enjoyed how Dr. William injected his personality into the coaching as it was very natural and supportive to his client.
Best questions to ask should be Brief, Understandable, and Compassionately Curious
This was my first call and it was outstanding! Looking forward to participating in many “Moore” :)
Master Certified Life Strategist Coach Bonus: Extra 15 minutes of Q&A & 2 PDF handouts- Target Planning & Action Tracker-Cynthia used these during her session and talks about it in the Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she’s never had individual coaching but has had some group coaching in the past and this is the first time that she and Cynthia have ever met or spoken
Coaching Topic:I'm a Personal Chef looking to expand my business (into a personalized menu planning service), but am absolutely finding it difficult to take action and make progress. My current business is going very well, and I'm comfortable which is part of my problem, as there's no pain/discomfort motivating me but I want more.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses (including an extra 15 minutes for Q&A) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
†$59.97 â€OR $47 with the subscription(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant takeaways:
It's just incredibly helpful to me to hear MCC's coach. Hearing the coaching and being able to ask questions just takes it beyond the rules and the rubric to help me have a more holistic understanding.
I loved the "could list" as well as her distinction between if the "story helps the result" or not.
Immense value of clarity in helping clients achieve goals
Cynthia's systematic way of approaching coaching; this was great too!
Cynthia's response to the coach who gave the example that contained many pieces in the 'want', and how Cynthia teased that out. I think that moment will stay with me to use in the future. Just lovely.
Cynthia offered a very specific formula that leads to results. I particularly liked her emphasis on the need for clarity re the client's target
Notion of Pareto's Law- 20% of activity yields 80% of results.
Don't try to answer 5 questions with one answer
Veronika "Ronnie" Noize
Marketing Coach
Special bonus: Ronnie's Science of Success Audio
Coaching scenario: This call was run a bit differently - in addition to the full session (with a client that Ronnie had never met or spoken to before) we also got to hear Ronnie have a 5 minute laser session with a different client, (someone she knows but had never coached before). The topic for the laser session: the client wanted to work on her 10 second elevator speech.
The topic for the full session: the client wanted to market her coaching to entrepreneurs as well as businesses who will offer coaching to their employees for helping the company move forward.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Jane Adshead-Grant MCC
Master Certified Executive & Mentor Coach Bonus: Infographic of the Thinking Environment 10 Components
Client Scenario: Catherine is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Jane had ever met or spoken.
Client Topic: "I am a female health advocate and author in her first year of a health advocacy business. Master Coaching is really needed to empower me to charge for my services, deal with friends who ask for advice and create a more compelling online presence."
MP3 + ICF/BCC CCE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways as well as the client feedback a week after the call:
Elegant demo of powerful coaching at its best. The coach listened deeply, asked the most powerful questions and held the space for the client to listen to her own thoughts and move through her confusion to brilliant clarity.
One of the best masterful coaching session I have ever heard.
I really enjoyed the call; the coach trusted the client to be the expert, to be creative, and resourceful. Her thinking process exemplified the clients ability to go deep. Very deep! And think new thoughts/ideas she has not before.
What stood out to me was hearing the coach’s presence and confidence in providing the space for the client to be listened to, like she may not have ever been listened to before. What a gift.
The call today with Jane was awe-inspiring, and her approach to coaching resonated with me who has used the Socratic method in teaching. Thanks again.
Asking the client, at the beginning, for a clue/symbol they will use to let the coach know when they are ready for the next question. And, closing with appreciation for a specific trait observed in the client.
This was a fascinating call that demonstrated the power of presence, powerful questioning, and trust in the client’s ability to think for herself.
To be aware of how I’m showing up as a coach--especially my assumptions about my clients’ abilities to be resourceful and think for themselves--to avoid “directing” their thinking. To be present and ask questions that “free” their minds.
Don’t be afraid to keep asking the same question! And what else? And what else?
Great demo. I appreciated the opportunity to be educated about the Thinking Environment and being the Thinking Partner.
I really liked Jane’s intro and the way in which she set up the call for success. I think I’m going to spend some time working on my intro/agreement, by discussing my style, and being upfront about the way I coach by mentioning it at the start. I can see how it really would help find the right client-coach match.
Really appreciated such a beautiful demonstration of this process.
Idea of helping foster client “independent thinking” in tackling situations where they are feeling stuck. “The purpose of the coach it not to direct the client’s mind, but rather to help free it.”
You can read a powerful quote from Jane about the TE work, more takeaways and what the client reported 1 week after this session under the Thinking Environment tab.
Rodrigo Aranha MCC
Executive, Mentor and Coach Supervisor Bonus: Article 10 Sings You're In Touch With Your Emotions: Are you emotionally secure?
Coaching Scenario: This is a real life client of Rodrigos. They coached together for @ 4 sessions about a year ago.
Coaching Topic: This client want to "unhook" from feeling shame when she is given feedback that is anything other than positive in work or life.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Extremely beneficial as it was an unusual demo, client was not articulating or going deep in words despite there obviously being deep feeling and emotion. However, coach discovered access point through process coaching and body feelings and sensations, and this was helpful to the client.
Emotions will come up for clients during coaching. It is possible to coach clients around their emotions without “practicing therapy”.
This was one of my favorites! Loved how the questions flowed, the references to the body and how Rodrigo stayed present even when the client didn’t understand what he was saying/asking, .
My biggest takeaway was the use of somatic coaching in this MCC call. I love how helpful it can be when coaching around emotions to use the body and the present moment as a way of not getting sucked into the past, and not getting the client stuck on the story of the past.
Finding tools that the client can use to hold their own without you, the coach, being their “anchor” past the call.
Holding the space for self-awareness past situations where emotion may overwhelm the client.
All the different ways Rodrigo evoked awareness with the client
Rodrigo’s beautifully simple & powerful questions. His positivity - such great energy.
I am already present to importance of emotional literacy in coaching clients in accessing the heart’s intelligence; this was just a beautiful example for me to follow.
Holding the space for self-awareness re past situations where emotion may overwhelm the client.
Allowing the client to associate the emotion present with their body sensations ~ can make it easier for them to talk about their emotion
Vikki Brock PhD, EMBA, MCC, CEC
Executive, Leadership & Mentor
Author of Sourcebook of Coaching History Bonus:The History of the ICF Credentialing and Accreditation
Coaching scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She is familiar with coaching as she has been coached in the past. This is the first time she and Vikki have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: The client left a "stable" part-time job to focus on a freelance writing career, she has received a major grant and her boyfriend of 3.5 years proposed to her-they have three children from previous marriages. She is thrilled-all of this is a dream come true and she is a freaked out!
She would like to be coached on building a successful company while maintaining a healthy balance and making sure she doesn't sabotage herself.
Purchase MP3 – $59.97
To witness Vikki Brock's trust- in herself, the client and the coaching process was awe-inspiring and the best motivator in the world. To give just one example- unexpected “stuff” came up for the client in the last minutes of the session and she suddenly became very emotional. It was really wonderful to witness Vikki's mastery. There was no sense of urgency on her part, she continued to remain totally present with the client, honored where she was and helped move her through it by asking a series of 3 powerful questions.
The first of which was “And how does that relate to who you are as a human being and the love you bring into the world?”
Sylviane Cannio MCC
Master Certified Executive & Mentor Coach Bonus: An article written by Sylviane called From Coronavirus to Corona-ENERGY!
Coaching Scenario: This client is not a coach, she has never been coached before and this was the first time she and Sylviane had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The issue is fear of supporting herself with a new business from scratch, as she was let go from my day job due to budget cuts. Her skills are in graphic design, marketing and she's close to getting an AA in Holistic Health Studies. She's very interested in designing holistic interior spaces. She's ready to start but her direction is kind of fuzzy, she wants coaching on clarity and on managing fear and doubt.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
How the coach’s presence and intensity were skillfully used to advance a client discovery in less than 30 minutes!
I am taking away the reminder of the power of metaphor! I thought it was very insightful of the coach to bring the bridge/river metaphor into the session, it was a turning point for the client who was feeling stuck and fearful. It provided the client with perspective, courage to take the next “baby step” and the opportunity to control and change her mindset.
Trust the process of coaching and the client’s innate wisdom. I feel I am getting a bit over-reliant on asking “right questions” vs. listening and offering what I hear to help client claify the wisdom within
Tap into the energy in the body to hone in to the motivation
Wow Gail, Sylviane is truly gifted.
The importance of trusting the client.
When I get a fearful client, I’ll remind the client that fear is 90-95% irrational and help her/him tap into the 5-10% that’s useful.
The magic of powerful questioning, direct communication, and use of metaphor to build awareness and shift the client’s energy.
To understand that not everything a client brings can be handled in one session. That I can best serve my client by paying attention to whether the conversation is moving in a direction that is most useful to the client given any constraints (time, energy, topic, etc.) and then choosing an approach that will be most helpful in moving or shifting the client all while trusting the process.
Loved hearing the shift in the client’s energy by the end of the call. Found the use of the breath as an anchor to be a great tip.
The pace of the coach does not have to match client
Use of metaphor to strengthen self-awareness
“Going deep fast”. Daring to be direct with clients.
Never doubt your intuition and be certain that the CLIENT KNOWS. I felt this gave the coach the power to stay on track without being afraid to use strong energy
Chrissy Carew, MCC
Personal, Business & Mentor Coach Author of Insightful Player: Football Pros Lead a Bold Movement of Hope Special Bonus:a compilation of 5 of Chrissy’s “Top Ten” articles
Coaching Scenario: The client is a former NFL player and now a certified professional coach. And while Chrissy has interviewed the client for her Insightful Player initiative, this was the first time that he had been coached by her.
Coaching Topic: He wants to take bold steps in a clear direction for his business.
Purchase mp3, ICF CCEU, special bonus & MMC nugget- how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business
or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Chrissy is passionate about working with clients who dare to have big dreams and "who are driven by the compelling vision to make this world a better place." And this describes the former NFL player/client on this call.
One of the participants had this to say to Chrissy on the call:
"You did a beautiful job of pulling the client from his little "a" agenda- wanting to run out and do the next three things on his list and know what they are. Boy a lot of coaches could have just jumped right in there and gotten right to work but you very deftly asked if it might be worthwhile to go back and visit his vision. Just such the right move and that was where the big "A" agenda emerged."
Bonuses: Jan's Value of Values Exercise and her article BELIEVE which speaks to mindset and connects with her Mindset Mastery work with competitive singing groups
Live coaching demo from Jan who very recently got her MCC
Coaching Scanario: The client has never been coached and she and Jan met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: She is a seasoned former journalist and TV producer who has transitioned into the dynamic realm of public relations. However it no longer feels right or is enough. She wants help to reinvent herself for this next chapter.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
The coach gave a beautiful demonstration of how to move a client forward from feeling stuck to a place of visioning/possibility.
Specifically, I’m taking away the magic that can happen when you simply meet the client where they are. In this session Jan met Eva where she was through supporting her in connecting to her creativity.
Going within and becoming more authentic with how we’re showing up not just as coaches.
I want to develop more questions to help a client with what “unstuck” looks like at the end of a session.
I like that Jan shared what she had to change for herself is to be less teachy in a coachy way. This is probably what I most need to change as well.
Great demonstration of using visualization with a creative
It gave me a lot to think about around the “match” of energy.
I appreciated what the coach said about each session being complete in itself. That in an ongoing long-term relationship a form of follow-up might be in a prep form asking what the client wants to celebrate.
Jan’s example of pulling out Eva’s values and attributes.
I love how she was able to help the client use her own creativity to come up with solutions.
I want to further explore pace matching between coach & client, as a result of listening to this call.
Continue to work toward pure coaching and not integrating or masking teaching into my coaching.
To dig deeper to find out what the client really wants to walk away with.
I try not to say it every time, but I am so grateful to be able to listen in on MCC coaching sessions! I feel like this is the most enjoyable and exciting continuing education.
Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Superviser Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes of Q&A, discount on programs
Coaching Scenario: Laurie and Heidi have coached together for about 5 years and then became colleagues.
Coaching Topic: The issue Heidi brought to the call was that due to a bad work situation, she changed her job/career. She has a colleague friend from that last job that calls her regularly to complain about the work situation and ask for advice. This is very stressful for her and causes her to keep reliving a difficult time. She knows it has to stop as it shifts her mood and effectiveness in her work now. She wants to decide if she just needs to end the relationship or discuss it with her. If the latter how to go about that.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 15 minutes of Q&A, discount on programs) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This coaching session was a beautiful example of the coach’s ability to dance in the moment with the client’s energy. The client and coach moved from great depths to moments of lightness and levity without missing a beat.
Presence is the difference between PCC and MCC.
To trust that what I need as a coach is already inside me--to trust in my own value as a coach.
less notes, try to increase presence.
the safe container she created for Heidi to explore her somatic experience.
Reminder to use silence and allow intuition to be a tool, but to be careful about how questions are posed so as not to be directive.
Using personal values as a way to discuss the emotional conflict that arises in the conversations.
The way Laurie matched her client’s energy as it would shift, sometimes dramatically throughout the session.
How powerful patience and presence are.
That coaching is an embodiment—it’s not what I do as a coach but is who I am being
Invite client to notice wisdom of the body -- somatic sensations
that gentle, loving, careFULL approach, great call!
Somatic Sensory Awareness (Sensory Intelligence), Executive & Mentor Coach Bonuses: transcript of the coaching session, the ICF Performance Evaluation, 30 additional minutes of Q&A
Different Kind of Call
ICF MCC Exam (BARS) Coaching Session
We will be diving into powerful insights and gaining a deeper understanding of masterful coaching and what it takes to pass the ICF MCC exam.
We will do this by listening to one of Liz's coaching sessions that passed the ICF exam and awarded her the Master credential. We will then debrief, review the valuable bonus ICF evaluation and ask our questions of Liz.
Liz is a Somatic Sensory Awareness Coach certified in Sensory Intelligence. We will also spend some time learning more about this and how to better integrate it into our coaching.
Coaching Scenario: Peter and Liz are in the same ICF Chapter and met there. They have been coaching together for 6-8 months.
Coaching Topic: Peter wants to explore where he's going with his coaching practice. He coaches people in the ministry and it’s his passion. However his concern is will he be able to garner and maintain enough clients or does he need to branch out.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (transcript & ICF Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Tweaking Intuition for Client Growth
"Tweaking my intuition will help me offer sensory and somatic observations and tools to my clients."
Freedom to Align
"I feel like what I’m taking away to use in my coaching practice is freedom... Liz shared that her greatest learning was that she can trust herself... Alignment is possible."
Memorable Questions
"I loved this question! – 'How does your intuition reveal itself to you?' and then 'What sensations are you noticing?'"
Enhanced Presence Through Sensory Coaching
"Coaches become more present to clients and better able to meet clients where they are through an enhanced sensory lens."
Validation of Current Practices
"Great to hear more about the somatic approach and see how often I’m already using it in my practice."
Tailored Client Engagement
"To ask clients about their preference for learning... uncover client preferences by how they answer the questions."
The Power of Somatic Coaching
"A fascinating call. The coach shared how somatic coaching can among other things, 'enhance listening, build trust, foster engagement, and tailor communication.'"
Professional Advancement
"This session was very beneficial for my growth to become an MCC."
Future Self Visualization
"Deeper understanding of coaching at the MCC level. Really connecting with the WHO. I loved the visualization on going for a walk with your future self in 6 months. How will you start the conversation? If you are successful what will your future self say to you?"
High Energy Engagement
"She jazzed him up by asking him how he felt and fed back his high energy."
The Impact of Sensory Coaching
"How sensory coaching can be so powerful."
Encouragement to Be Whole
"I really enjoyed this session. It’s made me feel like I’ve had to have two parts of me... Liz’s session was really refreshing, encouraging, and empowering. Was it all just my fears? I’m now really encouraged."
Confidence, Narrative, Relationship, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
CALL #1 Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Lyssa have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I would like to be coached on how to fully embrace an abundant mindset. I find my old programs sneak up on me despite how much I have learned about the Law of Attraction. I am ready to leave my self-limiting beliefs behind so I can take my health and wellness website to the next level!"
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This was one of the best and most valuable sessions I’ve listened to.
Loved the discussion about weaving several competencies into the conversation through a “most useful question”
To be aware of any “looping” by a client that could be a red flag indicating the need for therapy.
I am definitely going to listen to this call again!
I particularly appreciated Lyssa’s observations about situational rabbit holes and differentiating between asking interesting questions that might take them backward vs asking important questions that take the client forward.
Great questions I tend to ask, but not as efficiently worded. And, the metaphor of jumping in the pool together holding hands.
Mastery doesn’t have to take long if you’re willing to put discipline and rigorousness into your preparation
Lots of great tips for preparing for MCC, asking for permission, keeping on track throughout the call with what the client wants
Loved this call so much. Can’t wait to get the recording.
The client was poised on the precipice to have a breakthrough and Lyssa’s exquisite coaching got her there. TRULY Breathtaking in only 30 minutes!
Embodiment of heart and intuition
Wow that was a pleasure to observe; one of my top 5 favorite Moore Master Coaching calls.
Lyssa used so many coaching skills in such a masterful way, if I were to note all the skills, I would be listing all the competencies. Lyssa was so present she picked up on the moments that helped the client connect to her awareness, she simply stayed curious, and the client went deep. Beautiful coaching very impressed.
I’m impressed at how the coach stayed in the coaching framework throughout the call even during the moments when the client brought up the past. Lyssa beautifully weaved those therapeutic moments into future oriented, forward moving powerful questions. I’m looking forward to re-listening to this call.
When coaching someone who has been assigned to coaching and who may not be fully onboard with it, ask “How can we make this useful for you?”
Example of not pursuing unpacking of the past, but rather letting the past go to move on.
Lyssa came back for another call to share the recording of her coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam plus the examiners feedback.
Bonuses: She gave an additional 30 minutes for debrief, Q&A and to discuss some the examiners feedback as well as a copy of the examiners feedback report.
Coaching scenario: Pam is a long time on-going client of Lyssas- since @2013.
Coaching topic: She's feeling very stuck as to what to do and how to move forward. She loves being alone and wonders if she should stay with her boyfriend who ultimately would like it to be more. She's worried that maybe her pattern and that she will always find an issue and never be able to be fully comimitted to someone.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes & copy of the assessors evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I thought the coaching was brilliant
Patience, patience, patience. Even when the client says “I don?t know”, keep being curious because they do know!
Loved Lyssa’s style! Her depth of listening and presence to be in the soup with the client and ask only what was necessary to help the client take one step forward at a time!
Exquisite example of how to help a client who is feeling really stuck break through and begin to move forward.
To relax and trust the process-even if the client feels totally stuck, using metaphor and simple questions with slow pacing was enough to help her break into a new space
Ask questions based on what’s important for the benefit of the client rather than for my curiosity
Creating “presence” first as the first communication
Having the client create visuals to describe their focus for the call and/or feelings and then referencing that visual throughout the session.
So many of her methods and ways of being were new and inspiring
How the ICF assessors rated the call
Good examples for the coaches I mentor
How you really have to believe in your client’s wholeness, even when they are going through difficult life experiences.
The multiple check in moments with what the client was physically feeling, and using that as a gauge of her progress.
Building on client metaphors, and getting clarity on what the metaphor means, not to me, but to the client.
The power of metaphor. Loved how the client’s metaphor about the pot could also reflect a coach approach.
Lyssa came back again to give us a live real-world demonstration of a coaching Super-Vision session.
Bonuses: A piece that changes perspective on the "sales" conversation and deep discount on Lyssa's 2 other MMC calls.
Lyssa uses three photos that Joy selected as a jumping off point for the Super-Vision session. You will receive those to look at while listening.
Coaching scenario: Joy and Lyssa met in 2017 when they came together as presidents of their local ICF chapters and collaborated on an ICF Chapter training. After that they saw each other from time to time on other calls and then last year, Joy participated in Lyssa's Coaching with the power of metaphors certification program.
Coaching topic: Joy wants to know how to listen even more deeply.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some participant take-aways:
In 20 plus years, I have never heard anyone talk about supervision in this way. Truly a missing piece in our profession or at least an area that is glossed over. Transformational. Deep thanks!
Using photos in coaching
Great session. So grateful for the better understanding of what Coaching Supervision really is. Not at all what I thought it was.
How supportive superVision can be.
Deeper listening skills.
The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of coaching supervision, or as she calls it Super-Vision. As I now understand it, Super-Vision helps build the capacity of the coach through a reflective, explorative, free-form dialogue/process. This is different from mentor coaching which is an analytical assessment of a specific coaching conversation.
To explore Super-Vision. To continue to work on myself from the inside out in order to show up neutral, open, and fully present for my clients.
An invaluable call to action - deepen the being of my coaching with new reflective practice.
One of the best!
Use of imagery as metaphor in coaching supervision.
Excellent session- really valued how the topic for this session broke out into a new area of exploration in coaching! Thanks
Lyssa had a litany of traps that coaches can get themselves into with clients ex. Caring too much about the client, or the client reminds you of your sister etc.
Coaching presence is built upon the ability to listen deeply, with our heart and all of our being.
Supervision is really helpful and should really be mandatory as part of CEU requirements.
Reminder to use imagery, metaphor and other non-thinking prompts for self and for clients
The perception of “Who we are is how we coach”. Making sure that my personality/biases/opinions etc are taken out of the coaching conversation.
On this call we will be hearing a (PCC) recorded coaching session and Ben will be mentoring as we go along. Then there will be debriefing and Q&A with Ben, and the mentee.
Ben's work is applicable to ALL coaches, ALL levels, ALL training, and ALL niches because it’s about growing our coaching skills,deepening our confidence, and revealing the inner workings of how we show up powerfully for our clients.
Some of what coaches have said about working with Ben:
“An incredible Game-Changer”
“A profound sea change for me.”
"Encompassing the whole coaching experience"
“I really wish I had done this earlier in my coaching."
Come join us for a jam packed 90-minutes of profound, amazing and fun learning!
Coaching Scenario: This was Becky and her client's second session together. The client is a coach.
Coaching Topic: Has work with longtime contractor that she feels is important work but requires a lot of energy. Wants to figure out how to make it not require so much energy or how to shift away in a manner that works for both her and the contractor.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Hearing Ben’s feedback, step by step through the coaching call offered so much value.
I like that Ben pointed out places where we might give in and get hooked. I liked this format.
Loved the 3 things he wanted us to listen for (Connection, When the coach is revealing, and then When and How the coach is empowering the client versus managing them). I will take that forward as I listen to other coaching sessions.
I absolutely love Ben’s description of coaching as a dance of giving and receiving between the coach and client. It’s so simple, but very powerful
It was a wonderful session - Ben really is the best. Fantastic!
The importance of the agreement in coaching calls and how to go deeper with clients.
What else, what else, what else and listening for the details.
It was very well done indeed. Ben did a lovely job covering a lot of ground. Great job and helpful to listen to.
Re-establishing the agenda or agreement in the middle of the call if new information is revealed.
Getting more specific about identifying the agenda and how to transition from this to the coaching part.
The importance of “Connection, Revealing and Empowering” during coaching. Listening for:
1. connecting w/client
2. revealing vs. telling, teaching, assuming,
3. empowering client vs. handling
I loved the reminder to STAY with the client, esp. when they give short, quick answers. Take them deeper with where they are in the moment.
More calls like this that give a play by play of a coaching session. Very helpful.
The call was another reminder of how simple, yet powerful coaching can be. I also loved how Ben was able to surface so much learning from one simple call!
Love hearing the different perspectives of veteran assessors and MCCs! Thank you.
Great example of the process of helping clients seek clarity with the issues they bring to session so that they can, in turn, apply what they learn about themselves in their everyday lives.
I appreciate the way Ben mentors through a call.
Reminder to ask what the client is learning about the situation.
This is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC!!! Wow. Ben is awesome.
Continually assessing for myself as I am coaching whether I am connected, helping my client reveal vs. teaching, and empowering them. Also, being mindful of my pacing; make sure I’m not pulling my client along with my questions but rather journeying with them where they are and exploring for the sake of movement forward.
Going deeper vs moving the conversation forward to action
Thank you so much for what you’ve created here, Gail. These sessions are a golden touchstone for me as I journey towards my MCC. I love being part of this community and so look forward to each call!
For the first time, a true understanding of what just being present means and WHY it’s so important.
We got to hear one of Rachel's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Rachel gave us the following bonuses:
additional 30 minutes for more Q&A making the call 90 minutes and worth 1.5 CEUs
a copy of the transcript
a copy of the examiner's feedback
Coaching Scenario: Rachel and the client Cynthia are colleagues and met in a class. They have and continue to support each other in their coaching.
Coaching Topic: After receiving some surprising (and somewhat difficult to hear) feedback on her communication, she’s wants to look at effective communication and what that means for her.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“This session went so deep using the power of metaphor. It was such a gift witnessing the coach’s mastery in weaving it throughout the session, using reflection and powerful and unusual questioning to take the client deeper and deeper.”
