Sarah Fraser MCC
Life, Career, Leadership & Mentor Coach
Sarah Fraser is a career and leadership coach and workshop facilitator at her London-based company, Happiness Express. She coaches people towards happiness and high performance.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony
- Gandhi
When you cultivate a mindset of self-belief, trust and positivity, you allow yourself and those around you to shine. With the support and challenge of a coach, you identify and leverage your core strengths, and experience a sense of purpose and happiness that allows you to perform at your best. I coach people and teams towards happiness and high performance.
Coaching Focus
Personal branding and leadership:
Define your authentic leadership style, especially focused on women in male-dominated industries
Align with your values and those of the organisation, especially in new cultural environments
Use emotional intelligence to increase understanding and collaboration
Create and communicate your vision
Inspire greatness in yourself and others
Strengths building:
Focus on your positives
Build confidence to drive authentic decision-making
Identify and grow strengths for career progression
Set goals and priorities to improve personal and professional effectiveness
Workplace wellbeing
Cultivate a positive mindset and attitude
Manage stress, even through times of change
Create better work-life integration
Practise mindfulness for mental clarity and inner peace
Coaching Services
• One-to-one personal and professional coaching - in-person and/or by Zoom • Group workshops on various subjects related to happiness and high-performance leadership • Team facilitation to guide, support and challenge your team on your chosen issue or goal
Corporate/ Government projects at: Ahold (Albert Heijn) AMEX App Dynamics AT Kearney Consultants Bain Carlson Wagonlit Travel Crown Relocations De Lage Landen (Rabobank) Deloitte Delphi Technologies Doyle Collection (hotels) Facebook Intercom Intuit Logitech London Borough of Hackney Mars Mezzo Labs NSW Government (Sydney) NXP Semiconductors O’Connell Recruitment Philips Ras Laffan Power Company Salesforce.com Sun Chemical Swiss Re Insurance US Consulate (Amsterdam) Visa Private clients at: Australian Tax Office BCG Douwe Egberts Coffee Dyson Fedex Gucci KLM KPN PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ricoh Sainsburys Sony Telstra TomTom Vodafone Various SMEs Sarah Fraser, Leadership Coach www.happinessexpresscoaching.com. October 2020
After graduating in 1996 with a BA(hons) degree in European Business & Languages, Sarah spent the first 13 years of her career in marketing communications and branding roles in Philips and its high tech spin -off, NXP. She worked in the UK, California and Amsterdam in senior international roles, most recently as Global Brand & Advertising Director, where her key markets were Asia Pacific (with a focus on China), Europe and USA. Her professional background positions her well for understanding the challenges and triumphs of corporate multinationals.
The coaching seed was sown when Sarah supported Philips’ talent management programme as a coach facilitator at their week-long leadership development centres from 2001 to 2003. She subsequently continued as a coach within the company alongside her marketing role, helping develop new talent in the organisation.
In 2009, she graduated with a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching from The Coaching Academy, Europe’s leading coach training organisation, and in 2010 qualified as a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Sarah is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). She is an ongoing student of Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology and Mindfulness and brings this learning to her work with coaching clients.
Sarah has held the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential with the International Coach Federation (ICF) since 2015. In 2018 she became a Certified Mentor Coach to help other coaches develop in their profession. She continues to grow her coaching expertise through a variety of courses, seminars and reading.
Sarah started Happiness Express Coaching in Amsterdam in 2009, established it in London in 2012, Sydney in 2013 and has been London-based again since 2015. She enjoys working with clients globally via Zoom.
• One-to-one life, career and leadership coaching: 2400+ hours with clients from 45 different nationalities
• Director-level global roles during 13-year corporate life, leading virtual teams in APAC, Europe and USA
• Lived and worked in the UK (10 years), USA (3 years), The Netherlands (9 years) and Australia (1 year)
• Ongoing 4-year people development programme at Mezzo Labs: one-to-one coaching, workshops
• Graduate/apprentice programme at London Borough of Hackney: one-to-one coaching and workshops • Career coaching: trailing spouses of Indian expat assignees to Unilever UK (Crown Relocations)
• Expat Coaching: guiding expats to integrate socially and professionally into Netherlands, UK and Australia
• Associate Coaching work with BetterUp (since 2017) and Mindbeat (since 2019) • Workshops: Disruptive Thinking (Swiss Re Insurance), Workplace Wellbeing (De Lage Landen, Mezzo Labs), Strengths (Philips, NXP, O’Connell, Ras Laffan), Values Alignment (O’Connell), Team Building (US Consulate), Cross-cultural Dutch-Czech (Albert Heijn), Workplace Innovation (Philips), Brand Values Buy - in (Philips), Career Planning (London Borough of Hackney), Personal Branding (networking groups)
• BA(hons) European Business & Languages
• Professional Certified Coach (ICF) since 2015
• Diploma Personal Performance Coaching, The Coaching Academy (distinction)
• Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner
• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Practitioner
• Certified Mentor Coach (CMC) since 2018
• Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
• MOOCs: Leadership through Emotional Intelligence; Nutrition, Health & Lifestyle; Intro to Philosophy; Organisational Analysis, Science of Happiness, Conscious Business Coaching, Positive Intelligence
To read about the call with Sarah Fraser MCC where we hear her coaching demonstration that passed the ICF MCC exam on Wednesday May 24, 2023, 12-1:20 PM EDT. If it's after 5/24/23 go to the past calls page and click on the lavender "MCC exam session" tab