Narrative and relationship master coach Lyssa deHart's coaching, debriefing and answerng of questions is a WOW!
The most common feedback was "One of my all time favorite calls and I can't wait to listen to it again!"
Here are a couple participant take-aways:
- "Lyssa used so many coaching skills in such a masterful way, if I were to note all the skills, I would be listing all the competencies. Lyssa was so present she picked up on the moments that helped the client connect to her awareness, she simply stayed curious, and the client went deep. Beautiful coaching very impressed."
- "I’m impressed at how the coach stayed in the coaching framework throughout the call even during the moments when the client brought up the past. Lyssa beautifully weaved those therapeutic moments into future oriented, forward moving powerful questions. I’m looking forward to re-listening to this call."
Want to read more? Go to the past calls page and click on the "Narrative" tab.