“The power of sharing the coach’s observation and following with an exploration of the client’s self-observation. And the power of visioning in the session.”
“It was a beautifying and elegantly progressed session with spaciousness and such powerful presence.”
"The importance of pauses and creating space for the client to reflect."
"Reminded of the power of metaphors; surprised that a session which included a guided meditation passed the MCC exam, but obviously if carefully done making sure the client is leading the way it can be done"
"I am taking away principles as well as tidbits on style to inform my practice of mentoring MCC candidates"
"This session was truly amazing in all ways! One of my favorites"
"The coach was in partnership with the client when she offered the visualization based on the client’s learning. The visualization became a resource that evolved naturally as the coach heard the client’s context and how she moved into it—especially the client’s use of metaphors."
"To ask how a client likes to learn during an initial conversation when contracting with a new client. For example, visual vs non-visual thinker, use of metaphors, etc."
"Loved the coach’s comments about reflective practice!"
"New ways to continue to develop trust with established clients."
"A strong example of how to keep utilizing the client’s metaphor beyond, “how does it feel?” and to take it into support of the client’s accountability methods post-session."
"Exquisite coaching presence and trust-ability to help client create new awareness and breakthrough."
"partnership with the client by informing what coach was experiencing and asking what client wanted her to experience."
"How to use guided imagery well in a session"
"Reflect back on specific terms or phrases the client is using to go deeper on meaning."
"Setting the agreement and seeing what the client wants from the session."
Leadership & Team Coach, Mentor & Supervisor Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session, ICF Performance Evaluation & 30 additional minutes of Q&A
ICF (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
We listen to one of Sharaf's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method/rating.
This session masterfully weaves all the competencies necessary to pass in approximately 30 minutes!
Sharaf is also giving us:
the transcript of the coaching session
the ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
Coaching Scenario: Sharaf and Matthew have known each other for about two years and have been coaching together ever since. Matthew is a coach.
Coaching Topic: Matthew is really upset that a company he was hired by to teach a class asked him just that morning to remove the resources he had so carefully vetted to give to the class. Wants clarity about whether to just let it go and do what they ask and not risk losing the job or honor himself and let them know how he feels. And if so what to say.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
• How Sharaf knew what to cherry pick out of the conversation eg “what’s honesty” or asking Matthew how being a strategic communicator would add to his response. So clever! This question enabled Matthew to access his higher self AND the question flushed out one on Matthew’s core concerns
• To speak less, to pull out a key word to ask about, keep my questions succinct.
• The journey to become MCC need not be hasty and exposure to a wide variety of coaches/mentors is important.
• How little Sharaf spoke
• I am going to say to myself before each of my sessions: listen as though English is not your first language. I will listen more deeply and not make any assumptions, just a Sharaf so beautifully did!
• Practice deep listening and be comfortable with long silence
• Get better at letting the client drive the measure of success, and not to keep pushing a tangible measure if it does not feel right. It is an art form, not a science formula.
• I feel like the coach’s recognition of the difference in the client’s energy was really key for the client. Like picking up on and asking “what’s still in there?”
• So appreciated Sharaf’s:
- tone of voice
- the amazing silences
- his natural questions
• Sharaf used silence so well! He seemed comfortable with prolonged moments of silence either after he asked a question or after Matthew was done sharing.
• the spacious coaches reset my presence.
• Not being so hard on myself about the specific language used in a question!
• The importance of giving space to the client.
Coaching Scenario: Gary was a family physician and psychiatrist and is now an integrative wellness coach. He has been a client (coaching then mentoring) of Frans for a few years. They took a bit of a break and this is their first session since the spring.
Coaching Topic: Where and how to allocate his energy within the limits of the energy he has. He has a number of things he’s doing that he finds rewarding, enjoys and is at peace with but needs to figure out what to focus more time and energy on and what to let go of.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Demonstration and validation of coaching at a level of true mastery."
"Noticing the questions the coach asked that were powerful in their simplicity. I will go back and listen to the call again and be conscious of the way she brought the client to explore deeper issues."
"Really powerful to learn the difference between MCC and PCC level use of reflection!"
"Wonderful call and demonstration of inquiry-wish we had longer to go through the 3 case studies for the skill drill"
"Great modeling of presence and new skill -Art of Inquiry"
"The use of inquiry structure to keep the question alive."
"The "discipline" of "holding back" on the part of the coach"
"This was a powerful reminder that clients have all the knowing they need inside them, we can't add any richness by leading or having an agenda for them, and that powerful questions are simple, short and open-ended."
Lynn Stewart MCC was scheduled to be the guest but she had a personal emergency but allowed us to listen to one of her previous recorded sessions. Fran who was Lynn's mentor coach joined us on the call and demonstrated master mentor coaching feedback.
2 Master Coaches and 2 Master Coach demonstrations!
Coaching Scenario: Nelleka had coach training years ago but is not a coach. She and Lynn have know each other for 14 years and Lynn has coached her off and on over the years.
Coaching Topic: Wants to explore what to do over the next 10 years, what to contribute to the world and what next steps to take.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
Hearing an assessor’s (Fran’s) feedback about this session was invaluable. I picked up so many useful tips for strengthening my own coaching!
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
I loved the way Lynn set up the call in the beginning; she went deep, clarified and explored the agenda really quickly, it took it to another level. I also like that she explored all the possible options of where the session could go. I’m also taking away Lynn’s soft, yet strong/confident presence, and use of/paraphrasing of the clients own words, because of that it felt like she tracked well with the client.
I need to become more aware of my coaching patterns that may not be supporting the client.
Opened my eyes to the nuances as well, really interesting and would love to hear more!
I found Fran’s very specific constructive feedback followed then by how it might have been done differently unbelievably helpful.
Great examples of how not to lead the client.
Questions to ask that invite the client to do the work.
Wow Gail I got so much that I can implement right away. Helped me see where I need and want to grow.
Fran’s specificity helped me see very clearly what it is in my own coaching I need to work on. Watch out for those leading questions and acknowledging sounds or comments!
I found Lynn to be very present with her client and I felt the connection. I appreciated the way she checked in with the client and would repeatedly reflect back what she was hearing.
I will transcribe that entire debriefing.
Must always confirm with the client re my observations otherwise makes client feel that I’m right or that I think I am!
I’ll be making sure my questions are truly open-ended and that I’m not leading the client in any way.
Feel like I got a peek behind the scenes, the inner workings so to speak. I have a page full of takeaways.
Call #3
Establishing the Coaching Agreement is where many coaches can get tripped up and can be the main reason for not passing the ICF exam. So this call is dedicated to exploring and delving deeply into this core competency as well as hearing Fran demonstrating it at the master level in a real coaching session with one of her clients.
Fran says there are three things that are typically challenging at the MCC level regarding Establishing the Coaching Agreement, and they are KEY to the conversation:
1. HOW to take the client’s exploration DEEPER for their underlying issue and taking the time to do so
2. Measuring for success
3. Inviting the client to lead
Get ready to take this competency to the next level!
As special bonuses Fran gave us an additional 30 minutes to do this, she gave a hand-out which is a wonderful reource and the call provides 1.5 CEU's.
MP3 + ICF 1.5 CE's + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I am so very impressed at how Fran established that agreement! I have never heard such an in depth demo on the clarity and depth that could come out of establishing the agreement to that extent. Wow. That was very insightful. I now have a beautiful example of what to strive for, to really be of service to my clients.
Competency 2 is pivotal in going deeper with the client to hear what’s important or meaningful for that person
Don’t step over the energy shifts, incongruencies, as this is an opportunity to dive deeper
It’s not linear and Fran circled back to each [PCC] marker until the client was really clear and grounded in the agreement
Who is the client being in relation to the focus or issue they are bringing to the call.
Realising how I might be/ am leading clients - Having measures always with numbers - instead of how the client would measure where they are.
Moving from coaching the “What” to coaching the “Who”; the client.
Changing how I respond to the client’s answer to: How will you know if you have gotten your outcome?
Amazing demonstration and learning on how important it is to be patient and meet the client where they are, to fully explore what the client wants to achieve and the motivation underneath in defining the coaching agreement.
How overlooked the coaching agreement can be! How very important it is in defining and focusing the area(s) of coaching on what the client really wants. It IS the coaching!
Really nail it down and confirm topic, motivation, and outcome before moving on.
This was an extremely helpful call and a great reminder to up my game!
David Franklin MCC
Organizational and Leadership Development & Mentor Coaching Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for Q&A
ICF MCC exam session!
We heard one of David's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. David gave us a bonus 30-minutes for additional Q&A and the call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching Scenario: Joy is a coach and she and David have had numerous coaching sessions over the years. Joy has also mentored with David off and on for several years.
Coaching Topic: Shewants to fine-tune her coaching niche and explore hesitations around embracing it.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participants' take-aways:
To continue to develop my contracting skills at the beginning of a session. David asked for the client’s meaning behind things over and over. That was a great example of what I need to do more of.
This was a beautiful demonstration of how a trusting partnership led to an “unpacking” that took the client from the surface, or “symptom” to a deeper level, or the “root” of what she wanted to work on.
How still and calm the session was. Really transformative, not transactional
What a beautiful call to witness. The coachee had much insight that added to the richness.
Growing myself to focus more on open ended invocation for clients without bringing them to action.
The huuuge space David created with his client
David maintained beautiful presence and his curiosity without pushing the client to go anywhere. The use of metaphor on her part was especially powerful in this call.
To fully trust in client’s abilities to have the answers. To assist the client to unpack the presenting problem and go deeper. To empower clients to make their own connections and insights. To support clients in “taking actions that will really serve them”.
Loved what the coach said about actions emerging from awareness.
He maintained presence by continually asking her “In this conversation” (what would be useful) and did a lovely job with partnering the conversation.
Slow it down, and keep bringing the client back to the conversation and how she was feeling.
Getting to know the coach in the debrief is just as interesting as the session.
Growing myself to focus more on open ended invocation for clients without bringing them to action.
Master Certifed Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes on the call for discussion and Q&A on How to Get Out of Judgment, powerful quote/instructions before beginning a session and some really "neat" freebies.
Coaching Scenario: The client was a teacher when she initially came to Annie back in 2005 and was coached for about a year. She decided to pursue coaching as a profession following their coaching together and has since retired as a teacher and is now a full time coach. She has taken a variety of classes with Annie over the years but this is the first coaching session they've had since that initial coaching engagement.
Coaching Topic: Even after all the work she has done to become a coach and as much as she loves it all the marketing and having to put herself out there makes her want to run and hide. And she thinks do I really want to do this? Yet she loves being a coach but feels its too much work and is fearful she is not up to it.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
This was purest MCC level coaching demonstrated. Annies presence with her client was brilliant! I loved her question after the long silence Where did you go?
The reminder that as coaches--- what we offer the world is what we personally have the most challenge with.
I appreciated the reminder about coaching the whole person not just focusing on behavior, outcomes and goals; and valuable ways to insure that we check any judgment we might have at the door.
I work with couples facing life-threatening and chronic illness, and a reminder that masterful coaching includes holding the space for people’s experience is always valuable
How to apply masterful coaching through clear, concise, powerful questioning and deep listening.
Thanks for a great call yesterday. I found it very powerful and helpful as I continue to develop as a career coach. Also, I appreciated how gentle Annie was, her voice softened when she was digging deeper about the emotions her client was expressing.
I found the call helpful, especially the discussion around using silence. I work very hard on that, as I often want to jump in when it gets quite.
Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for in my learning and development as a coach.
Even master coaches finish a call and reflect on other paths they could have taken their client on.
Remember to stay in the moment and trust that if you’re coaching from a place of love and possibility for your client, you can’t go wrong
â€Really liked the questions towards the beginning “What’s really under this?” and the end “What have you become aware of today?”
This was a different kind of call and a first for Moore Master Coaching!
Tijen demonstrated Master Mentor coaching from a different approach and powerful angle. We had a coach client, and two of the coach participants helped co-coach that client. Tijen oversaw the process, gave feedback and demonstrated how the offerings could have been more masterful. In this way, we had this rare opportunity to understand and distinguish masterful and precise approaches to coaching to help bring our coaching to a profoundly transformative level for sustaining client results. So we got to hear Master Coaching and Master Mentor coaching all in one session!
Coach Scenario: Annette is a coach and this was the first time she and Tijen had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She is seeking guidance in navigating the next chapter of her Coaching journey…personally and professionally” …She wants to explore her “untapped potential” as a Certified Coach. She is in the process of building resiliency as she leans into authoring her most authentic brand!”
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Provided a perspective around specificity and risk that you do not always hear. Takes coaching to a much higher level.
Really liked the structure of this call with the coach coaching other coaches in real time on how to help the client. Novel and instructive. Would like more of this format!
The coach is listening with all of herself; not just through her mind, but what is the emotional landscape of the client and how does it shift, while creating awareness around that
the importance of narrowing the topic succinctly early on and continuously clarifying with client around where are you now
The most powerful questions come from deep holistic listening. They are personalized according to each client’s uniqueness and what each brings to coaching.
Reflection, instinct, examine and utilize “shifts”. Loved the honoring portion at the end!
full body/soul listening
Tijen’s process for funneling the agenda before expanding the awareness
Mentoring of volunteer coaches was extremely helpful.
I enjoyed this approach to coaching demo- it was interesting to see the master coach intervene in real-time with the coaching.
Find the thing below the thing.
Focus on key words, metaphors in the client’s speech, and paraphrase it back to them without leading them in any assumption on their direction. Also use questions that help to focus on the outcome, not expand on the content.
Interesting different approach to coaching demonstration/ mentoring.
The importance of those emotional shifts in the tone of the voice, the pace, the words being repeated, and the importance to present back to the client what we hear and refer to the initial goal, thus allowing for recontracting.
Very valuable!
How deeply honoring Tijen was of the client and the 2 volunteer coaches. It was so genuine, it's obvious this is who she is as a person and coach, mentor, trainer. What a gift to those she works with, It was a gift to me to experience.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
This session was rich with masterful coaching.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
Executive, Business & Team Coaching & Gestalt Therapy & Supervision
Coaching Scenario: The client was a PCC coach. Dora had seen her CV prior but they had never met or spoken prior to the call.
Coaching Topic: The client is going through a very difficult period due to health and business. She suffered a large business venture loss. She wanted to explore her patterns around drinking and eating as a way of helping to cope.
MP3 + ICF CEU + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I loved how Dora reflected her own physical experience with what she was hearing; I think that brought a level of awareness to the client
Dora’s ability to hold the space and to know when to step in and to not have any trepidation in doing so was quite impressive. Also, Dora’s ability to listen with all of herself and to express her deep compassion and empathy for Karen was wonderful to witness.
The gentle and firm interrupting of the client’s story. How Dora was right with Karen and gave her the words that were spot on.
Co-creation- the coach listened to what the client wanted, which is to be listened to and get feedback, and that metaphors-(rollercoaster) were helpful in her understanding her own behaviors and patterns.
Paying attention to emotions/body versus mind in coaching.
Dora’s incredible ability to listen to a long story from the client and share just one or two things that she heard and offering those up to the client.
the power of asking/naming the unspoken emotions; use of metaphors
Communicate how I see and feel as a reflection of clients state without judgement
To serve clients by finding the balance between gently and firmly interrupting them when they’re engrossed in their stories. To partner and co-create with clients how they wish to use their remaining time in the session.
It’s impressive that Dora can keep therapy and coaching separate.
How to communicate and reflect back to client using the metaphor of our state of emotion and body feelings
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach
Bonuses: Establishing the Coaching Agreement, 5 Steps to Contracting & How to Stop Negative Thinking
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Margie have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is a film director and loves her career. She feels she's doing all the right things but she’s not moving ahead, she's been on one level for many years. She knows there needs to be a change, feels something within is blocking her.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the particiapnt take aways:
Outstanding call! So much was accomplished in just 30 minutes. I felt each question moved her forward skillfully and sensitively, without feeling rushed.
The value of coaching--holding the space to create clarity around vision and obstacles to achieving it. Powerful stuff!
I got a lot out of it for my own personal development. Thank You!
Simple, graceful and powerful coaching. Margie was masterful at bringing the client fully in touch with the depth of her passion and purpose. This helped the client break through her stuckness
Loved the use of the I AM model.
Never quite saw intention setting done in this way. I'm going to borrow it!
Good post discussion on process and values
Importance of doing "values" work in coaching
I want to continue accessing this kind of call. Its very interesting.
Annette Hurley MCC, BCC
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Wellness & Mentor Coach Bonus: an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach who is a PCC preparing for her MCC. This is the first time that she and Annette have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I'm challenged by how much/when/how to balance my own coaching voice and presence with trusting the client to take the lead. While I have invested time to listen and learn from MCCs, even they have PCC moments so it is difficult to know whether or not I am taking the ICF rubric too literally or appropriately examining my behaviors to ensure I'm moving out of PCC/virtuoso habits. One of my teachers said "what got you here [PCC] won't get you there [MCC]" but though I have identified what's holding me back I've yet to surmount it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes on the call for extra Q&A) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
Annette clearly has many years of coaching experience and wisdom. I enjoyed the extra 30 minutes to debrief....that time was very valuable to hear how the coachee and the coach processed.
I really enjoyed the discussion we had in the Q&A regarding the clients expectations of discussing/solving her common stuck-point, when the microphone gets passed to her, and how this coaching conversation mirrored the challenge she’s been working on “ the client expecting the coach to solve their problem”. Great discussion!
Annette’s “inquiry” at the end resonated with me and is a question that I believe will be important for me to consider as I continue to develop.
Inspired to reflect on my goals as a coach. Curious to review “rules” for PCC and MCC and then use this to re-assess my skills and set intentional goals to continue self-improvement Thank you for a thought provoking topic!
Using my presence as a tool to self manage. I want to continue to hone my coaching presence and I move toward the MMC level of coaching
Was a great learning experience. Loved the discussion following the call!
Investing the time to co-create the relationship. The art of pacing the conversation so a potential energetic shift may occur
The journey to MCC is about self-managing. I will commit to focusing more on how i can use “pure” coaching with my clients who want me to offer consultative help, even if it’s uncomfortable.
Judy Irving, MCC
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonus: Judy's book: Living Courageously in a Changing World: 101 Tips for Authentic Success
Judycoached 2 clients for us!
Coaching Scenario 1: The 25 minute session was with a man who had never been coached before and this was the first time he and Judy had ever met or spoken:
Coaching Topic 1: "Even after 18 years in business, with a 500 page book about to be published on internet marketing and almost too many customers, I have no quality of life. I would like assistance with working with my employees -how to inspire them to be more empowered and to respect me more as boss so that I am able to achieve more life balance."
Judy's questioning quickly revealed the truth of one of my favorite Gandhi quotes that in order for there to be any real transformation we need to "be the change we want to see in the world".
And as one participant on the call said to Judy:
"What you did was a brilliant example of coaching the system by inviting the client to look at his part in the system and how he creates his reality. I don't think he had the understanding of his part in the system, he was seeing the system in disparate pieces."
Coaching Scenario 2: This laser session was with a woman who has been coached before in branding & speaking. This was the first time she and Judy had ever met or spoken:
Coaching Topic 2: "I am an author and leader of a popular networking organization in Indianapolis. I would like a better understanding of how to navigate the road to go from where I am now to getting on talk shows and regular paid speaking engagements."
Purchase- MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with a subscription, can cancel anytime*
Maggie Joao MCC
Executive, Medical, Mentor Coach & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 15 minutes for Q&A and review of examiner's feedback and scoring.
This is a different kind of call!
We heard one of Maggie's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback and scoring. Followed then by a debriefing and Q&A with the Master Coach.
The coaching session runs approximately 21 minutes. So this was the first time we will hear a session under 30 minutes that met all the requirements to pass.
Please Note extended call time. Maggie gave us a bonus 15 minutes in order to have plenty of time.
Coaching Scenario: Maggie and Kamila didn’t really know each other before this session but they were both coaches and trainers for the same training provider. So Maggie invited her to be the client and of course thesession passed and Maggie received her MCC last year (2020).
Coaching Topic: She is redefining her business to include not just working with her clients but to package her knowledge into eBooks, books and recordings. She feels her “willing” is much higher than her doing. It’s very important to her to come up with steps that she not only wants to take but will take.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
A beautiful demonstration of trust and intimacy and powerful questioning. It can be a great opportunity for the client’s growth to ask challenging questions. Notice patterns and put it on the table asking, “what does this mean for you?”;
I loved what Maggie said at the end: 1. Trust yourself; 2. Trust the process/system/partnership; 3. Be in service; 4. Enjoy the ride. This is how I attempt to and want to approach every coaching conversation.
There’s some comfort in hearing that even a coach at the MCC level has to stay vigilant about coaching the person and not the problem.
How to dance with a Client during the session:
To be focused on using client’s metaphors
I love these MCC exam passing calls!!! Keep them coming!! Thanks!!
How simplicity can work magic in coaching a client to move forward efficiently and with conviction.
Coaching does not need to be hard... You can keep it simple, take it one step at a time, and be with your client. This resulted in a very efficient, and elegant session which delivered results for this client.
Just love these sessions, Gail - so real and so helpful as I evolve as a coach.
The power to explore the client’s metaphor in birthing her plans. The power of expansive questions that created intimacy and trust in a very short time.
Pay attention to the patterns during the session and lay them out on the table. Keep only a few notes – clients’; words that have meaning for them and perhaps a pattern around them. Loved her last 4 pieces of wise advice.
Make sure I am checking in with the client to ensure the session is meeting the client’s goals.
The impact of using metaphors, client’s words and short questions. Check with the client on the progress during the session
Helping clients connect what excites them to what their next steps might be in pursuing their goals.
Incredible session! The ease and simplicity of it was brilliant.
The coaching session was seamless and highly effective in only 22 minutes. No need to prolong things when the coach is skilled! The client got exceptional value.
Spend more time on the agreement with the client. Make sure the contracting is solid.
Just love these sessions, Gail - so real and so helpful as I evolve as a coach.
Executive, Leadership, Team, Group & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation
Different Kind of MCC Exam Call
Zsofia allowed us to listen to one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam and gave permission for Karl Van Hoey MCC, an ICF Master Coach, Mentor and Assessor to review the session with us and share is observations and valuable insights.
Coaching Topic: The client can't get at this stage people to take her on as a volunteer, they are concerned about the insurance piece.
She wants to try to find a way to understand and cover the gaps, what she can do to get people to take her on board and make sure she’s on the same page with them.
Coaching Scenario: Zsofia and her client had contracted for 6 sessions, for the specific purpose of the MCC application. They knew each other prior to this engagement through some consulting work.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (additional 30-minutes, transcript of the coaching session & ICF Performance Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Deeper understanding of the MCC Bars and their role in assessing recordings.
Great contracting at the beginning; including re-contracting
This is overall such a wonderful way for me to learn, thank you!
How using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Zsofia did a great job Establishing and Maintaining the Agreement. Also, Listening Actively, Evoking Awareness and Maintaining Presence also stood out.
Don’t summarize but ask what has changed for the client.
less is more when it comes to the MCC level coaching
So many wonderful tidbits were shared: “Silence supported by presence becomes holding the space.”
Simplify my questions! Don’t add before or after.
how using the word “because” places judgement on whatever comes after that.
Any opportunity to listen to others coach along with how an ICF assessor would respond helps me reflect on my own coaching. always adds something else to my toolbox.
I appreciate how Zsofia did not give in to her client’s prompts to be a consultant and continued to be a coach with her questions. And, how she made use of many of the common questions we ask.
At ACC you’re learning the competencies, PCC you’re applying the competencies, and MCC you intuitively know the competencies.
I don’t need to remember what the client said. The client needs to remember.
Reminder to not summarize for the client. Let them say it.
Karl’s sharing a bit about how we should work with the Bars in an integrated way. Very helpful.
I really appreciated the coaches presence and natural flow of the session
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Mentor Coach Special Bonus: addtitional 30 minutes for Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Meg have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She wants away to figure out what she wants to do with her life "what to do when she grows up". She's had many careers and been very successful but doesn't know if she's ever been content.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus (an additional 30 minutes of Q&A ) + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"I was surprised by Meg's humble attitude about her mastery. I could relate to her struggle with her perfectionism and confidence about her session. I appreciated her discussion about how natural that is as a coach, and how we often are very hard on ourselves immediately after a session thinking what we could have, or should have done differently. Her sharing her experiences of clients returning and reporting back the positive feelings they had the following week after the call, and the importance of just being with them in the process, and not being attached to the outcome, is something we all need to continue to work on, and I will remember listening in on this master. Thank you Meg, for your transparency."
"I really liked Megs consistent use of the clients own language throughout the entirety of the session. I loved how (in coaching with the client), she distinguished the difference between "best fit" "most sense" and "calling".
"This coach was very "real" & a masterful accompaniment of the client, meeting her where she needed to be and creating a safe space for exploration."
"Superb establishing the agreement"
"Loved Meg's transparency with her own process, encouraging us all to simply let go and trust the process....that's enough."
