Helen House MCC

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 Helen House MCC   

Helen House MCC, CPCC

Helen House, MCC, CPCC has been coaching since 1996 and training Co-Active Coaches and Leaders for CTI (The Co-Active Training Institute, formerly The Coaches Training Institute) since 1998.

She is passionate about supporting individuals in accessing their innate creativity, utilizing their resources - inner and outer, and embracing both the truth of who they are and the possibility of who they can become.

Helen is an experiential curriculum designer creating content that gets people steeped into the experience of what they’re learning. She’s designed and led coaching and leadership programs in North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa - in public courses, corporate settings, non-profits, private homes, retreat centers, and state and federal prisons.

She believes the process of designing collaboratively can reveal ideas and possibilities that can never be found on one’s own. As a coach, her work aims to release that brilliance. 

Read about Helen House MCC master coaching demo