Nobantu Mpotulo MCC
Leadership, Mentor & Coach Supervisor
Nobantu hails from South Africa. Being amongst the first five African Coaches globally to be accredited as a MCC by the International Coach Federation, and having experience in varied sectors, Nobanto is a sought-after facilitator for Leadership Development Programs and coaches internationally.
Nobantu follows the agenda of the client in her coaching. Through probing questions and sharing just in time observations, she takes clients deep and helps them to identify their blind spots and embrace their shadows. Clients go deeper into the sub-conscious and unconscious levels and dance with what emerges. She provides a safe and open space for focus and exploration. She moves on a continuum of being non-directive to directive depending on what is missing in the client’s system.
No matter what she does she gets to the HEART of the client and the HEART of the matter. As a Buddhist practitioner and teacher she supports her clients in integrating the head, heart, instinctual and spiritual intelligence. She does amazing heart work with clients based on the principles of UBUNTU ‘I am because we are’.
Nobantu is an accredited Enneagram Teacher (Narrative Tradition) and Enneagram Coach (Enneagram in Business and Deep Coaching). She is a Buddhist Teacher a Process Facilitator and Facilitator of Peace Circles. She trains, supervises and Mentor Coaches other coaches. She has experience in the private, public, NGO, NPO, Higher Education, as a coach and an OD Facilitator. Nobantu developed the Ubuntu Coaching programme that assists coaches to connect at the heart level with their clients. Live coach demonstrations on Ubuntu Coaching have been done both locally and internationally.
Qualifications & Accreditations
- Buddhist & Mindfulness Practitioner & Teacher
- Gestalt Practitioner
- Process Work Facilitator
- Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach
- M.A. Guidance & Counselling – Durham University, UK
- B.A. Personnel Management – University of Fort Hare, South Africa
To register and read more about Nobantu Mpotulo MCC coaching demonstration for Moore Master Coaching on August 25, 2022.
And if it's after August 25, then please go to the past calls page, scroll down to the large lavendar box and look under the "Leadership" tab.