"I really liked Meg's technique of having the client write down the "ingredients to her recipe". That's where I heard a major shift in her thinking."
" Highly beneficial"
"Great model of using energy on a phone call"
Megs 2nd call which demonstrated coach mentoring from a Master who has also served as an ICF assessor.
This was a different kind of MMC call. We first heard a PCC coach who is going for her MCC conducting a live coaching session with one her real world clients. We then heard Meg mentor her. As a bonus we had an additional 30 minutes to make sure we had plenty of time to delve in, debrief and get all of our questions answered.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara. , it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
Jeanne McLennan MCC
Life Transition and Mentor Coach Bonuses: "Parts Work" a PDF intro and a 30 minute discussion on the MP3
Coaching Scenario: This is the first Jeanne and the client have ever met or spoken. The client is not in the coaching profession and this is the first time she has ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: "The self-critical, doubting voice needs to be shut down. I have recently had a surge of business (3 new clients) as a marketing consultant. The clients have high expectations (one has dubbed me as their holy grail) and it has created a fear of failure and self -doubt that I can meet all of these demands."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
â€Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
A winner once again- very powerful- thanks!
I didn’t know anything about parts work. Thanks to Jeanne explaining it and seeing it in action, I can see how valuable it can be and I want to get further training.
Power of simply being heard and witnessed by a non-judgemental curious presence
I'm taking away a masterful example of how to use the Parts Work with a coaching client, using it for the present and future, and how to avoid the therapy way of using it.
Incorporating parts work into creating awareness for client regarding blockages and obstacles to their moving forward and how it can influence their perspective and experience of events
Helpfulness of "externalizing the problem" in empowering clients to address issues of concern: Technique of "parts" in helping clients leverage strengths in addressing challenges
A reminder of how effective parts work can be and an inspiring role model who demonstrated how "masterful" this work can be.
Thank you!!! Inspiring and very informative
Better wording and other examples of what I am already teaching!
Nobantu Mpotulo MCC
Ubuntu, Leadership, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonus: Nobantu's article Evolution of Coaching and the Practice of Ancient African Wisdom of Ubuntu
Coaching Scenario: The client has had minimal business coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Nobantu had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is tired of playing small and would like to go from a local presence to a global one. However, she needs to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome to keep her from shrinking back into complacency so she can step boldly into the world in which she wants to belong.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some participant takeaways:
STELLAR, worth the wait!
tapping into your body to connect with the client; trusting your intuition
Amazing energy & presence
TUNE IN, focus on the being & the WHO, not the doing & the WHAT
The ways Nobantu helped the client anchor her new insights and awarenesses
I really appreciate the diverse vantage, especially from a coaching perspective. As well, Buddhist principles really resonate.
Continually checking in with the client and bringing them back to how they can create their own solution.
Thank you!!!!
An ability to home in on key phrases and nonverbals
Future vision embodied on many levels, clear head, client focus
Coach & client utilizing their own bodies and reactions to help client connect with themselves.
Interesting coaching and cultural perspective. Enjoyed the call.
How she connected with the client’s energy, had the client check in with her body and brought the client to a place of deep self-awareness.
Mentioning bringing the ancestors in felt very powerful to me, would like to know more.
Listening at level 3 and focusing on the being part of the client; I also loved the different ways in which she helped the client articulate her takeaways.
The reminder to bring out who the client is being.
Deep level 3 listening...with your cells!
Paying attention to what I am feeling (genuinely) about what the client is saying and share with the client.
Intrigued by the Ubuntu coaching, look forward to learning more about it.
Great to witness how a different culture plays out
Leadership, Top Teams & Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the examiner's report
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Tara allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Tara and her clientmet on a High Performance Leadership Program back in 2008. Tara was her Leadership Facilitator/Coach at the time and since then Veronica has engaged Tara multiple times and back at the beginning of 2019, Tara asked Veronica to be her coachee for the MCC exam.
Coaching Topic: This was an unusual topic for most of the coaches on the call and one that was controversial. The client brought to the session what she called an "intiguing dichotomy". In essence it revolved around having a relationship with a married man. She wanted to gain clarity and a sense of peace around the issue and her decisions.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes of Q&A & a copy of the examiners report) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Again, I feel like saying, “Wow, that was the best yet!” These MCC test examples are super valuable. I am blown away by how she did the whole session without really talking in-between her powerful questions.
A good example of it being very much about the client’s relationship with the issue vs. the issue itself.
The power of short, evocative questions using the client’s words.
The importance of recognizing when it’s “my stuff” that can get in the way
This was the Best Call Ever! You are wonderful and thank you for these calls. Anyone not taking advantage of what you are offering is really missing out.
Wonderful call! It was deeply instructive.
The precision in asking questions in service of what the client wants and not getting distracted by the shiny objects.
Wow, just wow, very impressed. Taking away all of it, wrapped up in a beautiful bow.
This was an extraordinary learning opportunity. Would love to have her on a call again just to be able to learn from her.
Tara was masterful in helping the client get clarity and not allowing any judgment to get in the way of serving her.
Tara exhibited great spaciousness and curiosity, and was completely invested in what was most important for the client.
Spend more time establishing the coaching agreement.
The beauty of being able to withhold judgment
This was like listing to an exquisite musical performance. So skilled, so talented and so beneficial to the client and the coaches that got to listen to it.
I will be using the insights shared by Tara in my next coaching engagement.
I learned a better way to set up the coaching agreement with the client as well as the level of detail this competency truly requires.
The way Tara structured her questions was brilliant - so short and precise that focused her client on the topic versus soliciting details.
Use the client language in a way that is provocative
Marilyn O'Hearne MA, MCC
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach Bonus: PDF of 2 of Marilyn's articles on How to Stay Motivated
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has had coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Marilyn have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am the Chief of Staff at a large financial planning firm.
I would like coaching on how I can enhance my performance by focusing on my strengths and since part of my role is managing our Senior Leadership Team I need coaching on how to make a larger impact with this group of executives."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 written notice
Some participant take-aways:
I’m impressed how much Marilyn accomplished in a short time by being direct and succinct and, by her stabilizing confidence. So fun to listen to these true masters!
I applaud her context setting in the beginning.
Her use of acknowledgement and affirmation with the client at different points, even in a short session, was powerful.
Using visualization of future perfect as more of a tool
A reinforced appreciation for the value of the structure of a coaching session
Her incredible use of direct communication. Her understanding of culture, how fast it moves and the stress it brings.
Ideas and concepts to strengthen my use of direct communication.
I like how Marilyn set up the call with the client, mentioning it as a partnership, asking about triggers, asking the client what she will do if a trigger happens, and asking if there is any cultural background that she may want to share before getting started, and the mini-story about why that is important. I liked the visioning she used and the physical action (stepping over the line) that she asked of the client to portray her commitment to her goal. I will be using both of these in my coaching sessions.
Idea that it’s not enough to just think about things, but also to experience them in the body.
Checking for cultural issues and client presence on the front end of the session.
CALL # 2 Bonus: Additional 30 minutes for debrief and Q&A
This was a different kind of call. We got to be a "fly on the wall" to Marilyn's private mentor coaching process. We listened to her client's recorded coaching session and to Marilyn stopping it along the way to mentor her and point out and comment on the competencies and the PCC Markers. Afterwards we had a debriefing and Q&A with Liz and Marilyn.
FYI Marilyn is an expert in cultural and relationship bias.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was really helpful hearing Marilyn go through the competencies and how they relate to the coaching and the PCC markers.
All of the core competencies in action in a coaching session - and having those explained very thoroughly.
I like that Marilyn validated that creating awareness doesn’t have to be with questions, it can be through the body.
Culture can mean relationship dynamics with a client.
I appreciated this call in that I was able to see a fellow coach use embodiment and somatic experiencing in their coaching session/practice and to see the shift that took place for the client.
Need to get up to speed on understanding how to check in on cultural issues and how to be culturally competent.
First time I’ve listened in on a mentor session. Found it very helpful.
Marilyn expanded my understanding of bias and cultural competence.
Ask myself before each new client or call if I’m coming to the session with any assumptions about that person or the value of their agenda.
Being more consistent in how I structure my sessions
The notion of culturally competent. Had not heard of this but makes sense.
The coaching was brilliant and clarifying the competencies throughout the coaching session was very helpful.
Specifically to incorporate the value of imagining your future self scenario. It is a significant tool I have not incorporated yet in my coaching
Master Certified Transition, Spiritual & Life Balance Coach Bonus:30 minutes extra of Q&A with Amorah & extra .5 CE's and her Choice Magazine article- The Gateway to Coaching Artistry
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this the first time that she and Amorah have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She's been married 13 years but theyve been together 20. They met freshman year, its the only relationship she's ever had. They have separated, she's just moved out of the house. Her husband is the one who wants the divorce-no affair or anyone else its due to underlying issues. She's trying to get through it, still very tender- still has feelings for him. She wants to figure out how to deal with her emotions and the feelings she has for him still and move on.
Purchase MP3 + ICF CCE (1.5 CE's) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
"Amorah is truly an MCC and I will keep her in mind when I want my MCC for her mentor coaching program".
"THAT was purely masterful. Just beautiful. Taking away the energy & pacing of masterful."
"The power of the coaching vessel when held by a truly present and fearless individual can be transformational in 30 minutes."
"Excellent call, great demonstration of ICF competencies"
"Brilliance of clearing emotion first. A few key questions for exploring emotion with clients"
"Reminder that all calls do not need to be an hour. There may be a need to reframe these expectations with my clients."
"Hearing Amorah go back over her thinking/feeling process she used with her client."
"Address emotions when I hear them"
Teresa Schwab MSW, MCC
Leadership & Mentor Coach Bonuses: Additional 30-minutes, the transcript, the ICF Performance Evaluation & discussion on the credentialing process
ICF MCC (BARS) Exam Coaching Session
Including vital credentialing information!
We will listen to one of Teresa's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam under the new BARS assessment method/rating.
Teresa is also giving us:
the transcript of the coaching session
the ICF MCC Performance Evaluation
ANDthis will be a first! Teresa will be reviewing the credentialling process from submission to exam. She will share things that are not necessarily made clear ahead of time and can catch coaches off guard!
Coaching Scenario: Teresa and her client worked together initially for about a year over 10 years ago. At the time, the client was in a nonprofit organization and was moving up into an executive role. They reconnected last year, and Teresa offered her pro bono coaching in return for her allowing Teresa to record the sessions
Coaching Topic: The client is an executive. She wants to come from a place of inquiry but has difficulty coming up with questions in the moment. So she defers to her familiar argumentative/debate perspective. Would like help implementing this new perspective and desired way of being- the “calm wise one”.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Must listen to at least once or twice more as I feel as though I just noticed a fraction of all the juice in this session!
Beautiful pivoting between client layers of awareness.
It was very nice to hear a more executive-based topic, while still coaching the person, at the MCC level.
The client was profoundly insightful and the coach truly masterful! This was probably one of the best sessions I’ve attended.
It seems like the coach was in flow in a powerful way and allowed the huge healing to occur in the session. I’m taking all of this in.
Her sharing of credentialing tips and her experience was invaluable, thank you!
Excellent example of a truly masterful coaching session!
This was probably one of the best sessions I have attended, Gail! Truly wonderful- I definitely plan to listen to this one again! Thanks so much! :-)
That flexibility to work multiple layers within one coaching contract.
A client who was incredibly insightful, and a coach who was truly masterful in helping her client reach profound understanding about important patterns in her life (both personal and professional).
That acknowledgment is about the work clients are doing, their willingness to show up, and how they’re showing up. It’s not about who they are as human beings--which is a judgment. I hadn’t really ever thought about acknowledgment in that way.
Loved what the coach said about the agreement not being a checkbox to get to coaching--that it is the coaching.
Was struck by the coach’s discussion of how we coaches need to take care of ourselves and that we’re not in coaching to alleviate our client’s suffering but to be with them in their suffering.
So many things, once again demonstration of how important the coaching agreement is, importance of following the client and their metaphors and agenda, not imposing your own, and acknowledging the WORK of the client and how they’re showing up in the session rather than their characteristics.
Metaphor that the Agreement is the spine to the book - essential to have and follow; It is not the first chapter. The above for myself and I will share that with the students I train as well.
Tying all questions back to the agreement
Great call! Agreement and mirroring deftness.
Silence is so golden!! The client really benefitted from processing what was inside of her and the coach gave her so much lovely space to do just that. It was wonderful to witness.
The questions and reflections from the coach really helped the client see herself more and more and more.
Presence and partnering are two major takeaways. Also, the reflecting and continuing to stay right beside the client throughout every twist and shift and awareness and checking in, revisiting the agreement, asking questions that continuously evoke awareness throughout, are all key too.
Coaching Scenario:This client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Jennifer have met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East working with Iraqi, Palestinian and Syrian refugees and am now writing a book about my experiences. 8 chapters have been awarded 19 literary awards. Several chapters appear in 7 anthologies, including one published by Random House and another that won a Benjamin Franklin Award and is used in college classes. I've had very positive feedback. But I can't seem to finish. I have 2 or 3 final chapters to go and a few more chapters to polish. The end is so close (after 7 years!), but I haven't touched the book in several months.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 †or $47 with subscription
(can cancel anytime*)
Participant take-aways:
Some powerful questions that helped to shift the client and also a reminder that listening to the client’s language or criteria words is very important.
Jennifer’s holistic approach with the client to call forth greater awareness
Remembering not to think I know the answer for the client.
Use of intuition with coaching and setting that up in the agreement so that there is a free flow during the coaching session.
The importance of not being attached to an outcome
Incorporating more of “what’s showing up for you?” type of questions and sharing what’s showing up for me. Jennifer mentioned she and her clients have an understanding that she’ll do that on the call. I need to establish that myself.
To me Kelly, was a tough client to coach and that in itself was instructional to watch Jennifer approach it. It’s like live TV, you never know what is going to happen. I thought it was great.
I will use some of Jennifer’s excellent questions as opportunity presents.
Jennifer’s humility and transparency were wonderful examples for me
I like that Jennifer had she and her client take a deep breath together. When my client is stressed, I ask her if she’dd like to take a couple relaxing breaths and if she’d like me to lead her through it. But, we can do that together in order to set the stage that we are equal partners, in this together
And you can see Jennifer's call where she and 2 other Master Coaches coach the same client back to back under the "3 MCC" tab
Lesley Thompson MCC
Executive, Leadership & Resilience, Wellbeing Coach and Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes for more Q&A, a copy of the transcript and a copy of the examiners feedback
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Lesley allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Lesley and the client knew each other from a coach training but this was the first time they coached together.
Coaching Topic: Lindsay was offered a wonderful opportunity to give one of her nutrition and wellness programs. But its abroad and she will have to gone for an extended period of time. It has really upset her daughter and she feels panicky about her mother going. While Lindsay really wants to take the offer and essentially said yes, she is concerned about her daughter. She can see the pros and cons and keeps going round in a circle and would like to gain some clarity around what’s best.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellence in drawing and applying insight. Incredible questions!!!
Great how much was covered in a short period of time.
“I got a big smile on my face” (client comment) a moment any coach would look for and relish.
A fabulous call! loved it!
This was an excellent example of being relaxed and trusting the client knows.
Leslie’s presence of being powerfully there, listening without much interference of her talking and her asking poignant questions to move ahead.
Once again, I am struck by how little the coach has to say for the client to make a transformation.
Pure and simple.
It's important to really understand the competencies. Mastery happens with practice, practice, practice, and presence, presence, presence.
Talk less and just ask the questions with some reflection.
This call was a beautiful demonstration of presence and how to create an environment of trust and safety.
To “love my clients”
I appreciated the coach’s ability to reflect back to the client her own words in a way that brought the client to a place of further exploration, insight, clarity.
The degree to which we can be fully there for someone is like a tuning fork.
Executive, Team, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Karl coaches a real-world executive client who he met only briefly before the call.
Coaching Topic: "I struggle with the less concrete, or emotional, aspects of leadership where people feel inspired by me. I feel I possess many of the more tangible qualities that allow me to effectively guide an organization towards success, such as objective decision making, efficient prioritization and resource allocation, and strategic vision. But I don't feel I have whatever sort of charisma is needed for people to want to be led by me."
MP3 + ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
How to stay with someone who relies so heavily on the rational side of things.
I loved what K. Van Hoey said about “the mastery over yourself”.
This call took my breath away. His coaching presence was so masterful. Every single question was powerful and advanced the client’s understanding of self. Something to be in awe of!
To lean into my ability to energetically connect with client and to explore and observe vs. focus on question generation.
A good reminder to nail down a specific coaching agreement
Explore the meaning of the words the client is using.
Be respectful of the client’s comfort level and don’t push beyond it, especially early in the relationship.
How to stop doing the work for my clients by asking better questions.
Elicit and delve into feeling. Engaged listening.
Karl’s coaching presence was extraordinary. What I most admired was how every single question was an invitation into deeper water with a sense of curiosity and lightness.
I always listen for feeling, but I now see the benefit seeking feeling as an opportunity for exploration.
A key shift to masterful coaching occurs when the coach moves into a holistic mode of presence that includes curiosity, observation, and the sharing of those observations with the client. The coach demonstrated this by noticing and sharing the client’s use of specific words, expressions, and changes in voice tempo.
I really appreciated how Karl shared about his own journey--the shifts he had to make in order to make the leap from PCC to MCC.
Continued fascination with unlocking each human. And Karl’s powerful noticing of each significant word.
Leadership, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes of Q&A and a review of the examiner's scoring and feedback
This is a different kind of MMC call
On this call Mary Anna is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefs, shares the examiner's feedback and answers our questions! And she gives us an additional 30 minutes for discussion and Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: Frances is a coach and she and Mary Anna met a number of years. More recently Frances joined a group Mary Ann runs for coaches and offered to be a guinea pig for Mary Anna’s MCC practice sessions.
Coaching Topic: She would like to look at her long standing fear and reluctance around writing. She's hoping for some movement forward.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
What a beautiful session! Loved the playfulness and trust.
These MCC test recordings are particularly helpful. Though, I do like both formats. Thank you!!! Wonderful that Frances shared her outcomes as well.
The discussion around asking permission was really interesting.
Great questioning, loved the dance!
To continue to sharpen my saw--to hone my skills. To let go of any need to ask the perfect question and instead rely on my intuition, trust of the process, of my client, and of our shared partnership.
How Mary Anna did not give any emotional response. She just said “Okay…” She remained calm. She really trusted her client and the process and did not feel rushed about getting where her client wanted to be by the end. She just asked the next simple and poignant question.
Absolutely scrub your ego out of it.
I don’t have to ask for permission to share a story that might be helpful. Just tell the essence of the story.
Beautiful example of MCC coaching. I also appreciated the explanation around the assessment of Mary Anna
I really appreciate her humility.
The question “What is the feeling of “sweating palms telling you?” and “Where will you be with this when we finish?”
The power of the coach as a witness and holding space for challenging exploration
Shorter questions, longer silences
Going deep into discomfort where appropriate without worrying about the action step
The questions she asked - I want to use many of them. They are very effective.
Helpful discussion related to preparation for MCC exam.
Interesting to learn about the difference in perspective at the MCC level- with increased trust between coach and client.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of debriefing and Q&A
On this call Ebru is allowing us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She will then be debriefing, sharing her mentor's feedback of the session, and answering our questions!
Coaching Scenario: The client is a new coach. Ebru was one of her coach trainers 2 years ago. She also mentor coached her during her ACC accreditation process. This was their first coaching session and it was recorded last year before Lucy kicked off her accreditation prep.
Coaching Topic: She is in a delimma over a long term friendship. She doesnt like that she judges her for the way she has handled her past relationships but doesnt know how not to. She feels this person is taking up too much space in her life and there is resentment.
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
She confirmed what it is to be MCC.
Tremendous example of powerful questions, one after another!
Deep transformation can take place with presence; lots of time not not required.
I loved everything about this call, Ebru is such a master, I am so impressed. I liked her presence, the simplicity of the language, the powerful questions, I loved it all. So much growth and transformation in the client in one session!
I liked how the coach always focused on "the being", and did not get sucked into the clients relationship story, despite the client sharing "the story".
Was such a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence.
loved the distinction between MCC and PCC coaching at the end. Very clear!
Thank you so much for creating these learning opportunities. I appreciate these calls so much and find them so helpful as I work on my own coaching mastery from PCC to MCC.
Connecting the client's values to the coaching can be transformative.
I generally ask what the client has learned about themself toward the end of the call. I liked the alternative question Ebru used: What would you like to acknowledge in yourself?
I loved the way Ebru was so creative in exploring the areas to include in the coaching agreement. Rather than launching into the coaching conversation after the 2nd point raised by the client.
I was intrigued by Ebru's questions evoking awareness of the client's outlook re/ judgment, resentment and changing her perspectives.
Mindfulness Master Coach Bonus: The "Wheel of Relationship" tool
Coaching scenario: This client has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Ann-Marie have either met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She's a very accomplished person, gets a lot done each day but never feels like its enough. She constantly worries about what she didnt get done or what more there is to do. She wants to stop this pattern and learn how to reframe so that she focuses on her many accomplishments versus the never ending to do list.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participants take-aways:
This was one of my favorite calls! The coach was so comfortable in her skin and so honest.
I loved everything about this coaching conversation. Ann-Marie was so thorough in regards to the ICF ethics and core competencies. She put in the extra bit of time it took to really clarify the client’s agenda, and then she really dived deep into it, all while keeping the session light, and following the client where she wanted to go, allowing her to be the expert.
The power of somatic coaching. Using the physical sensations as a metaphor for life as it pertains to the client’s agenda
Fundamentals - they always work
Masterful coaching should sound like a deep conversation that would make someone overhearing it say “wow, I’d like a friend like that!”
That creating a time warp, spacious time allows the body to relax & the client’s wisdom to flow
A way to introduce coaching to a new client. Being more focused and direct to truly define client aims
Great session!
I really liked how she communicated up front about interrupting and how and why she would.
I appreciated Ann-Marie’s ability to be fully present with the client. EXCELLENT show of a master coach practicing the competencies.
The beginning and how the coach set up the call. I will listen again to make sure I’ve captured everything I want to take away.
Body focus helps bring the whole person into the coaching session. This helps the client be fully present in the moment as well as to tap into the wisdom of their physiological reactions to situations.
Excellent session and master coach!
Lyssa deHart LICSW, MCC
Confidence, Narrative, Relationship, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
CALL #1 Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Lyssa have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I would like to be coached on how to fully embrace an abundant mindset. I find my old programs sneak up on me despite how much I have learned about the Law of Attraction. I am ready to leave my self-limiting beliefs behind so I can take my health and wellness website to the next level!"
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This was one of the best and most valuable sessions I’ve listened to.
Loved the discussion about weaving several competencies into the conversation through a “most useful question”
To be aware of any “looping” by a client that could be a red flag indicating the need for therapy.
I am definitely going to listen to this call again!
I particularly appreciated Lyssa’s observations about situational rabbit holes and differentiating between asking interesting questions that might take them backward vs asking important questions that take the client forward.
Great questions I tend to ask, but not as efficiently worded. And, the metaphor of jumping in the pool together holding hands.
Mastery doesn’t have to take long if you’re willing to put discipline and rigorousness into your preparation
Lots of great tips for preparing for MCC, asking for permission, keeping on track throughout the call with what the client wants
Loved this call so much. Can’t wait to get the recording.
The client was poised on the precipice to have a breakthrough and Lyssa’s exquisite coaching got her there. TRULY Breathtaking in only 30 minutes!
Embodiment of heart and intuition
Wow that was a pleasure to observe; one of my top 5 favorite Moore Master Coaching calls.
Lyssa used so many coaching skills in such a masterful way, if I were to note all the skills, I would be listing all the competencies. Lyssa was so present she picked up on the moments that helped the client connect to her awareness, she simply stayed curious, and the client went deep. Beautiful coaching very impressed.
I’m impressed at how the coach stayed in the coaching framework throughout the call even during the moments when the client brought up the past. Lyssa beautifully weaved those therapeutic moments into future oriented, forward moving powerful questions. I’m looking forward to re-listening to this call.
When coaching someone who has been assigned to coaching and who may not be fully onboard with it, ask “How can we make this useful for you?”
Example of not pursuing unpacking of the past, but rather letting the past go to move on.
Lyssa came back for another call to share the recording of her coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam plus the examiners feedback.
Bonuses: She gave an additional 30 minutes for debrief, Q&A and to discuss some the examiners feedback as well as a copy of the examiners feedback report.
Coaching scenario: Pam is a long time on-going client of Lyssas- since @2013.
Coaching topic: She's feeling very stuck as to what to do and how to move forward. She loves being alone and wonders if she should stay with her boyfriend who ultimately would like it to be more. She's worried that maybe her pattern and that she will always find an issue and never be able to be fully comimitted to someone.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes & copy of the assessors evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I thought the coaching was brilliant
Patience, patience, patience. Even when the client says “I don?t know”, keep being curious because they do know!
