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 Frequently Asked Questions   
  • Is this a membership site?
    No it isnt. So there's nowhere to sign in and a password is not needed. All calls are purchased individually or through the monthly subscription at a lower rate.

  • How do I listen to the calls?
    For all the calls, whether it be the free preview, the call after the live event or any of the past calls you will receive a link via an email.

  • Can I get ICF continuing education credits for the calls?
    Yes. For each one hour call you will receive one credit hour in the area of core competencies. Occasionally there is a 90 minute call that offers 1.5 CEU's. All past calls offer resource development CEUs.

  • How do I get the continuing education certificate?
    If you're seeking credit for the "live" event, you must remain on the line for the entire call. At the end of the call I will be giving out a password that you will then enter on a brief form on my website. After submitting that form you will receive the link for that certificate. You will have 24 hours following the call in which to do this. Coaches are allowed up to 6 credit hours of pre-recorded material. The link for the certificate for recorded material is sent out to everyone along with the link for the MP3.

  • How do I get to be coached by the Master Coach on the call?
    If you or someone you know (coach or not)would like the precious opportunity of being coached for FREE by the Master Coach on the live teleclass call, simply email the coaching topic ASAP to If its one of the public calls listed on the website (see the home page) please be sure to include the Master Coach, the date of their call and your telephone number. I may be calling you to discuss. The coaching topic will be submitted to that Master Coach and when they have made their choice, you will be notified of their decision by email or phone. You may have heard about a call for a private program and only have a date. If thats the case please just email me your coaching issue, that specific date of the call and your telephone number ASAP. Same selection and notification procedure will apply. Finally for future consideration, you can also simply email me the coaching niche(s)that you are interested in and I will contact you when a volunteer is needed. You will then submit your issue at that time in the same manner as above.

  • Do I have to be a coach to come on the call?
    Absolutely not. MMC was created to assist the coach and to help uplift this transformative profession. However people in the "helping" professions are finding it very beneficial as well. In fact, I believe listening to Master Coaching skills would be of great benefit to everyone. For example it demonstrates the power of approaching another with the ultimate respect of knowing that they are whole, creative, resourceful and ultimately have the answers for their life. As Michelangelo responded when asked how he created the masterpiece sculpture David, he said I didnt, he was already there, I just chipped away all that wasnt David. And so masterful coaching assists in chipping away everything that is in the way. To do this it employs profound listening, great curiosity, the asking of powerful questions, acknowledgement, encouragement and accountability to mention just some of the empowering tools. What relationship-work, family, friend, partner wouldnt be greatly enhanced by learning these skills? As the wise woman mentor in my life (my 85 year old mother) said, "Imagine if everyone had coaching skills, and if the people in power were coaches, what a different world it would be!"

Moore Master Coaching

The ONLY place to hear all different types of Master coaching demonstrations & get CEU's!

Next Master Coach call:

Tiffany Dedeaux MCC

March 18, 2025
12-1:30 PM ET

Click Here!

To see all upcoming Master Coaches visit home page and scroll down to large lavender boxes.. 

To browse all wonderful previous Master Coach sessions visit past calls page


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If you signed up for the free preview call there's no need to sign up here as well as you will be on the mailing list!