Loved Lyssa’s style! Her depth of listening and presence to be in the soup with the client and ask only what was necessary to help the client take one step forward at a time!
Exquisite example of how to help a client who is feeling really stuck break through and begin to move forward.
To relax and trust the process-even if the client feels totally stuck, using metaphor and simple questions with slow pacing was enough to help her break into a new space
Ask questions based on what’s important for the benefit of the client rather than for my curiosity
Creating “presence” first as the first communication
Having the client create visuals to describe their focus for the call and/or feelings and then referencing that visual throughout the session.
So many of her methods and ways of being were new and inspiring
How the ICF assessors rated the call
Good examples for the coaches I mentor
How you really have to believe in your client’s wholeness, even when they are going through difficult life experiences.
The multiple check in moments with what the client was physically feeling, and using that as a gauge of her progress.
Building on client metaphors, and getting clarity on what the metaphor means, not to me, but to the client.
The power of metaphor. Loved how the client’s metaphor about the pot could also reflect a coach approach.
Lyssa came back again to give us a live real-world demonstration of a coaching Super-Vision session.
Bonuses: A piece that changes perspective on the "sales" conversation and deep discount on Lyssa's 2 other MMC calls.
Lyssa uses three photos that Joy selected as a jumping off point for the Super-Vision session. You will receive those to look at while listening.
Coaching scenario: Joy and Lyssa met in 2017 when they came together as presidents of their local ICF chapters and collaborated on an ICF Chapter training. After that they saw each other from time to time on other calls and then last year, Joy participated in Lyssa's Coaching with the power of metaphors certification program.
Coaching topic: Joy wants to know how to listen even more deeply.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some participant take-aways:
In 20 plus years, I have never heard anyone talk about supervision in this way. Truly a missing piece in our profession or at least an area that is glossed over. Transformational. Deep thanks!
Using photos in coaching
Great session. So grateful for the better understanding of what Coaching Supervision really is. Not at all what I thought it was.
How supportive superVision can be.
Deeper listening skills.
The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of coaching supervision, or as she calls it Super-Vision. As I now understand it, Super-Vision helps build the capacity of the coach through a reflective, explorative, free-form dialogue/process. This is different from mentor coaching which is an analytical assessment of a specific coaching conversation.
To explore Super-Vision. To continue to work on myself from the inside out in order to show up neutral, open, and fully present for my clients.
An invaluable call to action - deepen the being of my coaching with new reflective practice.
One of the best!
Use of imagery as metaphor in coaching supervision.
Excellent session- really valued how the topic for this session broke out into a new area of exploration in coaching! Thanks
Lyssa had a litany of traps that coaches can get themselves into with clients ex. Caring too much about the client, or the client reminds you of your sister etc.
Coaching presence is built upon the ability to listen deeply, with our heart and all of our being.
Supervision is really helpful and should really be mandatory as part of CEU requirements.
Reminder to use imagery, metaphor and other non-thinking prompts for self and for clients
The perception of “Who we are is how we coach”. Making sure that my personality/biases/opinions etc are taken out of the coaching conversation.
Master Certified Navigating the Winds of Change Coach Bonus: What Happens in the Silence: The Real Art of Coaching an excerpt of a talk given by Nancy Kline
Coaching Scenario: Client is not in the coaching profession. She and Jan have known each other since in their teens and she has been coached by Jan since Jan began her practice.
Coaching Topic: Ongoing struggle with maintenance not just for her physical health but the resistance to a daily practice and old habits of waiting till the last minute and pushing to the end.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription
â€(can cancel anytime*)
"Brilliant - what a stellar representation of MCC level coaching."
"Her use of dancing in the moment with the clients metaphors was outstanding." I also very much appreciated the resources and concept on voice dialogue which was a new concept for me."
"Great call. Just outstanding. This is incredibly valuable content. Thanks so very much."
"I am reminded of the immense power of elegant, powerful questions in the absolute absence of the coach believing s/he has any thing relevant to offer from a personal perspective or agenda."
"The reminder of the essential nature of coaching presence and holding the space for the client's exploration and organic movement to new/deepening awareness and inspired action.
This was a rich example of a professional and effective coaching session."
"Loved this call. Would like to listen again."
"Jan's session was beautiful; she and the client already had a lot of trust so they were able to move rapidly into exploration, with Jan supporting the client with metaphor and lightness--transformation of her experience felt graceful and easy with Jan's skillful coaching."
"Talk about being in the flow! Both coach and client were there, individually and together, to co-create!"
"Patience and Self-management. How to deal with long term clients. How powerful metaphors are. Helping the client get clear in what they are really wanting once they get out all their challenges.
My coaching passion is reignited."
Wendy Terwelp
Networking, Branding & Career Coach
Special bonus: Wendy's always current "Social Media Report"
Coaching Scenario: Wendy brought to the call one of her established clients, they have worked together for @ 3 years. The topic is business expansion. Wendy's client has reached a plateau in her business and would like to work on getting past that, find potential ways to expand, and methods to increase visibility online and off.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"Enjoyed listening to Wendy's (Terwelp) coach approach as well! What I really appreciate is that your program gets me to stop for an hour and get outside of my work. It is both a treat and provocative to be able to hear other coaches doing their great work." Ann Farrell, CPCC, PCC Founder and President, Quantum Endeavors®.
Ben Koh Ph.D, MCC
Master Certified Organization Effectiveness & Leadership Transition Coach Bonus: Ben's 30 minute webinar-Integrating Reflective Learning in the Coaching Process
Coaching Scenario: He has had coaching in the past but this is the first time he and Ben had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "Increasing my influence as a thought leader in the personal finance and the self-help field is my mission. I have helped over 3,000 families working on a one-on-one basis. Now I would like to help millions and am seeking coaching on how I can accomplish my calling."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
â€with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant feedback:
"Ben had a calming and supportive presence. He also tracked very well; it was a dance with the client. He recapped and summarized the clients words very articulately, and offered it back to the client for the client to hear himself. He asked great clarifying questions, brainstorming, and forward thinking questions, and checked in with the client frequently. I will remember the experience of listening to Ben's call when I work with my clients. It was a great live example of the core competencies."
"The skilled use of clarifying questions in the coaching process"
"The importance of going deeper with the client. Ben masterfully helped the client gain deeper awareness of his inner knowing."
"Use of powerful, yet relevant, imagery. Linking personal meaning to goals..."
"Acknowledging and affirming the client. Listening for more than the words, i.e., voice tone, pace, tempo.Stay neutral. Don’t lead the client. Help the client to chunk up the perspective around an issue to draw additional insight."
"The importance of going deeper with the client. Ben masterfully helped the client gain deeper awareness of his inner knowing."
Sue Rasmussen, MCC
Master Certified Unclutter-Organize-Transform Coach Bonus: Sue is offering “Your Inspired Schedule” (a section from one of her programs called “Your Inspired Office”) which is about looking at your time the same way you look at your closet and your garage and your filing cabinet – and filling it with things that delight you while letting go of the rest.
Coaching scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this was first time that he and Sue had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: "My mom passed away recently so Im going through a huge transition.
I am now doing a renovation on my apartment, after living here for 19 years.
I have taken EVERYTHING out of my apartment and I am trying to clear, clean, and purge as much as possible. I would like to know what to bring back and what to let go of."
"Gail, what a pleasure being on the call with you, the client, and the listeners! Thank you again for inviting me to be part of your Masterful Coaching series." ~Sue Rasmussen
Jan Elfline EdD, MCC
Master Certified Visual, Creative & Performance Coach
Bonus: PDF compilation of Jan's "Talks"
Coaching Scenario: The client has received coaching in the past but never for this issue. This is the first time that she and Jan have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I’m continuously creative with a flair for the fantastical and a wit that whelms and wonders… however when recently met with a new kinda challenge where MY wishes could come true, I froze. (right down to my toes) A major publisher wants to see a few full chapters from a book by me and I seem to be unable to make a decision on which direction to take. Ironically the book teaches how to get your wishes to come true… perhaps I could get a little assistance."
Purchase MP3
One participant on the call had this to say to Jan:
"You handled the session really masterfully, it was a joy to listen to."
And another:
"You were co-creatively partnering with the client and you were both kind of creative explorers and I really like that you were willing to not be smooth."
Ken Abrams MCC, BCC
Master Certified Executive, Business & Personal Results Coach Special Bonus: reduction of Ken's normal rate of $600 for 3-45minuts sessions a month to $400
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, he has never been coached before and this is the frist time he and Ken had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: He wants to change careers within same fortune 500 company. So he would like some insights on how to best transition into a new role, how to position self well within current company so not to ruffle any feathers. His ultimate goal is to change careers so wants to know how to do it the right way.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
This was a pleasure and a gift opportunity to hear a different style of MCC coaching.
A fabulous coaching session. The Q and A afterwards was especially rewarding.
As so often is the case, simplicity.
Loved the tips around why, what if, and how. Also the tip about getting related when first meeting the client for a session.
How much can be accomplished in a short time!
I loved hearing a male coach. There's definitely a different vibe and it was interesting to observe it.
I enjoyed listening to Ken talk about assessments he uses & recommended books.
Holding the questions in mind: Why this topic and Why now?
Getting to the "who" of the client is. That was insightful to get the client to that point.
How to reflect back to the client that shows the client a new perspective - using metaphors like the ship has left the dock - helping the client see he had already decided.
Great time getting to know the client before establishing the agreement for the session... good demonstration of competencies: trust and intimacy (tone, energy); reframe/clarificication - direct communication; Powerful questions; awareness (metaphor, etc)
Russell Heath MCC
Personal Mastery & Communication Coach & Methodology Coach Trainer Bonuses: additional 30 minutes, the transcript of his coaching session, his MCC coaching evaluation questions and his Mentor Coach's assessment.
This is one of our ICF MCC exam sessions!
Coaching Scenario: Jay is one of Russell's real-world, on-going clients. Jay is not in the coaching profession. He hired Russell when every area of his life had stalled, so they coached together for about 18 months and got things back on track. This session was toward the end of that time period.
Coaching Topic: Being whole-hearted is a priority to Jay. Lately he feels he is so caught up in his head, he wants to get out of it and connect with his heart.
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Nice example of a coach helping his client getting out of his head and acting more from the heart.
Very insightful call. I totally enjoyed.
3 steps to analyze your call
The importance of your coaching presence in a coaching call so that “you” don’t get in the way of the coaching.
Taking time between calls to continue to center myself so that I keep my coaching presence
Great coaches are always learning and growing--even MCC level coaches.
I really appreciated Carly Anderson’s Ten Characteristics of an MCC Skill Level Coach. Also Russell’s tips on how to evaluate a MCC call.
good checklist for self-evaluation against ICF competencies
A reminder to not coach the problem but the person and his/her relationship to the problem
The power of silence. The use of metaphors.
Challenging the client through an observation
The agreement was done extremely well.
Having patience, Giving the client plenty of space to work out their thoughts and when to shift the conversation back to a positive direction if going south.
Excellent session.
moving from head to heart
Great stuff!!!
Active listening, space for storytelling. Client growth, awareness, patience (I wanted to jump in with questions a couple times where waiting made most sense). Finally, a most thoughtful and effective use of language.
Seek clarity, challenge appropriately. Love the candor! Brutal, but valuable honesty...
Russell Heath MCC full bio
CALL 2 - Radically different kind of MMC call! Bonuses: additional 30 minutes, the coaching transcript and 5 evaluation forms
Important note: Russell has gone through the ICF's PCC marker and MCC BARS training.
What: We will hear Russell’s second coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam!
How: This time we are going to do something different that has never been done before on this program.
Instead of listening to the coaching session in real-time and then discussing it, we will listen to the recording before the class.
Why: to spend the time on the call diving deep in a concentrated and hands-on way.
So overall we will be:
looking at what competencies and markers were being demonstrated
determining what are the deeper issues the client brought, making sure to coach the person not the problem
composing questions that help to uncover those deeper issues
Prior to the call, on our own, we will:
listen to Russell's second coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam
review Russell's “how to evaluate a coaching session”
use Russell’s evaluation guidance and evaluation sheet to make notes as to our own observations and the evidence to support those observations
Then on the call, there will be an interactive, full 90-minutes to:
explore with Russell
discuss our findings
share thoughts and insights
ask questions
To be clear Russell is giving us (ahead of time):
the MP3 of is exam coaching session
the transcript of the coaching session
his "how to evaluate a coaching session"
the PCC competencies and markers evaluation form
the BARS evaluation form
his own assessment of his session
his mentor coaches assessment of the session (there was no ICF feedback, it was just pass/fail)
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + 6 Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
I found the call to be highly valuable on many levels including a better understanding of BARS and how to evaluate a coaching session/call. Thank you!
How safety and comfort are two very different things. We are not here to make our clients comfortable. It’s discomfort that creates change not sitting in your comfort zone.
I love this type of training!
Helpful variety in perspectives and increased insight into one’s own mindset/perceptions in coaching.
A deeper sense that I’m exactly where I am meant to be.
The 3 levels of concerns was really well explained & resonated for me. Loved looking deeper at this concept and I will definitely use it.
Russell’s focus on coaching the person not the problem was enlightening.
I’ll be watching the places where I lose presence more closely. I’ll also be looking for this in my clients
I like what he said about safety is not comfort. I must get more familiar with the BARS. I’m glad for the book recommendations, especially Masterful Questions by Michael Stratford.
To engage clients in a deeper exploration as they “wander” so they may settle on an outcome that’s meaningful to them.
I am going to be doing self-evaluations of my coaching (when I can!) using Russell’s reflection questions.
I am seeking to be a more advanced mentor coach and this was a helpful demonstration.
I’ll be watching the places where I lose presence more closely. I’ll also be looking for this in my clients.
Wow, there were so many things. This was a really good session. The biggest take-away is the reminder that the coach is bringing his/her own stuff to the coaching and it’s key for the coach to stay conscious of their stuff and able to manage it so that it doesn’t interfere with the coaching.
Great exercise in analyzing a coaching session using the BARS methodology.
Helpful variety in perspectives and increased insight into one’s own mindset/perceptions in coaching.
Resetting to an MCC level rather than ACC, PCC or other helping positions.
I really liked hearing his more commanding style of coaching which resonated for me and my natural coaching position
We got to hear one of Rachel's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Rachel gave us the following bonuses:
additional 30 minutes for more Q&A making the call 90 minutes and worth 1.5 CEUs
a copy of the transcript
a copy of the examiner's feedback
Coaching Scenario: Rachel and the client Cynthia are colleagues and met in a class. They have and continue to support each other in their coaching.
Coaching Topic: After receiving some surprising (and somewhat difficult to hear) feedback on her communication, she’s wants to look at effective communication and what that means for her.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“This session went so deep using the power of metaphor. It was such a gift witnessing the coach’s mastery in weaving it throughout the session, using reflection and powerful and unusual questioning to take the client deeper and deeper.”
“The power of sharing the coach’s observation and following with an exploration of the client’s self-observation. And the power of visioning in the session.”
“It was a beautifying and elegantly progressed session with spaciousness and such powerful presence.”
"The importance of pauses and creating space for the client to reflect."
"Reminded of the power of metaphors; surprised that a session which included a guided meditation passed the MCC exam, but obviously if carefully done making sure the client is leading the way it can be done"
"I am taking away principles as well as tidbits on style to inform my practice of mentoring MCC candidates"
"This session was truly amazing in all ways! One of my favorites"
"The coach was in partnership with the client when she offered the visualization based on the client’s learning. The visualization became a resource that evolved naturally as the coach heard the client’s context and how she moved into it—especially the client’s use of metaphors."
"To ask how a client likes to learn during an initial conversation when contracting with a new client. For example, visual vs non-visual thinker, use of metaphors, etc."
"Loved the coach’s comments about reflective practice!"
"New ways to continue to develop trust with established clients."
"A strong example of how to keep utilizing the client’s metaphor beyond, “how does it feel?” and to take it into support of the client’s accountability methods post-session."
"Exquisite coaching presence and trust-ability to help client create new awareness and breakthrough."
"partnership with the client by informing what coach was experiencing and asking what client wanted her to experience."
"How to use guided imagery well in a session"
"Reflect back on specific terms or phrases the client is using to go deeper on meaning."
"Setting the agreement and seeing what the client wants from the session."
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Entrepreneur Coach Bonus: 30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives
Coaching Scenario: Laura is a student of Mickeys in his Masters program at Life University in Marietta Georgia. She will be graduating in June. She and Mickey have also had a couple of laser coaching sessions previously
Coaching Topic: Laura wants coaching around pioneering a coaching niche that she is passionate about.
MP3 + CCE's + Special Bonus(30 additional minutes for discussion and Q&A on journal article from Mickeys dissertation research titled Positive Psychology Coaching and It's Impact on Mid-life Executives)+ MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
I appreciated how although he had a teacher student relationship with the client outside the call, that was not apparent in the session at all. And I think that has a lot to do with him honoring the client as the expert in her life, and that was a beautiful example of that. I will be taking that reminder away from this call.
Mickey had a great relationship and connection with his client. His presence, and tracking with her was on point. He spent a lot of time establishing the agenda. Her goal of getting clear on her vision really evolved from the beginning of the call to the end thanks to his coaching. He used many coaching tools in the toolbox, acknowledging, scaling, metaview, etc.
Great call. I would love to have his dissertation to read. Can you/he forward to us. I enjoyed his interaction and insights he shared on the extra time.
The exploration phase is key...take the time.
Thanks so much! Helpful to hear another coach explore a pioneering venture.
PCC sessions are usually 50% awareness where MCC sessions aim for 100% awareness, with any actions flowing naturally from that awareness
I want to pay more attention to my level of awareness when I’m coaching.
Concrete example on helping a client articulate vision/passion/values
Master Certified Real Estate Sales Coach Special bonus: extra 35 minutes for additional Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is a successful real estate agent. He has had coaching in the past but this is the first time that he and Byron have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: He's been in real estate for 4 years and is on track to close 11.1 million dollars in sales this year. He's in the process of taking over his fathers team. He just hired his 1st full time team member and her goals are "scary high". He didnt think he had limiting beliefs but this is really pushing him outside his comfort zone. He would like to walk away with something of value, something positive to take back to this new team member.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
I must be myself as a coach. This will spur me to think more about what it is about me that my clients seek and most value.
The tool to help clients see their limiting beliefs.
Reflection, seeing the whole client, allowing the client to fully express themselves, and the importance of client/generated solutions
The goal is not to get rid of the butterflies; it’s to have them fly in formation.
Reinforcement of my training, education, experience and core values...
A little more about not judging myself too harshly about being perfect.
The bumping the sales number until hitting discomfort!
Who you are is how you coach
Setting up, on the front end of the call, how you will interrupt a tele-course or conference call with ease and grace
Coaching comes in all styles
David Darst, CPCC, ORSCC, PCC
Personal & Relationship Master Coach Bonus: The "Wheel of Relationship" tool Recorded on: July 18, 2011
Coaching scenario: This was the first time the client and David have either met or spoken.
Coaching topic: "I just turned 50 in May and my whole world seemsto be changing. My relationships are at the core of all of it. First, my divorce was finalized in December but the financial agreement has not been finalized and I really, sincerely want to create a financial settlement that has the energy of right relationship to it so that we can move forward. I have two children as well and the relationship between my ex is both intense and sad.
Second, my oldest daughter is leaving for college in August and I am taking her. I love her so much and am having an unbelievably hard time with here leaving. Next fall it will just be her younger brother and I. I am feeling very scared about this big shift and what it means for my relationship with my daughter and my son."
Finally, while I am taking my daughter to school in August, to the East Coast, I will be seeing my mother who has Alzheimers and no longer knows who I am. She is institutionalized and my older sister lives near her. Last year my younger brother died and the family is estranged.
In every relationship aspect of my life there is change, big stuff change. I can barely find my footing in all of this, including my relationship to my own self.
I'm feeling paralyzed. I seem to be stuck and I don't want the last month with my daughter to betainted by this. I want to be present to her, myself and my son and trust that all will be well."
Purchase MP3- $59.97
Lyssa deHart LICSW, MCC
Confidence, Narrative, Relationship, Mentor & Coaching Supervision Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
CALL #1 Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Lyssa have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I would like to be coached on how to fully embrace an abundant mindset. I find my old programs sneak up on me despite how much I have learned about the Law of Attraction. I am ready to leave my self-limiting beliefs behind so I can take my health and wellness website to the next level!"
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
This was one of the best and most valuable sessions I’ve listened to.
Loved the discussion about weaving several competencies into the conversation through a “most useful question”
To be aware of any “looping” by a client that could be a red flag indicating the need for therapy.
I am definitely going to listen to this call again!
I particularly appreciated Lyssa’s observations about situational rabbit holes and differentiating between asking interesting questions that might take them backward vs asking important questions that take the client forward.
Great questions I tend to ask, but not as efficiently worded. And, the metaphor of jumping in the pool together holding hands.
Mastery doesn’t have to take long if you’re willing to put discipline and rigorousness into your preparation
Lots of great tips for preparing for MCC, asking for permission, keeping on track throughout the call with what the client wants
Loved this call so much. Can’t wait to get the recording.
The client was poised on the precipice to have a breakthrough and Lyssa’s exquisite coaching got her there. TRULY Breathtaking in only 30 minutes!
Embodiment of heart and intuition
Wow that was a pleasure to observe; one of my top 5 favorite Moore Master Coaching calls.
Lyssa used so many coaching skills in such a masterful way, if I were to note all the skills, I would be listing all the competencies. Lyssa was so present she picked up on the moments that helped the client connect to her awareness, she simply stayed curious, and the client went deep. Beautiful coaching very impressed.
I’m impressed at how the coach stayed in the coaching framework throughout the call even during the moments when the client brought up the past. Lyssa beautifully weaved those therapeutic moments into future oriented, forward moving powerful questions. I’m looking forward to re-listening to this call.
When coaching someone who has been assigned to coaching and who may not be fully onboard with it, ask “How can we make this useful for you?”
Example of not pursuing unpacking of the past, but rather letting the past go to move on.
Lyssa came back for another call to share the recording of her coaching session that passed the ICF MCC exam plus the examiners feedback.
Bonuses: She gave an additional 30 minutes for debrief, Q&A and to discuss some the examiners feedback as well as a copy of the examiners feedback report.
Coaching scenario: Pam is a long time on-going client of Lyssas- since @2013.
Coaching topic: She's feeling very stuck as to what to do and how to move forward. She loves being alone and wonders if she should stay with her boyfriend who ultimately would like it to be more. She's worried that maybe her pattern and that she will always find an issue and never be able to be fully comimitted to someone.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes & copy of the assessors evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I thought the coaching was brilliant
Patience, patience, patience. Even when the client says “I don?t know”, keep being curious because they do know!
Loved Lyssa’s style! Her depth of listening and presence to be in the soup with the client and ask only what was necessary to help the client take one step forward at a time!
Exquisite example of how to help a client who is feeling really stuck break through and begin to move forward.
To relax and trust the process-even if the client feels totally stuck, using metaphor and simple questions with slow pacing was enough to help her break into a new space
Ask questions based on what’s important for the benefit of the client rather than for my curiosity
Creating “presence” first as the first communication
Having the client create visuals to describe their focus for the call and/or feelings and then referencing that visual throughout the session.
So many of her methods and ways of being were new and inspiring
How the ICF assessors rated the call
Good examples for the coaches I mentor
How you really have to believe in your client’s wholeness, even when they are going through difficult life experiences.
The multiple check in moments with what the client was physically feeling, and using that as a gauge of her progress.
Building on client metaphors, and getting clarity on what the metaphor means, not to me, but to the client.
The power of metaphor. Loved how the client’s metaphor about the pot could also reflect a coach approach.
Lyssa came back again to give us a live real-world demonstration of a coaching Super-Vision session.
Bonuses: A piece that changes perspective on the "sales" conversation and deep discount on Lyssa's 2 other MMC calls.
Lyssa uses three photos that Joy selected as a jumping off point for the Super-Vision session. You will receive those to look at while listening.
Coaching scenario: Joy and Lyssa met in 2017 when they came together as presidents of their local ICF chapters and collaborated on an ICF Chapter training. After that they saw each other from time to time on other calls and then last year, Joy participated in Lyssa's Coaching with the power of metaphors certification program.
Coaching topic: Joy wants to know how to listen even more deeply.
MP3 + ICF CE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some participant take-aways:
In 20 plus years, I have never heard anyone talk about supervision in this way. Truly a missing piece in our profession or at least an area that is glossed over. Transformational. Deep thanks!
Using photos in coaching
Great session. So grateful for the better understanding of what Coaching Supervision really is. Not at all what I thought it was.
How supportive superVision can be.
Deeper listening skills.
The coach provided a beautiful demonstration of coaching supervision, or as she calls it Super-Vision. As I now understand it, Super-Vision helps build the capacity of the coach through a reflective, explorative, free-form dialogue/process. This is different from mentor coaching which is an analytical assessment of a specific coaching conversation.
To explore Super-Vision. To continue to work on myself from the inside out in order to show up neutral, open, and fully present for my clients.
An invaluable call to action - deepen the being of my coaching with new reflective practice.
One of the best!
Use of imagery as metaphor in coaching supervision.
Excellent session- really valued how the topic for this session broke out into a new area of exploration in coaching! Thanks
Lyssa had a litany of traps that coaches can get themselves into with clients ex. Caring too much about the client, or the client reminds you of your sister etc.
Coaching presence is built upon the ability to listen deeply, with our heart and all of our being.
Supervision is really helpful and should really be mandatory as part of CEU requirements.
Reminder to use imagery, metaphor and other non-thinking prompts for self and for clients
The perception of “Who we are is how we coach”. Making sure that my personality/biases/opinions etc are taken out of the coaching conversation.
Career, Relationship & Communication Coach
Recorded on 10/25/10
Special bonus-will discount her telecourse from $129 to $115
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, had never been coached before and this was the first time she and Terry had met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: After staying home for 11 years to raise her children, the client wants to re-enter the workforce. She feels strongly that she is to be speaking in front of people, to people -but doesn't know how to achieve it.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"Just what I needed to hear! For me this was an example of a more challenging session. And it showed that with listening, exploration and having the courage to change directions as often as needed (of course combined with masterful skills and techniques) you will find that transformational entry point. Talk about a change in perspective, I have gone from dreading this scenario to looking forward to the possibilities- thanks!"~ S.B., Life Coach, Vermont
Christopher McAuliffe, MCC
Relationship & Business
Bonus: A relationship tool Christopher used on the call Recorded on: 2/20/13
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Christopher have ever met or spoken. In fact, Christopher did not even know the coaching issue ahead of time, he didn't want to know and so 3 participating coaches voted & this was the topic of choice.
Coaching Topic: "My husband and I seem to have separate plans and never have a common goal or dream. How do we get together and support each other when our views of how to approach things are so different? The balance of the relationship seems to be one person is up and the other person is down. How to create space for us both to be great?"
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) $59.97 or just $47 with subscription & can cancel anytime*
“Wow! What a wonderful coaching session that was with Christopher McAuliffe! I have so many learning nuggets that I am taking away it's hard to know which to mention. And his two final pieces of advice around Coaching Presence being soooo important and his question about 'How can each of us make a lasting difference in the world?' I am committed to pondering, as I found them so meaningful.”~ Wendy Fortune, ACC
Michael Myerscough
Relationship Master Coach
Recorded on 1/27/11
Special Bonus: Michael offers week 13 of his 14 week course How to Find Mr. Right, including interviews with 2 other experts and an outline of 95% of what needs to be true when it comes to finding Mr. Right!
Coaching scenario: The client is not a coach and this was the first time she and Michael had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is 59 years old, been in a relationship for over 6 years and it isnt moving forward the way she would like it to. She is confused and afraid and wants clarity on whether she should continue to stay in the relationship or move on.
Purchase MP3 - $59.97
"I have already listened several times to Michael´s audio and each time I get something new out of it. I want to congratulate you for this great initiative. Being able to listen to master coaches on the job is something I have been missing in my coaching training. But now you have made it possible for us budding coaches to be inspired by master coaches. Thank you so much!" ~Ann Voli, Spain, Stress Management Coaching
"I was very impressed with Michael’s coaching. He was elegantly simple. I thought he was very effective. And I agreed with everything he said about coaching and therapy, since I come from a counseling background." ~Caron MacLane Circle Coach & Consultant
Amorah Ross MCC
Cindy Reinhardt, MCC, NCOC, ELI-MP
Energy Management Bonus:2 articles- Important Now is How and What We Think and Direct Your Energy/Create Your Life-an energy leadership overview and contains tools that we can use. Cindy is also offering MMC participants who purchase her call a huge discount on her energy leadership index assessment and debriefing- a 1½ hour session with Cindy which normally runs $400 she's giving to us for $125. Recorded on: 7/23/13
Purchase Mp3 + CCE + Bonus + MMC Nugget (how to get the most out of the calls or any class and apply to your life & business) $59.97 0r $47 with a subscription- can cancel anytime*
Coaching Scenario: Cindy brought the client to the call. She was someone who Cindy had coached in the past mostly around business issues. So it was a bit of a surprise to Cindy when she came with an emotional, personal relationship issue.
Coaching Topic: "I have a lingering issue with a break up of a relationship that I chose to end that I'm having difficulty working through. I ended the relationship but I'm stuck with the consequences of having him live here with me on a six month lease. And I can't seem to shed the anger around how it made me feel to need to end the relationship and not be able to get him out of my life."
While relationships are not specifically Cindys niche/area of expertise, the management of one's energy is applicable to every area of life and she coached her beautifully!
Like they say, after the 1st 3 sessions, all coaching is life coaching, no matter what the niche. And what a treat & a treasure to hear how a master does it!
Dorothy Siminovitch PhD, CSC, MCC
Master Certified Gestalt Coach Bonus:The Pragmatics of Magic, The Work of Gestalt Coaching + 3 Gestalt diagrams Recorded on: 8/18/14
Coaching Scenario:Dorothy brought the client to the call. She's been coached by Dorothy in the past
Coaching Topic:The client is not happy in her relationship with her husband and has been thinking and talking about it for a long time. She is tired of all of it and wants to come to some decision so that she can experience harmony in her life- which is the alias she chose to go by for the call!
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant takeaways:
"Dorothy was masterful. I am taking away the power of somatic work in getting clients ''out of their head.'' Also liked the intense focus on reframing the challenge; that allowed for a big shift."
"I have a better appreciation of the nuances between ''putting words in the client's "mouth'' and ''inviting'' the client to use words that can open up unknown/unseen avenues for exploration."
"Dorothy's comment about the coach's own vulnerability and her directive to use it in the service of the client, I will consciously seek to incorporate in my work."
"I am taking away an appreciation of powerful questioning. I am also interested in learning more of Gestalt practices."
"When I am coaching someone new I could be more acknowledging of what they are bringing and what it is like for them"
Liz Dobbins MCC
Somatic Sensory Awareness (Sensory Intelligence), Executive & Mentor Coach Bonuses: transcript of the coaching session, the ICF Performance Evaluation, 30 additional minutes of Q&A
ICF MCC Exam (BARS) Coaching Session
We will be diving into powerful insights and gaining a deeper understanding of masterful coaching and what it takes to pass the ICF MCC exam.
We will do this by listening to one of Liz's coaching sessions that passed the ICF exam and awarded her the Master credential. We will then debrief, review the valuable bonus ICF evaluation and ask our questions of Liz.
Liz is a Somatic Sensory Awareness Coach certified in Sensory Intelligence. We will also spend some time learning more about this and how to better integrate it into our coaching.
Coaching Scenario: Peter and Liz are in the same ICF Chapter and met there. They have been coaching together for 6-8 months. Coaching Topic: Peter wants to explore where hes going with his coaching practice. He coaches people in the ministry and it’s his passion. However his concern is will he be able to garner and maintain enough clients or does he need to branch out.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses (transcript & ICF Evaluation) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
Tweaking Intuition for Client Growth
"Tweaking my intuition will help me offer sensory and somatic observations and tools to my clients."
Freedom to Align
"I feel like what I’m taking away to use in my coaching practice is freedom... Liz shared that her greatest learning was that she can trust herself... Alignment is possible."
Memorable Questions
"I loved this question! – 'How does your intuition reveal itself to you?' and then 'What sensations are you noticing?'"
Enhanced Presence Through Sensory Coaching
"Coaches become more present to clients and better able to meet clients where they are through an enhanced sensory lens."
Validation of Current Practices
"Great to hear more about the somatic approach and see how often I’m already using it in my practice."
Tailored Client Engagement
"To ask clients about their preference for learning... uncover client preferences by how they answer the questions."
The Power of Somatic Coaching
"A fascinating call. The coach shared how somatic coaching can among other things, 'enhance listening, build trust, foster engagement, and tailor communication.'"
Professional Advancement
"This session was very beneficial for my growth to become an MCC."
Future Self Visualization
"Deeper understanding of coaching at the MCC level. Really connecting with the WHO. I loved the visualization on going for a walk with your future self in 6 months. How will you start the conversation? If you are successful what will your future self say to you?"
High Energy Engagement
"She jazzed him up by asking him how he felt and fed back his high energy."
The Impact of Sensory Coaching
"How sensory coaching can be so powerful."
Encouragement to Be Whole
"I really enjoyed this session. It’s made me feel like I’ve had to have two parts of me... Liz’s session was really refreshing, encouraging, and empowering. Was it all just my fears? I’m now really encouraged."
Master Certified Executive Leadership, Personal & Soul Conversation Coach Recorded on: 6/20/17 Bonus: 2 articles by Vicki-"Transformational Coaching A Real-Life Example of Positive Change" and to get “My Coaching Business: Myself!” which is about the limiting beliefs we have as coaches in terms of marketing ourselves.
Coaching scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and the master coach have ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wantsto connect with her vision on a more succinct level so she can move forward in turning my dreams into reality. She is a teacher and has a gift of being able to break down information in a way that is easily understood. She is charismatic- everyone tells her she is very inspiring and should be a motivational speaker. She feels due to her experience and her gifts she has a lot to share and offer. She's finding it difficult to decide where to focus and how to articulate what she does.
MP3 + CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget (different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
I was very impressed with how Vicki got the client to move past her planned and prepared speech that she came to the call with. I can see how challenging that was, and I am walking away from this call with a great example of how to move a client like this to a much deeper level.
Inspiration from “observing” the elegance of “dancing in the moment” and the power of presence. Wow!
A reminder of how important it is to be centered for both the client and coach. An inquiry/reflection for me re: how to work with clients who are in their heads
I loved the moment in the beginning of the call, when Vicki asked the client to take a moment to center herself before beginning coaching. She then asked her how does she usually center herself, which got the client to pull from her past experiences, which I think provided her a moment of comfort, I will definitely borrow this specific technique to use with my clients.
Vicki really was able to allow the client to find her own way. It felt uncomfortable for me as I listened understanding my primal urge to jump in and lead or guide.
Exploring more options rather than drilling down too quickly for a solution
Asking the kind of questions that allow the client to do the work
Technique of helping client turn off their repetitive thought patterns by focusing on their bodies.
Leza Danly, CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Spiritual Coach Recorded on: 5/16/11 Special Bonus: Leza's audio "The Stages of Awakening"
Coaching Scenario: The client and Leza know each other from her taking several of Leza's workshops but she has never been coached by Leza before.
Coaching Topic: The client considers authenticity and integrity to be very high values. She is not making her business work, earning the money she needs or taking care of herself the way she should and she feels like a fraud.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
"LOVED Leza’s session. Already a big impact on my client calls today. Thank you!" ~ Amy Kovarick, MA, PCC, Executive and Leadership Coach www.amykcoaching.com
Helen House CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Transformational, Leadership, Creativity & Spiritual Coach Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes for Helen to talk about coaching for marginalized populations e.g. prisoners and $150 off any one of Helen's coaching packages
Coaching Scenario: Helen and Maggie met in a training back in @2007. Maggie then hired Helen to be her coach and they worked together for a while. Maggie has been trained as a coach but they haven’t worked together for @10 years.
Coaching Topic: Maggie has 2 main tracks for what she does- one is a novel and the other is advocacy around mental illness and how to make the delivery of care better. But she’s realized when being creative she is leading with fear instead of joy.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses+ MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“That was marvelous - the master modeling AND all of Helen's self ownership, insights and inspirational give back.”
Coaching a .topic that is serious and emotional for the client can be a light conversation that gets results.”
“Helen “didn’t skip a beat” and that was exactly what I loved about Helen’s coaching. She was so present. And she weaved many pieces together. Those little things are what makes a client really feel heard and understood, and there were many examples of that in this session. Very impressed with Helen’s coaching”
“A beautiful demonstration of coaching. Also enjoyed the discussion around how the coach deals with “heavy” issues.”
“I’d love to be able to use acknowledgment as easily and natural as the coach did in the call.”
“Call was deep enough to be as therapeutic as a therapy session, but in the context of coaching and present/future orientation.So masterful!”
“The dance between the coach and client was electric.”
“I listened to the call early this morning as today is another full day of facilitation. What a BRILLIANT coaching session and what a wonderful inspirational way to start my day.”
“Helen is FABULOUS! A worthy role model at every level.”
“Helen’s extremely skilled use of metaphor.”
“A pleasure to witness the mastery and vulnerability of the coach and the impact of this combination together, and the ease and partnership of the coach and client during the session. Inspiring.”
“I loved this call because it was a great example of how often times the clients who come to us have done a lot of work on themselves in therapy, and we as coaches are the next step for the clients working towards what they want. Helen beautifully embraced the heavy realities that Maggie showed up to the call with, all the while staying in the coach framework”
Bonus: Article by Sally Ourieff, MD. to educate coaches in the symptoms and signs of when a client might need therapy or psychiatric help so that we can then make the appropriate referral Recorded on: June 24, 2015
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession. She has never been coached before and this was the first time that she and Hope had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client feels she can do something in the world and make an impact, not necessarily far reaching but her negative, self judgmental thoughts are blocking her. She feels if she can find a way to go beyond the critical self talk she can do great things.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
“Importance of coach not slipping into problem-solving for client.”
“Fluidity of moving back and forth with close, but different parts of client's content.”
“The beauty of the CTI model in action! As always, make it simple. Stop adding so much extra noise in my coaching.”
“The client's concern is so common; this demonstrated a powerful, yet simple way to help breakthrough negative self-talk in short order.”
“The powerful self-confidence and skill of the master coach.”
“Make observations (using the direct communication) without fear!”
“Always hold the door open for the client's vision to get bigger. This client initially played small, but Hope didn't take the bait!”
“Use the client's language when I frame questions. Play with metaphor, especially with clients who are visual like this one was.”
“What does that open up for you?' I had forgotten how powerful that question is!”
Jeanine Mancusi CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Spiritual Coach Special bonus:specially created for MMC a PDF & audio to compliment the work she did on the call - guided instructions for Discovering Your Great Story or helping your clients to.
Coaching Scenario:This client has received business coaching in the past-never spiritual. This is the first time that he and Jeanine had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I have been experiencing incredible turmoil as it relates to my personal energy recently and I feel on the verge of a breakthrough but not sure what that is supposed to be. I created a business with the vision of telling the story where money meets morality but find myself lost, but I realize that being lost can be a turning point of finding out who I truly am, and what I truly want to do."
MP3 + ICF CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Here's what some of the participants had to say:
"Fantastic call. I was one of the many who was left kind of blown away and processing on a deep level such that I couldn't even formulate a question...wow. I've got to listen to that again. Thanks for that!"
"Major take away was the power of being vulnerable and ''human'' with your client. Creates huge intimacy, trust and powerful connection and spirit of it feels to me like it's done in service of the client, to help bring out from them what needs to and wants to emerge."
"I am taking away a rich and powerful reminder of the value of truly connecting with the wisdom and presence of the client sitting in front of you and not just focusing on the ''data'' and the goals for the session."
"Validation! I am relationship-driven and I was deeply validated and heartened to hear a ''Master Coach'' mirror and affirm my value and style."
"As everyone mentioned, it was truly a moving call and so easy to feel coached as a listener!"
Amorah Ross MCC
Master Certified Transition, Spiritual & Life Balance Coach Bonus:30 minutes extra of Q&A with Amorah & 1.5 CE's and her Choice Magazine article- The Gateway to Coaching Artistry Recorded On: March 26, 2015
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this the first time that she and Amorah have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She's been married 13 years but theyve been together 20. They met freshman year, its the only relationship she's ever had. They have separated, she's just moved out of the house. Her husband is the one who wants the divorce-no affair or anyone else its due to underlying issues. She's trying to get through it, still very tender- still has feelings for him. She wants to figure out how to deal with her emotions and the feelings she has for him still and move on.
Purchase MP3 + ICF CCE (1.5 CE's) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
"Amorah is truly an MCC and I will keep her in mind when I want my MCC for her mentor coaching program".
"THAT was purely masterful. Just beautiful. Taking away the energy & pacing of masterful."
"The power of the coaching vessel when held by a truly present and fearless individual can be transformational in 30 minutes."
"Excellent call, great demonstration of ICF competencies"
"Brilliance of clearing emotion first. A few key questions for exploring emotion with clients"
"Reminder that all calls do not need to be an hour. There may be a need to reframe these expectations with my clients."
"Hearing Amorah go back over her thinking/feeling process she used with her client."
"Address emotions when I hear them"
Patrick Ryan
Executive, Entrepreneurial & Personal Coach
Recorded on 9/16/10
Special bonus- 16 visualizations for an awakened life & 3 coaching lessons
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this the first time she and Patrick had met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wanted to figure out how to put her specialities under one umbrella & market her philosophy and approach.
Purchase MP3-$59.97
After a very inspiring coaching session, Patrick among other things gave coaches an invaluable, very liberating tool that can be used in any session, at anytime to immediately help if the session feels like a struggle or you’re feeling stuck, confused, at a loss as to where to go next, bored or with any uncomfortable feeling or situation that may arise with a client.
"I want to thank you Gail for organizing these calls. What a gift and a service this is to the coaching industry. Because we need to keep gathering and sharing with each other different styles, methods and techniques of coaching." ~Patrick Ryan
Alan Seale, PCC, MSC
Leader & Transformational Coach
Recorded on 8/16/10
Special bonus: Alans ebook "Anatomy of Transformational Presence"
Coaching scenario: The client is not a coach, its the 1st time she had ever been coached and the 1st time she and Alan had met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She wanted help dealing with issues around her mother having Alzheimers.
Purchase MP3 - $59.97
"All I can say is WOW!!! Working with Master Coach Alan Seale was such a transformative experience. I had an incredible breakthrough in our 30-minute session that has truly left me feeling liberated from old thought and behavior patterns. As a result, I feel more courageous about making decisions that are beneficial for both my mother and me. I cannot thank Alan and Moore Master Coaching enough for this golden opportunity to step into my own power." ~Florence, VA
"Thanks so much, Gail. I had a wonderful time. You are offering a great service. I look forward to being a guest coach on your program again. All blessings..." ~Alan Seale
Recorded: 4/19/11 Purchase MP3 $69.97
For more info on this call
This call was third in a series of 3 teleclass calls customized for the Denver ICF chapter. Alan's call ran for 1 hr 15 minutes. You will receive the certificate for continuing education credit(s) in the area of core competencies. You can purchase Alan's call individually for $69.97 or the series of 3 for a discounted rate $150.00 -see tab titled "ICF Series".
Coaching scenario: the client had been a student at the school where Alan is an instructor so she had attended a number of his teleclasses but Alan had never coached her before.
Coaching topic: "Feeling the hand of God (the universe, etc.) over me saying, "not yet" or, "not that direction"- doors that seem obvious not opening. How to be in that place of frustration."
Jim Milner MBA, BCC, MCC
Executive, Leadership Development & Strategy Coach Bonus: Discusses the core competencies & additional 30 minutes for Q&A
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, he has had coaching in the past however not for the topic he brought to this call.
This will not only be the first time he and Jim have met, Jim didnt want to know anything about the client or the topic ahead of time.
Coaching Topic: "I would like advice on how to take my plan to decrease racism in the US to a national level. I’ve had tremendous success locally but don’t know how to scale it."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Incredible call! One of the very best ever.
When asking where a feeling is showing up in the client’s body, follow it with a 2nd question: “what is that telling you?” Triples the impact!
I was tremendously impressed with how Jim responded each time the client asked to be told how to do something - i.e. “what would you have me tell you?” That tapped right into the client’s wisdom!
Jim talked about investing time to deeply build the coaching agreement.
Another perspective to the core competencies
To be comfortable with silence. To ask “what else?”
I am taking way Jim’s approach to building the coaching agreement, which does not need to happen all in the first few minutes of the session.
My biggest take away from this call was watching the process of believing in the client in full-force. The coach held the space, and the belief that the client had his own answers even in those moments when the client felt most “stuck”, and repeatedly wanted the coach to “tell me what to do” or “what’s the right answer for my problem”? Jim Milner stuck to the core competency, and simply continued to put the question back on the client. The client dug deep, experienced vulnerability; hit some core emotional pieces and will ultimately have accountability and personal responsibility, which is at the core of personal growth; all thanks to this call with Jim
Coaching questions and the core competencies
That coaching can transcend diversity. This was stated so beautifully. Also, the importance of the coaching agreement. “Coaching without an agreement is a conversation”.
To trust the process of coaching and to trust myself through that process.
This was an excellent call!
Revisiting the coaching agreement when the client seems to be deviating off topic.
To paraphrase and then ask a thought provoking question.
I will continue to commit to do my best to ALWAYS honor the client as the expert of their life, and stand my ground when the client pushes back hard. This is authentic and genuine “tough-love” in service of the client and their beautiful journey. Lovely demonstration to witness.
Master Certified Genius Coach Co-author of Yes, You Are a Genius-Whether You Know it or Not
Recorded on: 3/24/11 Special Bonus: audio file "Introduction to Coaching Brilliant People of Any Age"
Coaching scenario: Otto brought one of his "real life" clients to the call. She is 18 years old and this was their 13th session.
Coaching Topic: She wants to know how to go about telling her father that she's really passionate about going to school in London and would like to brainstorm the best way to present the idea.
Purchase MP3 $59.97
Jodi Sleeper-Triplett MCC
Master Certified Youth/Student & ADD/ADHD
Special Bonus: additional 15 minutes of discussion and Q&A on student coaching and an article she wrote “The fundamentals of coaching students” Recorded On: January 24, 2017
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has had a bit of coaching in the past but this is the first time that she and Jodi have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:As an executive with self diagnosed adhd, she has real difficulties with organizational management, especially with paper. She's great with the gift of gab, can get deals done but when it comes to working with the details she falls short and it causes her a lot of angst. Learning new computer programs is very hard for her. She also has a tendency to start things at the last minute which is very stressful but feels she needs that adrenaline to get it done. She would like a kind and loving way to encourage/teach herself to do things differently so as to create less anxiety and stress. Perhaps some strategies that would help.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“Thanks for a wonderful, inspiring call!”
“I think this was my favorite MMC coaching session. I loved everything about it. I admire Jodi for her many years of experience, being a leader in the profession and more specifically creating a program for people (and especially youth) with ADHD. I could hear her passion for her nitch, and her desire to train others and share what she has learned for the good of others and ultimately the society as a whole.”
“Jodi had a beautiful calm, supportive sense of presence. She normalized the clients feelings as it relates to ADHD, and shared some knowledge with the client which gave her a sense of ease”
“Grateful for the opportunity to hear a master coach “dance in the moment”- wonderful use of reflecting back the client’s words, metaphors, acknowledgments and normalizing ADHD”
“I was moved by the turnaround in the client’s confidence when Jodi reminded her of her many successes. It truly changed her belief system and what she could do.”
“To keep a check on my whole person when coaching another. Self-manage, stay present, relax my mind and body (pay attention to body posture when coaching), stay centered, focus on the client’s agenda, tap into intuition.”
“It was really inspiring to be reminded that silence is very powerful.”
Marc Bowles MCC
Leadership, Well-Being & Team Coach Bonus: additional 30 minutes of Q&A
Different kind of MMC call
ICF MCC Exam Session with a Twist & MMC First!
Coaching mastery is achieved in part byexploring and dissecting our less than masterful moments. This is why mentoring is so valuable.
And it's why this call with Marc is really exciting. We heard a coaching session that he submitted for the ICF Master Certified Coach exam.
The Twist: it is not one of the sessions that awarded him his MCC! But now it's being used in great service to coaches!
We chose to go with this coaching session in order to focus the learning on:
What wasn't considered masterful enough
Why that is
Ways it might have been done differently to be more masterful, more beneficial for the client
Hearing the differences in this way, with a side by side comparison, provides learning that only this kind of demonstration can.
Coaching Scenario: Marc met Ally when he was his instructor in a coaching course. Marc also mentored Ally. Then they stayed connected through their interest in bike riding and eventually got into a formal coaching relationship.
Coaching Topic: He wants to progress through the ICF process and get his PCC. He’s finding the CCEU part very confusing and challenging. How to find meaningful programs and living in Scotland finding them at an affordable price
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Very helpful call format in reviewing "failure", as opposed to success in meeting coaching certification requirements. This approach should be incorporated more often!
This was a great experience that was made even greater by the coach’s humility as he shared his learning. He modeled the value of “stepping into feedback” and continually learning. I learned that a way to more masterful coaching is to take every opportunity to reflect and learn from each coaching conversation--and that something new may be learned each time that conversation is listened to.
To be aware of how familiarity with a client can impact my presence and who I am “being” in the coaching conversation. To be a true partner, stay curious, explore, and evoke awareness without influencing or leading clients.
I found the discussion around ways to check in with clients when they have breakthroughs to be very helpful--especially how it’s not about looking like “approval” by the coach.
This was maybe even more valuable than listening to MCC calls that passed! So much insight and learning about what to watch out for and pitfalls. Fascinating, Thank you!!
Marc’s heart & humility!
The importance of getting a “thumbs up”; from mentor coaches for the selected recordings to include with an application; We’re all on a learning curve -- just because a coach makes mistakes now doesn’t mean they won’t develop mastery!
Be attentive to familiarity in coaching. Knowing the person really well (personally) can result in making assumptions about what the person truly means. It impacts natural curiosity.
Importance to self-management and maintaining coaching mindset and state of “being”, of being a coach.
The point around being careful not to demonstrate approval when celebrating client wins
It was interesting to be attuned to the contrast of looking for mistakes rather than just successful “masterful” technique. The presenting coach’s courage in sharing the session, along with noted critique was also a valuable example of modeled healthy introspective behavior for coaches.
This approach was refreshing and offered an interesting and productive perspective in furthering coaching development.
To ask the client what certain words mean to them and to ask them to come up with their own metaphors.
Master Certified Leadership and Team Bonus: Judith E. GlasersNeuro-tip coaching card- Co-Creating Changes Neural Chemistry Recorded on: October 19, 2016
Coaching Scenario: The client is a healthcare CEO. He has been a client of Diane’s since around 2004. They have worked together for different periods of time throughout the years. And now it's more of a 'spot or periodic coaching' that they do.
Coaching Topic: There have been significant changes within his organization- a non profit hospital was bought by a for profit hospital chain. He is no longer feeling aligned in terms of the work he does which largely has been more independent than it is now. This is not the way he wants to spend the remainder of his career and so wants to figure out what he wants to do about it.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
"One of my favorite sessions!"
"Free myself as a coach from any judgment of my coaching. Just be a thinking partner and trust that things will evolve."
"I admired Diane?s intuition. This was such an exemplary session on how important it is to trust your gut in the moment... Such a great example of masterful coaching, I was very impressed."
"Don't get tactical too quickly. Take time to allow the client to discover what he wants (what is in his heart)."
"The power of presence and patience to let things unfold in their own time."
"Questions and responses at the end were most helpful."
" Natural rapport - freedom to tell meaningful story."
"Listening on all levels (non-verbals) and responding in kind."
Bonuses: Jan's Value of Values Exercise and her article BELIEVE which speaks to mindset and connects with her Mindset Mastery work with competitive singing groups
Live coaching demo from Jan who very recently got her MCC
Coaching Scanario: The client has never been coached and she and Jan met for the 1st time on the call.
Coaching Topic: She is a seasoned former journalist and TV producer who has transitioned into the dynamic realm of public relations. However it no longer feels right or is enough. She wants help to reinvent herself for this next chapter.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant takeaways:
The coach gave a beautiful demonstration of how to move a client forward from feeling stuck to a place of visioning/possibility.
Specifically, I’m taking away the magic that can happen when you simply meet the client where they are. In this session Jan met Eva where she was through supporting her in connecting to her creativity.
Going within and becoming more authentic with how we’re showing up not just as coaches.
I want to develop more questions to help a client with what “unstuck” looks like at the end of a session.
I like that Jan shared what she had to change for herself is to be less teachy in a coachy way. This is probably what I most need to change as well.
Great demonstration of using visualization with a creative
It gave me a lot to think about around the “match” of energy.
I appreciated what the coach said about each session being complete in itself. That in an ongoing long-term relationship a form of follow-up might be in a prep form asking what the client wants to celebrate.
Jan’s example of pulling out Eva’s values and attributes.
I love how she was able to help the client use her own creativity to come up with solutions.
I want to further explore pace matching between coach & client, as a result of listening to this call.
Continue to work toward pure coaching and not integrating or masking teaching into my coaching.
To dig deeper to find out what the client really wants to walk away with.
I try not to say it every time, but I am so grateful to be able to listen in on MCC coaching sessions! I feel like this is the most enjoyable and exciting continuing education.
Master Certified Leader, Team & Coach Supervisor Bonus:When Heart Intelligence Meets Conversational Intelligence by Judith E. Glase & Deborah Rozman
Coaching Scenario: Susan is an executive coach. This is the first time she and Damian have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Supervision Topic: Susan is currently working with leaders in a large national corporation. Although she's been hired to help them navigate culture change she's running into consistent challenges re building a team of people to support the vision, due to constantly changing strategic priorities, unsophisticated hiring and an infatuation with the latest shiny new object to propel into fast growth trajectory.
MP3 + ICF (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
Or $47 with subscription (can cancel anytime with 30 day notice)
Some of the participant take-aways:
I could really see the shift in today’s supervisee. She had some enlightening moments...
The value of coaching supervision to improving our coaching capacities.
Reflecting on is there a possibility there is something we have not seen here together, and offering that inquiry to my client to co-create.
I loved- Normative, Formative, Restorative and the summary that Damian gave toward the end of the call.
How to work more intentionally with the coaches I support- and not shy away from Direct Communication and sharing what is there... It is particularly relevant to my work with coaches-- so much so I will be looking into his training.
Process of examining parallel processes in supervision that may mirror what is going on with client. This can be helpful in addressing challenges/impasses in work together.
Understanding of Supervisory Coaching, recognizing potential hazards of failing to self-manage as a coach.
Patience in helping the client to walk through self-reflection.
Asking myself the question: Am I challenging enough with my clients?
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach
Bonuses: Establishing the Coaching Agreement, 5 Steps to Contracting & How to Stop Negative Thinking Recorded on: July 22, 2015
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time she and Margie have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She is a film director and loves her career. She feels she's doing all the right things but she’s not moving ahead, she's been on one level for many years. She knows there needs to be a change, feels something within is blocking her.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the particiapnt take aways:
Outstanding call! So much was accomplished in just 30 minutes. I felt each question moved her forward skillfully and sensitively, without feeling rushed.
The value of coaching--holding the space to create clarity around vision and obstacles to achieving it. Powerful stuff!
I got a lot out of it for my own personal development. Thank You!
Simple, graceful and powerful coaching. Margie was masterful at bringing the client fully in touch with the depth of her passion and purpose. This helped the client break through her stuckness
Loved the use of the I AM model.
Never quite saw intention setting done in this way. I'm going to borrow it!
Good post discussion on process and values
Importance of doing "values" work in coaching
I want to continue accessing this kind of call. Its very interesting.
Cynder Niemela, MCC
Master Certified Leadership & Team Coach
Author of LEADING HIGH IMPACT TEAMS: the Coach Approach to Peak Performance Recorded on: 9/21/12
Bonus: pdf of the case study Cynder is known throughout the industry as the "Queen" of team coaching and we have the very rare privilege of hearing her coach a team* on this call! Coaching Scenario: Cynder gave us the opportunity to hear her masterfully coach a team in a full 30 minute session. This session was *based on a case study and the executive clients were represented by 2 other masterful leadership coaches who are also Cynder's colleagues.
Purchase MP3- $59.97
or just $47 when you buy the subscription- can cancel anytime*
As exemplified in the session Cynder is finding that working in triads, building a relationship of 3 peers to be a powerful way to transform the culture of an organization. Instead of competitiveness “it helps develop collaboration and a connectedness or relatedness amongst each other – its what's required to sustain a company and organizations that are so complex now in this global economy”.
The first time, as a PCC she did a live coaching session and then was mentored by Meg Mann MCC. This session was already masterful enough to pass the exam and it did so.
Second time, Tara shared her other session that passed the ICF MCC exam.
Third time, in a full circle moment, Tara demonstrated her master mentoring of a PCC who coached live.
This was a different kind of MMC call. We first heard a PCC coach Tara, who is going for her MCC conducting a live coaching session with one her real world clients. We then heard Meg mentor her. As a bonus we had an additional 30 minutes to make sure we had plenty of time to delve in, debrief and get all of our questions answered.
Coaching Scenario: Tara is a leadership & top teams coach and she brought her client Veronica who is not in the coaching profession to the call to be coached.
Coaching Topic: Veronica wants to explore her re awakening desire to study again and the underlying reasons as to why she’s tempted to study. Is it something she’s really yearning for and a good idea or is it just a fanciful idea that she will get soon become disenchanted with?
Coach Mentoring: by Meg
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“Meg was so supportive, acknowledging and encouraging. She provided such refined and nuanced insights”
“The simplicity, prioritizing space for the client’s awareness, the high awareness of the client’s voice/energy.”
“To get agreement by fully exploring what the client really wants. This exploration is coaching. If I do this well, other competencies will fall into place.”
“Really liked the coaching demonstration—thought it was masterful. The mentor coaching following was icing on the cake!”
“I really appreciated Meg’s debrief of the client - taking the time to go deeper with her.”
“another example of coaching with competencies in mind”
“How valuable and important mentoring is. It can help you see things you were unaware of- shed new insights, take you deeper into your understanding or just help you to finesse the coaching!”
“Inspired by masterful mentoring”
“I liked the way Meg spent more time with the client, exploring her experience more deeply.”
” Right off the bat, I liked how Meg set up the session for Tara. , it’s amazing how that one little step right at the beginning of a mentor call, can provide centering, presence, and ease stress/pressure off the coach.
Bonuses: additional 30 minutes of Q&A and copy of the examiner's report
On this call Tara allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Tara and her clientmet on a High Performance Leadership Program back in 2008. Tara was her Leadership Facilitator/Coach at the time and since then Veronica has engaged Tara multiple times and back at the beginning of 2019, Tara asked Veronica to be her coachee for the MCC exam.
Coaching Topic: This was an unusual topic for most of the coaches and one that was contraversial. The client brought to the session what she called an "intiguing dichotomy". In essence it revolved around having a relationship with a married man. She wanted to gain clarity and a sense of peace around the issue and her decisions.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses (additional 30 minutes of Q&A & a copy of the examiners report) + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Again, I feel like saying, “Wow, that was the best yet!” These MCC test examples are super valuable. I am blown away by how she did the whole session without really talking in-between her powerful questions.
A good example of it being very much about the client’s relationship with the issue vs. the issue itself.
The power of short, evocative questions using the client’s words.
The importance of recognizing when it’s “my stuff” that can get in the way
This was the Best Call Ever! You are wonderful and thank you for these calls. Anyone not taking advantage of what you are offering is really missing out.
Wonderful call! It was deeply instructive.
The precision in asking questions in service of what the client wants and not getting distracted by the shiny objects.
Wow, just wow, very impressed. Taking away all of it, wrapped up in a beautiful bow.
This was an extraordinary learning opportunity. Would love to have her on a call again just to be able to learn from her.
Tara was masterful in helping the client get clarity and not allowing any judgment to get in the way of serving her.
Tara exhibited great spaciousness and curiosity, and was completely invested in what was most important for the client.
Spend more time establishing the coaching agreement.
The beauty of being able to withhold judgment
This was like listing to an exquisite musical performance. So skilled, so talented and so beneficial to the client and the coaches that got to listen to it.
I will be using the insights shared by Tara in my next coaching engagement.
I learned a better way to set up the coaching agreement with the client as well as the level of detail this competency truly requires.
The way Tara structured her questions was brilliant - so short and precise that focused her client on the topic versus soliciting details.
Use the client language in a way that is provocative
On this call we heard an Master Mentor coaching session. The mentee Matthew is a PCC working toward his MCC. We first listened to Matthew's live coaching session, followed by Tara's focused insights and feedback. That was followed by a debriefing and Q&A with Tara, Matthew and the client.
Coaching Scenario: Matthew's client Jessica is a coach. They met in a business class in 2022, then reconnected, became friends and began coaching together about 5 months ago.
Coaching Topic: She wants to stop wanting to be rescued by other people or circumstances. She wants to feel confident that she can rescue herself and she doesn't need other people to rescue or take care of her.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Tara's style is very unique, direct and powerful. Brilliant mentoring. Look forward to listening to her exam sessions. Thanks to you both!
A huge take-away that I’ll be using is Tara’s metaphor for the coaching agreement being like an airplane pilot’s checklist. She stressed the importance of it, of taking the time to thoroughly establish it, even if it feels a bit meticulous because once it’s done then the rest of the coaching goes smoothly and you can refer back to it.
The value of getting feedback on your coaching
Excellent coaching seminar format! It was great to have all of the layers of interaction and sharing of perspectives, from client to coach to mentor to audience- and even coming full circle with audience interacting with client! What a great format that elicited a wealth of learnings and insight! Would love to see more of these types of sessions! Thanks :-)
Not being afraid to interrupt when your client goes down a rabbit hole
This call was a wonderful learning experience! The coaching was a masterful demonstration of partnership, presence, and performance. This was followed by the mentor coach and coach reflecting on the coaching. Priceless!
Thank you! Such a wonderful call today. I learned tons from Tara’s Mentor partnership with Matthew and the questions she asked him that I had never heard a Mentor coach ask a Mentee. “What would represent partnership?” for example.
“Don’t hang on when client has moved on.”; I had the realization that sometimes I may hang on to a word that felt seemingly important, moving me away from what is being said in the moment.
That you have to be selective in following the clues that the client gives you and that you have to follow your instincts.
Allowing more time for exploration of the topic
I absolutely loved the Partnership-Presence-Performance balance Tara shared. Balancing these three in service to the client is the intention and what she sees as most challenging for coaches today.
I’m taking away the incredible power of letting deep curiosity about the coachee be a wonderful tool in service to the client throughout the process. That deep curiosity drives those deep expansive questions.
Calling the client out; stay on the hook, I’m not buying that.
Put all your “reflecting back” into a short, concise question
Having a live coaching session followed by a mentoring session was so enthralling to me. I was able to compare what I noticed in the coaching session to what was ofered by Tara as an MCC mentor. It made me listen in a very deep way. Truly, this was an amazing session to witness. I learned so much!
I loved the bit in mentoring session about “how to be your own post it note”. I often have clients land on take aways that involve making a note but practicing personalizing these commitments would be powerful.
I am going to be working on my own discomfort in sessions where I feel like I need to come to the rescue and how that can move me out of my coaching presence. I had a bit of a parallel process happening when listening to the coaching.
helping clients think beyond the usual strategies for accountability
Master Certified Executive, Leadership, Team & Mentor Coach Bonus: PDF of 2 of Marilyn's articles on How to Stay Motivated
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has had coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Marilyn have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am the Chief of Staff at a large financial planning firm.
I would like coaching on how I can enhance my performance by focusing on my strengths and since part of my role is managing our Senior Leadership Team I need coaching on how to make a larger impact with this group of executives."
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 written notice
Some participant take-aways:
I’m impressed how much Marilyn accomplished in a short time by being direct and succinct and, by her stabilizing confidence. So fun to listen to these true masters!
I applaud her context setting in the beginning.
Her use of acknowledgement and affirmation with the client at different points, even in a short session, was powerful.
Using visualization of future perfect as more of a tool
A reinforced appreciation for the value of the structure of a coaching session
Her incredible use of direct communication. Her understanding of culture, how fast it moves and the stress it brings.
Ideas and concepts to strengthen my use of direct communication.
I like how Marilyn set up the call with the client, mentioning it as a partnership, asking about triggers, asking the client what she will do if a trigger happens, and asking if there is any cultural background that she may want to share before getting started, and the mini-story about why that is important. I liked the visioning she used and the physical action (stepping over the line) that she asked of the client to portray her commitment to her goal. I will be using both of these in my coaching sessions.
Idea that it’s not enough to just think about things, but also to experience them in the body.
Checking for cultural issues and client presence on the front end of the session.
Leader & Team Coach Bonuses: the transcript of the coaching session, additional 30-minutes and the call provides 1.5 CEUs
ICF MCC Exam Session!
Coaching Scenario: The client is not a coach, this was their 7th coaching session and they did not know each other prior to the coaching.
Coaching Topic: She wants to uncover a bit about this new feeling she’s had in the past few days around being in charge. Wants to dig a little deeper into the things she’s in charge of, can control and can advance. Wants to focus on that and see progress rather than on things that do not depend on her right now and leave her feeling frustrated.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
This was a beautiful demonstration of the power of presence. The coach gave the client the gift of space. Within that space the client was able to go deeper as the coach practiced active listening and powerful questioning.
The coach’s ability to be so present as to allow slow pacing and silence. This created spaciousness for the client to go deep and have a breakthrough that will be lasting.
asking: “what is important to you right now in this moment?” was a powerful reminder to help client anchor in the new awareness.
Truly great demo of mastery in action that sounds easy, flowing, and conversational.
A session full of silence/spaciousness that was so rich and teeming with possibilities. Witnessing what emerged was proof modeled right before our eyes that with masterful coaching, less is so much more.
To listen with “full body awareness” by engaging “heart, mind, and soul listening.” To remember Lucy did a fantastic job of sharing her observations of what the client was expressing through nonverbal communication.
To listen for what the client wants out of the conversation, suspend judgment, and remember that every piece of what I’m hearing matters.
The depth and breadth of her exploration while maintaining the client’s desired outcome for the call. She kept bringing it back to the agreement.
Leaning in to allow space for breathing and centering.
It's encouraging to know that the 2 things she’s great at, allowing space/silence and not assuming are the 2 things she used to be worst at.
What was most new and helpful for me was learning that asking, “What’s important now cuts the narrative and keeps the client in the present.
I am taking away a reinforcement of reflecting the client’s language rather than inserting your own.
There were several great reminders including using client language, keeping the client in the present moment, suspending judgement
Just listening to the conversation after the session is giving insights and I appreciate that
Lots of empty spaces during the session. Trust between client and coach. The client knows
Boils down to being where the client takes you, every time...
The need to be continuously aware of assumptions when very familiar with a client was a good reminder.
Honoring the clients inner wisdom by being still, very present and holding the space for them.
Master Certified Executive, Leadership & Team Coach Bonus: 3 articles written by Adria on coaching Recorded on: 11/15/12
Coaching Scenario: This client is a student at the coaching school where Adria is an instructor. She has been taught as well as mentor coached by Adria but never received personal coaching from her until this session.
Coaching Topic: the client is in the midst of creating a business that is a huge undertaking and is being very well received. She is concerned about losing sight of whats important to her and wants to make sure she keeps her focus on how she is "being" while involved in the "doing".
$59.97-Purchase MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business) or just $47 when you buy the subscription- can cancel anytime*
One participant on the skyped in saying:
"I was impressed with how much time Adria took to set the agreement. I looked at the clock and it was nearly half of the session! It really worked."
Its very obvious why Adria Trowhill, MCC is a 4X award winning coach! Just hearing the 1st few minutes of her coaching session blew a number of us off the map. We agreed that we'd never heard a session set up that way before and that we're going to "steal" it!!!
Karl Van Hoey MCC
Executive, Team, Mentor & Coach Supervisor Bonus: Additional 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A
Coaching Scenario: Karl coaches a real-world executive client who he met only briefly before the call.
Coaching Topic: "I struggle with the less concrete, or emotional, aspects of leadership where people feel inspired by me. I feel I possess many of the more tangible qualities that allow me to effectively guide an organization towards success, such as objective decision making, efficient prioritization and resource allocation, and strategic vision. But I don't feel I have whatever sort of charisma is needed for people to want to be led by me."
MP3 + ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
How to stay with someone who relies so heavily on the rational side of things.
I loved what K. Van Hoey said about “the mastery over yourself”.
This call took my breath away. His coaching presence was so masterful. Every single question was powerful and advanced the client’s understanding of self. Something to be in awe of!
To lean into my ability to energetically connect with client and to explore and observe vs. focus on question generation.
A good reminder to nail down a specific coaching agreement
Explore the meaning of the words the client is using.
Be respectful of the client’s comfort level and don’t push beyond it, especially early in the relationship.
How to stop doing the work for my clients by asking better questions.
Elicit and delve into feeling. Engaged listening.
Karl’s coaching presence was extraordinary. What I most admired was how every single question was an invitation into deeper water with a sense of curiosity and lightness.
I always listen for feeling, but I now see the benefit seeking feeling as an opportunity for exploration.
A key shift to masterful coaching occurs when the coach moves into a holistic mode of presence that includes curiosity, observation, and the sharing of those observations with the client. The coach demonstrated this by noticing and sharing the client’s use of specific words, expressions, and changes in voice tempo.
I really appreciated how Karl shared about his own journey--the shifts he had to make in order to make the leap from PCC to MCC.
Continued fascination with unlocking each human. And Karl’s powerful noticing of each significant word.
Executive, Team & Generative Leadership Bonus:Lessons from a Decade of Coaching Public Leaders: Coaching Works an article Lynnette wrote for IJCO Recorded on: 1/20/15
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. He has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time that he and Lynnette had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: Doesn't know if he has a block on money or sales or what- he gets close and then its not there. Wants help on figuring out what he needs to get a jump start and get moving faster.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant take-aways:
"Loved Lynette's strength of purpose, staying on task; beautiful use of interrupting client for their benefit."
"For me this session was very valuable-to be able to see how Lynnette- a master- handled a client who was stuck was very powerful. I now have insights and more tools in my box to use going forward."
"The importance of giving careful attentiveness to the process of determining which coaching approach will engage the client the most."
"That when you are working with a 'non-coachy' client - use THEIR language, metaphors & really be with THEM - not in your own paradigm"
"Keep returning to the focus and ask permission with every change in approach"
"Offer a suggestion to name what is present when the client is staying in a mental focus. Encourage the client to be bold and think outside the box"
Jane Adshead-Grant MCC
Master Certified Executive & Mentor Coach Bonus: Infographic of the Thinking Environment 10 Components
Client Scenario: Catherine is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Jane had ever met or spoken.
Client Topic: "I am a female health advocate and author in her first year of a health advocacy business. Master Coaching is really needed to empower me to charge for my services, deal with friends who ask for advice and create a more compelling online presence."
Jane's powerful qoute about the work sent to me after her call:
"One of the greatest challenges I experience for coaches with the TE (Thiking Environment) is the realisation of the paradox ‘we are so present, we are invisible’ equally it seems ‘we don’t matter, and yet we matter profoundly’ our attention and deep respect for the person’s thinking, feeling, where they go next, what they need and how can we serve them to keep thinking for themselves is what, in my experience, creates the break throughs. As Oliver Johnson said, the beauty is in its simplicity, which is at the far side of complexity . . ." ~Jane Adshead-Grant
MP3 + ICF/BCC CCE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways as well as the client feedback a week after the call:
Elegant demo of powerful coaching at its best. The coach listened deeply, asked the most powerful questions and held the space for the client to listen to her own thoughts and move through her confusion to brilliant clarity.
I really enjoyed the call; the coach trusted the client to be the expert, to be creative, and resourceful. Her thinking process exemplified the clients ability to go deep. Very deep! And think new thoughts/ideas she has not before.
What stood out to me was hearing the coach’s presence and confidence in providing the space for the client to be listened to, like she may not have ever been listened to before. What a gift.
The simplicity of our questions and repetitive nature of them releases our clients thinking and only our full attention and presence is required.
The call today with Jane was awe-inspiring, and her approach to coaching resonated with me who has used the Socratic method in teaching. Thanks again.
Creating a thinking environment and the value of re-saying the same question over and over to stimulate the client to notice their thoughts and feelings and open up areas they have never considered. Assume the client is a resourceful and brilliant human being who knows their own answers and listen fully to their responses to the repeated questions.
Asking the client, at the beginning, for a clue/symbol they will use to let the coach know when they are ready for the next question. And, closing with appreciation for a specific trait observed in the client.
This was a fascinating call that demonstrated the power of presence, powerful questioning, and trust in the client’s ability to think for herself.
To be aware of how I’m showing up as a coach--especially my assumptions about my clients’ abilities to be resourceful and think for themselves--to avoid “directing” their thinking. To be present and ask questions that “free” their minds.
This topic was extremely valuable to me personally
Don’t be afraid to keep asking the same question! And what else? And what else?
Great demo. I appreciated the opportunity to be educated about the Thinking Environment and being the Thinking Partner.
One of the best masterful coaching session I have ever heard.
I really liked Jane’s intro and the way in which she set up the call for success. I think I’m going to spend some time working on my intro/agreement, by discussing my style, and being upfront about the way I coach by mentioning it at the start. I can see how it really would help find the right client-coach match.
Really appreciated such a beautiful demonstration of this process.
Idea of helping foster client “independent thinking” in tackling situations where they are feeling stuck. “The purpose of the coach it not to direct the client’s mind, but rather to help free it.”
The client sent this in an email just 1 week after this session:
"I am pleased to say that I have my first paying client as of the last week of May... I have also told a friend I would do X for her (15 min of research and an email) but will have to charge if she wants or needs additional help.
My view of my work has changed dramatically. I now think of the whole business of charging as a necessary prelude for my services. I have essential skills. I decided that through the lens of an experiment, I am freed to consider the issue of charging as an organic process. I can't thank you and Jane enough for the flexibility I believe the coaching has given me on this issue. I am delighted and no longer weighted down with the heaviness of worry.
I will add here that I have joined a national professional association, something I have been hesitant about because of the fee. I view this as a further step forward in my business."
Bonus: 30 additional minutes of discussion and Q&A at the end of the call on what it takes to go from a good coach to a great one
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. She has had coaching in the past but this is the frist time that she and David have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a 56-year-old getting started as a speaker/consultant on leadership issues in technical companies. I’ve written a book, gotten a nice sparkly website, but my biggest issue is “imposter syndrome”. I still have that feeling that I have no business advising anyone on leadership issues, even though I have an MBA, plenty of management experience, and plenty of compliments on my insights and abilities with people. And of course, I’ve written a book on leadership! But still there’s that voice whispering to me “nah, not you, hon”. That’s what I’m looking to get past."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
It was a pleasure to observe such powerful coaching! One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
Brilliant coaching! David not only challenged the client, he challenged me to think about how I can add more value as a coach. His provocative comments about the future of coaching should be heeded by every coach.
Coaching is more than helping create insight for the client. It’s also about helping the client to take action by getting “ridiculously specific” regarding the steps he/she will take and the “speed bumps” that may get in the way.
Inspiration and a model for truly masterful coaching. Impressive work! I will listen to this session again.
How boldness is the gateway to great coaching.
One of the best coaching demonstrations. I loved the authenticity and boldness of his coaching.
I am committed to paying more attention to when I turn away from an opportunity to take a risk with a client.
Both client and coach were dynamic!
Other valuable lessons I learned: be willing to be wrong more, be aware of the power dynamic in coaching, and challenge my clients more.
Use of humor, reframing, digging with depth to achieve insight
His coaching presence, in terms of presentation and content, was masterful.
Be confident enough to be wrong. Find the issue and then anchor it.
David Goldsmith's was a guest again for a different kind of call & an MMC first!
Please note: extended call time (to 90 minutes) & how this call was different!
David was a guest in January (the above call) and coached a woman not in the coaching profession, who has had some coaching in the past but this was the first time she and David had ever met or spoken. This call is a participant favorite!
David coached her again on this call as a follow-up session.
The coaching was conducted similarly to the way coaches train the pro athletes by breaking down and examining the action play by play. So David coached in a start and stop fashion giving us the opportunity in the moment to engage with David, the client and the coaching in a very participatory way.
MP3 + CCE (given for the 1st hour) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Wow! What a beautiful coaching session and life lesson!
That paraphrasing fears to the point of ridiculousness brings levity to a situation and allows the client to reset.
The impact of reflecting as a mirror the words of the client so that they can hear it.
The importance of listening to one’s gut in deciding in which direction to go during the session
Clients will reveal where the coaching conversation can go deep. Not helpful for coaches to be too nice--okay to provoke/challenge client’s thinking.
Not being afraid to try different things to get to that “thing”; that will be of value and get results.
It is always a pleasure to observe David and his powerful coaching! Thank you for having him back again. I learn so much from him.
I admire his confidence in his own intuition; and how he is not attached to being right, he simply “has a hypothesis” and tests it out. It is such a masterful tool, and this is what I strive to always connect to in my coaching sessions.
He modeled brilliantly how to step over the potential therapy issues regarding her past, but used the depth and pain from those experiences in a coaching framework.
The logic and simplicity David used to shed light into the unconscious fears / beliefs.
Helen House CPCC, MCC
Master Certified Transformational, Leadership, Creativity & Spiritual Coach Bonuses: Additional 15 minutes for Helen to talk about coaching for marginalized populations e.g. prisoners and $150 off any one of Helen's coaching packages
Coaching Scenario: Helen and Maggie met in a training back in @2007. Maggie then hired Helen to be her coach and they worked together for a while. Maggie has been trained as a coach but they haven’t worked together for @10 years.
Coaching Topic: Maggie has 2 main tracks for what she does- one is a novel and the other is advocacy around mental illness and how to make the delivery of care better. But she’s realized when being creative she is leading with fear instead of joy.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonuses+ MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
“That was marvelous - the master modeling AND all of Helen's self ownership, insights and inspirational give back.”
Coaching a .topic that is serious and emotional for the client can be a light conversation that gets results.”
“Helen “didn’t skip a beat” and that was exactly what I loved about Helen’s coaching. She was so present. And she weaved many pieces together. Those little things are what makes a client really feel heard and understood, and there were many examples of that in this session. Very impressed with Helen’s coaching”
“A beautiful demonstration of coaching. Also enjoyed the discussion around how the coach deals with “heavy” issues.”
“I’d love to be able to use acknowledgment as easily and natural as the coach did in the call.”
“Call was deep enough to be as therapeutic as a therapy session, but in the context of coaching and present/future orientation.So masterful!”
“The dance between the coach and client was electric.”
“I listened to the call early this morning as today is another full day of facilitation. What a BRILLIANT coaching session and what a wonderful inspirational way to start my day.”
“Helen is FABULOUS! A worthy role model at every level.”
“Helen’s extremely skilled use of metaphor.”
“A pleasure to witness the mastery and vulnerability of the coach and the impact of this combination together, and the ease and partnership of the coach and client during the session. Inspiring.”
“I loved this call because it was a great example of how often times the clients who come to us have done a lot of work on themselves in therapy, and we as coaches are the next step for the clients working towards what they want. Helen beautifully embraced the heavy realities that Maggie showed up to the call with, all the while staying in the coach framework”
Bonus: Article by Sally Ourieff, MD. to educate coaches in the symptoms and signs of when a client might need therapy or psychiatric help so that we can then make the appropriate referral Recorded on: June 24, 2015
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession. She has never been coached before and this was the first time that she and Hope had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client feels she can do something in the world and make an impact, not necessarily far reaching but her negative, self judgmental thoughts are blocking her. She feels if she can find a way to go beyond the critical self talk she can do great things.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
“Importance of coach not slipping into problem-solving for client.”
“Fluidity of moving back and forth with close, but different parts of client's content.”
“The beauty of the CTI model in action! As always, make it simple. Stop adding so much extra noise in my coaching.”
“The client's concern is so common; this demonstrated a powerful, yet simple way to help breakthrough negative self-talk in short order.”
“The powerful self-confidence and skill of the master coach.”
“Make observations (using the direct communication) without fear!”
“Always hold the door open for the client's vision to get bigger. This client initially played small, but Hope didn't take the bait!”
“Use the client's language when I frame questions. Play with metaphor, especially with clients who are visual like this one was.”
“What does that open up for you?' I had forgotten how powerful that question is!”
Dr. Christine McDougall, MCC
Master Certified Integral Leadership & Transformational Coach Bonus: Embodying Abundance Teleclass Recorded on: August 17, 2011
Coaching Scenario: The client is a coach and this was the first time that she and Christine had ever met or spoken. Up to this point it had been standard procedure for the Master Coach to be sent the submitted coaching topics only (no names or any other info). But for the first time on a MMC call, Christine didnt want to know anything at all about the client before the session. So I asked 3 coaches that I know and trust to vote on which topic they preferred and thats how this one was selected.
Part of the theme of this call was 'living with uncertainty' and its obvious Christine walks her talk.
Coaching Topic: The client has run a successful coaching business now for 10 years but has decided to take a "pause" to reflect on what's next for her with her work in the world. It feels very scary and at the same time exciting. This is the first time in her life she's ever given herself this opportunity. Christine McDougalls words that she really resonated with were "illuminate truth on the soul level" and thats what she wants to connect with.
Master Certified Unclutter-Organize-Transform Coach Recorded on: 4/14/11 Bonus: Sue is offering “Your Inspired Schedule” (a section from one of her programs called “Your Inspired Office”) which is about looking at your time the same way you look at your closet and your garage and your filing cabinet – and filling it with things that delight you while letting go of the rest.Coaching scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and this was first time that he and Sue had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: "My mom passed away recently so Im going through a huge transition.
I am now doing a renovation on my apartment, after living here for 19 years.
I have taken EVERYTHING out of my apartment and I am trying to clear, clean, and purge as much as possible. I would like to know what to bring back and what to let go of."
"Gail, what a pleasure being on the call with you, the client, and the listeners! Thank you again for inviting me to be part of your Masterful Coaching series." ~Sue Rasmussen
Dr. Marcia Reynolds MCC
Master Certified Transformational Leadership Coach & Best Selling Author
Call #1 Recorded on 1/10/11 Special bonus: Marcia offers an MP3 recording on "Shifting Beliefs"!
Coaching scenario:
The client is a coach and this was the first time that she and Marcia had ever met or spoken. Coaching Topic: The client is from France now living in Thailand. She has 3 children and is recently separated from her husband. She would like to reinforce her self confidence to begin her coaching practice in a new country and handle all that’s on her plate with serenity and with a stronger belief in her strengths.
MP3 + CE + Special Bonus
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
What an exceptional, instructive example of dancing in the moment, of masterful coaching under less than ideal circumstances! Even though it was difficult to hear/understand the client at times, Marcia maintained an amazing presence, exemplified perseverance, powerful listening & questioning, acknowledgement and such courage and confidence to simply be in the silences and to trust her client and her process. What a great reminder and teaching that we are not always going to find ourselves in the ideal situation and we don’t need that to be of service. What’s important is how we show up!
Call #2 Recorded on 8/22/16 Special bonus Marcia's ebook From the Pits to the Peak based on work she did around what it takes to make a big life change
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has received some coaching in the past but this is the first time that she and Marcia have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I am a successful Engineer working in corporate sales, who also owns a blossoming small business on the side. I know I have great potential in the corporate world, but have such a strong inner passion for entrepreneurship that I am constantly finding myself questioning what path I should be on. I would love to be coached about what path would lead me to my fullest potential."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 or $47 with subscription
Some participant take-aways:
The power of reflection--reflecting back to the client key words and emotions can be as important as powerful questions.
Great rapport, active listening, and eliciting client’s needs. The need to assess feeling towards identifying main topic and resulting course(s) of action.
I admired Marcia’s confidence, her pace and how well she tracked with the client; how she held up the mirror and reflected back what the client had said so that the client could really hear her thoughts, beliefs, fears, and goals.
I love how the coaching conversation went deeper towards the end of the call, when the client realized that the real fear /the real question going on for the client is whether she will miss the opportunity to reach her full potential by not having clarity about choosing the right path. The coach then stood-for the client and what she said she wanted and reminded her by reflecting back over and over again.
Dr Reynolds spoke about financial freedom, it made me see that subject differently
The value of the occasional closed question.
Great reminder of how little it can take to help folks break through fear!
Listening to the emotional energy that is coming from the client - especially regarding which direction to go in making a choice/decision
After listening to Marcia I am encouraged to continue to use closed questions for purposes of clarification...it was a nice affirmation.
Marcia asked great questions…Very powerful. I was fascinated by the transition in the call--it seemed to go from a process-oriented approach to make a decision, and moved to a conversation that was very personal evaluation of her experience. It was a subtle transition
Alan Seale, PCC, MSC
Leader & Transformational Coach
Recorded on 8/16/10
Special bonus: Alans ebook "Anatomy of Transformational Presence"
Coaching scenario: The client is not a coach, its the 1st time she had ever been coached and the 1st time she and Alan had met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She wanted help dealing with issues around her mother having Alzheimers.
Purchase MP3 - $59.97
"All I can say is WOW!!! Working with Master Coach Alan Seale was such a transformative experience. I had an incredible breakthrough in our 30-minute session that has truly left me feeling liberated from old thought and behavior patterns. As a result, I feel more courageous about making decisions that are beneficial for both my mother and me. I cannot thank Alan and Moore Master Coaching enough for this golden opportunity to step into my own power." ~Florence, VA
"Thanks so much, Gail. I had a wonderful time. You are offering a great service. I look forward to being a guest coach on your program again. All blessings..." ~Alan Seale
Recorded: 4/19/11 Purchase MP3 $59.97
This was third in a series of 3 teleclass calls customized for the Denver ICF chapter. Alan's call ran for 1 hr 15 minutes. You will receive the certificate for continuing education credit(s) in the area of core competencies. You can purchase Alan's call individually for $69.97 or the series of 3 for a discounted rate $150.00 -see tab titled "ICF Series".
Coaching scenario: the client had been a student at the school where Alan is an instructor so she had attended a number of his teleclasses but Alan had never coached her before.
Coaching topic: "Feeling the hand of God (the universe, etc.) over me saying, "not yet" or, "not that direction"- doors that seem obvious not opening. How to be in that place of frustration."
Michael Stratford MCC
Master Certified Transformational & Evolutionary Coach Bonuses: Additional 25 minutes of Q&A at the end of the call and a copy of Michael's ebook Masterful Questions: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this is the first time she and Michael have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She had over 20 years in music industry, moved up to VP of a major label, then there was the economic downturn coupled with the music industry falling apart. She started her own business and is doing well but thinking about her future she’s concerned about whether or not to continue her own small business or focus on a return to a "real" full time desk job.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Some of the participant take-aways:
“This coach was beyond masterful and elegant. He listened so exquisitely, followed the client’s story, asked powerful questions that forwarded the coaching session step by elegant step.”
“Incredible presence created by Michael’s silences.”
I appreciate witnessing Michael have his client give herself a pep talk and examples, giving her back the work she gave him to do, keeping it powerful coaching vs. consulting. He also had an easiness to him; being calm, confident and cheerful, believing in his client and in life.
A very strong reminder to let the client lead and get myself out of the way!
Coach should be comfortable with uncertainty in allowing clients to pursue their own paths forward in coaching relationship
Everything that came out of his mouth in that Q&A was gold
I am going to challenge myself to slow down and pause more.
WOWSA! What real deal mastery looks like.
How 25 minutes of masterful laser coaching can be enough for client to receive a real shift.
The purity of Michael’s coaching, his powerful questioning and his silences.
Master Certified Transformational Life Coach Bonuses: Additional 30 minutes fo discussion and Q&A, 1.5 CEU's and Pats "Coaches C-19 Consciousness Checklist"
Coaching Scenario: Sandra is a coach and they met back in 2003 when she took her initial coach training.
Coaching Topic: She came with the issue of wanting to figure out what her legacy will be and what the real underlying issue turned out to be was a big surprise!
This was a different kind of call in that Pat also known as "Indiana Jones of the Interior" conducting his coaching session with the express purpose of demonstrating:
the process and value of going deeper into the emotions
keeping it on the coaching (vs therapy) side of the fence
the heart-head communication
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEUs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
Connecting heart to head yields big moments
Several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
What a special joy this session was- the 90 minutes fairly flew! The debrief conversation was like being with longtime friends who challenge and learn from each other.
I like that he stopped her head from talking and asked her to come from her heart and his confirmation to us that the heart’s message is short and simple.
Always assisting our clients in getting to the real underlying issue at hand.
Loved the way he had her move from Head to Heart. I will use that!
transformational coaching vs. transactional coaching
Dr. Williams described several effective ways to handle clients who bring up significant issues in the last 10 minutes of a coaching session.
Pat’s question to his client,”what’s the message in those emotions” and his subsequent debrief around this topic is readily applicable to any coaching situation. I will listen even more closely than I already do for emotions and tonal shifts, with the mindset of uncovering the “messages” within.
I will be more courageous when working with clients who bring all of their emotional reactions to our coaching conversation.
I especially liked the specific questions Dr. Williams asked to set up the action items with the client and then how he reinforced her commitment to address those topics after the call.
I enjoyed how Dr. William injected his personality into the coaching as it was very natural and supportive to his client.
Best questions to ask should be Brief, Understandable, and Compassionately Curious
This was my first call and it was outstanding! Looking forward to participating in many “Moore” :)
Master Certified Organization Effectiveness & Leadership Transition Coach Bonus: Ben's 30 minute webinar-Integrating Reflective Learning in the Coaching Process Recorded on: December 19, 2016
Coaching Scenario: He has had coaching in the past but this is the first time he and Ben had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "Increasing my influence as a thought leader in the personal finance and the self-help field is my mission. I have helped over 3,000 families working on a one-on-one basis. Now I would like to help millions and am seeking coaching on how I can accomplish my calling."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47
with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participant feedback:
"Ben had a calming and supportive presence. He also tracked very well; it was a dance with the client. He recapped and summarized the clients words very articulately, and offered it back to the client for the client to hear himself. He asked great clarifying questions, brainstorming, and forward thinking questions, and checked in with the client frequently. I will remember the experience of listening to Ben's call when I work with my clients. It was a great live example of the core competencies."
"The skilled use of clarifying questions in the coaching process"
"The importance of going deeper with the client. Ben masterfully helped the client gain deeper awareness of his inner knowing."
"Use of powerful, yet relevant, imagery. Linking personal meaning to goals..."
"Acknowledging and affirming the client. Listening for more than the words, i.e., voice tone, pace, tempo.Stay neutral. Don’t lead the client. Help the client to chunk up the perspective around an issue to draw additional insight."
"The importance of going deeper with the client. Ben masterfully helped the client gain deeper awareness of his inner knowing."
Libby Graves MBA, MCC
Master certified Leadership Development & Executive Career/Life Transition Coach Bonus: An additional 30 minutes for more debriefing and Q&A
Client Scenario: This is one of Libby's real-world clients. They have worked together for about 2 years.
Client Topic: He is a dentist in the military. He realizes the questions he’s been asking “What do I do next and How do I continue along the path of self-development for a particular job?” are not the right questions. The better ones are “What kinds of roles do I foresee for myself that allow me to be authentic in who I am? And “knowing who I am and taking an inventory of the leaders I have available to me, how do I leverage those into the next level?”
This was one of our ICF MCC exam sessions
We got to hear one of Libby's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with a review of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
MP3 + 1.5 ICF CEUs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
Wiith the subscription.
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice.
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellent call today which exemplified truly masterful coaching!
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
Her good example of pinpointing the coaching agreement.
how well she packaged together a summary from what her client said. Also, I like the wording, “What progress do you feel you’re making?” regarding the coaching session.
Clients are supported when they feel a sense of trust and safety in the coaching relationship, and when they are given plenty of space to engage in deep exploration and the time to process what’s uncovered.
To be completely comfortable in a space of not know knowing--to let whatever unfolds appear--to let go of any need to have “the” answers.
Maintaining Presence is what stood out for me. I often have to calm myself, to be more present. This was helpful.
Self-management and patience with the process of uncertainty of outcome.
Inward circles of deepened awareness vs spinning circles of repetition.
A new tool “allow the story telling” for retirement transitioning clients.
the completeness of the ending - I can learn a lot from this, going deeper even as I am moving to close.
The power of coaching to help clients develop and grow strong belief in themselves.
Discussion of tools was really helpful; for example, use of “Life Story” in setting baseline and connecting with clients to help them feel heard and understood.
It's always valuable to hear a session that passed the MCC exam.
Master Certified Executive, Career Transition & Cultural Assimilation Coach
Bonus: Compilation of 3 of Moty's coaching articles Recorded on: 1/21/13
Moty coaches 2 clients on this call!
The first is a 30 minute session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and has never been coached before. This is the first time that he and Moty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is an unemployed middle-aged man seeking to transition from a career in entertainment publicity. He is feeling confused, discouraged and losing his confidence and wants a shift in perspective or an emotional boost.
The second is a 5 minute laser session.
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession and has never been coached before. This is the first time that she and Moty have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is a woman who is in the marketing profession with over 10 years of experience and needs help improving her interviewing skills. She's a great employee but feels she doesn't sell herself well in interviews.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
When asked her greatest take away from all her years of coaching Moty replied “People are great, people are unique & intelligent and they know and are capable of accessing their own greatness. Its not me, Im like a travel agent I help prepare the road but they have to make the trip.”
Tony gave us a bonus 30 minutes for a discussion on coaching without a model, his work with the subconscious to be able to go deeper faster and additional Q&A.
Coaching Scenario: This client Eli, has been coached in the past but this was the first time she and Tony had ever met.
Coaching Topic: Eli has been working in the corporate world for many years, is successful and found it fulfilling for a long time. However not so in recent years and the pandemic really brought it to a head. She has found something she feels so passionate about but is really frightened to let go of the security. But its very painful for her to stay and she doesnt know if she can do it anymore. She would like help getting clear on what she should do.
MP3 + ICF & BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
What a true master of his craft.
Deeper validation of the importance of helping the client create a clear and felt sense of the future they desire. (behavior and emotion)
The distinction between “problem” and “situation”
“Coaching is about triggering thinking”. How to do it comes from the client and what he/she says.
The beauty and power of connecting the coach’s subconscious with the client’s subconscious.
Get clarity on where the client is now, get clarity on what behavioral change is needed to get there.
Very interesting call with new things to think about.
The Q&A session after was particularly helpful.
The importance of not trying to be a problem solver and tapping into the client’s subconscious.
I loved the 3 steps to clarity!
The power of patience and sitting without judgment with the client through their discomfort
So exciting to be presented with a new way or working.
Coach was so even in his approach to the emotion of the client, but kept the conversation moving forward out of problem talk.
Tony is amazing and I want in on the MasterClass he mentioned.
Life Transition and Mentor Coach Bonuses: "Parts Work" a PDF intro and a 30 minute discussion on the MP3 Recorded: February 23, 2016
Coaching Scenario: This is the first Jeanne and the client have ever met or spoken. The client is not in the coaching profession and this is the first time she has ever been coached.
Coaching Topic: "The self-critical, doubting voice needs to be shut down. I have recently had a surge of business (3 new clients) as a marketing consultant. The clients have high expectations (one has dubbed me as their holy grail) and it has created a fear of failure and self -doubt that I can meet all of these demands."
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some participant take-aways:
A winner once again- very powerful- thanks!
I didn’t know anything about parts work. Thanks to Jeanne explaining it and seeing it in action, I can see how valuable it can be and I want to get further training.
Power of simply being heard and witnessed by a non-judgemental curious presence
I'm taking away a masterful example of how to use the Parts Work with a coaching client, using it for the present and future, and how to avoid the therapy way of using it.
Incorporating parts work into creating awareness for client regarding blockages and obstacles to their moving forward and how it can influence their perspective and experience of events
Helpfulness of "externalizing the problem" in empowering clients to address issues of concern: Technique of "parts" in helping clients leverage strengths in addressing challenges
A reminder of how effective parts work can be and an inspiring role model who demonstrated how "masterful" this work can be.
Thank you!!! Inspiring and very informative
Better wording and other examples of what I am already teaching!
Wynne Miller MCC
Master Certified Leadership, Entrepreneur & Transition Coach Bonus: Harvard Business Review article: From Purpose to Impact
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession, she has never been coached before and this is the first time that she and Wynne have met or spoken. In fact Wynne didnt even know what the topic was. The monthly subscribers chose this topic from a list a submitted to them.
Coaching Topic: "I'd wag my tail over the opportunity to be coached on how to have my Pet Disaster Preparedness and First Aid trainings reach that next level! My topic may be niche however, pets are part of the family evidenced by the $63 billion pet care industry and the unending disasters occurring round the globe. So many more animals, and the people who love them, could benefit from my help while bringing me sustainable income, so I need guidance to build upon my books, courses, celebrity students and TV segments to make it a reality!"
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day written notice
Some of the participants take-aways:
“Changed my views on what constitutes a brilliant demonstration! Hearing the master coach fall into the trap of trying to solve the problem but quickly catching herself was amazing. It was really valuable for me to see how she successfully turned it around.”
“I loved when the coach immediately interrupted the client when she used the word “obnoxious” to describe herself. That was a turning point in the call. And it’s a good reminder going forward of when it’s really important to interrupt a client.”
“Getting client to narrow the problem early on saves time!”
“The use of the internal question (by Alan Seale) “What wants to happen here?”
“How to use powerful questions for almost all of the coach communication to the client”
“Clients are frequently in need of confidence boosting- trying to solve their problems for them does not support their becoming more confident in their own competence and abilities to address/solve their own challenges.”
“The use of somatic coaching: starting a call by asking the client to take a few deep breaths to center herself; asking where the client feels or experiences something.”
“Wynne had the grace and humility to “catch herself” and tell all of us when she fell into the trap of fixing. Takes great courage and self-awareness to do this.”
Amorah Ross MCC
Master Certified Transition, Spiritual & Life Balance Coach Bonus:30 minutes extra of Q&A with Amorah & extra .5 CE's and her Choice Magazine article- The Gateway to Coaching Artistry
Coaching Scenario: This client is not in the coaching profession, she's never been coached before and this the first time that she and Amorah have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: She's been married 13 years but theyve been together 20. They met freshman year, its the only relationship she's ever had. They have separated, she's just moved out of the house. Her husband is the one who wants the divorce-no affair or anyone else its due to underlying issues. She's trying to get through it, still very tender- still has feelings for him. She wants to figure out how to deal with her emotions and the feelings she has for him still and move on.
Purchase MP3 + ICF CCE (1.5 CE's) + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Some of the participants take-aways:
"Amorah is truly an MCC and I will keep her in mind when I want my MCC for her mentor coaching program".
"THAT was purely masterful. Just beautiful. Taking away the energy & pacing of masterful."
"The power of the coaching vessel when held by a truly present and fearless individual can be transformational in 30 minutes."
"Excellent call, great demonstration of ICF competencies"
"Brilliance of clearing emotion first. A few key questions for exploring emotion with clients"
"Reminder that all calls do not need to be an hour. There may be a need to reframe these expectations with my clients."
"Hearing Amorah go back over her thinking/feeling process she used with her client."
"Address emotions when I hear them"
Nobantu Mpotulo MCC
Ubuntu, Leadership, Mentor & Coaching Supervision
Coaching Scenario: The client has had minimal business coaching in the past but this is the first time she and Nobantu had ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: The client is tired of playing small and would like to go from a local presence to a global one. However, she needs to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome to keep her from shrinking back into complacency so she can step boldly into the world in which she wants to belong.
MP3 + CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some participant takeaways:
STELLAR, worth the wait!
tapping into your body to connect with the client; trusting your intuition
Amazing energy & presence
TUNE IN, focus on the being & the WHO, not the doing & the WHAT
The ways Nobantu helped the client anchor her new insights and awarenesses
I really appreciate the diverse vantage, especially from a coaching perspective. As well, Buddhist principles really resonate.
Continually checking in with the client and bringing them back to how they can create their own solution.
Thank you!!!!
An ability to home in on key phrases and nonverbals
Future vision embodied on many levels, clear head, client focus
Coach & client utilizing their own bodies and reactions to help client connect with themselves.
Interesting coaching and cultural perspective. Enjoyed the call.
How she connected with the client’s energy, had the client check in with her body and brought the client to a place of deep self-awareness.
Mentioning bringing the ancestors in felt very powerful to me, would like to know more.
Listening at level 3 and focusing on the being part of the client; I also loved the different ways in which she helped the client articulate her takeaways.
The reminder to bring out who the client is being.
Deep level 3 listening...with your cells!
Paying attention to what I am feeling (genuinely) about what the client is saying and share with the client.
Intrigued by the Ubuntu coaching, look forward to learning more about it.
Great to witness how a different culture plays out
Executive & Vertical Development Coach Bonus: Additional 30 minutes
Different kind of MMC call
We listen to one of Jessica's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam along with getting to hear some of the examiner's feedback. Followed by a debriefing and Q&A.
Please Note Jessica's coaching session runs around 53 minutes, so she gave us a bonus 30 minutes in order to have plenty of time for debrief and Q&A. The call provides 1.5 CEUs.
Coaching Scenario: This client is in health care delivery and is applying for an internal position as an assistant dean. It’s a brand-new position so there’s no one to ask about what to expect. Would like a better understanding of things she should be thinking about at least for the interview process.
Coaching Topic: She was one of Jessica's real-world clients a couple of years ago and they coached together for about 7 sessions.
MP3 + ICF CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
I am VERY appreciative of this coach’s insight!
She’s so open with the pitfalls of trying to move forward in her own coaching technique.
Excellent brief, powerful questions.
I really like her coaching style. I think I would like to be coached by her.
Truly - that was great reinforcement & training - setting the coaching tone deeply.
Playing with the balance between spacious/not getting ahead of the client/neutral with innovation/deep client connection.
I hope I have the same determination as Jessica demonstrated (in getting her MCC). It’s encouraging!
The point she made of being careful about getting “into” the client’s work, where laughing could be interpreted as leading, rather than acknowledgement or affirmation.
The diligence of the process and time it took to get to a proper MCC recording.
Amazing call. I so appreciated her openness and candor.
This was a particularly valuable call -- Focused relevant questions, effective rapport, easy flow, blend of tools.
I thought this was a great call- great demo of a well-structured and implemented coaching session.
It was also nice to hear a master coach be so humble and share about her stumbles in her process towards attaining the MCC credential. Thanks!
Loved watching the coach dance with the client.
Her calm presence
Remember to not stack my questions!
Ensuring I leave plenty of space for the client to do their own work. Make sure that I use the client’s language.
Master Certified Vision & Traction Coach Bonus:Set It Free- article by Martha Beck with special 2 step process Recorded on: 12/18/14
Coaching Scenario: The client is not in the coaching profession. He has had some coaching in the past and this is the first time that he and Molly have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic:He feels stuck in his platform. He’s written 2 books, the first in 1998. He wants to put the books on audio, create a web presence, fine tune his branding & turn into real company and an animated film. Drawbacks are he’s not technical, feels he has ADHD as he has issues with follow up and being scattered.He would like insight and direction as to why he's stuck and a path and track to run on to accomplish goals.
MP3 + CCE + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 Or $47 with the subscription (can cancel anytime*)
Here’s are the take-aways of 2 other MCCs followed by some “advanced” participants:
”Great call -- honored many of the ICF core competencies -- which is difficult to find in MCC demonstrations!”
“A confirmation of what I'm doing”
“Another outstanding demonstration - it stretched me and allowed my coaching skills to grow.”
“One of the most powerful coaching sessions I have heard”
"Being still & quiet more often in my coaching. Less getting trapped in giving advice”
“Being willing to be more patient as a coach and to not focus on "how am I doing?"
“That we, as coaches, can get into a rut when we get into problem-solving. The way out of the rut is to trust in possibility.”
Jan Elfline EdD, MCC
Master Certified Visual, Creative & Performance Coach
Bonus: PDF compilation of Jan's "Talks" Recorded on:4/24/13
Coaching Scenario: The client has received coaching in the past but never for this issue. This is the first time that she and Jan have ever met or spoken.
Coaching Topic: "I’m continuously creative with a flair for the fantastical and a wit that whelms and wonders… however when recently met with a new kinda challenge where MY wishes could come true, I froze. (right down to my toes) A major publisher wants to see a few full chapters from a book by me and I seem to be unable to make a decision on which direction to take. Ironically the book teaches how to get your wishes to come true… perhaps I could get a little assistance."
Purchase MP3
One participant on the call had this to say to Jan:
"You handled the session really masterfully, it was a joy to listen to."
And another:
"You were co-creatively partnering with the client and you were both kind of creative explorers and I really like that you were willing to not be smooth."
Marc Bowles MCC
Leadership, Well-Being & Team Coach Bonus: additional 30 minutes of Q&A
Different kind of MMC call
ICF MCC Exam Session with a Twist & MMC First!
Coaching mastery is achieved in part byexploring and dissecting our less than masterful moments. This is why mentoring is so valuable.
And it's why this call with Marc is really exciting. We heard a coaching session that he submitted for the ICF Master Certified Coach exam.
The Twist: it is not one of the sessions that awarded him his MCC! But now it's being used in great service to coaches!
We chose to go with this coaching session in order to focus the learning on:
What wasn't considered masterful enough
Why that is
Ways it might have been done differently to be more masterful, more beneficial for the client
Hearing the differences in this way, with a side by side comparison, provides learning that only this kind of demonstration can.
Coaching Scenario: Marc met Ally when he was his instructor in a coaching course. Marc also mentored Ally. Then they stayed connected through their interest in bike riding and eventually got into a formal coaching relationship.
Coaching Topic: He wants to progress through the ICF process and get his PCC. He’s finding the CCEU part very confusing and challenging. How to find meaningful programs and living in Scotland finding them at an affordable price
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the participant's take-aways:
Very helpful call format in reviewing "failure", as opposed to success in meeting coaching certification requirements. This approach should be incorporated more often!
This was a great experience that was made even greater by the coach’s humility as he shared his learning. He modeled the value of “stepping into feedback” and continually learning. I learned that a way to more masterful coaching is to take every opportunity to reflect and learn from each coaching conversation--and that something new may be learned each time that conversation is listened to.
To be aware of how familiarity with a client can impact my presence and who I am “being” in the coaching conversation. To be a true partner, stay curious, explore, and evoke awareness without influencing or leading clients.
I found the discussion around ways to check in with clients when they have breakthroughs to be very helpful--especially how it’s not about looking like “approval” by the coach.
This was maybe even more valuable than listening to MCC calls that passed! So much insight and learning about what to watch out for and pitfalls. Fascinating, Thank you!!
Marc’s heart & humility!
The importance of getting a “thumbs up”; from mentor coaches for the selected recordings to include with an application; We’re all on a learning curve -- just because a coach makes mistakes now doesn’t mean they won’t develop mastery!
Be attentive to familiarity in coaching. Knowing the person really well (personally) can result in making assumptions about what the person truly means. It impacts natural curiosity.
Importance to self-management and maintaining coaching mindset and state of “being”, of being a coach.
The point around being careful not to demonstrate approval when celebrating client wins
It was interesting to be attuned to the contrast of looking for mistakes rather than just successful “masterful” technique. The presenting coach’s courage in sharing the session, along with noted critique was also a valuable example of modeled healthy introspective behavior for coaches.
This approach was refreshing and offered an interesting and productive perspective in furthering coaching development.
To ask the client what certain words mean to them and to ask them to come up with their own metaphors.
We heard one of Rachel's coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam. We then had a debriefing and Q&A.
Rachel gave us the following bonuses:
additional 30 minutes for more Q&A making the call 90 minutes and worth 1.5 CEUs
a copy of the transcript
a copy of the examiner's feedback
Coaching Scenario: Rachel and the client Cynthia are colleagues and met in a class. They have and continue to support each other in their coaching.
Coaching Topic: After receiving some surprising (and somewhat difficult to hear) feedback on her communication, she’s wants to look at effective communication and what that means for her.
MP3 + CEs + Special Bonuses + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30-day notice
Some of the particpants take-aways:
“This session went so deep using the power of metaphor. It was such a gift witnessing the coach’s mastery in weaving it throughout the session, using reflection and powerful and unusual questioning to take the client deeper and deeper.”
“The power of sharing the coach’s observation and following with an exploration of the client’s self-observation. And the power of visioning in the session.”
“It was a beautifying and elegantly progressed session with spaciousness and such powerful presence.”
"The importance of pauses and creating space for the client to reflect."
"Reminded of the power of metaphors; surprised that a session which included a guided meditation passed the MCC exam, but obviously if carefully done making sure the client is leading the way it can be done"
"I am taking away principles as well as tidbits on style to inform my practice of mentoring MCC candidates"
"This session was truly amazing in all ways! One of my favorites"
"The coach was in partnership with the client when she offered the visualization based on the client’s learning. The visualization became a resource that evolved naturally as the coach heard the client’s context and how she moved into it—especially the client’s use of metaphors."
"To ask how a client likes to learn during an initial conversation when contracting with a new client. For example, visual vs non-visual thinker, use of metaphors, etc."
"Loved the coach’s comments about reflective practice!"
"New ways to continue to develop trust with established clients."
"A strong example of how to keep utilizing the client’s metaphor beyond, “how does it feel?” and to take it into support of the client’s accountability methods post-session."
"Exquisite coaching presence and trust-ability to help client create new awareness and breakthrough."
"partnership with the client by informing what coach was experiencing and asking what client wanted her to experience."
"How to use guided imagery well in a session"
"Reflect back on specific terms or phrases the client is using to go deeper on meaning."
"Setting the agreement and seeing what the client wants from the session."
This was a different kind of call and a first for Moore Master Coaching!
Tijen demonstrated Master Mentor coaching from a different approach and powerful angle. We had a coach client, and two of the coach participants helped co-coach that client. Tijen supervised, gave feedback and demonstrated how the offerings could have been more masterful. In this way, we had this rare opportunity to understand and distinguish masterful and precise approaches to coaching to help bring our coaching to a profoundly transformative level for sustaining client results. So we got to hear Master Coaching and Master Mentor coaching all in one session!
Coach Scenario: Annette is a coach and this was the first time she and Tijen had ever met or spoken.
Coaching topic: She is seeking guidance in navigating the next chapter of her Coaching journey…personally and professionally” …She wants to explore her “untapped potential” as a Certified Coach. She is in the process of building resiliency as she leans into authoring her most authentic brand!”
MP3 + ICF/BCC CE's + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Provided a perspective around specificity and risk that you do not always hear. Takes coaching to a much higher level.
Really liked the structure of this call with the coach coaching other coaches in real time on how to help the client. Novel and instructive. Would like more of this format!
The coach is listening with all of herself; not just through her mind, but what is the emotional landscape of the client and how does it shift, while creating awareness around that
the importance of narrowing the topic succinctly early on and continuously clarifying with client around where are you now
The most powerful questions come from deep holistic listening. They are personalized according to each client’s uniqueness and what each brings to coaching.
Reflection, instinct, examine and utilize “shifts”. Loved the honoring portion at the end!
full body/soul listening
Tijen’s process for funneling the agenda before expanding the awareness
Mentoring of volunteer coaches was extremely helpful.
I enjoyed this approach to coaching demo- it was interesting to see the master coach intervene in real-time with the coaching.
Find the thing below the thing.
Focus on key words, metaphors in the client’s speech, and paraphrase it back to them without leading them in any assumption on their direction. Also use questions that help to focus on the outcome, not expand on the content.
Interesting different approach to coaching demonstration/ mentoring.
The importance of those emotional shifts in the tone of the voice, the pace, the words being repeated, and the importance to present back to the client what we hear and refer to the initial goal, thus allowing for recontracting.
Very valuable!
How deeply honoring Tijen was of the client and the 2 volunteer coaches. It was so genuine, it's obvious this is who she is as a person and coach, mentor, trainer. What a gift to those she works with, It was a gift to me to experience.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
This session was rich with masterful coaching.
That there is not a single way of coaching, and the importance of noticing emotional shifts during the conversations and presenting them back to the client
That using your intuition and encouraging your client to listen to their own is valuable and significant in discovering what lies beneath the conflict.
This way of working with the 2 volunteer coaches for us all to learn is an excellent method.
Executive, Leadership & Resilience, Wellbeing Coach and Mentor Coach Bonuses: additional 30 minutes for more Q&A, a copy of the transcript and a copy of the examiners feedback
Different kind of MMC call!
On this call Lesley allowed us to hear one of her coaching sessions that passed the ICF MCC exam! She then debriefed, reviewed the examiner's report and feedback and answered our questions!
Coaching Scenario: Lesley and the client knew each other from a coach training but this was the first time they coached together.
Coaching Topic: Lindsay was offered a wonderful opportunity to give one of her nutrition and wellness programs. But its abroad and she will have to gone for an extended period of time. It has really upset her daughter and she feels panicky about her mother going. While Lindsay really wants to take the offer and essentially said yes, she is concerned about her daughter. She can see the pros and cons and keeps going round in a circle and would like to gain some clarity around what’s best.
MP3 + ICF CEU + Special Bonus + MMC Nugget-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply to your life & business)
$59.97 OR $47
with the subscription
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice
Some of the participant take-aways:
Excellence in drawing and applying insight. Incredible questions!!!
Great how much was covered in a short period of time.
“I got a big smile on my face” (client comment) a moment any coach would look for and relish.
A fabulous call! loved it!
This was an excellent example of being relaxed and trusting the client knows.
Leslie’s presence of being powerfully there, listening without much interference of her talking and her asking poignant questions to move ahead.
Once again, I am struck by how little the coach has to say for the client to make a transformation.
Pure and simple.
It's important to really understand the competencies. Mastery happens with practice, practice, practice, and presence, presence, presence.
Talk less and just ask the questions with some reflection.
This call was a beautiful demonstration of presence and how to create an environment of trust and safety.
To “love my clients”
I appreciated the coach’s ability to reflect back to the client her own words in a way that brought the client to a place of further exploration, insight, clarity.
The degree to which we can be fully there for someone is like a tuning fork.
The tabs in this section list the Master Coaches in alphabetical order by first name, followed by their niche(s).
You can then locate that Master Coach's audio(s) under their niche in the Master Coach Niches tab section above.
Or you can just browse the tab sections above by Master Coach Niches or Different Types of Demonstrations.
To find that MCC niche look under the third tab section below.
Click first tab to collapse the box of MCC names.
Master Coaches by First Name
Master Coaches are listed in alphabetical order by first name followed by the niche tab name(s) where you will find their MP3 & info about their call.
Adria Trowhill-executive, leadership, team
Alan Seale-leadership, transformational, spiritual, ICF Series
Allan Milham-executive, leadership
Amorah Ross-transition, spiritual, life balance
Amy Ruppert-complex people dynamics in the workplace, leadership
Andrea J Lee-(small) business
Andrea Sigetich-leader, entrepreneur
Angela Bird-executive, personal
Ann-Marie McKelvey-mindfulness
Annette Hurley-executive leadership, wellness & mentor
Annie Gelfand-leadership, mentor, 3 MCC
Aurora Winter-grief
Barbara Luther-add/adhd, creative
Barbara McAllister-coach's coach, life, transition
Ben Dooley-confidence, 3 MCC, mentor session, grand trine
Ben Koh-organization effectiveness, leadership transition
Benita Stafford-Smith-executive
Byron VanArsdale-real estate sales
Carin Bladh-business
Carol Courcy-emotional agility, 3 MCC
Cat Williford-goddess wisdom
Cathy Mott-leadership, executive
Chrissy Carew-personal, business, mentor
Christine Martin-executive
Christine McDougall-(integral) leadership, transformational
Christopher McAuliffe-relationship, business
Cindy Reinhardt-energy management
Corey Stanford-executive, leadership, team, mentor
Cynder Niemela-leadership, team
Cynthia Darst-life, ICF Series, 3 MCC
Cynthia Freeman-life strategist
Damien Goldvarg-leader, team, supervision session
Darlene Chrissley-leader, life, creativity
Dave Buck-business, leadership
David Darst-personal, relationship
David Franklin-leadership, mentor, MCC exam session
David Goldsmith-executive, leadership, confidence, transformational
Diana Ideus-executive, MCC exam session
Diane Brennan-leadership, team
Diane McLean-ADHD, kid, life, mentor
Donna Zajonc-leadership
Dora Hegedus-executive, business, mentor
Dorothy Siminovitch-gestalt
Fran Fisher-entrepreneur, executive, mentor/mentoring sessions, 3 MCC
Gail Haun-life, health, well being
Hayden Lee-executive life, leadership, mentor/mentoring sessions
Helen House-transformational, leadership, creativity, spiritual
Hope Langner-transformational, spiritual, leadership
Jan Berg-navigating the winds of change
Jan Carley-executive, leadership, team, mindset mastery
Jan Elfline-visual, creative, performance
Jane Adshead-Grant-executive, mentor, thinking environment
Jane Creswell-executive
Janet Harvey-corporate, life, 3 MCC
Jeanine Mancusi-spiritual
Jeanne McLennan-life transition, mentor
Jeff Miller-business, life, MCC exam session
Jennifer Starr-life, leadership, creativity, mentor, 3 MCC
Jessica Bronzert-executive, vertical development, MCC exam sessions
Jim Milner-executive, leadership, strategy
Joan King-personal, career, business
Jodi Sleeper-Triplett-youth, student, add/adhd
Joelle k Jay-executive
Judith Cohen-coach's coach
Judy Feld-executive, professional
Judy Irving-executive, leadership, mentor
Julie Colbrese-executive
Karen Cappello-coaches coach(biz building), business
Karl Van Hoey-executive, team, mentor, supervision, MCC exam session
Kathleen Stinnett-executive, leadership, coaching supervision
Kathy Fleming-business, life
Ken Abrams-executive, business, personal results
Keri Kuerbis Lehmann-life, leadership, cancer
Kiki Ramsey-executive, positive psychology
Madeleine Homan-Blanchard-creative genius
Maggie Joao-executive, mentor, supervisor, MCC exam session
Marcia Reynolds-leadership
Margie Gordillo-ancient wisdom leadership, life
Margie Heiler-executive, leadership, team, mentor
Marilyn O'Hearne-executive, leadership, team, mentor/mentoring sessions
Marion Franklin-life, coach's coach, mentor
Marty Raphael-executive, business, divorce
Mary Allen-success, inner peace
Mary Anna Wright-leadership, mentor, coaching supervision, MCC exam session
Meg Mann-executive, leadership, mentoring session
Meryl Moritz-executive, ICF series, 3 MCC
Michael Marx-business, executive, communications, MCC exam session
Michael Myerscough-relationship
Michael Stratford- transformational, evolutionary
Mickey Parsons-executive, leadership, entrepreneur, positive psychology
Micki McMillan-corporate, leadership
Molly Gordon-vision & traction
Moty Koppes-executive, career transition, cultural assimilation
Nobantu Mpotulo-Ubuntu, leadership, mentor, supervisor
Otto Siegel-genius, family/youth, 3 MCC
Pamela Ramadei-executive, leadership
Pat Barone-weight loss, health, well being
Pat Williams-executive, leadership, 3 MCC
Patricia Hirsch-executive personal
Patrick Ryan-executive, entrepreneurial, personal, spiritual
Philip Cohen-business, entrepreneur
Rachel Dungan-pharmacist, wellbeing, leadership, mentor, MCC exam session
Relly Nadler-executive, leadership, 3 MCC
Rick Tamlyn-leadership
Ronnie Noize-marketing
Rodrigo Aranha-executive, mentor
Russell Heath-personal results, communication, MCC exam session
Sackeena Gordon-Jones-executive, mentor
Sam Magill-executive, leadership, supervision session
Sandy Vilas-entrepreneur
Sarah Fraser-leadership, life, career, mentor, MCC exam session
Sarah Happel-executive, leadership
Sharaf Eldin-leadership, mentor, MCC exam session
Sherryl T. Christie- executive, leadership
Sue Rasmussen-unclutter, organize, transform
Sue Sheldon-executive, business, life
Suzi Pomerantz-executive, leadership
Sylviane Cannio-executive, mentor
Tara Nolan-dxecutive, team, MCC exam session, Mentoring session
Teresa Pool-executive
Teresa Schwab-leadership, mentor, MCC exam session
Terrie Lupberger-executive, corporate, 3 MCC
Terry DeMeo-career, relationship, communication
Tijen Genco-executive, life, wellbeing, mentor, mentoring session
Tim Cline-health & wellbeing lifestyle
Tony Latimer-leadership, transition, special event
Tunde Erdos-executive, MCC exam session
Wendy Terwelp-networking, branding, career
Wynne Miller-leadership, entrepreneur, transition
Zsofia Juhasz-Executive, Leadership, Mentor, MCC Exam Session
Monthly Subscription For the Very Best Deal
The Monthly Calls + MP3's + CE's + Bonuses + MMC Nuggets-(different ways to get the most out of the calls or any class & apply them to your life & business)
Can cancel anytime with 30 day notice. See details below.
When you have the subscription you can also purchase any archived past calls for the same low $47 rate.
This is the individual rate, please contact me for multi-user rates.
IMPORTANT:To ensure you receive & pay for only one teleclass call per billing cycle, the on-going billing payment must occur during the 1st week of every month. So if you register from the 8th-31st of the month, your recurring billing period will be moved to the 3rd of the month after you have received your 1st teleclass call. You will then be charged every 30 days thereafter. As a result your 1st billing cycle may be a bit longer or a bit shorter than 30 days. Example: you sign up on October 21st & are charged for the next call which is on November 17, your next payment will be on December 3rd and every 30 days thereafter.
You can always cancel with a 30-day notice and must do so by emailing gail@MooreMasterCoaching.com
Can't make it to a live call but want the ICF core competency CEUs? Now you can get them!
1. This only applies to the calls in the current year. 2. Listen to the recording, take and pass the quiz by the end of the year. 3. As this has to be done manually, can not be automated, there is a fee:
4. Be sure to list the Master Coach call you are wanting the CEU(s) forat the bottom of the check out form under the Comments/Special Delivery Instructions.
IMPORTANT: After purchasing be on the lookout for the email with the link to the quiz and other details. May wind up in spam even though you've received the purchase order and may take longer to show up.
The following are Moore Master Coachings terms and conditions of service: (1) all sales are final and Moore Master Coaching does not give refunds; (2) if there is any technical or other glitch or for any reason the call cannot be held or completed as scheduled, it will be rescheduled as soon as possible with that same Coach or another Master Coach; (3) if the call is delayed due to unforeseen technical difficulties, it will be extended to complete the full hour; (4) if any problem you experience is the result of your own phone or web connection, MMC cannot be held responsible; (5) MMC will endeavor to ask the Master Coach as many of your questions as possible; and (6) the Master Coaching calls will be recorded. If you are coached by the Master Coach or choose to speak, your presence and/or participation on the call constitutes your knowledge, release, and consent to the recording and subsequent use of your voice and statements without compensation now or in the future; and (8) Moore Master Coaching does not store any credit card numbers or personal information. All processing transactions are done through 1 Shopping Cart.
Moore Master Coaching
The ONLY place to hear all different types of Master coaching demonstrations & get CEU's!
If you signed up for the free preview call there's no need to sign up here as well as you will be on the mailing list!
Important UPDATE: These Teleclasses are Tax Deductible
You should know that according to the IRS, these teleclasses are tax-deductible, so in the long run, they are essentially FREE to you! Here's an article I found online that explains more, and here are links to specific IRS publications that detail where and what to deduct: Publication 970 and Publication 535.